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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Evelyn At Deadlift's mockery, Evelyn only reacted by glancing at him, and at Vratislav, but remaining silent until the mage spoke again, her eye narrowing dangerously as she laid her other hand on her pistol, "So. You would abduct me, then make it so I would have to accomplish what is essentially an impossible task in order to return?" Evelyn stated. Even if she was a good swimmer (which she, unfortunately, was not), and even if she could return to Cainhurst, she'd have to face its frigid waters. Honestly, Annalise would be impressed by how swiftly the situation had turned against one of her own, a Cainhurst Knight no less. Evelyn, however, was outright furious, telled by how her hand was gripping her Chikage even tighter than she normally did, the blade slowly starting to be drawn... Then, suddenly, she simply sighed, "Fine. A temporary contract, until I can get into contact with Queen Annalise. Until then, I will go where you tell me, but I will continue my duties as I see fit" she stated, letting her sword slide back into place as she sat back down. Her task was to specifically hunt down the beasts in Yharnam, and to clear out the Blood Licker infestation in the Castle. Unfortunately, it would seem she would have to postpone those duties until she returned... Which could take quite a lot of time. After a few seconds of silence from herself though, she finally spoke, to Vratislav, "The beasts I hunt are different from those in these other worlds. An infestation that must be cleared off of the streets" she stated, though she could honestly care less about the fate of Yharnam. It WAS supposed to be their problem, after all, until it got Cainhurst into it.
  2. Evelyn At the end of the woman's speech, Evelyn uncrossed her legs, "So that's what this is about? You abducted me straight from Yharnam to be used to unite 'worlds' together?" Evelyn asked, her good eye staring directly at the mage. She wasn't unfamiliar with the concept of other worlds, the Nightmare, Dream, and bells had made sure of that, butto be brought to join on a conquest? Not happening. With that, Evelyn stood up, a hand resting upon the hilt of her Chikage, "I don't see the point. I have Beasts to hunt, I've no time for conquests and the like. If you really wanted my assistance, you should've spoken to Queen Annalise" she stated bluntly, "Now, unless you have something to prove that you did, I'm leaving. Presumably you can bring be back to the Dream, no?"
  3. Evelyn If she was being entirely honest, this wasn't the first time she had been abducted, and it probably wouldn't be the last. So, while the armored woman that was Evelyn felt a certain grogginess as she first woke up, it quickly wore off as her one good eye widened, her body immediately forcing itself off the ground as she scanned the area, a hand flying to the hilt of her sword. Sure enough, she was in a dimly lit room, with... A large collection of strange persons, some of them very much unlike what she had seen before, which was saying something. Needless to say, the sight caused her to falter for a second, before her eye narrowed, hand leaving her sword as she walked to one of the chairs, sitting down and crossing one of her legs as she continued to scan the room, specifically the "host", completely silent. For all she knew, she could be in the Nightmare, in which case, being careful was the right choice. Nothing in the Nightmare was friendly.
  4. Angela While Angela began to dig into her meal, it was clear that as the questions began to eat away at her appetite, eventually leaving the small girl to lean back into her seat, several slices of pizza left untouched. She answered the questions given to her straightly, but couldn't help but notice the dates Felicity was writing down, eyes widening slightly when she recognized some of the dates. Her birth date, the day she went to her first convention, the day when she got her dog... Each of them with the names of relevant people at the time. How she knew of those dates, much less the names, was beyond her. How long had she been watching them? ... Nevermind, that was not a train of thought she wanted to go down right now, not with how dark the mood seemed to become. At least or her.
  5. Platinum "Mythology book. I've taken a bit of interest in the Goddesses lately, so I grabbed this" Platinum stated bluntly, before looking up from her book for a split second to make eye contact with Aker, "You?" she asked. Like him, Platinum wasn't a very outgoing person, but she was thankful he was the one trying to initiate a conversation. She was, obviously, not much of a skilled talker.
