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Everything posted by dvirfire

  1. oops yea, I meant sandslash. but you need to trade sandslash anyway not a sandshrew if i remember correctly
  2. dvirfire


    dont know if there are any, I tried to look for them but i couldnt find anything
  3. its possible with things other than flash. u supposed to do it with an ability that makes light. flash is the most known one i guess. but can also be done with the ability moonlight for example
  4. you can buy magnets for 100 gold at the underground location in GDC (where the missing children help center quest takes you)
  5. I just got a pokemon that learns flash while lvling up. like morelull/ shiinotic (darklight forest or whatever the name is), then I used reverse candies until lvl 7 since they learn flash at lvl 8.
  6. the litten appears on specific hours, I found him there at 6:10 am. I dont know if its different for everyone or not.
  7. well try to have a pokemon with the ability flash and click on it. There is a book behind it that kinda says that.
  8. sandshrew is from mount valor, while its in chill/calm mood. and as far as i know the tm is not in the game
  9. she is in a bulding in the alley where at night time you can find a gang around the entrance
  10. I dont know if its a side quest or not but on the main street in GDC there is a girl that trying to get her tm from a roof of a building. its seems like a sidequest because she she says "maybe if there was a way to move it without getting up there". Did anyone manage to help her or is it not a sidequest?
  11. Alolan vulpix can get the ability flash fire which is pretty funny. I dont think it should be possible. (not sure though)
  12. dvirfire


    yes, its a pretty long event but you start it from a house near a train. (near the entrance to goldenwood town from route 3 youll see a bridge, surf down and you will see it for sure). Also did anyone find some memory discs for silvaly already (not including the four you get from the lab dude)?
  13. dvirfire


    Is it possible to evolve type: null to sylvaly? I leveled him from lvl 35 to 90 (dying only once and yes the last 9 lvls where nightmare) yet he didnt evolve. Is there any other way to evolve him?
  14. you dont need to get there, the girl in the nightmare is going to be near the toybox, there will be a sableye attacking her. just attack him back, save her and then go to the tunnel near the judicial district and she will be awake.
  15. there might be one there instead of one of the places i said, I am not sure about the route 8 one so that might be the one in oblitus town
  16. There is a kimono girl there having a nightmare. you need to go to the panthouse and sleep to get to nightmare city
  17. Yes you need an ice stone, you get an eevee and an ice stone from finishing the kimono girls challenge
  18. You trade it for an alolan shandshrew, you can get the sandshrew in the mount valor while its in the chill mood, and you trade it in kristollin city or whatever the city name is by the sea.
  19. I tried getting back to the request but I think you cant atm. Kimono girls: 1)at the top of the cave in route 9 2)Having a nightmare in the tunnel to the judicial district (you need to fight the sybleye in the nightmare city) 3)In the police station (Judicial district) - the theif is at route 9, you need to swim north from the beach area. 4)Where the ghost type form of orricorio is (its at route 7, a bit hidden in the forest) 5)Going out from GDC, towards route 7, youll see that there is a gap in the rails, you can go there and she will be watching the ocean 6) Near the statue of mesprit I think (well one of the lake trio) - its in route 7 7) In Oblitius Town (or whatever the name is)
  20. dvirfire


    Can you be a bit more specific? I mean I just searched the entire place (I think) and I havent found anything. do you catch it in the wild or is it some sort of event? if it is an event, where is the event begins? sorry for that many questions, I just really want a swampert in my team
  21. dvirfire


    talking about pokemon rejuvenation
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