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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Sandman For a few seconds, Sandman merely stared at Nader, narrowing his eyes slightly, mostly in annoyance, before sighing and standing up, "Fine, I'll keep an eye on your back in case anyone tries to come at you" he stated, picking up his own rifle from the wall. Proditor At Harry's followup question, Proditor visibly nodded, "Of course. A brief burst of that state would be far more possible than achieving it all the time. But yes, depending on the type of emotion, or how I go about manipulating it, the same downsides could occur. It is far easier to pull previous memories to stimulate the preferred responses, but that requires more time and a knowledge of the individual. More direct tampering is not far off from trying to achieve a state of 'permanent insight'" he explained
  2. Azgrurk "FINALLY" Azgrurk shouts with a large grin, stomping his way towards the Marionettes with only a slight hesitation. This was where he shined, right in the midst of a battle. However, there was a slight issue of all the Marionettes gathering to attack. Ah well, at the very least he could try and get one out. So, Azgrurk uses "grab" on Wire Marionette 2, forcing a STR v STR check against him. If Azgrurk wins (6 Strength normally, +1 from his Mek Suit, and -2 from the "shaken" status), the target is grabbed and cannot take physical actions until Azgrurk lets them go, or they win a STR v STR check. He will be using his large Metal Claw in order to grab it. Azgrurk carries 8 Anorky stacks from the siege. Orky Action List
  3. Walmond... Uses Tazer on Fairy Swarm C for now, dealing 1d4+5 damage and forcing a Con check against Walmond's int. If Walmond wins, target is paralyzed for three turns, and has a 50% chance of being stunned at the start of each turn. Lambda, if allowed will attempt to refresh her Defensive Modifications buff, which gives her 30% damage reduction for two turns, but prevents her from attacking. Action List
  4. Azgrurk For the most part, while it took all of Azgrurk's being to hold the old gate for the rest of the Humies, the Ork didn't seem all that out of breath. If anything, he just looked increasingly annoyed by the place. So, when Leo managed to create a rod to keep the gate held up, Azgrurk released his hold, sure that the rod would hold well enough, before watching the door being opened with the help of one of their Humies on the other side... Who was currently fighting another Humie in wooden armor? Weird, but at this point, Azgrurk had seen plenty. However, at the sight, Azgrurk merely grunted, before stomping forward and, when Kusuke knocked away the sword, grabbed the hostile Humie with his large, metallic claw, before attempting to crush its head and move on. Soon after, Azgrurk laid his eyes on the 'garden', if it could be called that. He knew another Warboss who was obsessed with gardening, weird fellow that one, and while the trees made of bones were a nice touch, everything else here... Was not. Nevertheless, it was nearly time for Azgrurk to see what was running the show here. He'd give it a good thumpin' for managing to creep HIM of all things out.
  5. Platinum "I've managed to make a good bit of progress with Layo Mysticism, so I can avoid going over the same information. You can take the goddesses" Platinum replied once Sharp had arrived. She'd have to finish her current book as well to see if there was anything else of note in it soon though. Either way, with that, Platinum walked off, aiming to collect as many books as she could get on her chosen subject.
  6. Mira As soon as she found a lower, more accessible weak point in Judge's armor, Mira's hand reached down to her waist, pulling off a small black orb off of herself before latching it onto Judge's own armor. Mira attaches her Magra Grenade. The grenade remains inactive on Judge until he is attacked by a magic attack, when it will detonate and deal 8d8+12 damage to him. Magra: 2/8 Extra Magra will be generated in 1 turns. Mira's armor reduces slashing/piercing damage by 4. In addition, all damage, including slashing/piercing damage, is reduced by 1. Mira takes 50% more damage from magic attacks.
  7. Azgrurk As soon as the pair stepped through invisible wall, Azgrurk merely turned around, frowning heavily at the sight, before grunting and continuing on when the rest of the group came through as well, "GONNA GUT DA GIT WHO RUNZ DIS PLACE, I SWEAR..."
