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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Castle While others were drawn to their new missions through clear cut signs, such as capsules or books, what led Spicy HG, Lexiel, Kino, Misturugi, and Mot to a rather remote section of the Castle was… A mere tugging sensation. Something was trying to draw them somewhere, and due to the fact that they were all gathered around a small breach in the very fabric of reality, brely the The exact feeling that the breach varied from person to person, but for the divine, it was easy to understand. There was a putrid wrongness emanating from the breach, leaking out of the breach like smog, only to quickly evaporate once it left, like something was already trying to strangle them from the other side. And yet there was a small part that remained that was far softer and gentle, trying to urge them through. Sort of like a cry for help. And then, in a blink of the eye, the breach tore itself open, a sudden vacuum pulling the five in quick succession. Once they were all inside, the tear closed itself with a satisfying pop. Current Background Music Sorina Suddenly, with a loud pop, Sorina found herself floating in the air above a small dirt road, leading up to a large ornate bell shrine, and just a few feet away from that, was a large, yet bare ocean, save for a single old and practically decimated ship. It was a rather interesting sight all in all. At least until she suddenly stopped floating and feel straight to the ground. After getting up, Sorina would notice four paths. Two leading North and South of the bell, while two others moved to the east, one towards a small cave in the mountains, while another led to a walled shrine, which despite its simplicity, stood rather vibrantly next to the lands surrounding it. But before she could actually do anything about it, she was knocked back into the ground by the arrival of five other people. Note
  2. Freya At Law's explanation, Freya nodded, before finally pulling what she needed out of her bag... Which was a small knife. As soon as she pulled it out, Freya got down on one knee, already placing the blade on the palm of her free hand, "Alright, makes enough sense. Where are you planning to store the blood?"
  3. Freya "And learn great things you shall!" Freya quickly followed up after Caspin introduced himself, only to pause for a few seconds before adding, "Once we get spare time, that is". Not long afterwards, a large object crashed into the ground, causing Freya to jump back in surprise, and after a brief pause, began to walk up to it after Law seemed to indicate that it was his. Once she got near, Law had suddenly asked for blood from everyone present, which made Freya raise an eyebrow, "Uh, I mean sure, but if I may ask, why would getting our blood be important?" she asked, using one of her hands to straighten her hat as the other began poking around in the small bag she carried around.
  4. Mira For the most part, Mira was glad when the new arrival took her suggestion and moved on. It gave her time to focus on her work, specifically with her armor and sword. Which, after resharpening her sword and fixing the smaller dents in her armor, she found that she had seemed to reach her maximum output for her sword's ability to cut, and her armor's ability to defend. At least, from conventional upgrades. So, Mira began to do something she had never done before. Infuse her own Magra into her weapon and armor. Which, despite it being something she had never attempted before, went rather well. With her energy coming back, it was fairly easy for her to channel a sizable portion of Magra into both of her equipment, leaving both to be shrouded in her typical dark mist. And with that, her work was done in the Barracks. There was no reason for her to remain in the Barracks anymore. So, Mira merely stood, and began to walk out of the area, a shroud of darkness following her as she went. Her strength had returned, and she now had nothing to stop her from investigating the rest of the castle.
  5. Walmond For a split second, Walmond merely stared at Venus, before turning back towards his sample, "It's been an idle curiosity, but I've decided to research those creatures we had slain earlier, due to the fact that I noticed magic being used to alter them. My initial hypothesis was that due to its nature, the bodies would have residual magic that would remain, and that I could utilize. So far, part of my hypothesis has been correct... Though I have found that it was not a single large spell that caused the mutations in the creatures, but a multitude of smaller spells weaved together. As of now, I do not want to risk disrupting the thread that holds said spells together, so in order to continue my research, I'll have to figure out a way to investigate each spell contained inside" Walmond explained, before glancing back at Venus, "So, until then, I've effectively hit a wall. I'm hoping Lambda can manage to acquire me a tool within this castle that would help my research."
