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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Elizabeth For the most part, once Kage had moved to the fence, Elizabeth followed, glancing around as she did so. She wasn't seeing too many openings herself... Though, she wasn't really looking hard enough for that, "You can do that, if you want. I've got my own plan" she stated once they were far enough from the entrance that the cop from earlier wouldn't see her, before focusing what little magical energy she had to jump up, using her wind magic to make the wind itself help her do so, going straight over the fence and landing on the other side. Once she had landed, she turned around, putting two fingers on her forward in a sort of salute to Kage and Haruki, before turning back around and beginning to move in on her own, making sure to go slow so they could catch up to her, if they wanted to.
  2. Freya "Huh... Well, at least yours were killable. Well, mine were too, but... Not entirely sure how. I only know of one Dragon that died back home, and that's because people tried to ressurect it for their own uses. It failed, thankfully. Honestly I'd much prefer your Dragons... Though they sound a lot like Wyverns..." Freya replied with a sigh, before perking up again, "But what is this 'Far Side'? And why can't you go to it? Is it something like a spiritual plane, or another existence entirely?"
  3. "Well, despite the look of the food, I personally think you're a great cook" Tekeshi stated as he continued to dig in, "Besides, I don't see how you can force something down when you actually like it. By the way, think you can make another dish for me? I... Doubt the others would want it, from what we've seen."
  4. "Who said I'm making fun of you?" Tekeshi asked, deadpanned and serious, as he took another bite of the food.
  5. For Tekeshi, the reaction of both Zent and Vivi, combined with Viola’s innocent proudness had an… Interesting effect on Tekeshi. There was clearly something wrong with it, and who knows, he might just die from taking a bite, judging by Zent’s reaction. But, he couldn’t NOT eat it, thanks to Viola’s look. Damn guilt tripping… With a sigh, Tekeshi picked up one of the spoons, getting his own bite and, with dread, taking a bite… Before visibly freezing, eyes widening a bit. The taste was… Well, indescribable. It had an extremely strange mixture of… Well, quite a lot of tastes. Moistness plus roughness, with a strange crunch added it. It made no sense to him, but somehow it was… One of the best things he had ever tasted. Because of this, Tekeshi actually chewed on it a bit… Then did the impossible and actually swallowed. “Damn, this isn’t that bad. Good work Viola” he stated sincerely, going for his second bite.
  6. “Eh, cooking’s never been my forte. Give it a shot though, can’t be too bad” Tekeshi stated, waving his hand a bit in Viola’s general direction as he settled down. He’d probably be full by the time she was done cooking anyway, all things considered. … Except, by the time she was, he had barely finished his first meal forcing him into the meal… And forcing him to pause at the sight of it. Gods above, what even was that? It didn’t even look like food. Just… Random parts thrown together. He wasn’t even sure what was in it, and the smell… He couldn’t put a finger on it. “Well, it’s… Unique, at the very least” Tekeshi stated, trying to examine what he could out of the dish, “Probably a lot better than what I could make”
  7. Elizabeth At Yoshirou's reminder, Elizabeth looked back at him with a confused look, before realization hit her, "Oh, right, my apologies" she said, bringing her free hand to the back of her head in embarrassment, her hand vanishing underneath her large amount of hair, "Kyubey didn't give me any advice either. I was just planning to walk through the place until I found it or it found me. Though..." she added, leaning back as she contemplated, "If we AVOID the police, we can at least try and find the Witch. I can't say for certain if it's there, but if it is, then I don't want to leave people who can't actually take one on in it's territory" she stated, straightening herself and dropping her arm again, adding in a shrug "Unfortunately, my abilities only give me the ability to fly well. Not much I can do about not getting seen."
  8. Mira At Friedhold's questions, Mira merely shrugged, "There were at first, but I was young and my body adapted to them. But..." she replied, before pausing. In all honesty, she had just fully accepted Magra as a part of her, and while she had a good amount of knowledge of the subject, she truly didn't fully understand her own 'blood'. So, this might be a chance to do so, "... Why not. I'll pass by your 'lab' once this mission is complete."
