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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Azgrurk As soon as the goblins began to run, the Warboss let out a beastial roar, finally halting his barrage of electric bullets and pumping his rifle into the air, "DAT'Z RIGHT, RUN YA GITZ! NEVAH TRY N' TAKE ON DA WARBOSS!" he yelled after the retreating creatures, "DISAPPOINTMENTS, ALL OF YOU" he muttered shortly after, before scanning the battlefield around him. In his focus on the goblins below, he failed to notice how much had happened, the walls besides him had crashed down, and there were plenty of goblin bodies and weapons strewn across the battlefield. Hell, even his own tank was practically destroyed, the front in crushed in by one of the Ogres. Truly, this was the type of fight Azgrurk missed.
  2. Tanabe "A pleasure as well, Miss Sorina. But, currently, we are at Ryoshima Coast, just south of the capital, which would be-" Tanabe explained, pointing at the Northern road with his pipe, "That way. The entrance of which is unmistakable. The City Checkpoint that leads further into the mainland, however, is that way-" he continued, turning to point at the southern path, "And right here is merely the Shrine of Amaterasu. At least, that is what the Shrine Maiden has repurposed the area for. I'm unsure what the previous owner did with it..." he muttered, taking another puff of his pipe, "Regardless, this area is practically a crossroad between the rich, the poor, and the religious."
  3. Walmond & Lambda While Walmond didn't notice the stream of new projectiles coming at them, Lambda did, immediately pulling herself back and lifting her other arm protectively over Walmond, despite the fact that he was not the target of the projectiles. Clearly, to him, there was quite a lot of hostility in the air, considering their own resident fairy was quite pissed off, for lack of a better term, and now they were getting attack by other fairies as well. Or maybe the world just made fairies extremely agitated, who knows. "Lambda, up" Walmond ordered bluntly, feeling Lambda levitate off of the ground to join the others in the air. He couldn't fly, so he'd have to rely on Lambda to get him around, but he had faith in Lambda's ability to split her focus. Fighting, at this point, was something the two were getting used to.
  4. Freya "Well, I personally think they sent a great representative to do this, panic aside. But don't worry about anyone trying to take my head off, it's just part of a long feud I've had with some assholes" Freya replied casually, before pausing when she realized what she said, "That is to say, you don't have to go out of your way to help me. I've been able to handle myself for as long as I can remember. The problems I did have are just behind me now... I think. Hopefully."
  5. Freya "I... See. Well, my own life back home was..." Freya pauses for a split second, trying to find the words, "Eventful? I'd honestly prefer a quiet life compared to what I got dealt with, but I've just learned to deal with it. Not really any sort of obligations like you, except for what we're doing now, but apart from having a goal, nothing's changed for me. I'm still just fighting to survive, but at least I have more people around that aren't trying to have my head as a trophy."
  6. Freya If it was anyone else, Law probably would've been called out on his continued bullshit and pressed further. But, instead of that, Freya merely shrugged, "Fair enough" she stated, not wanting to force anything out of Law that he didn't want to share, "I myself was home schooled. Tended to be more of a shut in when I was younger, but I've always wondered what life would be like on a farm."
  7. Azgrurk continues to use the Goblin army as a practice range, firing again with his Lightning Mauler at the SE Horde once more, dealing another 3d6+6 damage. Anorky now gives him +5 damage, and a 5% chance to miss. Classical Ork actions
  8. Walmond & Lambda For the most part, Walmond had remained utterly silent as the group discussed the situation. It was simple enough for Walmond to understand, and he didn't have any further questions, at the time, nor the will to ask. Though, the talk of this 'danmaku' caused him (her?) to narrow their eyes, mostly in concern. Hundreds to thousands of projectiles needing to be avoided, all while fighting back with your own projectiles. Lambda would be having to be working even harder than she normally did. "This world is strange..." Walmond muttered to themselves, bringing a hand to their forehead and closing their eyes, which prevented them from seeing Lambda nod in agreement.