  6. Walmond At the very least, Walmond's initial tests were bringing in... Results. There was residual magic left in the samples he had collected... Except he couldn't tell what said magic was still doing. Any attempt to scan was met with multiple readings of miniature spells layered on top of each other. He'd have to figure out a way to scan the spells on an individual level in order to get a full understanding of them. At least, he could do that later. Right now, it appeared as if someone was approaching him. "May I help you?" Walmond asked, straightening from his project and turning toward Venus, his arms disappearing underneath his cloak. Lambda was, unfortunately, still out searching for supplies, but this wasn't the first time someone had approached Walmond while he was focused on his work. He had figured out ways to tell if someone needed him.
  7. Grima "No" Grima replied bluntly, placing her own glass down. The tea was fairly good, to be entirely honest. But it wasn't why she was here, "I'm here because I was asked to by Queen. I'm working to help a group of competitors of the recent tournament become stronger to... Well, deal with a threat that could destroy every single Plane. I can do it myself, but I'm extremely rusty in combat to provide more than a punching bag" she joked, before clearing her throat, "But... Queen gave me coordinates to this place to get more help in getting these people stronger. I'll be honest, I wasn't given an explanation on how, but he seemed to speak of you in high praise when I was around" Grima finished, now taking another drink of the tea. Technically the only things Queen told her was that whoever she was looking for was dangerous. So... Hopefully stretching a bit of truth wouldn't be so bad.
  8. - Trespasser Group -- Aquila begins the smack the remaining Muton down, Marking it for death and whacking it twice for 24 and 25 damage. Needless to say, the two blows easily finish off the wounded Muton, causing it to fall along with its brother. Tragic. (1!) Harry opens fire at one of the Stun Lancers... Nailing them in the head for 44 damage! (47) Despite watching one of their own get slaughtered though, the remaining Stun Lancer keeps his wits together and doesn't panic. He had a job to do, after all. Nader moves to D6, preparing the Gut Punch to... Punch a gut. Really hard. Alan sends out his orders to his machine army, then begins hacking into the next tank. (23 vs 21) This time it was slightly harder to accomplish, but with a bit of work, Alan manages to shut down the remaining ADVENT Tank, leaving the Railgun the only threat to the Avenger. With a shudder, the new tank under Alan's command backs up a bit, then rams into one of the ADVENT Soldiers, flattening them with 25 damage. However, it also takes 5 damage to itself, mostly due to the soldier's armor leaving a dent on the hull. With new orders, the Sectopod's cannon swivels around to face the Andromedon, multiple targeting ridicules marking both the new ADVENT Mech and two soldiers. Then, with an ear shattering blast that could rival the Railgun's, the Wrath Cannon was fired, a hyper magnetized round being launched at its targets for a massive 88 damage, utterly vaporizing the two ADVENT troopers and nearly doing the same to the Andromedon, though only managing to shatter the cockpit and send the mech to the ground. Soon after, the Wrath Cannon was closed, and the Sectopod straightened itself and prepared for further combat. Frigus prepares his Keyblade Glider, yoinking both Harry and Runner 1 and moving all of them into the now nearly slaughtered enemy lines. Rachel moves to help out the "friendly" Ayy, all the way down in C6 -- ADVENT -- Frigus and Harry both notice a now dead ADVENT Priest, with two soldiers standing around his body, unsure of what to do. The new ADVENT Mecs immediately advance onto the Avenger, running into C5 and taking cover. The remaining ADVENT Stun Lancer charges Ao, swinging his weapon at her in hopes of at least removing one of XCOM's most lethal Operatives from the fight. However, instead, the Templar merely blocked his overhead swing, then used her other Psi-Blade to sever his weapon arm, and then following it up by swiftly decapitating the Stun Lancer. The ADVENT Shielderbearer and his three troops open fire on the advancing Lost Hordes, managing to kill all three Lost in F3. The two ADVENT Soldiers that survived the Wrath Cannon open fire on both Frigus and Harry (98) (2), missing Harry but managing to land a blow on Frigus, dealing 8 damage to the Keyblade Warrior... Which is quickly patched up thanks to Harry existing, healing him right back to full! However, the Andromedon, despite its pilot now hanging out of the cockpit, begins jerking back up to its feet, dropping its Plasma Rifle as it turned to the Keyblade Warrior and Combat Medic. The