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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Grima With that, Grima let out a sigh of relief, "Phew, that makes my job a lot easier" she stated, bringing her hand back down, "Name's Grima, or Valkyrie, when I was a fighter. Whichever you want to call me. I was sent here to help bolster your strength for... Well, obvious reasons" she continued. Hopefully Hellfire Knight didn't recognize the name "Valkyrie", at least in terms of who piloted it and why they went out for a time. She did notice how they greeted her with their title, rather than their name, but it was obvious they were hiding that part. But, either way, Grima gave the 'Hellfire Knight' a small smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you though, despite the circumstances."
  2. Grima When the stranger seemed like they were going to fall over again, Grima instinctively stepped forward, hand coming out to catch them, only to stop herself when they managed to correct themselves, taking a step back at the sight, bringing a hand to the back of her head. This was a fairly awkward situation they found themselves in now. But, thankfully, with a single glance back at the Audience Chamber… The one she had been instructed to go to, to meet with the competitors. Granted, the only one she actually knew was the so-called “Hellfire Knight”, but while she could be staring at them right now, she should always be somewhat cautious, “So, I take it you’re one of the competitors for that tournament that went on a while ago?” Grima asked, looking back at the stranger as she did so.
  3. Freya Suddenly, the roar of Tiffany finally lifting off caused Freya to become extremely distracted from her conversation, having to hold her hat from the wind blowing from them lifting off, "Alright, seems like we're going again. We can talk later, maybe figure out something we both can do together with our magic, or something" Freya shouted to Lucine, before turning and walking back to the group, "I mean, I'm good on dealing with more jerks, but do we have to blow everything up? Seems like a really extreme solution" Freya pointed out to Tim when she approached.
  4. For the most part, Tekeshi silently listened to Zentilin's speech, slowly placing his spoon down. "The second I decided to step out of that cell and break out of prison was when I already made my decision for all this" Tekeshi stated afterwards, right before closing his eyes and sighing, "I never thought I'd become involved with starting a war, or dealing with a guy who was building a giant weapon, but I can't ignore it, even if I want to. For what it's worth, my sword is yours until all this is over."
  5. Elizabeth "Fair points. Just thought I could fly over them without being seen" Elizabeth replied with a shrug, turning around on her heel and heading back into the park, hand going back to her pocket as she did so. She could always wait, but that was annoying. There was a still likely a Witch here that needed to die, and she didn't feel right just walking away. Agh, police were annoying sometimes. Made her wish she could just, make people forget things, so she could go right by them.
  6. Walmond & Lambda "Lambda" Walmond ordered, watching as Lambda they perked up and automatically raised both of her arms, her gauntlets activating and revealing the shields that they kept inside. Another battle, this time against another army. Well, life kept the ball rolling, at the very least. Walmond uses Tazer on Bel Lahmu B, dealing 1d4+5 damage and forcing an Int vs Con check. If this check succeeds, the opponent is Paralyzed for three turns, and has a 50% chance to lose their action during the turn. Lambda uses Defensive Modifications, granting her 30% damage reduction for two turns, but cannot attack. Action List
  7. Mira There was a lot of things Mira didn't really like. One of those was pure arrogance, and this man practically radiated it. It was a good thing they were taking him out anyway, she was more than ready to knock him off of his throne. The first problem, however, was his army of abominations. Narrowing her eyes, Mira began to advance, deliberately choosing not to run so she could save her energy, drawing her sword as she did so. Mira attacks Greater Lahmu A with her sword, dealing 3d4+11 damage. Mira carries over Magra from the previous fight, starting this one with 2. 2/8 Magra 1/3 Turns until extra Magra. Action List
  8. Grima Like with the stranger, Grima had also shouted in surprise when they barreled into her, falling backwards and, rather roughly, hitting her head. That, combined with the electronic screech coming from them, meant that when the dust settled, Grima was more than fairly disoriented, to the point that even her vision was still blurry. For a bit, she was confused on what just happened, considering everything had happened extremely quickly, and as to what that feeling was on her chest. It felt weird, but wasn’t really… Suddenly, once her vision and mind cleared enough to get her to look down, she realized what it was, and shortly after, the stranger rolled off of her, fixing her cloak and allowing Grima to stand up herself, rubbing the back of her head and wincing as she did so. It wasn’t hard for Grima to at least see that they were trying to conceal their identity, considering they were busy rearranging their cloak right now. However, when it became clear that they were struggling to stand due to their shoes, Grima immediately stepped forward to try and help them up, “Sorry, should’ve gotten out of your way quicker” Grima stated. Technically, it wasn’t really her fault, but she felt compelled to apologize anyway.