  9. Mira In response to Punch's question, Mira's eyes narrowed, "When they land on me hard enough to knock me onto the ground, and on stairs, then yes. It is bad" she stated bluntly, crossing her arms. She would admit, it was slightly annoying to see everyone else already welcoming towards this woman, but she was a bit biased at this point. Falling on someone tends to lower their opinion of you, especially as a first impression.
  10. “I am continuing to work against those that destroyed my home, assisting other worlds with preparations for the future. Other worlds full of potential for you.” Proditor explained. Immediately, the Hunter narrowed his eyes, “You’re lying-” “Do you take me for a liar, Hunter?” Proditor quickly interrupted, letting the silence fill the void between their minds before speaking again, “Angelis offered you this planet if you took in the Commander. I know how she works. But she doesn’t care about Earth past her own goals, and this planet will be abandoned by ADVENT as soon as her project is complete. You’ll be stuck here, awaiting the destruction from those that destroyed my original home as well. There will be no glorious hunt for you if you remain here. But, if you leave ADVENT, you can find brand new ‘prey’ for yourself. A chance to do more than be Angelis’s pet” Proditor explained. “I will let you decide which path you want to go” And with that, Proditor disconnected from the Hunter’s mind. Leaving the Chosen to stew over the Ethereal’s argument. -- Trespasser Group -- As soon as he cut off his conversation with the Hunter, Proditor turned his head to face Sister Rachel, “That will hardly be need-” he began to tell Rachel through his telepathic communication, before she merely stabbed him with her needle. In an instant, Proditor had “staggered” (despite still floating) back, only to get stabbed twice more by Rachel’s attempts to inject him with her drugs. And she only managed to get it the third time when he forcefully directed it to one of his blood vessels. Despite the fact that he was a different type of creature than Rachel was used to, the drugs did not have any noticeable side effects besides slight discomfort on Proditor’s part. (12 vs Nat 20!) Alan begins his magic against the new Sectopod on the field… Only to find every way he had initially hacked into the previous Sectopod to be blocked off. It seemed that ADVENT had prepared against his hacking after the first time. (6) Alan’s tank opens fire on the Gatekeeper, but manages to miss almost all of its shots, the ones that manage to hit only slightly denting the Gatekeeper’s armor, but not enough for any lasting damage. Aquila continues his murder rampage, smashing open the head of one of the Lost around him for 22 damage, easily killing it. Nader begins putting lead into the undead charging at him, dealing 18 damage to each, which was enough to slay all three of his targets. However, two remain. Runner 1 advances, moving to B2 with Harry and Frigus, before making a beeline past the Gatekeeper and to the Railgun. -- The Chosen -- And in that instant, a single sniper shot rang out. . ... ... … Runner 1 was knocked down, only to float back up to continue to its destination, the sniper shot taking off a chunk of its side, but not enough to detonate it or break it. “Hm. Looks like I hesitated” The Hunter commented, before sighing and slinging his rifle over his shoulder, “Looks like this game’s done” he added, before teleporting away in a flash of purple. -- All -- As soon as Runner 1 made it to the target, Alan detonated Runner 1, a split second passing as the drone armed itself. And then a deafening explosion shook the battlefield, and two balls of energy emerged from the railgun. A ball of fire, and another of blue lightning. The result of the two explosions was instantaneous, causing most of the combatants to almost fall over from the gust of wind that came from both, and knocking every character one space away from the Railgun by one space. And then, as soon as the chaos died down, the Commander was on the comms, shouting new orders, “Everyone get back to the Avenger, we’re leaving! ADVENT is sending in more reinforcements already. We can’t let the bulk of their forces engage the Avenger” she explained, "Cover anyone retreating." The Avenger will leave within 6 turns -- ADVENT -- The Gatekeeper spends its turn floating back into the air after getting knocked down by the cannon’s explosion. The rest of ADVENT’s forces advance, abandoning self preservation in order to get to the Avenger themselves. The Berserker, on the other hand, continues to bash the poor tank to a pancake, dealing 20 points of damage. -- Chosen -- (48) (Nat100!) Shortly after Alan attempted to hack into the new Sectopod’s mainframe, the air around him seemed to shimmer for a split second. And then, suddenly, the Assassin manifested right