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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Walmond & Lambda Walmond uses Healing Field to heal Navin, Lambda, Grant, Hikari, and Mitsu by 2d4+9+5 health. The next attack to target Walmond will be redirected to Lambda. Healing is reduced by half on Lambda. Lambda, on the other hand, uses Defensive Procedures again, rendering her unable to attack for two turns but giving her an extra 30% Damage Reduction, stacking with her Defensive Procedure to give her 55% Damage Reduction against the Dracolich. Action List
  2. Mira Mira goes on to whack the Grand BBQ Lahmu again with her slab of metal, dealing yet another 3d4+11 damage to it's possibly still fine face. Mira's generator procs, giving her 1 extra Magra! 8/8 Magra 0/4 turns until extra Magra.
  3. Freya As Freya walked towards the Cultist's Fortress, she couldn't help but feel nervous, something that was thankfully hard to see as she approached. The closest thing she had to a cult was the Purifiers, and if they were anything like them... Well, she would be lucky to get a word out before getting killed. Then again, these Cultists apparently didn't pretend to be good, so they might like a fellow dark magic user like herself. At least, that was what she thought before noticing the defenders assembling on the walls, already aiming arrows and the like at her as she approached, causing her pace to falter, and forcing the Necromancer to take a deep breath as she forced on. She couldn't show any weakness, and if they killed her, well, the rest of her party would've come down to avenge her. She hoped, at least. Thankfully, she never had to worry about that, as what appeared to be their leader, or at least a commander, ordered them to put their weapons away, and then jumped down to meet her. The order caused Freya to let out an involuntary sigh of relief as she stopped, before straightening herself as the man spoke. "Please, no need for any fanciful titles such as that. Just call me Freya" she greeted in return, her eyes beginning to scan the walls again, even though she had already gotten a good look at them before, "I'll take your orders to your men as a sign that you all are the followers of Hextor? I've heard about some attacks on a settlement nearby, and I had to come around to see what was happening."
  4. Sceleratis Once the guns were finally moved from her, Sceleratis closed her eyes, letting out a small sigh, though if it was out of relief or annoyance was a mystery. Nonetheless, she looked around herself, "I'm unsure. I woke up not too far from here at that Cathedral" she stated, pointing back at the large Cathedral that shot up into the sky, "However, I'm not-" "This place is a form of alternate world, made for the single purpose of granted the dead a second chance. The reason everything is different for each other is because each mark of land is shaped to accommodate its ruler. Had you actually paid attention to the magic flowing within the very air, this would've been obvious to you." Folkvangr's sudden interruption caused Sceleratis to freeze in place, looking down at it as it spoke, before once more falling silent with a final quip. The end result was Sceleratis staring wide eyed at it, before sighing in clear frustration, placing a hand behind her head, "Nevermind, I have an idea of what this place is now."
  5. Mira Mira continues to whack the Grand BBQ Lahmu with her sword, dealing another 3d4+11 damage. 6/8 Magra 3/4 turns until extra Magra Loadout
  6. Sceleratis The weight that Sceleratis was met with caused her to let out a slightly surprised grunt. She certainly hadn't expected the girl to be THIS heavy, though it explained why the fairy had difficulty doing the job herself. Nonetheless, thanks to her superior strength, the Devil Hunter was able to flip the girl over for the fairy, leaning back as they went to work and flexing her hand idly. And then, a helicopter rotor burst out from the girls back, spinning and lifting the girl off the ground as she responded, causing Sceleratis to instinctively stand up and take a cautionary step back, eyes steeling as the girl woke up and, after taking in the situation, annihilated both of the warring soldiers before focusing her new weapons on her. "Congratulations, you've made an enemy." "Shut it." Despite the weapons pointed at her, Sceleratis barely even flinched when the girl asked her question, "A strange question to phrase, but I was the one that helped your companion here get you back up. My name is Sceleratis, A Knight of the 'Order of the Sword', and Devil Hunter" she greeted, her hand resting on the hilt of Folvangr.
  7. Evelyn Overhearing Greg's explanation, Evelyn nodded silently. It made some sense, at the very least. Once Vratislav was finished exploring and suggested heading back, the Hunter nodded once again, "Yes. There's that side area in the previous room that may have something in it. Or is simple another hiding place for these Beasts" she stated, before turning around and heading back out into the Plankton Growing Facility, heading West of the Secondary Tank to the unknown area.