  9. Proditor As per usual, Proditor barely moved, or talked, as he focused on his territory creation. So far, his progress had expanded from the room they were residing in to most of the building, replacing the old walls and useless decor with durable, metal walls and turrets. The latter of which were more to slow down a Servant or Master. He had no intention of using them to deal with a Servant single handily. That would only be accomplished by his own hand. For the most part, his creation was slowly turning into his prefered outline for bases. Large collections of hallways to confuse invaders, with only several going to important rooms, such as a storage room, the entrance, command center, and most recently, a specialized room for Julius to reside in. Of course, he'd have to give Julius something to help him maneuver the area, such as a map. Proditor at least had the knowledge of creating the entire place to know where he needed to go. As his work neared its completion, however, Proditor felt a bad feeling creeping up on him. He couldn't sense anything nearby, and his cams showed no sighs of Masters nor Servants, but there was something out there. Something was about to happen, fairly soon. ... Perhaps he would need to keep a closer eye on the security footage for now.
  10. Platinum At Aker’s response, Platinum nodded, “I see. Well, it should be an easy secret for us to keep as well” Platinum commented, her glaze shifting to Esyllt for a split second. She had a slight worry that the other girl would accidentally let it out, but… Well, she couldn’t judge a book by its cover. Besides, if the teachers know, then there’s a reason they would be moved in, because they were trustable enough to know about the entire thing. Still… Caliko as a roommate. If her life hadn’t been as weird recently as it was now, she would’ve thought she was dreaming. It felt a bit too good to be true. It very well could be, and she could just wake up at any moment, but considering what had happened earlier… She doubted it. At the very least, it would be nice to have a place to feel comfortable in with Caliko herself. Especially when she had to figure out all the weird occurrences that had happened at that camp...
  11. Grima With the directions and warning given to her, Grima nodded, "Thank you, sir. Have a pleasant day" she replied, before heading off. Well, it was a good thing she had checked for directions, considering she was not going the right way, and she could confirm that they REALLY wanted her gone, since he only seemed helpful because she had asked where the 'exit' was. But, his warning worried Grima. Protests near the audience chamber? Was there anyone there when she got there the first time? She remembered one, at least... Suddenly, Grima brought a hand to the side of her head in annoyance. Why couldn't she remember anything straight? Everything felt off to her. There was even a nagging feeling that she had to get out of here, now, but while she wanted to, she had an agreement with Queen. A criminal that she was, she wouldn't go back on her word with him. She couldn't leave now, not until she finished meeting up with the contestants, and if she couldn't... She could at least try and take care of that other favor Queen asked of her. So, that was why Grima picked up her pace, keeping an eye out for the audience chambers. If she couldn't find it, she'd simply follow the instructions to it from the train station, once she arrived.
  12. Grima ... Alright, so walking in a random direction was not the best idea. Grima knew that now, considering the fact that she was only making herself MORE lost. Thankfully, she could at least retrace her steps back to where she was before... Even if that meant she would still be completely lost. Stopping in her tracks, Grima looked around, noticing how the glares she was getting was still increasing in frequency. They wanted her gone, probably because she was a stranger. Strange how an entire plane seemed like it was against her right now. But, even with the hostility from everyone around her, Grima couldn't just wander around aimlessly. That would only make the situation worse. So, she knew she had to ask for directions. Maybe someone, if they really wanted her gone, would help her out, "Excuse me!" she called out to a random passerby, "Do you know how I can get to the Train Station?" she asked. At the same time, she tried to go through her HUD, trying to get a map of the place so she could figure out where the hell she was.