  6. Azgrurk For the most part, Azgrurk simply grinned himself as they went to work, sticking next to Satomi and dealing with any Skull Crackers that tried to divebomb the duo... Most of the time simply grabbing them with his hands and crushing them with is pure strength. Other times smacking them out of the air with an audible crack as the tumbled to the ground. All the while, while Satomi was struggling to deal with the Agony halting her progress, Azgrurk barely even noticed, his armored suit protecting him from any of the stinging grass, and any attempts to trip him up were rendered null as his feet simply tore through anything that tried. So, overall, Azgrurk was having fun, slaughtering the creatures that were trying to protect their new home, and failing spectacularly... At least, up until Satomi stormed out, causing Azgrurk to pause and look back at her, "EH? GUESS THAT'Z FAIR. GIVE ME A HOLLA IF DEM GOBLINZ ARE COMIN'. DON'T WANNA MISS OUT ON ALL DA BIG FIGHTIN'!" Azgrurk shouted after her, before turning back to the Agony, continuing the mindless fun of crushing/slaughtering the inhabitants of the land.
  7. Elizabeth It wasn't hard for Elizabeth to notice Haruki's scowl, but she chose to ignore it as she tossed the keys to him, the arc good enough that it would be difficult to miss it, even with the dim light, "Had to cut open one of the lockers in the Locker Room in order to find this, I'm just hoping it's useful" she stated, just as Kage walked in, causing her to turn and face him, "From the ID Card that was with them, seems to a maintenance set. So, we probably have a way to access the rest of the park" she replied, pointing out the obvious, "What about you? Did you find anything?"
  8. Azgrurk On instinct, Azgrurk opened his mouth to correct her on his full title, only to be interrupted by himself when another Skull Cracker swooped down to try and get the smaller woman, only to be caught by Azgrurk's giant, mechanical hand as it suddenly jutted out, wrapping its claws around the tiny body and retracting while it struggled, "WELL, DAT'Z WHAT I'M HERE FOR. PLACE GAVE ME DA CREEPZ ANYWAY" he stated, before lifting his mechanical hand and, with one loud 'wrrr', crushed the squirrel-bird to half past, then tossing it to the side, "LEAVE DA CRUSHIN' TO ME!"
  9. Azgrurk Once Az made it into the clearing, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the entire... Well, chaotic land he was looking at. It was far different from anything he had seen before, which considering his history of conquests, was saying something, but it was enough to actually make him pause. Thankfully, his pause only lasted long enough for the small, girl human to start yelling again, causing him to stomp forward until he was next to her, "YOU'Z GOT EXPERIENCE WITH DIS PLACE DEN? CUZ I'VE NEVA SEEN ANYTHING LIKE DIS" he stated, scanning the area before grunting, "I EXPECTED A LOT MORE THINGS TO CLOBBA, BUT ALL I SEE IS TREEZ AND... STUFF."
  10. Azgrurk The final touches had finally been made for a true defensive vehicle, and in all honesty, Azgrurk did a fine job considering the materials. He had worked with a lot of finer metals before, but it was harder to work with what was given to him, and he still made a tank that would make the boys back home proud. Or, it would, if any of them were still alive, but that was besides the point. An armored, choppy, and daka-ey tank stood before him, ready to roll out and begin its job of showing those goblins who the REAL Ork was. Of course, Az's pride would be quickly interrupted by an announcement from one of the Humans, explaining something that, in all honesty, Az had a hard time getting. But, he managed to put together: "new, dangerous area appeared, and something about a dragon". And in all honesty, that was all Az needed to toss his "tools" to the side, before lumbering off to the South (surprisingly, despite his lack of directions), a big grin on his face as he did so.
