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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Initially, Azgrurk had sort of wandered around after returning to the main village, curious about the entire place. He'd seen quite a lot of human settlements, mostly because he kept invading them, but this was a lot.... Simpler than the ones he had seen before. And a lot more peaceful. And Az hated it because of that simple fact. Thankfully, the meeting that he had been "invited to" (namely, walked in on since one of the humans didn't know he existed) was enough to keep him from causing any mayhem. At Jun's offhand statement about his brigade though, Azgrurk merely snorted, "DOSE BOYZ WEREN'T DA BRIGHTEST OF DA BUNCH ANYWAY. MY ZOGGIN' NUMBAH TOO CRASH LANDED OUR SHIP DESPITE MY ORDAHZ NOT TO" he stated, before shrugging, "BUT, I CAN ALWAYZ GET MORE. MOST IMPORTANT DING 'ERE IS WHAT I CAN WORK ON. I WAS ONCE A MEKBOY MYSELF, KNOW HOW TO GET A BIT OF JUNK WORKIN' FINE FOR YA 'UMIES, ESPECIALLY SOMETHIN' THAT'LL KILL DESE GOBLINZ FOR YA!"
  2. Zhou Hua For a few second, the Commander remained quiet, thinking about the situation, "I suppose since you did help us find the Meld in the first place, you're due to compensation..." she stated, before nodding to herself, "I'll have Tygan and Shen examine the device. If it is possible to split what we use, you will be allowed 25% of the canister."
  3. Marian For the most part, Marian had barely moved from where she had put herself. It did make her an easy target, but thankfully, nothing had happened while she waited for Lancer's report. When she did get it, she felt a mixture of emotions as she gripped the crystal on her pocket. Relief that Lancer was still alive, and dread that that thing, Berserker, was still alive. Which meant that it could come back to kill both of them at the same time. Needless to say, this realization caused Marian to sigh... Just as Lancer reappeared. The sudden entrance of her Servant caused Marian to push herself off the wall, pausing at the sight of Lancer's beaten form, "Lancer... Are you okay? I know a bit of healing magic that can help fix you up, if you need it" she offered immediately, taking a few steps towards him.
  4. Freya At first, Freya simply went into a more blank faced expression after her question. Necromancers weirding people out, life story right there. However, once Lucine got to the Sealing Designation, Freya's face immediately brightened when she said it was a big honor... Before visibly crashing at the final portion. With that all said, Freya ultimately leaned forward, sighing heavily, "Well, you take your victories where you can I guess..." she muttered. A mere second later, however, Freya had gotten back up, restraightening her hat as if nothing had happened, "Well, at least they get a mark of recognition" she stated, before giving Lucine another smile, "Sorry for asking all these questions, just curious on how other worlds are like. Mine feels kinda dull in comparison."
  5. Freya For the most part, it wasn't hard for Freya to notice that Lucine seemed uncomfortable with this "Heaven's Feel" Magic, enough to shiver at what appeared to be the simple thought of it. A reminder to avoid that topic later on. Lucine, however, would just see Freya nod, "I see. That's pretty nice. I'm guessing it's a pretty big deal for people to be able to do actual, real Magic in your world, huh?" Freya stated, before pausing, "And... Uh... How do they tend to treat people that can bring people back to life... Or partly?" she asked, giving Lucine a sheepish grin as she brought a hand to the back of her head. It felt sort of wrong to ask that question, but she wanted to at least know.
  6. Freya At Lucine's reply, Freya raised an eyebrow in surprise/confusion, "So, magic and magecraft are different things in your place? Weird. But what magic is 'Opal' imitating?" she asked, her curiosity still having not died down. In fact, she was more or less a bit more curious now.