  13. Grima Suddenly, Grima stopped in her tracks, blinking to herself, before looking around in confusion. What just happened? What was… Where was she, even? She was pretty sure she had followed the instructions to the letter. In fact, she even checked again, making sure she had followed the path… And not even being sure if she HAD. She’d probably have to try and retrace her steps, get back to the train station. That was probably the best bet. At least it would’ve been, if she actually knew where she was. And to make matters worse, everyone was still glaring at her… More frequently than before. Finally, Grima forced out a sigh. Alright, something was definitely up. This was far from normal. The glares she could get, those were normal, but the gaps in her memory… How lost she was… Nothing added up. Something had happened, and she couldn’t remember. This realization caused Grima to turn to her side, beginning to walk towards what she hoped was the train station. She needed to get there, at the very least, before she did anything else.
  14. Grima Needless to say, Queen’s response made Grima frown again. Someone who could give Queen, one of the Gods, a challenge? She knew she was good, but she was nowhere near a God’s level. However, after a few seconds of frowning, Grima nodded again, “Right, peacefully if possible. I’ll keep that in mind when I go to find them” she stated, before turning around to head back into the room and get her food eaten. However, before she did so, she paused, then turned to Queen, “Thank you for this chance. I won’t let you down” she promised, sincerely, before heading into the room. ~~~ Later ~~~ Honestly, Grima had never had much of an experience with train rides, and if she was going off of this single one, she probably wouldn’t have gone for another. It felt uncomfortable standing in a crowd, making Grima feel vulnerable and defenseless. In fact, it was uncomfortable enough that she forced herself to keep her mind off of it, taking out one of her dirks and flipping it, before idly doing several tricks with it, rusty as she was, such as rolling it on her finger, launching it between both of her hands, etc. Through, the action probably made her more noticeable than anything else. Thankfully, while long, the train ride eventually ended, letting Grima off and into the Plane of Wrath, a place she had never gone to before, and like the train ride, was something… Uncomfortable to experience, what with the heat and suspicious glares she kept getting. Hell, she probably would’ve gotten lost multiple times, if not for the fact that she had the instructions on where she needed to go. Her actual plan was to simply meet up with the contenders, help them for a bit, then find the person Queen wanted her to recruit. And soon enough, she found her destination, being guarded by one man in heavy armor. Honestly, she had to give them props, they weren’t melting alive here, while she was practically burning alive in the heat. But, thankfully, she managed to keep that hidden as best as she could as she approached, placing the instructions in her satchel as she did so, “Hello, I’m here under the request of Queen, God of the Plane of Greed, to meet with the contenders of the Tournament. Am I correct to say that they’re still here?” Grima asked, keeping a respectful distance from the man, trying her best to appear as non threatening as possible.
  15. Elizabeth "I can give you mine later" Elizabeth called out, raising up an arm as a sort of wave to the two as she continued on. However, before she got out of their sight, she stopped, lowering her arm as she thought of something. Then, she turned around, walking back to the two, "Say, what do you think the odds are of that cop actually looking up towards the sky?" she asked once she got back to the fence, both hands in her coat's pockets.
