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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Evelyn With Deadlift's final hit, the red cape upon Evelyn's armor flew back, along with her small ponytail, from the sheer force of his punch. The only physical reaction from Evelyn herself was another eye narrow, both due to the power thrown out... And the near insane laughter coming from him. He truly was steps away from true Beasthood... Which was something she'd have to watch for. "So. I suppose this was just your attempt to find a strong opponent?" Evelyn asked. The red specter reminded her of the Sinister Hunters, those who invaded other worlds to kill Hunters, but she had not sensed any resonances, much less the resonance of a Sinister Bell. At the very least however, she could assume this was Deadlift's doing.
  2. Evelyn For the most part, after the void and room of machines, coming through the door and through the hallway, only to find out that Deadlift was fighting some kind of dark red human was... Not as surprising for Evelyn. At least, it was a nice change of pace from the various events that had transpired before. Though, seeing Deadlift first before anyone else did make the Hunter frown ever slightly... And was partly the reason why she hung back instead of rushing in to help him. Either he killed this human, or he learned what happened when you recklessly search for stronger opponents. Either way, it didn't matter much. She just got something interesting to watch.
  3. Evelyn Again, the sight Evelyn saw upon entering the room caused her to pause in surprise. The amount of machinery and designs were... Well, not something Evelyn was familiar with. At all. A quick look around the room was all Evelyn needed to know that it was absolutely filled with these strange machines, with added signs to make sure that she knew it was dangerous. Before, Evelyn would've been fine with seeing what would happen, even if it brutally killed her. But that was when death meant nothing but lost time. So, Evelyn stepped out of the room, walking back to the Teleglitch room and going to the right, presumably until she encounters Deadlift's fight.
  4. Evelyn With a frustrated sigh, Evelyn slammed the last crate closed. Why was every single one of these damned things either empty or filled with nails? It didn't make any sense why they would be left there. Well, whatever. Perhaps there wasn't anything here but another possibly Great One. But, with the other two rooms, there was more possibilities. So, keeping her weapons out, Evelyn begins moving to the left room.
  5. Evelyn A bit of the terminology being used was lost on Evelyn for a few seconds, but nevertheless, she narrowed her eyes on the contents of the message. They were studying this... Thing. With only a single glance back that it, Evelyn knew how foolish that was. This thing was unnatural and should've been destroyed as soon as it appeared. Instead, they had kept it here and tried to research it, and judging by the state of the place and the message, it was likely that this place went to hell not long after it appeared. It seems the Healing Church wasn't the only idiotic organization that existed, unsurprisingly. However, while the possibility was small, perhaps their research left something she could use, which she began to look in the crates for. While she doubted she would find anything that would purge this thing... She'd likely find something later on. Fate had a strange way of making sure of that.
  6. Angela Once the name "The River's Librarian" was spoken, Angela nodded. It was one of her favorite books that Felicity had written, and she wasn't afraid to admit that she had read through it multiple times. ... Of course, that train of thought was quickly replaced by a surprised yelp as Angela jumped up from her chair and away from Felicity as a spike began to poke out of her eye, Angela's own eyes wide as she watched the... THING continue to push its way out of Felicity's face, having difficulty even paying attention to what Felicity was even saying. How someone could have a thing literally pulling itself out of their face and not even flinch was beyond Angela. But, if any doubts she had about this entire "Otherworld" shenanigans still lingered... Well, they were gone now, the proof currently in Felicity's palm. If nothing else, at least Angela had theorized correctly on where "Kel'th'gth" had gone too. Wordlessly, Angela fell back into her seat, practically sinking into it as she brought a hand to her head, "Wow" was all she could really say to this sight, with her brain still having to catch up with the sight. Even if she was told ahead of time (which she pretty much had been), this was... Extremely surprising, to put it lightly.
  7. Evelyn Of all the things Evelyn had seen, what she found as the source of the noise took the cake for the most confusing, which considering her history of killing those that dwelled in the Nightmare... It was saying something. Just by being nearby this... THING, Evelyn felt her blood beginning to react, as if trying to push its way out to it... But she managed to suppress that feeling, her good eye narrowing at the blob before glancing to the side at the glowing device. She hadn't seen anything like it before, but... Well, hopefully it would shed some light on the situation. So, keeping her gun trained on the blob, Evelyn made her way over to the data terminal, before carefully tapping one of the "keys" in order to see what this message was.