Berserker roars in outrage as its disoriented and rage filled body turns to its next victim... The poor tank that Alan had disabled, with no way to defend itself from the angry brute charging it and slamming its fists into its hull, dealing 25 damage to the unlucky machine. The two ADVENT Soldiers that watched their partner get ran over open fire at the Tank in A3, dealing 4 damage in total. ADVENT Movements! A new Sectopod advances, moving to A3. Two Sectoids moves to C3. A Viper moves do D3. -- The Chosen -- The Hunter continues to have a pleasant talk with Proditor. The Assassin continues to be sneaky. -- XCOM -- Lazarus lifts his grappling hook, then fires it at one of the ADVENT Mecs, before sending a charge of electricity through it that quickly fries the Mec's inner circuits with 32 damage, causing it to collapse to the ground. Ao pulls back one of her Psi-Blades, charging her collected Focus through it, then lifting it to the sky, directing her Psionic Energy to the remaining two ADVENT Mecs. Quickly afterwards, a small storm appears above the two robots, each getting blasted by purple bolts for 24 damage each. Neither die, but both are extremely wounded. Database moves D6 to support Nader! The Commander sends the three reinforcements to back Nader up as well! The two XCOM Operatives in C5 finish off one of the ADVENT Mecs. With her orders sent out, the Commander let out a sigh. ADVENT was throwing everything at them, and now the Lost were pressuring them as well. It wouldn't be long until they were forced back to the Avenger, and if they were, they were as good as dead. Thankfully, Runner 1 was approaching the detonation zone, and if they could get them there in time, then the Avenger would have time to escape. The one problem was getting out once they were clear. Of course, the other problem she was facing was the unseen one. Specifically, the Assassin. "Bradford, status on motion detectors?" the Commander asked, watching as Bradford turned to her and shook his head, "Nothing yet. The Assassin hasn't snuck through the main entrance way while we were distracted. Neither has our halls been disturbed without footage of our men going through" he responded, "I'll keep an eye on it. Focus on the battle Commander" he stated, getting a nod from the Commander, before both of them focused on their own feeds. -- Lost -- The Lost continue charging, and while more howls can be heard in the distance, they sound as though they will take a bit to arrive. Avenger HP: 62% Turns until cannon is charged: 3 ADVENT Tanks remaining: 0 Map Status
  9. Grima For the most part, the quick appearance of the woman was a surprise. Normally it took someone a while to get to the door if they weren't expecting visitors. But, that surprised feel only lasted for so long before the woman opened the door the rest of the way and invited her in, "Thank you, it's a long story" Grima replied quickly after, stepping into the house and almost immediately getting hit by a wave of refreshing cool air. Considering how hot it was outside, it was a far more preferable feel. Soon enough though, the woman had led Grima to her parlor, sitting herself down at the table when they gestured her to it, "Iced tea would be wonderful, if it's not any trouble" she stated, folding her hands on her lap as she looked around the room. There was a lot of different things, various small items, swords with different markings on them, and a bunch of pictures. Each of them looked beautiful, even the room itself had a cozy feel to it. ... Grima couldn't help but wonder if she could fit any underneath her jacket...
  10. Evelyn As soon as she heard the footsteps, Evelyn immediately lifted her pistol, aiming it towards the shadow, only to pause when she saw it go around the tank. Whatever it was, it seemed like it was attempting to avoid them, but for what reason, Evelyn couldn't guess. However, before she could decide to Hunt it, a loud voice spoke throughout the room, speaking in various voices that continued to cut each other off. IT was something Evelyn had never heard before, which was obvious from the fact that she practically spun in place, trying to figure out where it was coming from. Soon though, the voice finished it's demands, falling silent and leaving Evelyn to glare at the ceiling. Mainly due to the fact that it had told her to put her weapons on the ground. Years of Hunter work, and she was just expected to leave her only lifeline on the ground without insurance? Yeah, like hell. Instead of placing her weapons on the ground, Evelyn merely holstered her pistol and put away her sword, walking back to where Vratislav, noticing that Greg had placed his weapon on the ground, "So. Where is this Central Computing Sector that the voice told us to go to?" she asked, still scanning the room encase anything tried to attack.