  8. Licht Kreis HQ With both Rei and Shinobu's insistance to get going, Annabel nodded, "Right. I can only give suggestions on where to go and follow you two around. So, I would suggest heading in the direction of the Abyss. Which should be..." she began, before raising a hand to point... Only to pause and narrow her eyes, "Er... In between here and the Residential District. Voids like to swarm it due to the mass amounts of EXS" she stated. And at that, the group of the headed out, making their way towards the Abyss... Cathedral In the many minutes that passed while Annabel, Shinobu, and Rei walked, the city was unnaturally quiet. Annabel herself had stated that normally, Voids would be extremely active, and yet not one had even poked its head out to attack. But, thankfully, by the time the trio began to walk past the large Cathedral, that changed. Mostly due to the fact that there was unnatural clanging resonating from inside, far to short and erratic to be any bells. Riverside Plaza "Yes, let's" the man replied, "The job I have is simple. I simply want EXS from various In Births around the city to assist with my research. Due to your reputation and success rate, you were the best suited for this. To start off-" he paused, pulling out a large stack of yen, from underneath his jacket, "Five hundred thousand yen, an upfront payment. Each suitable example of EXS you bring me will be worth two million. And to get said EXS..." the man continued, pulling out yet another object from his jacket, this time a small silver disk with countless grooves in it, "you simple need to have this around. My own design, it will absorb unknown EXS for later analysis. All you have to do is find the sources."
  9. Sceleratis Unfortunately, the bullets barely had a chance to even connect with Sceleratis, who merely maneuvered herself around them as she ran. She had expected to be shot at as she headed between them, but it was obvious to her that the shooters weren't even trying to hit her, completely into trying to kill each other. Well, that could be focused on later. What was important was what was in front of her. "Let me help" Sceleratis 'greeted', kneeling down so she didn't get shot and placing a hand on the fallen girl's shoulder, before pulling hard so she could flip her over. Ordinarily she would've asked if they needed help, but it was far too obvious that they did, and Sceleratis had already rushed over to help. Might as well finish the rush.
  10. Sceleratris The rapid change of color as she cut through the vines was enough to make Sceleratris pause, which was enough time for her to take notice of the new girl running towards her and shouting at her to stop. At first, Sceleratris didn't move, merely being prepared to jump and then move away as she took in the girl's weapon. A nailgun... Which was a strange choice of weapon, but still useful. What mattered to her was the fact that she wasn't aiming it at her or shooting yet, which meant that she was just worried, not hostile. Gah, she should've been paying attention sooner. "Now you think of that" "Shut up Folkvangr" In less than a second, another burst of energy reverted Sceleratris back into her normal form, straightening and holding her sword at her side as nonthreatening as she could, "If you are the caretaker of these vines, then I apologize for my carelessness" she began, raising a hand in a form of greeting, "Rest assured, I'll do what I can to mend the damage. As of now though, I'm in a hurry. I don't have the time to chat" she explained, already beginning to turn back towards the desert.
  11. Mira decides to double back and help out the rest of the guys with the new wave of enemies, attacking the Greater BBQ'd Lahmu (or anyone at this point) with Black Heart, dealing 3d4+11 damage. If anyone attacks her before she attacks, Lunar Stance will proc, negating the damage and then dealing 2d6+(3d4+11) damage back. 5/8 Magra Loadout
  12. Sceleratris Single minded rushing was one of Sceleratris's major flaws. Enough so that she tended to ignore everything around her. Such as the tangled mess of vines that she ran through and almost fell flat on her face. Thankfully, she was fast enough to stop herself once her legs became tangled in the mess. All it took from Sceleratris at that point was a downwards glare at the vines before sighing. And then, a surge of power burst from her, instantly turning her from what appeared to be a normal human to an "angel", complete with two large wings. Immediately following the split second transformation, Sceleratris raised Folkvangr above her head, then slashed down at the vines, aiming to cut them away from her legs so she could fly up continue her way to the desert.