in front of him, her sword already coming down upon him. However, in that split second, Rachel took notice of the revealed Xenos that had managed to get close enough to nearly enter the Avenger, and takes quick aim at the Assassin with her pistols. Thankfully she was just in time, as her shots landed just as the Assassin was about to cleave Alan in half, forcing the later to break off of the hacker in order to block the shots, but still managed to take 8 damage (10), gritting her teeth as the pistols burned through her armor, practically making it useless, “Impressive…” she muttered as she quickly sheathed her sword, and just as quickly as she appeared, she vanished once more in a pillar of light. -- ??? -- The air around C4 begins to shift once more, now with far more intensity. -- XCOM -- “Affirmative” Database responded to Nader, making sure to stop behind him and open fire on the advancing Lost, which when combined with the three XCOM Operatives that came along, was easily enough to take down the last few. Lazarus begins opening fire on the Lost surrounding Aquila, dealing 18 damage to one and bringing it down. Ao, upon watching Frigus and Harry charge forward, activates her Psi-Blades, then charges forward to reinforce them, moving to B4 and attacking one of the ADVENT Soldiers, dealing 18 damage and killing it. The remaining XCOM Operatives open fire on ADVENT’s troops, killing the remaining ADVENT Mecs in C5 and the ADVENT Trooper in B4 The turrets around the Avenger’s entrance spin to tear the Assassin apart, only to find her quickly disappearing, and then swiveling back to their original positions. -- Lost -- In the distance, the howls of Lost began to grow in numbers. More Lost reinforcements have arrived! The remaining two lost both attack Aquila, dealing 3 and 1 damage respectively. However, Aquila returns the favor by quickly bashing in the head of the one that dealt 3 damage, killing it with 19 damage. The rest continue to charge Turns until Avenger leaves: 6 Map Status
  11. Walmond As soon as Walmond had heard a rift tear into existence in the room where he had been studying, Walmond had shifted his focus to it, with Lambda swiftly floating to his side. It was a strange occurrence, a rift held "open", or "shut" by two ribbons, and with countless eyes staring back at him. Any sane man would've backed away from said clear threat. Yet for Walmond, something about it drawed him in. So, not even a minute after seeing it, Walmond silently stepped through the rift, his faithful servant following him in just as the rift closed. And then, for several seconds, Walmond felt the familiar sensation of falling. It had already happen to him several time before, so he knew how to sense it despite being in a black void. However, it was shortly cut off as Lambda snatched him out of the air, practically cradling him in her arm and slowing her own descent. Or at least, attempted to, as she still seemed to be falling at the same speed as everyone. ... Wait, how was Lambda able to cradle him? He was far to large for her to ever safely try that. As soon as that thought came into his head, Walmond looked down at himself, his eyes widening at what he saw. Specifically, how he had somehow managed to shrink into a childlike body, and how his clothes had managed to shrink with him. And how his normally short hair had lengthened itself so that two noticeable bangs rested on his shoulders. Not only that, but his beard had managed to completely vanish as well, judging by the strange sensation on his lower face. Of course, before Walmond could process all of the information, Lambda had finally come to a stop, floating a few inches about the area where the rest of the people who had fallen into similar rifts had arrived. At least, that was what he assumed was how they also got here, he couldn't be sure anymore. Unfortunately he didn't get much time to process that either, considering shortly after, a new woman stepped out of a new rift, walking... Upside down. This, despite everything that had led to this point, surprised Walmond even further, making him rather speechless during the woman's talk, quick summon of "Ran", and teleportation to a new, more physical area. Thankfully, Lambda was already prepared, and merely held onto Walmond and shifted her own body around to correct "standing". Needless to say, the sequence of events left Walmond rather confused. But, he could at least make out that everything that had happened was due to this "Lady Yukari"'s power. Whatever power that was, though it seemed to relate to either creating dimensional rifts, or bending the very essence of reality. He didn't want to think on the later option. So, instead, he merely looked at Ran, still lying on Lambda's large arm, before asking his own question to her: "Well, my first question would be a simple one: Where are we, exactly?"