  9. Elizabeth "Huh, two 'magical boys' in one go. And here I thought it was going to be hard finding anyone else that cat contracted" Elizabeth commented upon the other boy coming up, before snapping her fingers, "Oooh, now I get it, you wanted me out of the place so I didn't get killed by that Witch you were hunting, or otherwise didn't want me to kill steal" she said, before leaning back, giving the boy a grin, "I appreciate the thought, but I'm still planning to kill that thing. Honestly, it's like Yoshirou said: You can go first if you want. As long as it's dead, I'm good on the matter" she stated with a shrug. In all honesty, this was a neat change of pace. She'd been completely secretive over the last week with her new powers, and now she had not one, but TWO people that were in the same boat. It felt nice to talk to people who were like her. And hell, if they all wanted the Witch dead, three against one had a better chance of winning than taking the Witch on alone.
  10. Elizabeth For a second, Elizabeth merely raised an eyebrow at Yoshirou, "Well, you look more like a 'magical boy' to me, unless you're hiding something" she commented, before shrugging, "But I don't make the terminology. Elizabeth Maridox, also a magical girl" she greeted, not giving Yoshirou a bow, but instead a simple grin, "I take it you were trying to find out if there was a Witch in that park?"
  11. Elizabeth Not that long after she had begun listening to music, Elizabeth saw one of the two boys waving to her, beckoning her to come over to him. This was met by Elizabeth simply pulling her headphones off of her ears, letting it dangle on her neck as she put her phone back into her pocket, turning to head over to him, “Yeah?” she asked as she approached, listening to his own question before pausing. White cat, slight pause before said cat… Probably a person who had been contracted by Kyubey. “I haven’t seen any normal cats for a while now. I saw one twice this week, but it wasn’t all that normal, and wasn’t anywhere near here” she replied with a shrug, “What, you’ve been contracted to find it?” she asked, trying to give the boy a quick “If you know of Kyubey you’d know the answer to this” question.
  12. Elizabeth The sudden appearance of the cop was met by Elizabeth heavily sighing, leaning back for a bit before straightening herself, turning around, throwing her free hand into the air, and giving the cop a brisk wave as she walked back towards the entrance, “Alright then. Good day, officer” she called out as she did so. One Elizabeth had reached the entrance of the park, she had already pulled out her headphones again, starting up her playlist as she did so. Crime scene or not, that place reeked of Witch. She’d have to come by later, maybe at night so she could at least blend in with the dark. Not like getting around the entrance would be hard anyway, considering she could easily fly over any of the walls.
  13. Elizabeth For the most part, the sudden shout of “Hey, wait” caused Elizabeth to sigh, stopping in her tracks and then turning around, giving the first boy a chance to finish what he was saying before speaking, “I’ve already got the fact that you’re not joking. Like I said before, I can take care of myself. And besides, have you even seen anyone else around here, besides us three?” she asked. She could see why he was trying to get her out at least, it WAS dangerous. but life was boring if you didn't get some excitement, and besides. There might be a Witch here. She had a job to do.
  14. Elizabeth Judging by the fact that Elizabeth's normally relaxed face hardened at the boy's threat, she managed to at least get to that point, "Yes, I do" she said simply, narrowing her eyes as she stared down at him. Normally, no, she wouldn't be around here, and wouldn't thing it was safe for her here. But that changed about a week ago, and she doubted some normal guy would be able to take her on now, especially if she transformed. But, after a brief staredown, Elizabeth seemed to jump back to her casual mood, giving the boy a smile as she pulled her hand out of her pocket, "Look, if you want to keep me company and be my knight in shining armor, that's fine by me. Who knows, maybe there's something neat here that no one's found yet. It'll be a change from the normal scenery anyways" she said, before turning away from the boy and beginning to walk off, specifically towards the Ferris Wheel.