  11. Azgrurk continues firing at the Horde 4 in the SW Bank with his Lightning Mauler, dealing 3d6+6 damage. Anorky now gives him +3 damage, and a 3% chance to miss. Azgrurk's Orky Actions
  12. Mira Terumi "Grimm? I have no clue what you're talking about, but they're likely a lot better than what you'll be dealing with now" Mira replied, stopping her sword sharpening and planting the blade onto the ground, "While I am unfamiliar with this castle myself, I believe we are in-between the layer of various worlds, and you managed to have hopped on while we were passing by yours. Or something of that sort, I don't know every little detail there is to this. But, either way, your purpose here now is to work alongside the various other people here to slay Trespassers and various other things that threaten different worlds" Mira poorly explained, now beginning to inspect her gauntlets, "... If you'd bother walking around the place a bit more, there's no doubt you'd find someone who knows more than I do. I don't care for the details, I just kill whatever needs to be killed."
  13. Mira Terumi Mira didn't even let lift her head as an unfamiliar man entered the room where she was working, and barely budged when he began talking to her, "No, you're not in this 'New World' of yours. And despite the implied threat, I don't have the time to even bother attacking you, even if you were an enemy. As you can see, I'm busy" Mira replied, before finally glancing up, red eyes staring at the man from underneath Mira's black helmet, "Either way, don't expect to return to your New World anytime soon. Your job now is to protect both your world and others."
  14. Mira Terumi For the most part, the sounds of work could already be heard in the Barracks. Specifically, the source was Mira, who was busy sharpening her sword. Once she had learned the Castle had an onboard smithy, Mira immediately had gone over there in order to repair her weapon and armor. Which, in her defense, were not in the best of shape due to constant back to back missions, without much of a change to prepare for the next. So, the ability to work on her sword again after said missions was more than relaxful for her. At the very least, it gave her something to focus on.
  15. Walmond & Lambda Not long after the group had returned to the castle, with Lord Silef now with them, Walmond and Lambda had vanished into the castle, accommodating one of the many Servant Rooms for their own use. It didn't take long afterwards for Walmond to begin transforming the room into a personal study and laboratory. Which was... Difficult, thanks to the fact that he lacked any possessions aside from his journal. So, he had sent Lambda out throughout the castle to find any unwanted equipment that he could use for his studies, any at all that were left out. But, while she did that, he had his own thing to study. A bit of tissue from one of the Lahmus, laying on the desk in his new room. Whatever had effected the creatures had been a strange form of magic, and while he had seen Tiamat destroy itself, he wasn't sure that it was gone completely. Hopefully, the sample he had collected still contained a bit of that magic used. If he could study it, he could harness it. And if he could harness it, he could put it to good use. This was a mere first test, but he had made sure Lambda had collected several samples from the various bodies of Lahmu, which she was still holding onto. He would just have to be careful with this sample as he analyzed it.
  16. Elizabeth For the most part, Elizabeth merely followed Tsukihashi and Haruki, placing her hands in her pockets as she did so. At the very least, they knew a bit more about the area and had more access to it. Of course, the cops were still a pain in the ass, since they were still having to avoid them, but... Whatever. She had a gut feeling they were getting close to the Witch now. And hopefully they'd find the Witch soon, since she was getting a bit too eager to fight it. Right now though, Elizabeth merely put her back to a wall near the entrance that Haruki was attempting to find the key for, trying to relax as she waited for the door to open so they could continue.
  17. Freya "Huh? Oh, no" Freya responded, putting a hand in front of herself as she approached the group again, "I managed to talk them into leaving, and I think I managed to get through to their God as well. This place should be safe from them from now on, since they believe that I have my own... Er, dark experiments and whatnot to perform on them. But anyway-" she continued, moving her hand to indicate Caspin, "He is here because the Cult wanted to give me an apprentice, since I'm some kind of master of the Dark Arts to them. I thought it would be nice to have another member of the team!" she explained, before turning around to face the Acolyte, "Would you please introduce yourself to my friends here? I think it would be better than me doing it for you."