  8. Evelyn Instantly upon hearing the otherworldly noise, Evelyn's hands flew to her weapons, quickly drawing her Chikage and pistol and raising them for an attack... Only to stand where she was for a few seconds, staring in the direction of the noise. After those few seconds, Evelyn began slowly moving forward, her feet barely making any noise despite the armor as she advanced, keeping her gun raised as she kept an eye out for... Whatever creature remained in here.
  9. Evelyn "I don't need one" was Evelyn's response as she reholstered her pistol, "If you're so dead set on finding a 'worthy opponent', you'll simply accept that you'll come across one. I, however, will not stand by while a Beast is made stronger" she stated, glancing at Deadlift as she did so. However, when Hirata began getting to work on the corpse to "revive" It with her machines, Evelyn merely frowned, then sighed, "Fine. Keep that Beast alive if you wish. But keep it on a close leash. Or else." Evelyn threatened, and with that, took a few steps away, staring at Deadlift and Yoko out of the corner of her eye. She had overheard their talk of Deadlift's "growing technique". Something she would have to keep an eye out for, in due time. She did also notice the new arrival... But like before, she decided to let the person already speaking to them do the work. She wasn't a good talker anyway. With another sigh, however, Evelyn continued on her way. She needed to step away from these people. Already, they were proving why she preferred working alone. So, with that, Evelyn goes to the unexplored room to clear her head for a bit, and maybe find something to kill that will stay dead.
  10. Evelyn For a few seconds, Evelyn merely closed her eyes, frowning heavily at Deadlifts explanation. Then, she opened them again, glaring at the Beast as it continued to struggle, "Then we'll keep it that way" was all she said before shifting her body to the side, placing her pistol directly onto the head of the creature and pulling the trigger. She would not sit idly by as a Beast yet lived, especially when they expected anything good to come out of making it stronger.
  11. Evelyn Sure enough, Evelyn's backtracking managed to bring her to where the others had gone, the one-eyed Hunter placing the bullet back into a pouch on her belt before pausing, her one eye widening in surprise upon seeing the state the room was in. Corpses, lots of blood... And an inhuman creature thrashing, pinned with a sword stuck through it. The sight of which caused Evelyn's eye to narrow dangerously as she stepped further into the room and around the creature, looking down into its eyes, "Tell me, why are you bothering to leave one of these Beasts alive?" Evelyn asked, pulling out her pistol and making sure it was loaded. She didn't ask to anyone in particular... Mostly to anyone who would bother trying to give her a reason.
  12. Walmond uses Tazer on the Dracolich, dealing 1d4+[Int/2] damage and forces a con check against Walmond's Int. If Walmond wins, the target is paralyzed for three turns, and has a 50% chance to lose their turn at the start of each turn. The next attack against Walmond will be redirected to Lambda. Lambda herself uses Electrical Charge to grant herself a 1d4+Syn damage boost to her next damaging action. Her Defensive Modifications will expire at the end of this round. Action List
  13. Evelyn Upon opening the box, Evelyn's eye lit up with a bit of excitement as she began to look into what was inside. Bullets, far heavier than the Quicksilver bullets she employed, but something she'd have to look into later. The "Buck" portion implied that it worked better with a Blunderbuss, however... But that would be something she'd look into when she was certain there was no hostiles around. The can, on the other hand... Wasn't as exciting. Yes, it increased durability... But she'd rather not have to deal with an injury to begin with. Still, it could prove useful in the future, so Evelyn merely picked up a few bullets, and the can itself, before turning around and looking at the sound of Chelchis tearing out a half crushed corpse from one of the machines in the room. For many, the sight would've caused quite the reaction, and yet Evelyn didn't even bat an eye as she glanced at the rest of the group, taking note of the Orb now checking what Chelchis was doing, Vratislav and the survivor speaking to each other, and the rotting corpse... Rotting and still dead. All in all, there was nothing for her here anymore, causing her to walk around the others and out of the room, walking back to through the hallway while taking out one of the "00 Buck" bullets, deciding to see if there was anything she could notice about it as she headed towards the other route that Deadlift, Yoko, and the others presumably went.