  15. Elizabeth For the most part, Elizabeth didn’t really seem that surprised at the boy’s sudden appearance. She wasn’t really looking around much, more so just seeing if the Witch would show itself to her, if it was around. But, upon hearing his voice, Elizabeth merely turned to face him, “I could ask you the same thing. I’m just here to see if there’s anything interesting” she said with a shrug, “It’s not like I can’t handle myself around weirdos anyway” she added, putting her other hand in her coat pocket as she decided to actually look around the place. So far, there wasn’t much signs that there WAS a Witch around, but she couldn’t know until she looked closer. Maybe nearer to where that guy had been found… Either way, she didn’t feel threatened at all by this boy. He wasn’t really intimidating, and while he could be one of these “Weirdos”, she doubted he was really bad at all. She doubted a Witch could look like a person anyways.
  16. Elizabeth When Kyubey appeared before her, Elizabeth was simply sitting on one of the city’s rooftops, headphones placed atop her head as she listened to music. It was one of her personal favorite pastimes, just looking out over the city as a whole, made a lot easier now considering she could just transform and fly up to her spot, as long as no one saw her. But, when Kyubey appeared out of the corner of her eye, Elizabeth pulled a hand out of her pocket, pulling her headphones off of her head as she listened to what he had to say. It had been rather silent since he gave her that wish, and it was time to settle her part of the “contract”. One he was finished giving her the information, Elizabeth nodded, standing up and leaving the headphones dangling on her neck, “Well, how hard can it be? Just find a Witch, make it dead. I can handle that” she stated, right before he disappeared, leaving her to search the city for these Witches. It didn’t take too long for Elizabeth to leave her rooftop and make her way to the old amusement park, however. Standing at the entrance, she couldn’t help but feel a shiver pass through her. She had always not liked going to this place, on account of it being abandoned and rundown. The fact that someone had died her not to long ago only proved her right. With a sigh, Elizabeth put a hand in her heavy coat’s pocket, walking into the amusement park. She had a feeling this wasn’t a coincidence. Dead person in this place, Kyubey appearing to tell her that there were Witches around… It was likely connected. She just had to find the culprit.
  17. Platinum Once the conversation seemed to shift away from Platinum (thankfully), the small girl removed her hand from behind her head, nodding at the reasoning for why Caliko/Azrael had ‘chosen’ to remain in a dorm. Having to be around people everyday to get to school and back would rather quickly make he noticeable, but being able to retreat into a dorm in the downtime hours would make it a lot easier to stay under cover. “So, Aker, how long have you been roomed with Caliko? I’d guess since the beginning of the year?” she found herself asking as she straightened her outit which was a bit of a mess after Caliko's surprise hug. There were a lot of things that were still on her mind, but she decided to give it a short rest for now. There’d be plenty of time later to bury her nose in another book for research.
  18. Freya “Oh, they’re awesome. They’re pretty much mountain sized, have powerful magic that is tied to their blood, and despite all that they're oddly really nice to us tiny people. Which to them is literally everyone. I know there was, like… 5 of them if I recall, and I’ve personally seen two, and know a bit about another one. One of them, who people just call ‘the Watcher’ for whatever reason, is what surrounds that forest I was talking about. They’ve sort of being sleeping for a long time… Not really sure how long, no one’s ever told me. But another lives in a desert and just stomps around the place, and even has an entire town on its back” Freya explained, seeming pretty excited to talk about Dragons herself, until she suddenly calmed herself down as she began to talk about the “guardian”, “The guardian is a friend of mine. She calls herself the ‘Herald’, but everyone else just calls her Evelyn. I’m… Still not sure if that’s a nickname or her actual name- But anyway, she’s a bit weird. Strong enough to basically have full control over the forest surrounding the Watcher, but really weird. Never takes a step outside of her place, never eats or sleep, rarely ever talks to me, that sort of stuff. We met when I wandered into the place and she tried to kill me… Except I was lucky enough to survive long enough to meet her. Now she just lets me stick around. Never gave me much of a reason though, like I said, she’s weird." After that, Freya paused, before tilting her head at Lucine, "Wait, what happened to your worlds dragons?"