  18. Mira For the most part, Tiamat's implosion was met with a tired yet fierce glare from Mira as she attempted to force herself off the ground, only to be forced back to the ground by her final boom. Thankfully, she managed to catch herself on one knee, managing to catch a glimpse of a golden object where that creature had been, before it quickly folded in on itself as well. ... It was officially, this world was far stranger than she had first assumed, but at the very least, their job was done on this world... Presumably. Either way, it hardly mattered to Mira right now, who had finally fallen over onto her back. She had put far too much force into her explosion, and now she could barely stand. What the hell had driven her to go that length, just to kill one mere creature that could've been dispatched with a mere stab through its head? Sure, she needed to make sure there was nothing to regenerate from, but that could've been accomplished with far less effort than she put in. Well, it didn't matter now. What was important was a nice... Relaxing... Sleep. Walmond Thankfully for Walmond, Lambda had reacted to Tiamat's destruction faster than he could've, shielding him from the effects from the blast. However, it soon died out, long enough for Lambda to drop her guard float a few feet away from Walmond, letting the scientist scan the... Well, land was putting it nicely. More so a burned graveyard, scattered with the bodies of the creatures they had killed. For a split second, that was enough for Walmond. They had won, the day was saved. But yet, while he scanned the remains of the battlefield... He felt like there was something he could study here. "Lambda" Walmond commanded, immediately walking towards one of the deceased Lahmus. Disgusting and as repugnant as they were, these creatures had been brought back thanks to a wave of magic. At least, some of them. If Tiamat's destruction didn't bring all the magic with it, hopefully there would be some left for him to study.
  19. Freya ... Wait, that worked? That actually- "Ahem, I see. Hextor is wise to... Acknowledge my power. I shall take this Acolyte of yours. I have been needing a new assistant ever since I lost the last" Freya said, clearing her throat and turning around, "But my work here is done. Come along now, Caspin. I have more work that I must attend to" she stated, before she started to walk away from the fortress, the cult of Hextor, and all that evil stuff, and back towards the rest of the group, who would hopefully appreciate the news that she had managed to talk them down. Somewhat.
  20. Freya "In contrast?" Freya began, playing a hand on her chest in fake shock, "Already, you lack grace with the fact that you 'target peace lovers'. Hextor is a God of War, and the God of War appreciates the strong. Strength offers a better tribute to him, not some peasants on the countryside" she added, before sighing and bringing her hand up to pinch her forehead, "Inelegant and stupid. Just like the rest... If you really want to appease Hextor, I suggest switching your tactics, starting now" Freya finished, bringing her hand down, narrowing her eyes at the knight. "My advice would be to find those that are strong to sacrifice to your god, either by hunting down powerful travelers or sacrificing your own. It matters not. Hextor wants the strong, not the weak" Freya suggested, now placing her hand on her hip. She wasn't actually sure what Hextor wanted, but... Hopefully her logic was sound enough to make the knight at least ponder her words. If he did, she might have a chance to turn this entire cult on its head. Honestly, she just hoped Hextor hasn't spoken directly to them. Otherwise she would be in trouble.