  7. Freya The brief amount of satisfaction and pride Freya felt upon freeing up the giant box was quickly killed off as it seemed to delve into an argument between it and the small weasel, causing her to stare almost blankly between the two, primarily on Law as he became angrier and angrier. Most of the things they were talking about flew over her head, otherworldly terms that her place didn’t have being spoken about casually until Freya shrugged to herself, turning around on her heel and walking away from the two. However, there was someone she had been wanting to talk to. The other small girl in the group. “Hey” Freya greeted as Lucine went back to her bike, “I heard your familiar say it channels ‘Second and Third Magics’. I’m a bit curious on what that means, since I don’t recall hearing any magic that channels numbers of all things” she asked. She knew that they really didn’t channel numbers for magic, probably not at least, but her world had named magic schools after what they did. Not in ranks like Lucine’s familiar had said.
  8. With his earlier statement, Tekeshi ran behind several trees, using them as cover for his approach. That lance would be a huge problem, all things considered... But, what the hell, they had to get out of here as soon as possible. Might as well put his life on the line if Doran couldn't deal with it. So, once he was in range, Tekeshi sprinted from the tree lines, holding his sword in one hand as the tip hovered mere inches above the ground. The Prince seemed aware of Tekeshi's advance, his mount turning to give its rider a better shot at defending against him... But by the time he had nearly gotten to a position to counter, Tekeshi had already placed his other hand on his blade... Before jumping in the air, slashing upwards and easily slashing through the mount and by extension, the Prince. Not a fatal strike for either, but enough to keep them down. With the strike done, however, Tekeshi merely flipped around in the air, landing back onto his feet once he hit the ground, spinning his sword once to get it back in a resting position. "Don't say I didn't warn ya"
  9. Platinum At first, Platinum merely nodded to Esyllt. She was still drowning in surprise from the fact that she was talking to one of her favorite singers. However, soon enough, Caliko had to tell both of them a reasonably important topic, specifically her name, which was very understandable, to Platinum at least. But, it wasn't hard to notice that Platinum stiffened at Caliko's 'offer'... Before her face lit up red once more, just as quickly as it did the first time. Needless to say, by the end of Caliko's small speech, Platinum had crouched down to pick up her luggage again, suddenly finding it far more interesting than anything else, if her gaze was anything to go by, "Compensation won't be necessary. It's an easy thing to do and I don't really have anything to gain by going around and yelling that you attend here" she replied quickly, going to one of the other unoccupied beds and placing her things down, before pausing, "But... Something signed would be appreciated. Later, at least" she added, placing a hand behind her head as she did so.
  10. "I'd say 'listen to the lady', but we really do have time for this. So, just play dead for a second, will ya?" Tekeshi moves to R10 and whacks Xemnir in the face.
  11. At Harry's question, the Commander closed her eyes, remaining silent for a time. Said time being a good five seconds before she reopened them with a sigh, "I'd rather not speak of it. Ask Bradford if you want to know the details" she stated, before continuing, "In the simulation, however, Meld was the most valuable material we could find on the field, due to its vast amount of resources. It wasn't even that difficult to use them ourselves, they do not have the levels of firewalls most ADVENT machines have" she explained, before pausing, "... That being said... I would love to confiscate this. Don't let our recent victories fool you, we've been in a losing battle with ADVENT. ADVENT is cracking down hard on Resistance Outposts, which are mostly just shelters for those not wanting to live in ADVENT controlled cities, and with each one they take out, we lose a source of supplies to use for the fight. Meld could easily help us begin turning to tides, let us sink our claws deeper into ADVENT's skin... Especially if we can figure out how to manufacture it ourselves."
