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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Evelyn With the death of the final Mutant, Evelyn quickly resheathed her Chikage, looking down at the collapsing body before taking a few steps to the right in order to avoid getting crushed underneath. After that, she sighed, bringing a hand up to her torso. The punch that was delivered to her hurt like hell... But she had survived a lot worse on multiple occasions. Her train of thought was quickly interrupted by Vratislav's action of cutting open the mutants, something that didn't even make Evelyn flinch, even with the smell. Like before, she walked through worse, a simple dissection wasn't enough to disgust her anymore. As he extracted his own materials, Evelyn approached the Primary Growth Tank, attempting to begin investigating it.
  2. Mira The shouting of the King was not enough to even make Mira halt in her slow ascent to him. Neither was the resurrection of the very same creatures that had died not too long ago. The only thing that did bring her pause was the transformation that was taking place before her. Gone was the golden king, and in its place, was a gigantic... Creature, was the only way to describe it. She had come up to face Caster, and instead, she got this. By all rights, she should've headed back down to rejoin the rest of the group. Instead, she merely tightened her grip onto her sword, and began to approach the beast, slowly but surely increasing her pace as she made her way up to it. Mira continues approaching Tiamat, and prepares a Lunar Stance to cancel the first attack made against her, and deal 2d6+(3d4+11) damage.
  3. Walmond "What in the world...?" was all that Walmond could mutter out as he stared at the creature before him, his cloak fluttering behind him widely from the winds. However, soon the shock wore off, the scientist narrowing his eyes as both of his hands glowed green, just before he shoved them into the ground, sending more healing waves at the rest of the party. Lambda, on the other hand, turns herself towards the most immediate threat, the Lich. As her shields retracted into her gauntlets, the robot began moving at rather impressive speeds, moving to the front of the dragon and attempting to gain its attention so it focused on her. Walmond uses Healing Field on Mitsu, Navin, Halley, and Grant, healing them for 2d4+14 HP each. The next attack against Walmond will be redirected to Lambda. Lambda uses Defensive Procedures on the Dracolich, taunting it for two turns, while also reducing its damage by 25% when it targets her for that duration. Action List
  4. Freya At Tim's clarification, Freya turned to him with a nod, "Yep! And if things go bad-" she began, taking her hat off and moving her skeleton-shaped pin to the back of it, "I'll light this up. That, or they'll kill me, one of the two."
  5. Freya "If I can suggest, I can approach myself and see if it's possible to talk them down. I mean, if there is a risk of someone dying here, then I already have a backup plan for that. That, and people have a tendency to talk to those that are closer to their nature, and being the only Necromancer here, I think I'm the closest to their sort of... Nature, I guess" Freya stated, raising her free hand to try and get everyone's attention prior to her suggestion, "Of course, if they don't want to talk, then we'll have to go with the more violent route."
  6. Evelyn The sheer force of the punch was enough to send Evelyn flying, tumbling across the ground a bit before she slid to a stop, getting up shakily to her feet as she glared at the Mutant. Then, she charged forward once more, sheathing the Chikage to activate the life draining runes within as blood began to solidify around the blade... Evelyn uses a boosted Chikage strike against the wounded Mutant, dealing 2d6+[12] damage, but taking 3 damage in return. Her Rally passive should also proc, healing her for 25% of the damage dealt.
  7. Evelyn The arrival of the new Mutant was met with a single glance from the Hunter, who simply dashed forward, bring back her hand... Just before she shot it out, sending it right towards the Mutant's gut. Evelyn uses Visceral Strike on the stunned M3 Mutant, dealing 3d6+ [12] damage. Loadout
  8. Grima ... Honestly, if Grima hadn't been informed of the entire situation earlier, she'd have been completely lost as to what the two were talking about. Hell, it was still a bit hard to process what was going on, but she was able to get it. Wrath was turning against the others, with Aries leading them, and this man helping him in that. On one hand, a part of Grima screamed at her to try and solve the problem now and get her Mech. The rational part said otherwise. "I think I'll just let you two continue your talk without my prying ears. Seems like competitor business" Grima stated, trying to sound distracted as she turned away from the group, "I'll meet you two at the train soon, I gotta get something done real quick" she added before walking away, giving both of the competitors a simple hand wave as she moved away. As she got a good enough distance away from the three, Grima opened her HUD, opening the coordinates Queen gave her for that 'request'. If Wrath was no longer 'friendly', then this was likely the only chance she'd have to get this done.
