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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Freya “This was a mistake.” That was the first, and only thought, to come into Freya’s head as soon as she met with the crowd, finding herself being pushed around, away from where she wanted to go, and other… Less interesting places. Needless to say, Freya tried her best to squeeze through the crowd, giving out small “excuse me”s and “coming through”s as she attempted to resist the flow of people. But thanks to her small size and lack of ability to force her way around, she wasn’t even able to keep a steady pace against it, being forced further and further towards the accursed JC Penny’s. Thankfully for Aquila, it likely wouldn’t have been too hard to find Freya in the crowd, thanks to the fact that, despite her own height, her hat was likely very noticeable, thanks to its size How it was managing to stay on despite the situation was astounding.
  2. Platinum “Alright, alright. I’ll direct anything of importance to Aunt Silver, if I have to. Goodbye, good luck on your trip” Platinum replied, and before the conversation could continue, she hung up, leaving herself to stand in silence for a few seconds before sighing. At least she could handle her Aunt, so everything wasn’t too bad, but her mother's constant worrying never let Platinum feel good. She could handle herself. She HAD to handle herself. Either way, with that, Platinum pocketed her phone, stepping away from the bookshelf behind her and walking back to where Aislin and Aker had been left. Hopefully they hadn’t been getting on each others nerves more than before.
  3. Freya For Freya, it was a bit harder for her to really settle down on a reaction to the sights she was seeing. It had been a long time since she was in an actual city, since she normally traveled to villages and the like, and it was obvious that this was one of them. Then there was the sight of everyone in elaborate outfits, which took her a second to realize that they were just for show... Which visibly made her deflate a bit, especially when it turned out all of the zombies and monsters walking around were just normal people. It would've been nice to see those things be able to walk around without causing problems. Shortly afterwards, Freya straightened, turning her head to Aquila while she pointed at the banner above the more eccentric building's entrance, "Actually, it's Necronomicomicon" she said, letting out a small 'bleh' afterwards, thanks to how long of a word it was, before dropping her hand with a shake of her head, "Anyway, let's go check it out, that guy should be here is Mr 'Strange' was right" Freya added, before beginning her speeded up walk towards the Necronomicomicon, taking in the sights as she approached.
  4. Platinum At the sound of her mother's voice, Platinum visibly deflated a bit, resisting the urge not to sigh, "It went well, and I'm doing fine. I'm a bit busy right now, can I call you back later?" she asked. If she was anymore petty, she would've silently added 'not', but the last time she changed her mind about calling her back it... Didn't go well. At least, it just made her mother a bit more annoying than normal. Which to her was enough of a punishment.
  5. Freya "Eh? Oh, I just meant that it might not work as well as normal, that's all" Freya answered, letting out a small cough as she managed to straighten, "I'm not sure of those visions though. Hopefully they're not a normal thing though" she added, "But, er... I think I'm going to get going now. It was nice to help you out, I'll see you later" Freya finished, turning around and, with a wave to both Lucine and Law, began walking out of the room.
  6. T1-N "Lack of funding towards unneeded components" T1-N replied bluntly as he grabbed his own echo device, a small storage compartment opening up in his chest before he slid the device into it, "But yes, some parts could use some work" he added, glancing at the Loader Bot with them. It was large and strong, that was obvious, but T1-N could already notice its weak points, especially since they had no defense on its joints. There were numerous problems with the B1 Battle Droids, but they at least solved their issue of weakpoints by having their entire body be a weak point. These machines were clearly more expensive and made for better combat, but a few well placed shots would easily cripple them. No one seemed to understand the fundamentals of creating a war machine it seemed. With that, T1-N made his way to the terminal, presumably once the Loader Bot stepped away, if it did, investigating it himself to figure out what he could do with it.