  12. Torakuma Shinobu (Murdoc) Torakuma Rei (Twinwolf) Izumi Nakamura (DragonRage) Jacob, the Tri-Fold Spearman (Storm) Chimi, the Mountain Emperor (IntSys)
  13. Discord Channel Link (Recommended) Thousand night, Recurrence night, Reverie and Invite. And… [7 days Immortal] Unreal BLACK THINGS. The deep darkness of the hollow night. New shells of incarnation alight. One swing of a sword. Sinuous white snake. Savage fangs of the beast. Tonight, the deepest night. Blessing for all who confronts… Another month has passed. Another Hollow Night has begun in the city of Kanzakai. Voids appearing before everyone’s eyes, beginning their feast upon those inside the supernatural night. Most importantly, there are those who have come for their own reasonings. Perhaps to enhance their powers at the Abyss. Perhaps to find a powerful opponent to fight. Perhaps simply to exterminate the Voids that infest the night. These are the In-Births, those bitten by the Voids and have survived the ordeal to awaken their inner EXS powers. Hello everyone, GodofGamingRWBY here with an RP based in the Under Night In Birth franchise. If you don’t know what that is, then I do not blame you. Because no one does. Anyways, Under Night In Birth is a lesser known Fighting Game made by French Bread, who are more famous for the game “Melty Blood”. Since this is a fighting game, let me make this clear that this entire game is about PVP, specifically about guessing what your opponent’s next move will be. So if that isn’t your thing you may want to leave. … Alright, still here? Good. The basic plot of this game is that it takes place 20 years before Under Night In Birth, so I don’t have to worry about using too many canon characters. Characters brought in by the players have arrived to the Hollow Night (explained later) for a variety of reasons, and try to make their way to the “Abyss” and beat down obstacles in their way (though you don’t have to fight everyone and can actually talk and such). For the most part, this RP will be character focused, and rely more on said characters rather than a major story. Not saying there won’t be any, just that it won’t be the main focus. So, it is sort of expected that characters be able to make their own movements and actions instead of relying on me to direct people towards each other. Setting Terminology Groups of Interest Important Folk (Will be updated over time with relevant people) Combat Character Sheet Modifier Examples The freakin' rules So yeah that's it for this post
  14. Zhou Hua Thankfully, by the time Harry reached her, the Commander had finished up her current work, closing communications with one of the Resistance Outposts before turning to Harry, taking a few steps forward so they could talk face to face, "It's fine, I have a short delay before I need to reconnect to my contacts again" she stated, eyeing the canister of Meld, "... I'll spare you the long story, but essentially, the only reason I know this exists is because I was plugged into the ADVENT database for years as a tactical mind, using a simulation of the invasion of Earth. Up until now, I thought that this was simply a part of that simulation, something to make things interesting for me. Turns out ADVENT is advanced enough to make this" the Commander explained, gesturing to the canister, "This is Meld, a substance that contains billions upon billions of intelligent nanomachines, capable of connecting different biological parts to an organism without harm, alter genetic makeup, and even connect machines to people" she finished, folding her arms as she did so, "Arguably ADVENT's greatest creation, by far."
  15. Platinum Once the girl let go of her, Platinum took a few steps back, taking a deep breath before putting a hand to her face, which was still completely red. In all honesty, she was used to people finding her ‘cute’, even if it was annoying at time, but this was the first time someone had hugged her like she was a stuffed animal. However, before Platinum could really continue with that thought, the girl had introduced herself, causing Platinum to practically freeze as her hand lowered from her face, a look of surprise being clear on it, “Wait, THE Caliko?” she asked. Now she understood why she looked familiar, she was famous, for crying out loud. With the realization though, Platinum cleared her throat, the red that covered her face finally starting to fade, “Well, my name is Platinum Mirazaki, a pleasure to… Er, meet you, Caliko. I’m a big fan of your work” she greeted as calmly as she could. Of course, internally, she was practically screaming in joy and embarrassment, but she at least managed to keep those in check.
  16. Firebrand/The Avenger “That would be pretty good. We get more intact Sectopods, then ADVENT is pretty much done for” Database joked as Firebrand jolted a bit, before finally setting down, the back hatch opening up. Immediately, Database stood, moving to unload the ship as the Sectopod began to make its way out of the ship, before being stopped by Lazarus, “You’ve done enough of the box lifting. Just make sure Sandman gets to the medical wing” he said, getting a nod from Database, before the two went to do their own thing, Lazarus now unloading the ship’s new supplies, while Database slung one of Sandman’s arms over her shoulder, helping him to the medical wing despite his protests that he could walk himself.
  17. Mira "So essentially, all you have to do is kill someone, and this girl can extract more of it from them. You must enjoy hanging around recent battlefields" Mira commented, "Useful, considering the circumstances" she added before pausing. Ordinarily, that would be where she would stop, completely, and end the conversation. However, as she had learned from this job so far, others seemed capable of using her own strength to help themselves. This scientist, with his similar material, could do the same. So, with that that, she decided to give him some information on her own thing, "My own 'modifier', called Magra, is fairly similar to this ADAM. Though it cannot accomplish everything, it has a wide range of uses, and on account of it being my own 'blood', I effectively have an infinite supply of it."