  9. Elizabeth Once Haruki pulled out the map, Elizabeth walked a bit closer to him, peering over his shoulder to get a look as well, "Huh, employee map. Never seen one of- OH! There!" she began, only to reach over and point out the entrance near the Ferris Wheel, "Looks like that can get us closer to that giant wheel. Might even get us close enough to get a good look at it, depends on how close that cop is to it" she stated, before stepping away from Haruki.
  10. The sight that Tekeshi saw caused him to sigh involuntarily, "How are you expecting to take any of us when you can barely stand?" he asked, before bringing a hand behind his head, turning his head to look at the rest, "Think one of you guys could try and explain our situation to him? Or do you think he's just going to insist on fighting us?"
  11. Evelyn As soon as she got her hit in, Evelyn dashed back, her entire body fading into white mist before reappearing a good few feet away, keeping her out of range of the Large Mutant as she raised her pistol, good eye narrowing as she waited for the Mutant to make its move. As soon as it did, she fired, aiming for a spot that would knock it off balance, such as the shoulder. Evelyn uses the Evelyn on the M3 Mutant, dealing 1d6+[3] damage. If the Mutant counts as a "Human Sized" enemy, they will also be stunned. Loadout
  12. Evelyn "I'll deal with the big one. You two kill the smaller swarm." Evelyn spends one Quicksilver Bullet for her Old Hunter Bone, boosting her dodge chance to 24%. Evelyn then uses a normal Chikage strike on the M3 Mutant for 1d6+[6] damage. Loadout
  13. Evelyn Despite the room appearing completely empty, Evelyn still moved through carefully, eyeing every single inch of the room before moving to through the door and into the hall, giving one glance at the collapsed path before turning and moving through the left path, presumably with Vratislav following behind her.
  14. Evelyn Once Vratislav began walking to Evelyn, the Hunter glanced towards him, before nodding and pulling out her weapons again, "Sure. Just make sure you keep an eye out as well" Evelyn stated, before taking a step forward, beginning the walk through the hallway, taking the one that turns sharply to the right first.
  15. Azgrurk While Azgrurk was focused on firing into the Goblin's ranks, the Warboss had enough smarts in him to notice a volley of arrows coming his way, causing him to lift up his mechanical arm to defend himself from the arrows after his own volley of bullets. While his arm did a good job of defending himself, the several arrows merely bouncing off harmlessly upon hitting the metal plating, there was simply too much for Az to cover for, and quite a few managed to sink into his flesh. But, judging by the fact that he simply roared loudly once the volley was over, that wasn't going to stop him. "IZ DAT ALL YA GITZ GOT?! WHAT DID I JUST TELL YA?!" Azgrurk yelled out, Azgrurk opens fire on the same horde with his Lightning Mauler, dealing another 3d6+6 damage, along with ignoring the first 4 points of Res. His Anorky stack takes effect and gives him +1 to his damage, but also gives him a 1% chance to miss. Action list
  16. Evelyn For the most part, once the portal closed, Evelyn merely stepped away, narrowing her eyes when she saw the "brand" appear on Yvette's arm, but remaining silent despite that. Soon enough though, the group began to split up, each going separate ways to find their own things, with Evelyn herself going to where she had the best chance (at least, she thought she did) of finding more Beasts to kill. The Plankton Farms. Heading through the portal wasn't that strange of a feeling for Evelyn. She had already teleported to other places during her time as a Paleblood Hunter, and the location she dropped in... Wasn't as different. In fact, it was so similar that Evelyn barely took notice of it, merely heading outside of the room while Vratislav was in the middle of asking her to keep an eye out. Which she did, staying in front of the room's door as she stared down the hallway, keeping an ear out for anything of note.
  17. Evelyn As soon as the eye had appeared, Evelyn had already begun moving, flipping her Chikage around and resheathing it, a small bit of blood flying out of the sheath as she did so. Once the tentacle had flown out and wrapped around Yvette, Evelyn had already stepped to the side, angling her body so she could get the best and cleanest cut she could get on it, and right before the creature could drag the lady out, the sharp sound of a sword sliding out of its sheath filled the air, right before the tentacle was sliced apart by Evelyn's Chikage, the sword having turned from a simple katana to a longsword covered in blood, "Close it, now" was all Evelyn said as she stepped in front of Yvette, a simple flick of her sword causing the blood to splatter off of it and onto the ground, her good eye staring back at the creature's, all while she began placing her sword back into her sheath for another strike.