  7. Mira Just before she had struck, Mira had taken notice of Bridgett's... Inferno, for lack of a better term. Not wanting to get caught up in it, ally be damned, Mira dug her heels into the earth, then pushed herself back, just narrowly avoiding the blast of burning energy as it struck Judge. The resulting force from said collision was enough for her to lose her balance, falling to the ground as Judge did the same. And, as Mira began to get back to her feet, she got a front row view of Judge's arm quickly devouring the rest of the body. "... Well then" was all Mira could say after the sight, before forcing herself back to her feet, dusting off the dirt from her armor, turning to Uni and Nepgear, "We're the ones who were sent by that 'Histoire' to deal with this Judge, along with whoever he was working with" she replied, sheathing her sword as her 'casual' markings came back. Mainly, the shadowy cloak, burning red eyes, and slight increase in height. "And who are you?"
  8. Freya "Thanks, I'm glad you like it" Freya replied, "I should warn you that my necromancy tends to get a bit wonky once I'm not around to supply it with my own mana, but I think it should be fine anyway" she added as a small note. However, shortly after she said that, she was assaulted by visions. Several of them, to be in fact. Ones she didn't understand at all, locations and events that were lost to her. Other worlds, by the looks of it, but why? Why were they being shown to her? What WERE they? Unfortunately, she wouldn't get an answer, as they soon vanished... Leaving Freya to stumble, barely keeping herself upright as she leaned heavily on her staff, "Ugh... What... Was that..?" she muttered out, bringing a hand to her temple.
  9. Walmond & Lambda For the most part, Walmond was completely distracted by Isobel shoving a flower into her face to notice Marisa's volley of danmaku coming straight for her and Lambda. Thankfully, she didn't have to worry, as the protective covering of Lambda's shield covered her, taking the full force of the volley... Barely. "Kh..." Lambda floated back, her shields only just keeping themselves together after taking the entire brunt of this 'Marisa's' attack. But, shortly after she began to do so, she halted. Yes, she could begin fixing herself, but that slight hesitation could cause someone to die here. With a small grimace, Lambda tried her best to cover Walmond with her shields, before flying forward, doing her best to keep up with Marisa. Walmond heals Hikari, Lambda, Rory, Ritsu, and Masako 2d4+14 HP each. Lambda heals for half. Lambda, meanwhile, uses Defensive Procedure, taunting Marisa for two turns, and gaining a 25% Damage Reduction bonus against all of her attacks. Two round cooldown. Command Return is on a two turn cool down. Loadout
  10. T1-N Energy banks restored. Rebooting inner mechanisms. Days since last activity: ??? Internal damage located. Recommended repair date: Immediately The disabled droid slumped in one of the chairs begins to stir, white lights blinking to life as it straightened. Immediately, the droid began scanning the room, taking it in before this 'Handsome Jack' came on the screen. For the most part, it stood sat in silence while Handsome Jack spoke. But, once he was done, he droid pushed out its chair, standing up. It had worked for the Hutts before, so being a Mercenary working for someone clearly full of themselves wasn't past its normality. The main problem was that it had no idea how it got here, neither did it know WHERE it was, "What sector are we located in?" the droid asked aloud, turning towards the group of people gathered in the room... And almost immediately regretting its decision. Clearly, they were as disorganized as its previous owner... Wherever she was now. Well, this was its life now.