  19. Engineering Bay Thankfully, the engineers managed to get their heads together rather quickly, two of them swiftly putting the platings back onto the Sectopod, while a group of five quickly ran out to get to the Reactor and prevent it from exploding. Alan’s new Runner 1 Drone was also fairly easy to get into shape, happily flying off for it’s last and most glorious hour. Probably. Weirdest thing that happened that he could see was several inactive GREMLINS suddenly activating, lifting off and flying out of the Engineering Bay. Nader At Nader’s information, Sandman merely nodded, before turning and heading out. Other than that, it wasn’t hard for Nader to make his way to the breach, spotting the Reactor and broken hull, and the cannon that was preparing to fire once again. The Reactor Tygan couldn’t really afford to look at Rachel or Aquila, furiously working on the panel to get it working. However, after Rachel’s plead for assistance, the humming from the Reactor seemed to… Well, chance. Then, not even a minute afterwards, several GREMLINS flew into the room, repairing tools extended as they flew towards the Reactor. At the same time, a bolt of green energy fired out of the damaged Reactor, searing the ground next to Tygan and causing him to jump back. However, even with Tygan not at the controls, they simply continued to move on their own as the GREMLINS went to work. A bit into their work, another bolt flew out, nailing one of the working GREMLINS and splitting it in half, the two burning pieces falling to the ground while the others worked without hesitation. For the most part, Tygan blinked in surprise, then looked at Rachel, “Well, this is unexpected… But certainly not intriguing. What exactly did you do?” he asked. Rachel gains 4 Merit for awakening the Avenger’s Machine Spirit Not long afterwards, both Harry and Runner 1 arrives to the breach, ready to get out and do shit. The Bridge “There’s an emergency ladder that leads straight to the Firebrands landind pad. We’ve gotten reports of some Lost wandering around the area, but if they come around here now ADVENT should wipe them out… Other than that, no” The Commander replied, shaking her head as multiple video feeds began popping up on the hologlobe, showing XCOM’s operatives engaging ADVENT’s forces, “Phantom, regroup with your squad. ADVENT can easily cut you off in that position. Plasma, aim for the MEC’s joints, take out their ability to fire back at you” she quickly ordered, before turning back to the group that had so far assembled in the Bridge, “I’ve never seen that sort of cannon deployed by ADVENT before. If my forces can get a closer look-” “There’s no need for that” Proditor interrupted, floating into the room, “I’ve seen that before. It’s an experimental cannon Angelis made several years ago. A specialized siege cannon for breaking defensive barriers normal ADVENT weaponry couldn’t pierce. Attacking the cannon would be useless. However, it requires a massive amount of power to operate, which forces each to be supplied with a generator. That is its weak point. Destroy or overload the generator, and the cannon is taken out” he informed. At that, the Commander thought for a second, then nodded, “I see… If my troops can get a clear shot of it, I can have them destroy it then. Otherwise, I’ll make sure ADVENT doesn’t take a step near the Avenger” she stated, narrowing her eyes at the many, many video feeds in front of her, taking in every single bit of information she could. Aquila Aquila managed to hop out of the Avenger fairly easily, his landing kicking up sand on the desert floor. Looking around, he could see the signs of war around him, from the rapid fire of plasma and concentrated magnetic bursts. He could even see two Sectopods in the distance, engaging in several XCOM operatives, and several ADVENT mobile tanks, with repeaters firing at the downed Avenger. He himself, however, had two options. Either assist XCOM’s assault, or continue down a fairly crumbled ravine that went towards the ADVENT Cannon. The cannon is 6 squares away from the Avenger. Aquila is not in combat at the moment, and can take one action per turn. Every four turns, the cannon will fire again, taking out 15% of the Avenger’s HP. There are three ADVENT Tanks around that each will deal 1% each turn. If the Avenger is destroyed, XCOM is basically done for. Don’t let that happen. You can enter squares other enemies are in for melee combat. If you’re out of the square though, you gain a 10% miss chance to all ranged attacks, for every square, unless you have a scope. You can also only see enemies if one ally is two squares away from them, or if they fire at you. ... So yeah, good luck. Status