  11. Elizabeth As expected, the inside of the Locker Rooms was old, dusty, and filled with cobwebs. So much so that Elizabeth nearly ran into one just by walking into the place. Needless to say, it annoyed her greatly, but didn't turn her away from actually looking around. However, it quickly became apparent that there was a problem, one that would actually get in the way. Most of the lockers were still closed. Learning that fact made a bit of sense to Elizabeth. They wouldn't just open ALL of the lockers when they were closing the place down. But, it was a problem in it of itself, but one that she was able to think of a solution for rather quickly. Namely, transforming and then using her scythe to cut through the locking mechanisms in the side, which was rather easy to do thanks to their old age. It was time consuming and probably a waste of her weapon, but it did its job... Eventually, because one of the last lockers she could check actually had something in it, namely an old ID and a set of keys. The find itself, despite how small it was, was exciting for the Magical Girl, causing her to pick both up while dispersing her outfit and weapon. The keys might be of help later... Hopefully. She couldn't be sure, but it was best to have something that WOULD help. With the keys and card in hand though, Elizabeth walked out of the Locker Room, nearly walking face first into the same cobweb as she did before, spinning the keys on her index finger as she looked to the Security Buildings, where she remembered Yoshirou- Er, Haruki- went to. It was rather dark, as expected, but not dark enough that she couldn't make her way through and find Haruki, though her arrival would probably have been forewarned by the jingling of keys that still spun on her finger, "Hey, Haruki, found something useful" she said with a grin, holding up the ID Card as well.
  12. Mira Needless to say, the sudden mud oozing out of the creature surprised Mira... But more so caused her to narrow her eyes again, before taking another step forward and thrusting her sword at it. Her armor would protect her from negative side effects from the mud, if it was harmful, and her Magra would do the rest. She just had to kill the creature. The man would be next. Attack with Black Heart again, dealing another 3d4+11 damage. 3/8 Magra. 2/3 turns until extra Magra. Action
  13. Grima Naturally, the man clearing his throat caught Grima's attention causing her to look at them and then nod, turning around herself and making only a few steps before hearing the Hellfire Knight's question, once again turning around to look at them. The question sounded... Wrong? That was the best way she could put it. Grima had already come to the conclusion that Wrath was not a good place for strangers like her, but the Hellfire Knight made it sound like it was more than simple distrust. It made it sound like Wrath was against them now. Just what she needed with another task to take care of...
  14. Platinum ... Well, judging from the fact that the conversation seemed to be coming to a close with Caliko planning to leave to get something to eat, Platinum decided to reach into her luggage again, before pulling out a rather plain looking book. The contents were mostly focused upon the four Goddesses, though out of all of them, she found herself focusing on the topics about Alexus, almost like she was drawn to them. At least, she would've, if she had not been distracted by Sharp's and Caliko's conversation, peering up from her book to raise an eyebrow at the two. Whatever they were talking about, it seemed to be a personal joke between the two. The two mentions of celery sticks caused Platinum to narrow her eyes, before she shrugged at Caliko's offer, "I'm fine. I already ate earlier" she stated, before returning to her research.
  15. Angela Unlike Lulu, Angela noticeably perked up upon seeing the cart of food, then quickly pushed her chair out to get some, grabbing just as much pizza as both Felicity and Lulu combined. She would've preferred something else as a 'last meal' herself, but hey, pizza was pizza, and judging by the fact that she was clearly devouring her share, it was clear that she didn't really mind.