  11. GM PC Sceleratis Accepted characters Clownback, Jetster of Hell (Hal Hendricks) Izumi Nakamura, Hellscape's Crazy Teacher (Dragon) Kali Varr, the One Gal Symphony (Hatchet) Brigitte Lughaidh, the Active Angel (Murdoc) Samanthiel Anzarat, the Life of the Party (Swamp) DVS, Demon Wrestler Extraordinaire (Kj) Bard, Count of Drugs (Takosher) Adeline Lughaidh, the Active Demon (Twinwolf) Rama, Archer of Duality (Endlessblaze)
  12. Long ago, there was war between the Human World and the other. The World of Demons, the Underworld. However, one soul awoke to justice, betraying the Underworld to protect Humanity. After his legendary battle with the Demon King, he sealed the Underworld with his personal sword, and his strength, before retiring in the Human World to live out the rest of his days in solitude. …What a load of shit. considering how many demons are roaming around. If the Demon World really is sealed, then it’s sure not acting like it, and neither are the hordes of demons roving around. Anyways, that old fairy tale isn’t important. What’s important is how we’re in a crisis, demon crisis specifically, and all of the hot shot Devil Hunters are dealing with some crap down in Redgrave City. Godforsaken place it is. So, I’m sending this message to tell you that you’re hired! We can negotiate payment when you get to the city, Hellscape City specifically. Seriously what the hell is it with all these names... Ah, whatever. I should still be kicking by the time you get here. If I’m not, and you’ll know if I’m not, put a bullet in my corpse for fucking up. Markus out. Click Hello everyone, GodofGamingRWBY here again with a new RP for Devil May Cry. Devil May Cry: Shattered Tombs is an RP based set around the same time as Devil May Cry 5. Obviously, this is partly as a celebration for the fact that the series is continuing, and because I've just wanted to run a DMC RP for a while now. While the Qliphoth runs rampant in Redgrave City, the ground has given way in the middle of Hellscape City, revealing a tomb that continues to spew out its own demons, almost as if accepting a challenge. The demons kill and abduct the human residents, forcing individuals far and wide to come to deal with the problem before it begins to spread outside the city. You shall take the role of these individuals, hired to clear out the tombs, and put a stop of the demons infesting it, and on the way, be as stylish as possible. Truly, what else could be asked for? There’s no limit to people who can sign up, but it will be difficult to get new people in after the RP starts. So, just being warned. Below you’ll find information on how the RP will function, and character sheets. If you’re interested, then come to the Discord, located here. Anyway, I’ll leave you alone now. JACKPOT Mechanics Character Sheet Characters of Interest (Updated over time) Locations (Updated over time) Rules - Try to be respectful to others. - While you’re allowed to have a ton of flair, try not to Godmode. If battles between characters happen, don’t write out interactions happening without going over them with the other. That should be given. You ain’t Dante. - GM gets the last say. - I will be attempting to update at least once per week, with potential extra for down time. This rule will likely change depending on the state of the RP. - Overall just… Keep bad RP habits away. Godmodding, Suism, etc. -Have fun. Special thanks to @Hal Henderics for assisting me during creation of the RP.
  13. Platinum At the continued antagonism between Sharp and Lexi, or the rather one sided version of it, Platinum sighed, flipping through another page of her book... At least until her phone began to ring. The suddenness caused her to jump a bit, before pulling it out of her shirt's pocket, taking one look at the screen and visibly deflating. "One Extremely Doting Mother" was the Caller ID, which was only one person. Of course she had to call now. "I need to take this, I'll be right back" she stated to Aker and Aislin, before pulling out her chair and walking off, more to find a less active place in the library to take the call. Soon enough though, after about the fourth ring, Platinum accepted the call, bringing the phone up to her ear and facing her back to one of the bookshelves, "Hello?"