  12. Tanabe When Mitsurugi introduced herself, Tanabe gave the goddess a small nod, “A pleasure to meet you, Lady Mitsurugi” he replied. And then, at Sorina’s insistence of seeing his wares, Tanabe merely brought up a hand to stop her, although said hand was still holding his pipe, “It’s refreshing to see other Merchants having as much love for the craft as I, but I shall have to deny any business right now. Simply put, getting everything out of this pack right now would be too much of a hassle, especially when I’m already so close to Sei-an City. However…” he trailed off, glancing at the rest of the group before looking back at Sorina, “Your stories interest me, so I shall give you a small dose of what I offer, I am a collector, I go around Nippon to find relics and artifacts of old. Some are simply antiques and whatnot, but I’ve collected several artifacts that I believe to be used for worship of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu long ago. And, as such, due to my travels I am required to know quite a bit of how the rest of the Country is doing, so as a favor from one merchant to another, I would be willing to offer you information, at no charge” he replied, giving Sorina a smile before taking another puff of his pipe, “But, I don’t believe I got your name, Miss…?”
  13. Mira "I don't need any healing. I've survived worse" Mira said, noting how her Magra was already getting to work on fixing any discomfort she was feeling from being a makeshift cushion for this... Woman's fall. Speaking of which, Mira turned towards her, giving her a rather visible glare despite wearing a dark helmet, "I don't care if you don't make a habit of it. Just make sure it doesn't become a habit" she stated. Quite frankly, she didn't know where this woman came from, but judging from the general trend of randomly appearing people, she could say that either she was part of this world, or sent her as "backup" from those in charge against the Trespassers.
  14. Freya "... You don't strike me as someone to have lived a boring life" Freya commented when Law finished his explination, turning her head to look at him, "I mean, I don't know anything about Yakows, but you're the last person I would see as a farmer of any kind. I don't get half the things you make or talk about, but it's obvious that you're pretty smart and creative, and I don't feel like you could get what you know from herding."
  15. Freya Honestly, Freya didn't mind Law squirming out of her original hold and onto her shoulder. It at least freed her other hand, the other busy holding her staff as she continued walking back, "So, uh, Law. I never got to talk to you before, but what was your home like?"
  16. Mira As soon as Mira's question had been answered, the mercenary merely nodded, falling silent as the briefing began to finish. An armored opponent, larger than her, and a large axe. From the explanation, Mira could conclude that they were a power focused fighter, just like her. Of course, people could be deceiving, but at the very least, she knew she could kill him if she needed to. Which was good, she preferred not having to deal with further problems. And, from his appearance, it shouldn't be hard to find them. However, soon enough, the group was on the move, moving out of the building and into the city... Which upon her first sight of it, caused Mira to pause. She had seen plenty of cities in her time, and yet this was far different than the ones she had seen. This one was far too bright, and far to loud for her tastes. But, she had no room to complain. She was just meant to do a job, not care about the look of a city. So, Mira followed the rest of the group, keeping an eye on the streets and its citizens, scanning for potential threats, even if it was needless. The one place she forgot to check, however, was the sky. A flicker of movement was the only warning Mira got before a body crashed into her, knocking her roughly to the floor and onto her back. Thankfully, her armor took most of the force... Yet she had gotten hit while on the stairs, which dug her armor into her back. Overall, not a pleasant experience for the mercenary. It only took a second for Mira to get her senses back, her "blood red" eyes visibly moving to glare at the woman/fox that had landed upon her, and seemed oblivious to the fact that she had. "Get off" Mira growled, and in clear frustration brought her hand up, pushing the woman off of her so she could get up.
  17. Freya "Ow!" Freya yelled as soon as the acorn landed straight on her forehead, causing her hand to fly up to the landing zone as the squirrel ran off. And shortly followed by Law dropping out of the tree, out of breath and lying on his back. Soon enough, Freya ignored the slightly dull pain on her forehead to kneel next to Law, leaning her head to the side as he warned her about Lucine, "I don't think so. You two actually ran off in different directions" she replied, scooping Law from the ground with one of her arms, practically cradling him in her arm as she turned around to walk back towards the group again, her multitude of bone bats now fluttering in the trees above them.