  16. XCOM Nader's question would quickly be answered by the Commander, who was clearly becoming overwhelmed by how much she had to keep track of, <"Yes, if you have a way to disorient it, aim for its eyes and retreat. Berserkers have a tendency to lash out at anything in its vicinity when angered, so it should be enough to send it after ADVENT, if you're lucky.">
  17. Angela Needless to say, Felicity’s place was what Angela would’ve expected from horror story author. Deep in the woods, check. Dark lighting, check. Creepy statues and paintings, check. And finally, the unnerving dread that resided as they waited for Felicity herself to appear. Though, despite the fact that Angela felt unnerved, she didn’t really show it, considering she was currently dozing off in a heavy coat. Normally, she would’ve tried to stay awake and wait, but the excitement of heading out had kept her up almost all night yesterday, and the side effects had finally taken over her. It wasn’t too bad though. She was at least comfortable, and the place was silent enough… “How do you plan to die?” The sudden voice speaking directly next to her made Angela’s eyes snap open, the small girl nearly jumping out of her seat as she looked up at Felicity, or Emma Carol, as their actual name was. She already recognized her from the convention, since she wasn’t about to forget THAT anytime soon, but that wasn’t why she was staring. It was the strange question, ‘How do you plan to die’. At first, she couldn’t help but think about what it meant. She never really planned HOW she would die, just knew that she would. It was then that she remembered the journal. Right, assuming that the entire Otherworld was completely and truly real, then there was a good possibility that she was going to die. Guess she already had her answer for that question, huh? “Hi, thanks for, er… Letting us come here” Angela replied, inwardly wincing at her own attempt at conversation. This was why she stuck inside, “I’m Angela Djurna. Big fan” she added, acting as if it wasn’t obvious that she was a big fan. She did go to that convention.
  18. Proditor With new wounds in his torso, Proditor floated back, moving behind cover as the war continued to rage around him. He couldn’t stay out in the open, which limited potential options. It seemed like ADVENT still had him on top priority, which was to be expected. However, there was one thing he could do. A risky move, and one that would certainly draw the attention of Angelis if it succeeded, but one that could prove extremely beneficial. With that, Proditor focused his mind, expanding it outwards, ignoring the sensation of projectiles flying through his field of “vision”, directing it outwards to the railgun. He had learned how to track the sounds of rifles in his time, and if he was correct, his target should be… Ah, there he was. “Tal’Vasor Hithrag. It has been some time.” With his voice, his target’s trigger finger halted. He had his next shot lined up, without them even knowing, but the contact had been enough to divert his attention, “Well well well…” the Hunter replied, lowering his rifle ever slightly. Even through the mental connection, Proditor could still clearly make out the growly undertone in the Hunter’s voice, ever present, “And here I thought you wouldn’t even talk to me after you ditched ADVENT. None of the intel I gathered made me expect to see you here. How’s the life of an exile treating you, Mentor?” At his question, Proditor couldn’t help but physically sigh, “Unkindly, but I have refound my path” he replied, continuing before the Hunter could even reply, “You should know by now that you’re fighting for the wrong side. Angelis is simply using you for her own agenda. If she promised the planet to you in exchange for the Commander’s capture, she is lying. Earth is too valuable of a resource for her to simply give away, even if she’d still control it indirectly.” “I know, and I don’t care” was all the Hunter had to reply, “I don’t like Angelis one bit, but I don’t care about ‘winning’ Earth. I LIVE for this Hunt. The Commander is the most interesting prey. You of all people should’ve realized that” he stated, before raising his rifle again. The last time he saw Proditor, it was in front of the Avenger, right before they got shot. If the Hunter was right, then his old Mentor should be right… About… There. “That is why I must tell you: I know of better targets for you to kill.” Just as the Hunter was about the pull the trigger, he paused, “Better prey huh? Elaborate” he ordered, not moving an inch from his position, keeping his rifle trained on Proditor’s position. -- Trespasser Group -- Harry moves to B5, and prepares to heal Frigus or Ao. Runner 1 follows behind him. Nader opens fire with the M3 Sorraia (80) (75) (78), his bullets managing to hit the Chryssalid, Berserker, and two of the ADVENT troops for 16 damage. None of which died, but were heavily wounded nontheless, and are now taunted towards Nader. Rachel proves