  14. Theme Mot puts a new bullet between the Yellow Imp’s eyes, which were still covered by their mask, dealing 52 damage, both putting the Yellow Imp down for good, and healing himself for 26 HP. For a second, the Yellow Imp merely froze, a hole lying where its face was before it collapsed to the ground, dissipating in a burst of flower petals. Meanwhile, the world itself began to shake as Mitsurugi, powered by the faith Nippon still had for the gods, unleashed her strength as the Goddess of Disasters, a chorus of thunderbolts dealing 62 damage to every single combatant in the fight, vaporizing the fish that had tried latching onto her, along with the Red Imp currently trying to flee, and the guitar the other had possessed. The other Dead Fish is knocked to the ground, is wings burned out from the lightning and wind combined. As for the Gashadokuro, it seemed relatively fine despite getting hit by the brunt of Mitsu’s lightning… Except for the fact that its swords had managed to shatter from the force, the pieces falling to the ground with dull clangs. (6 v 11) Mitsu’s demonstration also caused large waves to hit the Gashadokuro from behind, threatening to sweep it away. Unfortunately, or fortunately in its case, it managed to keep itself with the cliffside Spicy, after getting whacked by a giant sword, chooses to defend herself and protect herself from further damage. The two Green Imps that had chosen to chase Spicy and Mitsu are barely able to avoid the Goddess’s wrath, panicked screeching coming from them as they danced around the thunderbolts posed to strike them. Then, they choose to observe, lying lower to the ground as they circled around the two goddesses. The other two however, focus on Sorina and Enma, hitting them for 10 and 7 damage respectively. For Ako, she had no way to defend herself from the Gashadokuro’s slash, being thrown back towards the shrine, tumbling across the ground for several feet before skidding to a stop. Shakily getting back to her feet, she looked up… And saw the ruins of the ancient bell town, a shocked expression quickly settling in, “Oh gods, that’s going to take some months of work” she whispered, before grunting in pain, straightening herself as the world began to slow down, the color draining from her sight, leaving nothing more than a canvas. Then, she took out her brush, a small, unassuming object, dipping it into one of her pots, seeming to suck in the entire pot’s worth of ink, before tracing a circle in the air, just above Spicy’s form. And with that, Heaven and Earth were connected. A flurry of petals formed around Spicy, her wounds quickly beginning to heal, 17 HP returning to her. Meanwhile, Ako quickly put away her brush, before pulling out yet another slip and throwing it at Enma, healing the spirit for 19 damage. Sorina gets back into action, aiming her sharklauncher at the Gashadokuro, letting out a flury of rockets at its body. The giant skeleton barely seems to notice the attacks… Until they slip between its ribs, exploding inside and causing it to let out a silent screech of pain, the core taking 38 damage.. Then, she takes a bite out of the tasty toenail, before the foot comes down to crush the Green Imp that was attacking her for 16 damage. The remaining Red Imp had ducked underneath the Gashadokuro’s swing, planning to rise back up and actually get the angel this time. Except he didn’t, instead being forced to turn back to the Goddess of Natural Disasters, using its guitar to block the coming storm, which it did, in exchange for it being vaporized. With its weapon gone now, the Imp looked around confused, before letting out a frustrated cry and then slashing at Lexiel, dealing 11 damage. The remaining Dead Fish struggles on the ground, the electricity only now beginning to leave its paralyzed body. Lexiel brings up a wall to protect Mot, like a true friend. Kino and Enma initiate their tag team combo, hitting the Green Imp they targeted with an entente of malice. Enma begins, hitting for 14 damage, forcing the Green Imp back, before Kino puts the finishing blow on it with 21 damage. As the Green Imp lets out a final screech of pain, it swiftly dissolved into flower petals, which seemingly drift over to the spiritual duo, healing each for a total of 26 (21+5) HP. The Gashadokuro brings a hand to its ribs, staring down the last of explosions that came from within, before dropping the hilts of its swords into the ocean behind it. Then, somehow giving off an expression of anger directed at Sorina, the Gashadokuro brought its hands together, slowly bringing them above its head. Turn Order Status
  15. The Mercenary, Feris "I don't claim to have any personal reason to help choose who gets to rule a kingdom. I'm a mercenary, nothing more. Pay me well, and I'll put an arrow into whoever you want me to." Portrait will be added when it is made
  16. Platinum "I see you've got everything together" Platinum said to Aker once she arrived, placing her own stack of books in a free portion of the table, before sitting down herself. It was about that time when Aker turned to her, asking her why she brought Aislin with her, which caused the small girl to return a less cordial look, "Aislin has been studying Layo Mysticism as well. I figured she would be a good addition to cross reference findings" she replied, "and keep an eye on her for a bit" Platinum added silently, picking up one of the books she had collected, beginning to read through it while Aker or Aislin replied, if they did at all.