  21. Mira Theme As soon as the "Charger" rammed into the giant creature, Mira was already in position, standing behind it and using both her forward momentum and the creature's back momentum to impale her sword through its back, before quickly pulling it back out, raising her sword above her head, and then cleaving the creature in half, from the shoulder to waist. Even with its new size and shell, it had no defense against Mira's surprising strength for someone of her height. Just as the creature went down, Mira looked up and noticed the final one preparing to charge the group, and while they could likely take care of it themselves... She might as well make sure they didn't have to, and could focus on the King-Turned-Monster. So, lifting her sword from the now dead Giant Lahmu, Mira sprinting towards the path the Charger was about to take, using the dead body she had made as an extra boost to her speed, and as she did so, her began to channel Magra into her free hand, visible by a swirling mass beginning to envelope it. It didn't take Mira a few seconds in order to reach her position, sliding to a stop just in front of the Charger, who was likely surprised by her sudden entrance, but barely faltered, opting to switch it’s primary target to the armored form now in its way. At least that was what it had planned, until Mira brought it to a stop with her free hand, only skidding a foot before holding her ground. Before it could actually do anything about this however, Mira tightened her grip on the Charger’s head, threatening to crush it as she began lifting it over her head. Then, with enough force to shake the ground, Mira slammed the Charger into the ground, several loud sounds similar to cracking emanating from the creature as it attempted to struggle out of her grip. Mira’s arm that held the Charger was a unique case, however. Now, it was a mere vortex of black Magra, spiralling into her hand, still gripping the Lahmu’s head, and over the course of five seconds, all of the Magra had made it’s journey, now a mere small ball that somehow managed to glow, despite the fact that is was all black. “Perish” That was the only word that came out of Mira, barely a whisper. And then, lifting her hand up for a split second, Mira shoved the ball of Magra into the creature, causing it to screech in pain… Just before the entire area in a four meter around Mira exploded into a dome of Magra, breaking apart the ground in fury. And then, a few seconds into the explosion, the dome appeared to implode, quickly collapsing into its point of origin, and then bursting back out into a far more harmless burst of black wind. The end result was a blackened crater, with Mira on one knee in the center, and the body of the Charger nowhere to be seen. She had to admit, extremely overkill. But considering the creatures had revived before, it was better to get rid of any trace of them, rather than let them get back up. Of course, there was still the King-Turned-Monster to deal with... But she'd just need to wait a bit to catch her breath. Then she would deal with it. That ground was starting to look a bit comfortable though...
  22. Platinum At Aker's explanation, Platinum nodded, closing her book, though making sure her finger was still on the page she was on so she didn't lose her progress, "I have been doing the same, actually, though I did not realize electricity. I knew she had to have done something in order to create a flash of light from hitting that ball but..." she trailed off, bringing a hand to her head with a sigh, "... I've only been meeting dead ends in every place I look" Platinum added. At that point, she brought her hand back down, opening her eyes again as she did so, "The closest I've gotten to anything worthwhile is by looking into these mythology books, and they aren't the most concrete of evidence. At this point, I'm not even sure if I should be caring about it" she stated.
  23. Grima At the very least, Grima recognized some of the plants around her. Most of which she didn't, but she didn't study them. If there was one thing she knew, unfortunately, it was wealth, and she could give a guess that the person who lived in the house she was beginning to approach was rather well off, thanks to the material used for the house. If she wasn't too busy focusing on getting her job done, Grima would've noticed her right hand twitch slightly in anticipation for what it was meant to do. Taking her eyes off the flora around here, Grima walked up to the front door, giving it a few hard knocks before waiting to see if anyone answered.
  24. Sceleratis While Sceleratis blinked in surprise at Francine's response to Folkvangr, the sword merely let out a dark chuckle, "Hell? To a creature such as you, perhaps, but this place is nothing more than a joke in that regard" it replied, just before it was cut off by girl's bullets. The statement caused Sceleratis to look back down at Folkvangr and narrow her eyes, before shaking her head and watching the two in front of her argue. She'd have to question it in depth with her sword later, but there was more pressing things. "I see there's a bit of hostile history between you two" Sceleratis commented once the girl walked away, looking back at Francine, "Since I have done my duty here, I believe it would be best for me to leave you two be. If you ever need my help for something, I'll be residing at the Cathedral" she offered, before preparing to walk away, "... I assume you no longer require my presence, right?"
  25. Evelyn As soon as she heard the light footsteps, Evelyn knew more of the Beasts were lurking in this area, which caused her to sigh. This place proved to be more and more infested as time went on. It was fortune that whoever was responsible for this was either dead or long gone. But that didn't matter, since she still had a job to do. "As expected, these creatures are lurking here as well. I'll go and hunt them down. Try and stay out of trouble" Evelyn needlessly stated, before walking towards the tank where she heard a soft thud from, weapons ready for murder time.
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