  13. Sceleratris "Sceleratris, I highly doubt that would be enough to finish you. Get up." ... "Do not make me repeat myself, 'Holy Knight'." ... "WAKE UP!" With a start, Sceleratris's eyes snapped open, her body lurching forward and onto its feet as her hand flew to her heart. She had let her guard down for a fraction of a second, and paid the price. At least, that's what she thought, but it was clear that she was still alive. Somehow. Thankfully, her shock at being alive was quickly replaced by her noticing several things. One, the area she was in was... Fortuna. Which she hadn't been to in more than three years. Or rather, the simple large church of the Order of the Sword, rising into the sky with guards posted around. Two, she could not materialize her gauntlets, for whatever reason. And three, Folkvangr wasn't at her side. Instead, it was impaled into the ground, just a few feet away from her, at the steps to the church. Due to the fact that there was no one around to immediately threaten her, Sceleratris closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Her senses were all in high alert, and she could barely even think straight with the sudden scenery change, her close brush with death, and everything else. But thankfully, she was good enough to settle down, taking one last breath before opening her eyes, stepping forward, and placing a hand on her sword- "It's about time you came around." The familiar, deep and gravely voice echoed in Sceleratris's mind, enough to almost make her smile at the familiarity, "My apologies, I seemed to have gotten hit harder than I expected." A scoff, as expected from the sword's mind, "You don't say. You were as good as dead, even with your blood." "Yes, but I'm still alive. Those demons failed to finish me off when they had the chance" Sceleratis replied simply, only to pause when Folkvangr chuckled, "What?" "Nothing. Merely something I remembered long ago" the sword stated before going quiet, as it normally did when it said something wrong. Sceleratris immediately sighed, knowing from experience that nothing would get it to talk now until the mood struck it. It was a fool's errand to try and get it to. So, instead, she merely slid it back into it's sheath, glancing around her and taking in the rest of the sights, freezing when she noticed other lands beginning to materialize out of thin air, each of them different from each other, and each surrounding the church. But, for the most part, Sceleratris merely narrowed her eyes at each of the lands... Only to, once again, freeze when she laid her eyes on the final one, which was a desert that appeared to be in the middle of a firefight between two men, and between them, from what she could see, an unconscious girl, with another trying to wake her. In any other circumstance, her rational mind would tell her to wait and figure out what was going on before blindly rushing into something. But, unfortunately, her own body and instinct told her otherwise. She saw someone in help, and it was her duty to help. So, Sceleratris ran, or rather, sprinted, towards the firefight, keeping a hand on Folkvangr, and ignoring what felt like a sigh coming from the sword.
  14. Evelyn Upon entering the room, the first thing Evelyn took in was the bodies strewn about, mostly devoured. They seemed to be leftovers for those creatures from earlier, possibly the ones she had killed alongside Vratislav. But, that was irrelevant. The corpses could've also meant there were more in wait, watching them from the shadows. The biggest mystery right now fr Evelyn was WHAT this room was, exactly. "... What do you suppose this room is meant for?" Evelyn asked, scanning the furnaces, tanks, and pipes that went throughout the room.
  15. Grima Mere seconds after she arrived at the "location", Grima had to bring up her hand to wipe off a bead of sweat. Wrath was hot, yeah, but this place was far beyond that, and was a heat that Grima was not used to (being more of a Greed and Gluttony Plane person). But, it wasn't something she was going to fall over from, not when she was busy. So, Grima began walking forward again, beginning to move towards the house, and at the same time, take a look at the plants that she was walking past.
  16. Azgrurk continues firing upon the advancing hordes, aiming for the Bomber 1 group at SW with his Lightning Mauler, dealing 3d6+6 damage. Anorky gives him +2 to his damage, but also a 2% chance to miss. Azgrurk's list
  17. Evelyn "I'd prefer keeping an eye on something that we don't know, instead of dismissing as if it is no problem" Evelyn replied, before turning around, "Nonetheless, you're likely right that I'm unable to do anything about this right now. Preferably whoever abandoned this place had theories on how to do so" she added, before beginning to walk off, heading South of the Growth Tank.