  17. Grima As soon as she made it out of the house, Grima let out a sigh. She couldn't help but feel a bit down for her inability for convincing Princess to help out, but she really could only blame her lack of trying, and the fact that she didn't have much room to convince the older fighter anyways. All Grima had to her name was a criminal record, and now acting on the God's commands. Granted, the later wasn't much of a downside, but her point still stood. Regardless, she had to get moving, she didn't have time to just stand around. So, she began heading down the stairs, leaving the home of Princess for good... At least, until a portal opened up right in front of her, immediately dropping her back into the house she was just trying to leave. "Huh?" Grima asked aloud, turning around just in time to see the other side of the portal before it closed. Needless to say, the sudden shift in scenery was enough to confuse Grima, but thankfully, she was able to press that confusion down and turn back Princess, just as she explained why she brought her back into the house, "Well... I see. Thanks" she replied, bringing a hand to the back of her hand, the other resting on her hip, "I didn't know that myself, so the thought is appreciated."
  18. Mira It wasn't a full recovery, but it was about time to end this, wounds be damned. So, her free hand finally leaving her wounded side, Mira began advancing back towards Judge, dragging her sword across the ground as she did so. Then, slowly but surely, she began picking up her pace, until she was practically sprinting towards the behemoth. Once she did get near to him, she slashed upwards. Shield or no shield, he wouldn't survive. Mira attacks Judge for 6d8+11 damage. Magra: 3/8 Mira generates an extra bit of Magra! Her next extra Magra will come in 1 turns. Mira's armor reduces slashing/piercing damage by 4. In addition, all damage, including slashing/piercing damage, is reduced by 1. Mira takes 50% more damage from magic attacks.
  19. Freya With Lucine's explanation, Freya let out a sigh of relief, "Sweet, that makes me feel better" she said, taking a deep breath in order to stop panting, "But not really. I mean, Law did put my own bear on fire earlier, but other than that, nothing bad really happened" she continued, walking further into the room in order to see what Law and Lucine were doing... Which, as per usual at this point, was something she wasn't all to familiar with. But, at the very least, she recognized the object in Lucine's hand was. A form of gun. However, soon enough, Lucine turned her attention back to Freya, and at her question, Freya brought her free hand to her chin, "I mean, I probably could to something. What do you want?"
  20. Freya After she suddenly left Aquila, Freya began to... Well, wander. There wasn't actually anything she had to work on, she had just wanted some quiet time to think. Maybe she could've worked on her room, turning it into a proper workshop? That would be nice, would make it feel more like home... If she had the materials to work with. Nevertheless, Freya was so deep in thought that she didn't notice the dull thud that went through the ship, due to the arrival of someone new. However, deep thought was no match for a sudden high-pitched scream. Instantly, Freya snapped back to reality, freezing in place for a second before straightening her hat, beginning to run to the source of the sound. It didn't take her long in order to reach said source, rounding the corner to find both Lucine and Law doing... Something. It didn't really look like anything had really happened, neither looked distressed this time around... But Freya was sure that she heard a scream come from here. For Law and Lucine, if they bothered to look, they would see Freya sprint around the corner, nearly losing her balance as she came to a stop, only just managing to keep herself up, before brushing herself off, "I heard a scream, is everything okay?" she asked in between breaths, barely able to keep herself from falling over.
  21. Proditor "Hm... Currently, I believe only Satomi and Tattletail have not arrived for their checkups. Shall I gather them myself?" Proditor replied after a bit of thought.
  22. Walmond & Lambda Walmond uses Healing Field again, healing herself, Empi, Masako, Isobel, and Ritsu for 2d4+14 HP each. The next attack that targets Walmond will be redirected to Lambda. Lambda continues to strafe around, choosing to try and avoid rather than engage for now, until Walmond commands her to. Action List
  23. Freya At Aquila's response, Freya merely stared for a few seconds, before switching back to her cheerful state in an interest, "Alright then, just try not to get yourself hurt" she replied, before snapping her fingers again, creating a portal to let Dyno trudge away, "I should go work on some other things to do. See you around Aquila!" she stated, walking around Aquila, before stopping and turning around, "Oh yeah, do you still want to... Nevermind, I'll ask later" Freya began, only to trail off with a shake of her head, before heading out.
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