  18. Evelyn "I shall think about that offer" Evelyn replied, an actual hint of a positive emotion coming to her face for a brief moment before the portal opened. Instantly, Evelyn's eye refocused, the Hunter bringing out both of her weapons as she stormed forth, joining the others near the portal and watching, with clenched hands, as the lady she had spoken too not that long ago was trying to communicate with them. She should've realized, of course there would be another one that dealt in darker powers such as this. Thankfully, the one thing that kept Evelyn from beginning a Hunt here and now was the fact that the creatures coming out didn't... Seem hostile. In fact, they reminded her of the Messengers. Odd and inhuman, but somewhat adorable nonetheless. That thought also didn't last long, unfortunately, with the rush of wind, and the reactions of the rest of the creatures. Immediately, Evelyn stepped forward, giving a single glance towards before staring at the portal, ready to act upon a moment's notice.
  19. Evelyn "I see" Evelyn replied with a nod. For the most part, she had listened to Vratislav's explanation without her expression changing at all, barely even twitching at his joke, "This place truly is far beyond my own world, technology. Automated gardens and... These machines" she stated, glancing at the machines all around them, "If this place wasn't likely crawling with Beasts, I'd have liked to relax here" she added, closing her eyes with a sigh, before reopening them to look at Roy, who had just entered the room. At Roy's question, Evelyn merely shrugged, "I am unfamiliar with these machines. I wouldn't be able to say."
  20. Evelyn Once Yvette began to move towards the room filled with strange machinery, Evelyn began to follow a fair distance behind. She wasn't planning to bother with them, after all she didn't even know what they were, but she might as well be around when they did figure it out. One could never be too certain on where danger could lie. Though, as she hung back to keep an eye out, she watched Vratislav searching the room. Out of everyone, he seemed to be one of the few people she could talk to without trying to not kill. At the very least, he could pass the time for her with a bit of conversation. "Found anything of note when we this group of ours parted ways?" Evelyn asked as she approached Vratislav, folding her arms when she was nearby.
  21. Evelyn "Evelyn" was all the Hunter responded with, looking to the side at Vratislav, giving him a simple raised hand as her silent greeting towards him, "Judging by your looks, I'd say you seem rather sensible. Hopefully that remains true, we're on a low supply on that here."
  22. Evelyn While Deadlift wouldn't see it, Evelyn had smiled once again. It seemed that her words did something to the Brute... No matter how small. Perhaps her words would lose meaning... But it was doubtful. After all, strength meant nothing if one couldn't land a hit. Thankfully, she decided to let the matter drop, instead walking back through the hallway in silence... At least, until she reached the room where the giant blob resided in, stopping when she saw a familiar person. Specifically, the 'noble girl' that had appeared not long after she had attempted to execute Hirata's little experiment. That, and her... Servant, from the looks of things, and an inhuman one at that. "So, I am to assume you're working with us?" Evelyn asked as she finally began walking into the room again, only to stop a respectable distance away from the pair.
  23. Evelyn "Perhaps they were, perhaps they were not. Or perhaps I am not like your exterminators" Evelyn stated, before giving Deadlift a small smile, "But, what was this you said about there being nothing you cannot handle? From what you said, it seems that there is one, and if there is one, then that leads to the question: Who else can kill you, despite your so called ultimate power?" Evelyn asked, before her gaze sharpened into a glare, "Allow me to pass some wisdom to you. Strength is not all there is to killing someone. I've fought countless men and beings like you. Those you could eradicate me without a thought, and might I add, have. But they all have one thing in common. They're dead. So, here's my word of advice. Put some thought in picking fights. Eventually, you'll find something that can take advantage of your senseless fighting style." With that, Evelyn turned around, unfolding her arms and beginning to walk away from Deadlift, "A bit of charity coming from a God Slayer."
  24. Evelyn While Evelyn wasn't the best at conversations, it wasn't difficult at all for her to notice the insult Deadlift sent her way... But instead of getting angry over it, she merely raised an eyebrow, "Disposing of pests, huh?" she replied, before sighing, "A crude way to put my profession, but not one that is far off the mark, coming from someone who has yet to experience a Hunt" she stated. With that, tilted her head ever slightly, staring Deadlift in the eyes (if he was looking her way), "Though, you seem to be mistaken on the level of 'pests' that I have had to dispose of. Tell me, have you ever killed a god?""
  25. Evelyn "I see" Evelyn replied, placing her weapons away and folding her arms as she narrowed her eyes, thinking about what he meant by "Spirit"- The roars of pain as her prey teared off its own arms, determined to eradicate the pest that was attempting to slay it, even it it meant mutilating itself. The sudden memory caused Evelyn to fully shut her eye, before reopening and looking at Deadlift again, "So this is something you regularly do. I would've thought that it would've taught you not to be so reckless. It appears not" she stated, "Try not to pick a fight with something you can't deal with, otherwise I'll have to clean up the mess."
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