  18. -- Trespasser Group -- Proditor continues to speak to the Hunter. (Nat 20! vs 12) With no trouble, Alan manages to hack into another one of ADVENT’s tanks, shutting it down with the crew still inside. The Sectopod, on the other hand, opens its main cannon, dozens of red lines popping out of it as it began to lock onto its targets. Runner 1 continues to hide behind Harry. Aquila hits the same Muton with his flail (14)... Only to watch as it ducked underneath his swing, unharmed. Just as the Berserker began to get in reach of Nader, the paranoid gunsman began opening fire on it, causing it to lift a hand to protect its face. While one would initially think that would mean Nader’s attempt had failed, the sounds of rapid fire so close to its ears did the job, signaled by the Berserker stopping midcharge to roar loudly at Nader again, before redoubling its efforts to get to him, practically sprinting on all fours in order to get to him. However, just as it got into range of Nader, swinging one of its giant arms at its head… And then Frigus’s magic came in, a sudden gravitational pull yanking the Berserker away, its claw barely missing Nader’s head as it flew to the side, tumbling across the ground until it dragged itself to a stop, once again roaring loudly, except now at no specific target except the two Soldiers next to it… Rachel moves to back Aquilla up, then gives him some drugs to make him extra unkillable. Harry is a pal and heals Frigus for 18 HP, far more than he needed to! -- ADVENT -- In a fit of rage, the Berserker swings its arms in an animalistic fury… Specifically towards the two bodies closest to it, the ADVENT Troopers, both of which had only managed to stand before seeing arms the size of tree trunks being swung towards them. “Rae oyu kcnufgi sroiuse grith won?” was all that one of the ADVENT soldiers could say, visibly saggings its shoulders before the Berserker’s arm smashed into the both of them, sending them flying despite the gravitational pull, bodies shattered as the Berserker roared in animalistic fury with 28 damage to each! Loud noises emanate from the tank that Ao jumped into. After dodging Aquilla’s swing, the Muton rises back up, slashing at Aquila’s shield, the force of his slash pushing Aquila back several feet, taking 12 damage… Only to find Aquila coming right back him, his Revenge procing and lashing out towards its face (45), hitting it for a hefty 26 damage. With a large CRACK, the Muton falls to the ground, dead, while the other opens fire at Aquila, another blast of plasma washing over the crusader for 4 damage. The two ADVENT Stun Lancers in A5 move to B5. The ADVENT Shieldbearer holds up his hand, then slams it into the ground, creating a shockwave that ends with orange barriers appearing around his two guards, all while both of them took cover and opened fire… Upon the advancing Lost. All three of them take down a normal Lost each. The Chryssalid, having been unharmed in this few seconds of combat, slashes at Nader once more, determined to finish its armored prey off, dealing 11 damage. However, Nader remains standing thanks to the power of DRUGS, remaining at 1 HP. The lone Andromedon marches forward to B4. A faint line of purple energy appears behind the enemy lines, connecting itself to the Andromedon! (33) ADVENT finds itself at a new standstill with XCOM’s troops, unable to land any good shots on them. -- The Chosen -- The Hunter continues to hold his turn Where the fuck is Assassin? -- ??? -- A pillar of purple energy erupts in C4, before quickly dissipating, but leaving 3 ADVENT Mecs in its wake. -- XCOM -- At long last, the noises inside the ADVENT Tank stops… Right before Ao jumped out, blood covering parts her gauntlets, the tank lying still now. Lazarus finishes off the Chryssalid with another burst of his rifle, dealing 14 damage. Database sends out her GREMLIN to Nader, sending out a burst of medical spray that patches Nader up for 15 HP. The Commander focuses her attention on her troops at large, granting the next "XCOM Result roll" an extra +10! (81) The turrets XCOM had placed before whip around to face the Lost as they approach, oppening fire and eliminating three of the Runners before they even get close. The rest of XCOM finds ground to move forward, and gains a reinforcement of three more Operatives. -- Lost -- The Lost continue to sprint towards the sounds of battle, their soulless howling beginning to rise above the sounds of gunfire as more and more followed, like an endless sea. Suddenly, a loud boom resonates through the entire battlefield, nearly knocking over most of the combatants as the cannon finally fires, the force managing to push the Avenger several meters back before stopping. Avenger HP: 62% Turns until cannon is charged: 4 ADVENT Tanks remaining: 1 Status
  19. Evelyn The find of the keycard was something that brought more confusion to Evelyn... But she merely shrugged at the find, placing it in one of her hidden pockets before standing and walking out of the tank... Just in time to see Vratislav's pole be devoured, along with the wall, by what... Appeared to be the same blob she had seen earlier. This instantly caused her to run towards him, her sword already out and ready as she approached, looking between him and the wall. ... Then, after he asked her for ammunition in a casual manner, Evelyn's eyes narrowed, "An entire wall gets devoured, along with what was in your hand, and your first statement to me is 'do you happen to have ammo'?" Evelyn asked, before sighing, "Unbelievable... The best I can offer is this" she said, quickly pulling out the ammunition she had taken from the box, which was roughly half of its contents. Just as he took it though, she also pulled out the keycard she had found, "I also found this. You may get more use out of it than I" she stated, forcing it into his hand before walking around him to investigate the now crumbled wall.