her medical expertise and cures Nader of his Chryssalid Poisoning. Which is very good. Frigus unleashes a blizzard upon ADVENT’s troops, taking out all of them with a hefty 25 damage. With the Berserker now distracted by the Tin Man, Aquila charges at the two Mutons, who roar in defiance before getting kicked in the groin (26 versus Nat 20), managing to power through Aquila’s impressive strength, all while the crusader whacked the other one in the face with his flail, cracking it’s mask and dealing 15 damage. Alan, with the tank under his control, switches his attention to the Sectopod, flipping off the Chosen while the tank begrudgingly lowered itself down to Alan could get to the turret. (15 versus 12) surprisingly, while the Hunter got a direct hit, it was mostly a small amount of damage, mostly from disrupting the power supply being brought to the turret via wires. An impressive shot, but one that was easily fixable by Alan. Sectopod can now fire again. -- ADVENT -- (12 versus 18) Unfortunately, while Alan was distracted, the tank he had shut down powered on again, rumbling as its lights turned on again. Then, with a sudden lurch, it moved forward, ramming into an unsuspecting Harry (27 versus 18), sending the poor medic flying, Runner 1 barely avoiding him, for 27 damage. The Chryssalid steps up again, frustrated with Nader’s volley of bullets, slashing once more at him and dealing 9 more damage (7 versus 24), thankfully not poisoning Nader again. The Berseker, upon being shot, roared loudly at Nader, then began charging him, moving to D5 in her mad dash. With Aquila now in range, the Mutons roar at him, the one that got kicked raising its rifle and firing at him, while the other slashed at him with his bladed gun. (21 versus 22) The superheated plasma disperses upon hitting Aquila's shield, though he can still feel the effects of the force, taking 10 damage, (14 versus 14) while the blade hit its mark, hitting him for 8 more damage. However, with the slash, Aquila countered by hitting it again with his flail, dealing 14 damage and healing for 7 HP. Looking at the offense XCOM was putting up, the ADVENT Priest shouted something to its escort, then turned around and ran as the two soldiers took cover. Two of the ADVENT Troopers in B4 fire at Frigus (23) (80), one missing hit target entirely, while the other manages to hit him for 9 damage. (85) With their increased offense, ADVENT was clearly managing to push forward. The two Stun Lancers had finally slain the XCOM troops holding them back. The rest manage to land hits on most of XCOMs troops, beginning to pave the way towards a future push. -- The Chosen -- The Hunter halts his turn, listening to Proditor. The Assassin remains hidden. -- XCOM -- The reactivation of the Tank was met with Ao sighing to herself, before she ran out of cover, running towards the Tank and jumping on top of it, activating one of her blades again before shoving it into the top hatch, cutting it open before jumping into the tank. Considering one of his healing targets just ran inside a tank, Harry decided to focus on his own wounds, healing himself for 19 damage, with his regen healing the rest of his health. Lazarus remains on his perch, aiming down at the Chryssalid and opening fire on it again, taking out 20 HP from the poor bug. (43) The rest of XCOM keeps to their defense, landing a few more hits on ADVENT, but mostly trying to reduce their own casualties. -- ??? -- Just then, a massive, soulless howl echoed through the dusty battleground, and for a brief second, both ADVENT and XCOM halted in their firefight, glancing in its direction. Then, the Commander’s voice cut through the silence on XCOM’s side, giving out new orders, “All operatives, stick together. Give the Runner covering fire, but stay near the Avenger for emergencies.” In her shroud, the Assassin growled. The husks of man seemed to have heard the commotion. She had known there was a large hive nearby, but to think that they would’ve left their territory… Whatever. She had her mission. The creatures were simply a welcome diversion. As the fighting resumed, Proditor paused his conversation with the Hunter to send a message to the rest of the party, his voice as calm and to the point as always, but carrying a bit of annoyance with it, “I would suggest being careful. The Lost have arrived.” Battleground has gained three new rows. The Lost have entered the battle! Database has exited the Avenger! Map has been updated Avenger HP: 78% Turns until cannon is charged: 1 ADVENT Tanks remaining: 3 XCOM Forces: 90% Status
  19. Elizabeth With Haruki and Kageharu checking out the "Lost and Found" and security buildings, Elizabeth decided to try and check out the Locker Rooms. Personally, she didn't expect to find anything here. At least, anything that would lead to the Witch. But, they were exploring, they had to at least look around. Maybe she'd find something interesting there, like a souvenir, or something of that sort. Who knows.