  18. Merchant "I am doing quite fine. Business is slow, but that seems to be normal nowadays" the man replies, taking another puff of his pipe, before turning to Lexiel, "My name Tanabe Seketsune, wandering Merchant" Tanabe greets with a small bow, "If I may, I would like to ask for your names as well. It's not often that I see such exotic folks, even near Sei-an City."
  19. ??? "Hail there!" A sudden voice shouted out from southern path, quickly becoming apparent that it belonged to a rather fat Japanese man, wearing a green tunic, plain kasa, and a gigantic purple bag on his back, an equally large umbrella and pipe in both of his hands as well, "How do you folks do this fine day?" he asked as he approached, taking a quick puff of his pipe as he did so.
  20. Freya Needless to say, Law's screams caused Freya the get even more worried, using her connection to her 'bats' to see what was going on... Only to find out he was in a duel to the death with a regular squirrel. ... Yeah, that seemed accurate so far. With a quick straightening of her hat, Freya commanded her bone bats forward to harass the squirrel off of Law, and maybe get it to flee with the fact that it was getting assaulted with bats made of human bones and flesh.
  21. Freya As soon as Freya heard the hissing and shaking from above, the Necromancer skidded to a stop, glancing upwards just as she heard Law yell at some kind of tree rat to 'get off him'. With a frown, Freya tried to think of what she could do in this situation... Since she wasn't that good at climbing, nor did she believe Law wouldn't panic more if she sent up one of her zombies. ... Ah well, she had to try. "Law, I'm sending up help!" Freya shouted, snapping her fingers to cause a portal to appear... Just as her small swarm of bone bats flew out and into the trees, searching for Law's assailant to help the little guy out.
  22. Freya In response, Freya had simply nodded, "Right, I guess" she said, preparing to press the knife deeper into her hand... Right before Lucine had stepped up to get her own blood drawn. At the sight, Freya's hand paused, before slowly releasing its pressure as she listened into Law and Lucine's conversation. A good bit of the terminology the two used clearly flew over her head, judging by her own confused expression. But, she could tell that this wasn't a good thing, mostly due to how Law worded his sentences, and Lucine's own fear upon hearing the word "Grail". Unfortunately, before she could give her own thoughts on the matter, the stress of the situation seemed to get to both Law and Lucine, judging from the fact that they both had run off in a panic, "Wait, HOLD ON-" Freya began, shouting after both of them, before they both vanished into the woods. Quickly afterwards, Freya groaned, before turning towards the rest of the group, "I'll go get Law" she stated, before running off after the small otter. She wanted to go after Lucine, but Law was a frail little guy. She couldn't ignore him when he was on his own.
  23. Azgrurk switches things up... By opening fire on the Goblin Horde as SE instead of SW with his Lightning Mauler, dealing another 3d6+6 damage. Anorky now gives him +4 damage, and a 4% chance to miss. Classical Ork actions
  24. Mira When the items were offered, Mira merely waved them off. She didn't need to use them, her own would suffice, "My own question: If we are to take care of this 'CFW Judge', do you want him brought back dead, or alive?" she asked, having barely moved from her initial position since the talks began. She didn't care either way they wanted his condition, it was simply her job. She would've asked what this man was capable of as well, but thankfully, Perlita was taking care of that for her.
  25. Mira For the most part, listening to all of this, Mira nearly sighed. She was already annoyed due to the closet situation, which she nearly kicked down the door once she learned that it was an INWARD opening door, but she had managed to restrain herself enough to prevent needless damage. Now, she was standing in a room while not one, but two people already began to question why they were even here. Granted, they had sound logic, but perhaps the situation was dire enough for this... Fairy to summoned them here in order to assist. She could never be sure, but for now, she merely stood where she was, folding her arms in silence as she observed the briefing in front of her.
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