  20. Licht Kreis HQ As soon as she saw the two approach, pushing herself off the wall, idly spinning her spear into a more comfortable resting position as she walked down the steps to meet them, "That's quite fine. Nearly wasn't able to come myself thanks to it" Annabel stated after Rei's statement, "But yes, tonight is the Night" she added, glancing up at the sky. While it had yet to fully manifest, the red mist that covered the sky was beginning to fill, slowly blocking out the moon. However, soon enough, she looked back at the two, "I'll be supervising you two while we're out there. For the most part, we'll simply be tracking down as many Voids as we can so I can observe you fighting. Any big targets we find will be my responsibility. Can't let our Executioners-In-Training get killed on the field, right?" she asked, bringing a hand to the back of her head as she did so. Soon after, she brought it down with a sigh, "Sorry, I'm not that good with this 'official' stuff. Shall we get straight to the hunting?" Old Residential Area For Izumi, instead of finding Voids, she'd begin to make out the form of a gigantic man, almost a tower, and as she swiftly approached, she could make out a chain of skulls on him, along with the giant axe he wielded. Chimi himself heard Izumi long before he saw her, as he was heading towards the Residential Area. Unfortunately, aside from the motorcycle and figure atop, he couldn't make out much from the distance he was at... Which, all things considered, shouldn't be much of a problem soon. Kanzakai High The Terror of Death, Aki, found herself on top of the district's High School at the start of this Night, staring over as much of the city as she could from her perch. Like most of the others, Aki had not been disturbed much, despite seeing several smaller Voids prowling the area. Either they were ignoring her, or something else was going on.
  21. Freya "Well-" Freya began, clapping her hands together, "If we're in agreement, let's get going!" she stated, before spinning on her heel, beginning to march in the general direction the cultist's base was located.
  22. Evelyn Once inside, Evelyn walks forward, glancing around the tank and keeping a hand on her sword. The body seemed to be a simple snack one of the mutants were having, nothing more. The rubble however... It seemed that some of the mutants had decided to move it... for whatever reason. It was strange, but investigation worthy. So, Evelyn took a look around the tank, specifically checking for anything on the corpse.
  23. All The Night has begun. Dark beings wander the normally peaceful streets of Kanzakai, hunting unfortunate souls that are out in the Night. But, there were also those bitten by the dark beings, the Voids, and tonight, like most Nights, marked their most active moments. Licht Kreis HQ As per normal, the Licht Kreis HQ was buzzing with activity on tonight, for obvious reasons. Much of the Executioners, at least the ones that weren’t away from the city, were already out on the field, while others made sure information and readings of the city were up to date. The only difference tonight was the young woman standing at the front of the building, most commonly known as the Third Executioner Annabel, leaning on the wall as she waited for the Executioners-In-Training. Abandoned District As per normal, the Abandoned District was dead silent. Not a soul was moving in it, except for the Voids, and a single pair. A large man, sitting inside of a ruined building, and a smaller woman, resting inside of one of his giant, clawed hands. “Lady Linne” Waldstein finally spoke, his gravely voice spurring the woman awake, which was simply her opening her eyes and allowing Waldstein to lift his arm, letting her neatly slide to her feet. “Let’s get to work” Linne replied bluntly, placing both of her hands in her jacket’s pocket and walking out of the building, her light steps followed by the much louder steps of Waldstein, who had to squeeze his way out of the building to follow Linne. Old Residential District For Izumi and Chimi, the Night was rather peaceful so far. There was a surprising lack of activity, not many In Births walking around in plain sight, and the Voids weren’t attacking anyone. Yet, at least. Chimi found himself wandering the vacant streets of Kanzakai… Specifically, the rundown section of the city. The moon had long since risen to signal the Night, which meant that now, the Licht Kreis would be active in monitoring the city and key areas. Though, what that meant for the “Mountain” Emperor was a mystery. Izumi, on the other hand, found herself near the residential area. There were signs of Voids around, mostly slightly damaged walls and streaks of black staining cement. Where they were was a mystery currently, but they had to be near. Riverside Plaza The Night, despite its many horrors, somehow managed to make the Riverside Plaza a relaxing place to be, due to the fact that it was pretty much abandoned, and the lights of the city constantly reflected upon the surface of the river. The only thing that ruined the sight was the fact that the sky was filled with blood red clouds. This is where Jakob, the Tri-Fold Spearman, found himself at this time, staring over the shining river. His most recent client had contacted him a week prior to the Night, and had requested him to meet here for a job. Why inside of a Night, of all places, was something that Jakob would likely find out later. About 30 minutes into his wait, Jakob would finally notice a man approaching him from the otherside of the plaza, dressed in a large, beige trench coat, brown boots, and an equally beige fedora that did a somewhat decent job of hiding his facial features, “I hope I haven’t been keeping you too long. I trust that the Voids have been avoiding this area?” he asked, placing a hand inside one of his pockets.
  24. Platinum "I see. That sounds like an interesting book. Perhaps I'll read it myself once I find the time" Platinum replied, flipping the page of her own book before speaking up again, "A more off topic question, but if has been a while since we last talked. What have you been doing since the trip?"
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