  16. Grima Grima, as expected, chose to follow Queen out of the room. She’d get the time to eat her meal later. However, as soon as she stepped outside and saw the satchel, she knew that Queen wasn’t kidding around with the chance for her to ‘redeem’ herself. As Queen explained the situation, Grima walked towards the satchel and searched through it, confirming to herself that it was her stuff that she hadn’t seen for years. But, even if she was slightly distracted with checking her things again, Queen’s explanation caused Grima to frown. She had figured out the basis for the Tournament before, but the stakes being this dire? With only three of the top still being around, and the rest quitting? And a new God who can destroy the rest of the Planes? She was led to believe things were going well while she was stuck in prison, not worse. For a good few seconds after Queen finished his explanation, however, Grima closed her eyes, thinking heavily to herself before nodding, opening her eyes again and turning to him, “Well, it’s not like I have much of a choice, do I?” she stated, closing the satchel as she did so, “If I don’t, then there’s a good chance that I die from this ‘Tenth God’” she added. The rest of the deal was something she expected. She just had to keep her urges from flaring up and taking control over her. She had some ways to stop it, but it was her chance to get over them. Which was more than she could’ve hoped for. The other favor that Queen asked of her caused Grima to pause, before nodding again, “Alright, I should be able to handle something like that” she stated, picking up the satchel and slinging it over her shoulder, “Though, if I may ask, how ‘dangerous’ are they?”
  17. Azgrurk, for the most part, was a busy Ork. Sleep was important, at least, an he wasn't dumb enough to sleep out in the rain, but the instant he had awoken, which was fairly early, the giant Ork went to work. There was a siege he had to prepare for, and no fake-Ork was going to break into a place with a true-Ork inside, that was for sure. So, the giant Ork had lumbered around, searching for his first part of his new invention... A tree. It took him a while, marching around to find a proper tree that was big enough for what he had in mind. But, with enough looking and backtracking (with loud muttering of him commenting on the smaller tree's sizes and how they were not suitable), he had found the PROPER tree, large, thick, with a mighty trunk. And, naturally, Azgrurk merely ripped it right out of the ground, carrying it back to the village and using his clawed mech arm to gouge out the inside, until it was hollowed out. That was the hard part, but it left him with a suitable middle. The next part was to find explosives... Which took him a lot longer. But, he managed to find a shop full of them, taking as much as he could while ignoring one of the human's look. He was an Ork, and those were explosives. He needed them more than they did. But, with it, he managed to take the explosives back... And shoved them all in, almost haphazardly. At least, to normal humans. They wouldn't understand Ork engineering, not by a longshot. But, once he was done with that, Azgrurk went out to get... Well, simple painting supplies and metal. It needed to look "Orky", after all. After what was likely half an hour, Azgrurk had finished up his own painting and reinforcing. The log was now not just a log. It was now a log covered in metal, planting it firmly into the ground, with plenty of intimidating white and yellow marks painted on both the log itself. Even the back of the log was covered now, with a large collection of fuses leading out and tied together for easy activation. If anything knocked by this gate, they'd be sorry for coming in with an Ork Cannon ready to blow them apart. And that was just how Azgrurk liked it as he stood to the side of his work, marveling its appearance. Beautiful.
  18. Grima In all honesty, Grima was in a state of large confusion. She had accepted her role in society as just another prisoner, kept off the streets to make everyone feel safer, and had done so for the last few years. After all, she was, by nature, a criminal. A small one, but a criminal nonetheless. So when she was being transferred out into Queen's Mansion, it was met with confusion and NEARLY refusal to go. The only thing that stopped her from trying not to go along was the fact that Grima didn't want to cause any more problems than she had before. So, she was moved, and not only did she get a new, more... Lively 'cell', but she also was made to attend an exhibition match between one of the Gods and a contender named "The Hellfire Knight". Needless to say, it was a lot more welcoming than her imprisonment had been for the last few years, which Grima had decided to take advantage of, moving a chair so she could stare out into the world. There was no will to try and escape, since no doubt thing would only get worse if she tried. It was only looking, and thankfully, there wasn’t anything that could distract her from the peaceful view. At least, until the door to the room opened, revealing Queen himself, causing Grima to stand from her chair to meet him, “Well, it’s a lot better than ‘prisoner’” she replied, taking the plate with a quick “thank you”. She, thankfully, had become unpicky in her time in prison, so the simple food was a welcome sight. However, before she began to eat, she listened to what Queen had to say, moving over to a small table to place the plate down. Honestly, she had thought that her history of fighting was well over, all things considered. It turns out that was far from the case, “I used to be pretty good, I’ll admit that. But it’s been a long while, I’m pretty rusty” she stated, placing her plate down before turning back to Queen, “What would you need me for, anyway? I thought you had thrown away the key for my cell a long time ago.”