  20. Medical Wing The Medical Wing itself was… Surprisingly empty. Only a few doctors were around at the time of the impact, and they knew they needed to remain where they were. However, the one who seemed adamant about not staying around was a single XCOM soldier, clearly russian with a thick, black beard and unkempt black hair, his torso covered in bandages as he forced himself off of his bed, grunting as he attempted to make his way to the door, before pausing at the sight of Harry and Nader, “Making sure any wounded are fine. Thoughtful” he stated, before continuing his way out if not bothered. Rachel & Aquila Both Rachel and Aquila would find the breach at the Science Division of the Avenger, in almost complete disarray from the impact. Most of the tools and materials they had been studying were scattered along the ground, though the more volatile things were, thankfully, already secured. However, probably the biggest warning sign the two could see was the Avenger’s main reactor, which was currently barely functioning, roaring loudly as it let out several sparks of green energy. Dr. Tygan himself, in contrast to most of the non-combat facility members of XCOM, was busy at the controls for it,trying to get it under control before it exploded in all of their faces. Alan One Alan made it to the engineering bay, he would find the engineers scrambling for safety from the assault, his own Sectopod already reactivating and up, only a few panels on the side of it being removed. It didn’t seem like XCOM got too far with their investigation of it yet. Bridge It didn’t take long for Frigus (and/or Harry) to reach the bridge, his progress only being halted by a second hit to the ship that, once again, caused it to rumble. Upon entering it though, it was clear that the Bridge had not at all been hit, but was suffering the effects my the multitude of malfunctioning machinery that were just managing to fix themselves, along with several ruptured pipes above, letting out multiple bursts of steam. Not long after Frigus entered, Shen had rebooted the main systems to the ship, furiously working on getting the situation under control, “Commander, that cannon is already keyed to the Avenger’s critical systems. We can’t take many more hits like this!” she informed, before turning to them, “Intercom systems are back under our control” she stated, watching as the Commander nodded, standing up from her seat, “All operatives, this is a Code Black situation. All operatives are to report to the main exit as soon as possible to deal with the perimeter threat” she announced, her voice now traveling through the entire ship. Once her quick announcement was done, she sighed, then looked at Bradford, “I want all links to every single operative we have active” she ordered, before turning to Frigus, having just noticed him, “Frigus, I’d like your team to focus on eliminating the canon focusing on the Avenger. As long as it’s active, we can’t lift off and get out. My forces can divert ADVENT’s forces for you” she stated, before sighing, muttering to herself: “Of course they’d decide to find us today…” Proditor Before the impact, Proditor had simply been reading through a treatise about rapiers. Partly to settle his own curiosities, partly because it was time he learned how to fully use the world his psionics with other weapons. However, once the alarms went off, Proditor had looked up, lacing the treatise, placing it down as the intercoms came alive, two familiar voices. The Hunter, and the Assassin… Not long after the two spoke, Proditor felt the ship shake around him. He himself was spared from the effects, thanks to his natural floating, but the sight of it was enough to cause him to begin floating out of the room he was in, towards the bridge. The Commander could use his knowledge at this time.
  21. The Avenger Overall, after the successful mission to the downed UFO, the Avenger was rather peaceful, if busy. Most of the crew were busy putting the new resources to use, while the science division had stopped their previous work to investigate the Meld, quickly figuring out how to safely separate it, giving 25% of it to Harry, as the Commander had promised. But, this merely served as the calm before the storm… “Shen, status?” The Commander asked, watching the hologlobe continue to scatter its image, unable to work properly. This had been going on for nearly a half hour, and every second it continued dug more worry into her soul. This wasn’t normal, and even though they had been having a lucky break, this could easily turn into another disaster at a moment's notice. Shen herself pressed a few more buttons, before letting out an annoyed sigh, “It’s nothing on this end. AI systems check out. It’s almost as if…” Shen began, before stopping, eyes widening as she began to realize, “... Almost as if someone’s bouncing our signal right back at us". Needless to say, that statement caused a mass silence to fall over the room, with the Commander immediately straightening in her seat. At that exact moment, however, the lights in the Command Center turned yellow, an alarm blaring through it, “Crap, perimeter alert!” Bradford yelled, moving over to one of the computers, along with Shen, who furiously began to snap through the Avenger’s outside camera system. “Looking for the breach… Oh shit” she began, before the breath left her as she saw who was standing far outside the Avenger. The