  8. Ako In quick response, Ako rolled up the map, the slip once again vanishing under her sleeve, “Well, my job is to take care of demons and the like in Nippon, so of course. I wouldn’t be fulfilling my role if I just stayed here” she stated, before pausing and adding, a bit embarrassed, “Though I need to get my traveling things prepared. You can wait outside, I’ll be back soon” she continued, before turning around and jogging to a hard to see door (thanks to the lighting), and moving to the back area of the shrine, leaving the rest of the group to stay inside or head out as they wished. Outside the Shrine For the most part, the outside of the Shrine was the same as when they had entered. A light breeze flowing through the land, the sense of protection still emanating from the charms placed around the area. However, something was off, and not because they had an idea of what was going on in the world, and how a dark force was preparing to plunge it into darkness again. There was an odd feeling in the air, one more closer, and more 'personal' because of it. More accurately, it would be because there was the sound of a guitar being plucked just outside the gate. A single, dull note being played every few seconds with no change. For any that decided to venture out to investigate, they would find the source of the noise sitting atop the bell… And taking the form of what appeared to be a red-furred monkey, a deformed guitar in their hand and a slip of paper covering its face, complete with a strange marking on it. But, as soon as the group saw the creature, it saw them, apparent by the fact that it faltered in its previously unceasing rhythm. However, it soon began to play the same note again… Only this time, the tempo was faster. And slowly becoming faster as time went on. Not long after that, a chorus of flutes would join in with the dull tempo, the sources for those being quickly apparent by two pairs of green-furred monkeys with the same slips of paper on their faces, prancing about while playing their own deformed flutes. On the path that Tanabe had traveled on, one of the pairs was joined by another creature like the first, using its guitar as a sort of makeshift drum as they all joined in together, their sounds creating a cacophony that shattered the calm, before each member began to fully come together, creating what could barely be called a song. Battle Theme And then, the ground began to rumble as a path of dirt was flung into the sky along the opposite path, quicky passing the other group of creatures and circling towards the middle of the creatures. Then, a large, yellow and fat version of the monkeys spun its way out of the ground, carrying a large drum on its front, which it used to let out the final few notes, hollow bangs that resonated through the land. Just like that, with the song over, each of the creatures shrieked at the group, putting their instruments on their back and hunching over as they approached, the one on top of the bell jumping down as the yellow creature spinning its drum so it was on it's back. And, as if it was summoned, a large skeletal hand began to creep its way over the edge of the cliff nearby, grasping at the ground to find a hold. Turn Order Status
  9. Azgrurk Azgrurk prided himself on being a very brave Ork. Sure, he was terrified of those metal gits the Humies and whatnot called "Nekronz", but he had a good reason to. Those metal cans just kept getting back up after dying. Not even Azgrurk could do that, which was both unfair and... Well, terrifying. Sure, he'd rip off the head of any Ork that would say so, but it didn't change the fact that was how he felt. So, when he found himself in a foggy, Humie city with freaky creatures following them and/or staring at them, not to mention every other thing... Wrong with the place, it was surprising to see the Warboss become... Nervous. Mostly with worried looks being casted at the shadows, appearing ready to jump at a moments notice, "GAH, DIS PLACE AIN'T GOOD. REMINDZ ME TOO MUCH OF DOSE 'CHAOZ' GITZ" Azgrurk muttered, before shaking his head when Leo mentioned that whoever was running the show was watching them, "IF DAT GIT IS BOTHERIN' TO WATCH US, THEY CAN BOTHER TO MAKE DIS PLACE MORE WELCOMIN'. LET'Z JUST GET DIS OVAH WITH, DIS PLACE GIVEZ ME DA CREEPZ" Azgrurk commented, right before looking up to the sky with an angry expression, before shouting, much louder than usual, "AND QUIT WITH DA FOLLOWIN' EYEZ YA HEAR?!" With that out of the way, Azgrurk continues.