  19. Hey all! New character joining the train here, with permission from Lexi to allow them to exist. Introducing, Grima!
  20. Avenger At Frigus’s comment, Proditor’s head barely turned when he replied to Frigus, “No. The Commander is more than capable of taking care of things here” he stated, before floating after Frigus. Once Frigus gets up to the landing pad, he could see a large amount of the battlefield, seeing XCOM battling ADVENT in greater detail. They were pushing forward, attempting to break apart the multiple tanks opening fire on the Avenger, and had already set up three turrets at the Avenger’s entrance ramp. Proditor himself joined Frigus up at the top, and when the latter flew to meet up with Nader and Harry, Proditor himself floated down to assist XCOM’s push. Proditor and Frigus join the battle! For the most part, Tygan simply stared at Rachel, his face slowly lighting up in wonder at her explanation, “I see… Remarkable. A ‘machine-spirit’ that operates on its own… The Commander would love to hear this…” he commented, watching the drones continue to work before turning to Rachel, “But yes, that cannon is the top priority. I’ll make sure this reactor doesn’t turn the next few miles into nothing but dust” he stated, before turning back to the control panel to assist the Avenger repair itself. Rachel joins the battle! The Sectopod, due to already being activated, didn’t take long for it to be moving at Alan’s control, marching off to battle. However, it was fairly clear that he wouldn’t be able to fit it through the doors leading to the “breach” with the time that he had, which forced him and the Sectopod to march to the main exit of the Avenger, and straight into the battle. Alan joins the battle! Actual Battle The Party Aquila moves up to E5, and manages to see the first enemies in the Ravine. Two regular Mutons, again, and a giant, red, unarmored Muton that roars in pure rage at the sight of him, before sprinting towards him. Harry moves to D6 with the Drone following behind him. Nader moves to D5 ahead of Harry, and sees two squads of enemies. Three Chryssalids, and the three ADVENT soldiers engaging a small group of XCOM troopers. XCOM & ADVENT Roll: 65 As the battle continued to rage on, both ADVENT and XCOM appeared to be fighting in what seemed like a standstill. Neither were gaining any ground, with both sides managing to land solid hits on several of their troops. Neither lost any, but the marks were there. Avenger HP: 82% Turns until cannon is charged: 3 ADVENT Tanks remaining: 3 XCOM Forces: 95% Status
  21. Freya "Understandable, I guess it would be hard to actually control mana when you have so much" Freya replied with a nod, "Honestly, if I can ever try to tap into it, we might be able to put it to controllable use... But, that's if you want to share in the first place. I can handle using my own mana. Either way, maybe later on, would you be willing to do a few projects or something with me? I get the feeling we could do some pretty cool things if we combined our magic."
  22. Freya "Huh, interesting. My place only has a plane ABOVE the 'real world'. Maybe there's one below, I dunno" Freya stated, not really knowing herself. She knew there WAS a spirit world, she had been there multiple times, but nothing like this 'Far Side'. There was a notable moment where Freya raised an eyebrow at Lucine's statement that she WAS in fact a human, but she decided not to pursue a topic that would make her uncomfortable. ... At least, directly. "By the way, I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but what is up with your mana? Whenever I'm near you I feel like I'm a few feet away from a leyline. Do you just have a lot of mana stored up in you, or is it something else?" Freya asked.
  23. "Yeah, I mean it. Might want to work with the look at least, but the taste, to me, is fine" Tekeshi stated. Then, with a small shrug, Tekeshi borught up one of his hands, "I hereby promise that I am that I am requesting more food because I actually like it, and not for the simple act of making you feel better" he promised. Granted, making her feel better WAS part of the reason he was doing it, but it was mostly a nice side benefit.
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