  14. Azgrurk This had been the moment Azgrurk had been waiting for. Ever since he had first heard of these "Goblins", he had been waiting for the chance to clobber them into nothing but dust. So, as he stomped his way over to the Southern Wall where his handy work laid, he couldn't help but grin widely, hoisting his new Mauler as he did so. Once he got up on top of the wall, her placed his mechanical hand onto the wall's edge, gazing out over the battlefield, his grin growing larger as he did so. Lots of enemies, which meant lots of fun. He was going to enjoy this. For a second, Azgrurk did glance to the side, hearing Satomi's shouting, but quickly decided to ignore it as he cleared his throat, "OI!" Azgrurk shouted over the sounds of marching, his deep and loud voice carrying past the wall easily, "YOU'Z ZOGGIN' GITZ GOT SOME SCREWZ LOOSE IN DERE? SEE DIS FLAG 'ERE?" Azgrurk asked, directing his metal hand towards the 'flag' he had put onto the wall, "DIS 'ERE IS AN ORK FLAG, WHICH MEANS DAT DIS WALL BELONGS TO DA ORKZ... WHICH MEANZ DAT RIGHT NOW" he added, lifting his Mauler up and aiming it at the advancing hordes, "MEANZ YOU'RE PICKING A FIGHT WITH DA WARBOSS!" With that, a loud crack of electricity emanated from Azgrurk's rifle as he began opening fire upon the hordes, bolts of lightning flying at the Goblins down below. Azgrurk opens fire upon "Goblin Horde(SW1-3)" with his Lightning Mauler, dealing 3d6+6 damage, along with ignoring the first 4 points of Res. Action list (5/5) Az's tank is still around if anyone wants to use it
  15. Mira With the death of the Lahmu, Mira flicks her sword clean of its blood, stepping over its corpse, casting it out of her mind as she began to march straight towards Gilgamesh, her sword nearly trailing her path along the ground as she narrowed her eyes at him. He was the primary target, and without his lackies, there was nothing stopping her from getting to him. Killing would likely be a different matter, but that came later. Mira uses her "Defend" action to gain a 50% damage reduction. Mira's Magra Generator passive procs, giving Mira 1 extra Magra! 5/8 Magra
  16. Evelyn While the creature working with her knew a bit about machines, Evelyn's understanding of them was... Rough, to say the least. For the most part, she didn't recognize any of the machines, just knew that they were doing SOMETHING, though her attention was mostly focused on the scattered boxes and the distinct smell of oil. While the "Baron" checked the machinery, Evelyn silently moved across the room, moving to the one unopened crate, attempting to open it to see what was inside.
  17. Evelyn Not long after Evelyn made sure the room was clear, her pistol finally dropping, a large crack brought it right back up as she spun around and saw one of the other women in the group being hit by one of the trees that they broke down and immediately trying to cleanse her clothing. Toxins, from the look of it. The trees were poisonous... Of course they were. With a sigh, Evelyn took notice of the group diverging paths, some (like Deadlift) going through the path with orange lines, while the inhuman creature was moving towards the path with actual sounds coming out of it. Pausing for a split second to decide, Evelyn began to walk after Chelchis, keeping her weapons drawn just in case. It was best to remain together, and while her opinion of Deadlift could be lower, she at least accepted the fact that he would be hard to kill. Right now though, there were bigger matters to take care of. She'd just have to possibly deal with them alongside the alien.
  18. Evelyn The instant the door opened, Evelyn forced her way through, pulling out her pistol and aiming it down the hall, her good eye glancing around and taking in the sights. Large dome after the hallway, obvious disrepair. No other signs of life besides trees... But she couldn't be sure. With the sights taken in though, Evelyn looked back at the group, glaring at both Hitomi and Deadlift, "Get those two to stop fighting. I'll scout ahead and see if there's anything around" she told Roy, before beginning to advance into the main room, pistol still raised just in case.
  19. Evelyn Once Roy spoke, Evelyn turned her head to look at him, then calmly stepped to the side, placing a hand on her hip as she continued to observe the rest of the room. Hopefully those two would stop for now and help get this job done.