Hunter. At the sight of one of the Chosen, the Commander stood from her seat, “We need to retreat. Get the Avenger fully online, I want out of here as soon as possib-” she began, only to be cut off when all the lights and machinery in the room powered down. “That can’t be good” Shen commented, almost needlessly. However, shortly after everything shut off, it came alive again, the intercom forcing static through the entire ship before a single voice spoke, “So… THIS is the Avenger. Not quite the prize I had imagined. Listening to the rumors, I had expected it to be 10 times this size. To think of ALL the effort I had to go through in order to get here… I even had to go through the trouble of the Elders having to talk US to work together for a change” the Hunter spoke into the Avenger, before a loud burst of static came alive, before a slightly more feminine voice took over, “Commander… You have repeatedly underestimated us. I made sure you knew we were coming, and yet you made no effort to prepare. How disappointing…” the Assassin stated, before control of the intercom switched back to the Hunter, “Well, as you can see, we’ve decided to give our dear old brother a big of… Rest after his failure. That said, I do hope you enjoy the gifts I’ve brought for you this time Commander. It’s going to be a real FUN hunt…” the Hunter explained, letting out a small chuckle before cutting off communications. Back at the Command Center, the Commander looked down at Bradford, who was desperately trying to get the systems back online, “Bradford, I need to see what we’re dealing with!” she called out. In response, Bradford let out a loud “I know!” before smacking the computer he was working on… Watching as all the power and control came back to him, “Huh… Shen! Visuals!” he called out after a second of surprise, watching as Shen turned the cameras back onto the Hunter, watching as him and the Assassin stepped to the side… Just as a large railgun and several ADVENT ground forces were teleported in with them. The Commander, upon seeing this, stared at the screen as the railgun swiftly turned its main gun towards the Avenger, before charging up a shot, “... You have to be kidding me..” she muttered to herself, rubbing her eyes for a second before lowering her hand, face set and determined… Just as the railgun fired, “BRACE, NOW!” she yelled, sitting back into her chair and gripping the sides. A second later, a single resounding boom hit the Avenger, shaking the entire ship with its impact...
  22. At Satomi's (hesitant) response to Azgurk's arrival, the giant Ork let out a loud laugh, "You're zoggin' right us Orkz can be useful. I've been through more warz than you can count. Dese 'Goblinz' of yourz are gonna be nothin' but a pile of broken bones by the time Warboss Azgrurk is done wiff dem!" he stated, banging his chest with his metal claw hand. He didn't seem to quite get that working on a siege crossbow would keep him away from fighting... Yet.
  23. "I never met much of mine. Maybe like... 10 or so. They're generally stuck up, 'my power is bigger than yours' type of people, a bit aggressive since three of them tried to burn me alive. Or, well, my hat, anyway. But, otherwise they weren't really far from other people besides arrogance" Freya replied with her own shrug, "I was never really that popular with mages at large. On account of me being a Necromancer and all that. Most of the time they never wanted to talk to me. Otherwise it was the before mentioned burning" she finished. After that though Freya paused, before snapping her fingers, "Oh right! There was one mage that didn't try to burn me alive at all. They were kind of a loner, guardian of an ancient and really dangerous forest, one that surrounded a friggin' sleeping Dragon. Well, they tried to kill me one for trespassing, but I survived and managed to befriend them. I think. They let me stay in the forest and at their place when I'm around, so I THINK we're friends... But I can never tell with her..." she explained, looking to the side as she went into a deep thought.
  24. Still work in progress and totally not an expy of someone. The fuck you talkin' about?
  25. "Well, this is a nice change of pace" Tekeshi stated upon reaching the camp, before taking both of the pendants from the ex-prisoners, "I'm sure they will. Your welcome for the help, couldn't just leave more people to work for those sorry bastards" he stated, before going and getting his own apple and booze, finally leaning down on the side of the cave wall. "I'll pass on the watches, if that's possible. Not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep myself going after the amount of hits I've taken. Not much armor here to soften any blows" Tekeshi replied to Dorian, gesturing to himself before taking a drink, "I ain't planning on leaving yet though. Normally, I'd like to get somewhat paid, but that's to put food on my table, and I'd rather be sticking it to the people who threw me into that project from off the road."
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