  20. Grima In response, Grima nodded, "I see... Last time I saw Queen was at his mansion, back in the Plane of Greed" she stated, before thinking to herself, "Hm... I think he might still be there, so we can try and get a train back there. It's not a guarantee though. Alternatively, I could try to contact him, but that might be easier said than done" she added, then shrugged, "Either way, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to get a message to him." In all honesty, Grima was interested in knowing what the Hellfire Knight had to say to Queen, but it was highly doubtful that they would simply state it in the middle of a public area. Much better to get behind some walls and share it.
  21. Map Link Proditor Proditor himself scans the battlefield silently, nearly tuning out the sounds of war around him. It was an odd feeling, being on the side that was fighting those he had commanded for so long. If there ever was a point of no return, this would've been the final straw. Or perhaps not, knowing Angelis. That thought was enough for Proditor to snap out of his thoughts, lifting one hand out of his robes as blue energy swirled around it (83), before firing out and piercing the chest of one of ADVENT's many troops (In C5), throwing them back from the sheer force and 20 damage. Proditor Loadout -- Trespasser Group -- Aquila Marks the Berserker, then stands his ground as the raging brute continues its charge. Frigus uses his Glider to bring himself, Harry, and the Drone to B6, giving them 10% chance to dodge as well. Nader lines up the Horsekiller, and with a loud, ear shattering "BOOM" (20)... Hits one of the Chryssalids, practically making it explode with a hefty 41 damage. (14) The two other Chryssalids are rightly freaked out by this, but quickly regain their composure... And then roar at Nader. Needless to say, a good portion of ADVENT troops were surprised to see an entire Sectopod walk out of the Avenger, and even more so when it began to open fire on them. (71) (82) Unluckily, two of them were selected by the Sectopod, though only one was torn apart by tank's massive turret with 28 damage respectively. Alan, on the other hand, begins his hacking minigame, targetting one of ADVENT's tanks. (NATURAL 20 versus 23!) Evidentally, Alan was getting better at hacking ADVENT's machines, as he was able to take control of the tank before the operators inside even knew what had happened. Alan gains 1 ADVENT Tank I'll get stats for the Tank later Harry holds his heal until Ao or Frigus get injured. In the name of the Emperor, Rachel's first action in the Avenger Defense is to inject Nader with drugs (managing to get it through his armor, an impressive feat). Nader can now survive two fatal attacks. Which may help him soon. -- ADVENT -- The Berserker, having nothing stopping her, continued to charge Aquila, jumping into the air as she neared and bringing both of her fists down upon his shield. (23 vs 19) (21 vs 22) Perhaps unsurprisingly, the sheer force brought down upon it was transferred right into Aquila, nearly bringing him to the ground. Thankfully, he managed to take the brunt of the Berserker's attack, only taking 9 damage. The other two Mutons simply follow after the Berserker, not yet firing their rifles. The two Chryssalids, on the other hand, charge at Nader. Unfortunately, the act of doing so was met by another loud boom as the Gut Punch was triggered, hitting one for a hefty 19 damage. However, it was not enough to dissuade the two, as both of them lashed out at Nader, their claws managing to pierce through his armor, each dealing 8 and 9 damage respectively. (24 vs 7) (12 vs 13) After the two stepped back from their attack, Nader could feel the sting of their claws... And the feeling of poison beginning to seep into him. Nader is now poisoned! Despite the continued pressure being put on them by both XCOM AND the Party, the two ADVENT Troopers in C5 immediately switch their targets, both aiming at Proditor and then firing. (70) (65), their shots fly true (19 vs Nat 1) (22 vs 4), and right into his frail body for 11 damage in total. The two ADVENT Troopers in B5, on the other hand, open fire at the Sectopod firing at them (65) (91), one unable to hit it due to having to keep in cover, while the other managed to land his hits on the tank... Only to realist his rifle couldn't do shit against armor that thick. (46) The