  10. Ako At Lexiel's question, Ako nodded, "I do know where we can find the demons. Give me a second" she replied, before turning around and heading to the side of the statue, where there was several piles of scrolls neatly arranged. At least, they were, before Ako began picking them up, scanning each of them to try and find the right one, only to place each one down quickly when it was clear it wasn't the one she was looking for, "Nope... Not that one... Why do I... Nevermind... Let's see... Nope, nope, nope, nadda, nope, ah! There we go!" she finally said, standing up and holding up a plain scroll, before bringing it back to the group and rolling it open, revealing what appeared to be a map, which was neatly placed onto the ground. As she began to speak again, she flicked the 'cursed' prayer slip out of her hand, "This slip is basically a modified traveling charm, and after I took some of the seal's energy, I've been able to use it to approximate where each of the sources are located, and by studying the seal itself I think I can figure out which demons are the ones actually supplying it "For the most part, I believe the four demons are a Gashadokuro, an Ikuchi, an Onryo, and a Shinigami. And as for locations... Well, we're right here-" Ako continued, tapping a more South-Western part of the country, "From what I've been able to gather, since I've heard tales of sailors being harassed by something in the waters near the capital, the Ikuchi might be here-" a tap around the Western part of Nippon, just after she moved the prayer slip to the same location and watched the symbols on it glow faintly, "Then there's the Onryo, who I believe is around... Here, at the Sparrow Inn-" a tap near the center of Nippon and movement of the prayer slip, "I can explain that later, but as for the Shinigami and Gashadokuro, I don't know where either of them are specifically, but one is near Kamiki-" a tap near a Northen part of Nippon, "And one final one in-" she carried on, moving the prayer slip to what appeared to be a small island North of Nippon, only to pause when the slip didn't react to anything. This caused her to wave the slip around the area, before moving it back to the earlier places she mentioned, which still caused the slip to react, "Huh... That's... Weird... Um, well, the Moon Cave is right here..." Ako stumbled out, tapping a lake near Kamiki, before staring back at the slip and map, "I could've sworn something was in Kamui..."
  11. Freya After a few... Er... 'Wrong turns' as some would say, Freya had a sudden idea, something Law could do while she tried to navigate herself around the forest and get back to the town, "Law, I think I have something you would want to look at" she said before snapping her fingers, a large portal appearing next to her as she walked, and soon after, her precious Dyno stomping out of it and quickly matching Freya's pace, "I managed to reanimate this bear a while ago in a world I had visited with the others before. But there's a lot of parts on it that I don't really understand, and since you seem to be skilled in dealing with similar stuff, I thought you might want to check him out" she explained, patting Dyno's head as she did so.
  13. Evelyn With Greg's response, Evelyn nodded, placing a hand on her hip as she glanced at the pipe's entrance, "Good, then I suggest we get a move on. While an infestation of these Beasts in the pipes are... Annoying to know about, we can return to exterminate them as soon as more pressing business is taken care of. Something knows we're here, and it wants to talk to us" she stated, before turning on her heel and walking towards the door they came in. She had made her choice, which was to simply head back to the teleporter in order to get to this voice. After all, she had given her reasons for wanting to.
  14. Proditor "That would be... Extremely difficult. In order to accomplish something like that, I would need to focus all my time and effort to insure that the process goes smoothly, and achieving the state permanently would likely end in shattering the individual's mind. That sort of continuous strain on the brain will wear it down to nothing" Proditor stated with a shake of his head, "I can see it being done, but my abilities do not line up with the outcome."
  15. Mira merely continues her assault, slashing at Judge again with her sword, dealing another 6d8+11 damage Magra: 1/8 Extra Magra will be generated in 2 turns. Mira's armor reduces slashing/piercing damage by 4. In addition, all damage, including slashing/piercing damage, is reduced by 1. Mira takes 50% more damage from magic attacks. Action List
  16. Proditor "Yes. I can. Though I do not often attempt to alter one's emotions, it is something I am capable of doing if given time" the Ethereal replied, before tilting his head ever so slightly, "What of it?"
  17. Sceleratis "Yes, it is hard, though I've been trained my whole life for the task" Sceleratis replied, clear pride seeping into her voice while she was making up for Mayu's weak handshake with her own strong grip, before returning her hand to her side, "Need I remind you that your 'task' was the sole reason you were killed?" "Zip it, Folkvangr."