  20. Evelyn Just as the Hunter opened her mouth to respond, right after raising an eyebrow at Vratislav's choice of words, the mage commanded them to "begone", before launching a black orb in the center. Reflexes kicking in, Evelyn jumped to her feet, immediately drawing her sword before she was sucked into its inky blackness... ... And sent falling, hard, onto the ground, a loud clang emanating from her as she hit it. After a few seconds, Evelyn groaned to her feet, her hand still holding her sword while the other one went to her head, one eye glancing around the room and taking in everything. The four armed creature was pointing a gun at the only other denizen in the room beside them, with the orb questioning them as well, and... Deadlift and the now named Hitomi were ALREADY beginning to spar. The sight of the act caused Evelyn to sigh, placing a hand on her pistol as she walked around them and to the door. Their childish spar was of no meaning to her. She had a job to do. Which, currently, was removing what prevented them from opening that door. (Evelyn's strength is 1 right now, if that is important)
  21. Evelyn At that, Evelyn blinked, then shook her head, "No, I am one of the Vilebloods. The only other that currently remains, outside of Annalise herself. Other than my status as a Vileblood and Cainhurst's Knight, I'm merely a Hunter of Beasts, and of those to become Beasts" Evelyn stated, glancing in the direction of Deadlift for a brief second before returning to Vratislav, "Apologies, however, for my strange phrasing. Talking isn't my strong suit."
  22. Evelyn "The Vilebloods were birthed when a Cainhurst Noble consumed forbidden blood, brought to them an outcast of Byrgenwerth. While it ultimately adds to nothing, the Vilebloods were considered corrupted by the Healing Church, hence the Executioners being formed to stop them from tainting the 'purity' of their blood" Evelyn replied, with obvious disdain in her voice, "Yharnam and their damn blood..." she muttered.
  23. Evelyn When Vratislav spoke directly to her, Evelyn merely glanced at him, remaining silent for a few seconds before straightening herself, "Queen Annalise is one of the last Vilebloods remaining, the Queen of Cainhurst, the Vilebloods, and sworn enemy of the Healing Church. She's a woman who demands respect at all times, and due to being immortal, has more knowledge than almost any other" she explained, "Her subjects, unfortunately, are almost nonexistent. Cainhurst was assaulted by a group called the Executioners, led by a man named Logarius. Both sides killed each other off, with the exception of Logarius, his pupil, and Annalise. The remnants of the castle are plagued by spirits of the dead, delusional servants, and carrion beasts, while Annalise was trapped within the inner most sanctum, with Logarius keeping any from having an audience with her. Until I came along." she finished, folding her arms finally, "I am sure, at the very least, that Queen Annalise will welcome more guests to Cainhurst... Once the infestations are cleared out."
  24. Evelyn For the most part, Evelyn remained completely silent as the group bickered amongst themselves. She realized why she was called upon for this, however. Interdimensional Horrors were her specialty, and while she, likewise, didn't know what these "computers" or "robots" truly were, she wasn't that worried. Her experience would win out in the end, even against strange creatures. Though, unlike the girl with tattoos, she wasn't planning to run right into an army. Groups of enemies had always been a problem for her, and an entire army would rid her off her greatest advantages. However, her train of thought was broken when the man, Deadlift, suddenly burst into muscle, inhumanly if she would add, and began to boast about his power and throwing away human limitations. That train of thought was what led to every damn thing in Yharnam, the pursuit of becoming more than human. It was obvious that Deadlift was strong, inhumanly so if his statements held any merit. But Evelyn was experienced in dealing with people like him. ... She'd have to keep an eye on him for now. Then there was the sharp-ear'd woman, who began insulting humanity as a whole. Honestly, Evelyn couldn't help but silently agree, but she considered Yharnam's denizens... Less than human. More so Beast, down to the very core of their being. Though, it wasn't like she had much room to talk, being a Hunter. With that, Evelyn sighed, leaning forward in her seat and bringing a hand to her forehead. All of this was why she preferred working alone.
  25. Evelyn "Evelyn" the one eyed Hunter replied, just before the extended conversation began. Thankfully, she didn't have to sit around and continue to analyze the situation, as the mage had created a letter and writing supplies in front of Evelyn. For a second, the Hunter didn't move, until she reached a hand out to grab the supplies, before getting to writing: "Dear Queen Annalise It would seem there are those with the power to traverse other 'worlds', like the Great Ones do. I am not yet sure how, but I am writing to you in order to reassure you that I am fine. I have no current way to return to Cainhurst, nor Yharnam. But, with the Executioners dead, I expect that you will be fine. If I find anything of use to your rule while I am away, I shall make sure to return it with me. Evelyn" Evelyn wasn't the best of writers, but she believed she got what she needed down. Making sure the ink was dry, Evelyn folded the paper, folding it up and placing it into the folder, before standing up and handing it to the mage.
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