rest of ADVENT continues their assault on XCOM, now making more progress against them. In a sudden push, their Stun Lancers began to gain ground killing one of XCOM's Operatives. -- The Chosen -- "Well, this is rather interesting. You still have that tank up an working... You're not too shabby of a hacker. However..." The Hunter's voice spoke on the comm chat, before another loud boom echoed through the field (39), right before the Sectopod's main turret was hit by a single bullet, shattering the mechanisms needed to fire and rendering it useless, for now, "I can't be letting others be having fun why MY toys." The Hunter has been revealed at C1! The Assassin continues to sneak around... -- XCOM -- With ADVENT now somewhat distracted, Ao took the initiative and lept out of cover, activating both of her Psi-Blades as she charged into battle, lifting one up to shield herself from gunfire until she reached new cover, quickly diving into it before a stray bullet could take her head off. Her path was followed by one of the other XCOM Operatives, a clear recruit who was likely getting in over his head. Lazarus, on the other hand, merely lifted up one of his hands, firing a grappling hook at one of the larger cliffs (D5), activating the retraction mechanism to launch himself towards it. Once he got to the cliffside, he used the momentum to dive up onto it, ripping out his hook, then rolling to his feet, quickly firing a short burst at the wounded Chryssalid, adding 16 damage to it. Unfortunately, it was clearly alive... Just not doing well. "Lazarus, finish the Chryssalid. We don't need a Hive to pop up right now" The Commander ordered, earning herself a nod from Lazarus, who put one last burst into the Chryssalid, putting it down with another 16 damage. (7) For the most part, however, XCOM was struggling to keep their ground. Most of their troops were struggling to land hits on the enemy, even with the Commander's guidance. As the battle continued to rage on, more of ADVENT's Troops made themselves known, charging to complete their own mission and capture the Commander. ADVENT Priest and two more ADVENT Troopers have appeared on C4 Avenger HP: 80% Turns until cannon is charged: 2 ADVENT Tanks remaining: 2 XCOM Forces: 90% Status
  22. Grima "Queen sent me" Grima replied with a shrug, "I don't doubt that you're strong already. I did see your match before. It's just that the others might not be the same story... I think" she continued. Personally, she didn't really know why she was asked to do this, considering she hadn't done any fighting for a very long time. But, she was, and she had to live with that fact. There wasn't really much she could do about it other than do her job. With that in mind, Grima tilted herself to look past the Hellfire Knight, "Speaking of which, where are the other competitors?"
  23. Walmond With the paralysis clearly beginning to take effect and with Lambda beginning to move to intercept the enemy, Walmond took the time to observe the current battlefield. Most of the group were taking them head on, but there was clear modifications to the creatures now, especially with the prior surge of... Wrongness. Some were now armed with burning claws, others with new shells... Even three creating new duplicates. The changes caused Walmond to narrow his eyes, before sighing, lifting both hands out of his cloak before bringing them to the ground. There was something else at work here. Walmond uses Healing Field to heal Grant, Mitsu, Navin, and Halley by 2d4+9+5 health. The next attack to target Walmond will be redirected to Lambda. Lambda uses Threaten the Enemy to taunt Lesser Lahmu A & E, along with Bel Lahmu C. Action List
  24. Freya "Well, that is true, but there's a difference between taking out targets at range and then turning them and everything into dust. That's not something people normally do for free, and probably takes you a lot of energy to do, right?" Freya replied, "So, it might be best if we take them out first hand without destroying everything, especially if we can nab some stuff for ourselves. Because we might be losing more than we could be gaining if we just destroy everything, right?" she continued, before pausing for a second, "Though, um... If you can do it without much trouble then I guess there isn't much room for me to speak..."
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