  18. Nader Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to find Sandman with a bit of looking around. In fact, he was in the hanger as well, just far from the rest of the group and leaning against the wall, in full uniform yet missing his helmet. As soon as Nader approached, the Reaper glanced at him, narrowing his eyes slightly, "What is it?" he asked bluntly. Proditor For the most part, Proditor remained utterly silent. There wasn't much he could add, the Assassin's abilities were designed to be nearly impossible to counter, at least in terms of sight. But even then, she was adept at avoiding other forms of detection. However, when Harry said that he needed to talk to him, Proditor merely turned his head to look at him, and replied with a quick: "Alright" before following. "What did you need to discuss?" Proditor asked once they were a fair distance from the group, even though they wouldn't be able to hear him talk, since he was speaking directly in Harry's mind.
  19. Azgrurk Soon after Azgrurk killed the Burnie Humie, he merely began stomping off, his job done. The little Humie could take care of herself, once she had enough time to recover. He had something else to do. Specifically, figuring out what was going on at the Smithy. Soon before Satomi arrived at the Smithy herself, Azgrurk stomped in, making his way to where the Humies were all gathering, "OI, WHAT'Z GOIN' ON 'ERE? HEARD DERE WAS GOIN' TO BE SOME FIGHTIN' GOIN' ON!" Azgrurk asked as he approached.
  20. Grima For a second, Grima merely stopped where she was, turning back with a small "eh?". However, shortly afterwards, she looked down at her hand, seeming to just now notice the glass that was still in it, "Oh. OH, sorry" she quickly replied, coming back to the table and placing the now empty glass back down, "Thank you for noticing" Grima commented, before giving Princess a sort of passing salute, and then finally walking out of the room and out of the house.
  21. Sceleratis With a nod, Sceleratis lowered herself to the ground, a quick burst of light coming from her as she reverted back into her human form, one hand resting on Folkvangr while the other hung at her side, "Magical Girl Hunter☆Sceleratis. The "Hunter" part comes from my history of Demon Hunting" she greeted, extending her hand for a quick shake.
  22. Grima As soon as the sword impaled itself into the table, Grima jumped slightly, before taking another sip of her tea, "He did mention that, yes. The fact that your dangerous" she stated as she brought her own glass down, forcing herself to remain calm as she looked at the woman, Princess as she was once called, "I only came here to ask for your help, not to force you into doing anything. If you just want to be left alone, I can respect that" Grima continued, before pushing out her chair to stand up, "If you don't mind, I'll take my leave. Thank you for the tea, it was great" she finished, before turning to walk away. However, there was one slight problem. She was still holding onto the glass her tea was in.
  23. Walmond uses Healing Field on Lambda, Masako, Hikari, and Isobel for 2d4+9. Lambda is healed for half the amount. In addition, the first attack to target Walmond will be instead taken by Lambda. Lambda, on the other hand, uses Threaten the Enemy on the two new Fairy Swarms. She also takes 25% less damage from the Great Fairy. Action List
  24. Mira For a split second, Mira pauses, taking in the sight as a girl crashed into the ground right in front of her. All in all, her targets were clear now, if the fact that the one standing warrior was laughing to himself didn't tip her off. Glancing behind herself, Mira noticed that two of the group members had chosen to follow her. More than she was expecting, but not entirely promising. But it didn't matter. She just had to take out CFW Judge. And with that, Mira resumed her advance, stepping around the girl struggling to get up as she strode towards Judge, before moving into a sprint as her blade traveled an a few centimeters off of the ground. Once she was close enough, Mira would then slash upwards, dealing 6d6+11 damage with her sword, Black Heart. Magra: 0/8 Extra Magra will be generated in 3 turns. Mira's armor reduces slashing/piercing damage by 4. In addition, all damage is reduced by 1. Mira takes 50% more damage from magic attacks. Action list
  25. Azgrurk After a good while of silence, Azgrurk finally shrugged, "AH WELL, NOT MUCH TO DIS 'ERE 'UMIE PAST THE FIRST GLANCE, AND DEY CLEARLY AIN'T A FRIEND, SO-" he began, tossing the Burning Satomi in the air again so he could hold her by the waist, before bringing his other hand to her head. And then, he twisted.
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