  18. Platinum “It would appear so, Aker” Platinum stated, giving Sharp a quick nod as she stepped into the room. She wasn’t expecting to see him specifically, but it was at least nice to see a familiar face in this transfer. … Of course, not long after Platinum stepped into the room, she froze, staring at the half naked girl in the room. That was also not what Platinum was expecting (then again, she doubted anyone would’ve expected that), but like Sharp, there was something familiar about the girl… At least, before she had gotten up, put on a surgical mask and sunglasses, and then practically glomped Platinum hard enough that the smaller girl almost fell over again, the air being knocked out of her body The only reason she didn’t was because the girl was holding her up… With her face buried in the girl’s… Bosom. Needless to say, this sudden predicament was incredibly shocking and embarrassing to the small girl, causing her to drop her luggage as she tried to pry herself off of the girl, “Let… Go! I need to breathe!” she stated as she did so, her face already reddening from the situation.
  19. Azgrurk For the most part, Azgrurk had grumbled off after seeing that there wasn't actually going to be a fight, a displeasure that would've been easy to hear from the Harpies. However, upon the sound of food, Azgrurk instantly made his way over, grinning widely as he saw the cooked fish, "DAT LOOKZ GOOD 'UMIE" he shouted as he took some of the fish, somehow managing not to taint the rest of it with his hands, and tossing it into his mouth, practically devouring it whole, "BETTA DEN A SQUIG, AT LEAST" he added with a shrug before turning to Toshiro, "I CAN GIVE IT A GO. ORKZ CAN CATCH ANY MEAL IF WE PUT OUR MINDZ TO IT"
  20. Platinum For a second, a brief look of confusion passed over Platinum’s face, wondering what Esyllt was talking about, not remember who she was… Before her thoughts went back to the camp trip. Esyllt, the girl who had been the head of their specific cabin. Right. How she had forgotten that was beyond her. Then again, with everything that went down, she probably lost track of a dozen small things. At Esyllt’s question, Platinum looked at the dorms door, then back at Esyllt, “It appears so. I’m not sure if I should be surprised at the fact that we’re sharing a room with each other again” she stated, before turning to the door and doing a brief knock on it. Someone could still be moving out, so it was mostly best that she give them a heads up before heading inside.
  21. Platinum For the most part, Platinum was able to easily get back into focus on school, keeping track of what she needed to learn and do to keep moving forward. It was rather chaotic still, after the entire trip, and Platinum still couldn’t go long without thinking about something about that trip, even after several weeks had gone by, but she was making due. Of course, even with the refocusing back on her school work, Platinum wasn’t entirely free of distractions concerning that trip. She found herself researching more about the “goddesses”, since she was never too keen on looking up on them before, and with everything that happened, she needed to make sure there was… Some truth, at the very least. She couldn’t really tell, at this point, if there was a relation, but perhaps in the future she’d figure something out. Platinum even had checked up on Aislin several times in the past few weeks, making sure she was doing fine, if only because of the floating/burning girl’s warnings. But, school life managed to interrupt her workings on figuring everything out, and she now had to move through the building’s halls, moving her belongings to a new dorm. It had taken a while, and for the most part, Platinum had no idea where she was even moving to until recently. For the most part though, Platinum didn’t exactly care much as she picked up her pace and turned the corner… Only to ram right into a blonde haired girl before she could react, practically bouncing off of her harmlessly, due to her small stature. Though, thankfully, she was able to get her footing extremely quickly, a brief look of annoyance passing by her face as she looked up at the other girl, before fading just as quickly, “My apologies” she stated, though made no other move, at the current moment. Last time she’d arbitrarily speed up.
  22. Marian Soon after the boy’s transmission came to a close, the drone floated away from Marian, seeming to give her a nod before turning and floating away into the night. After a few seconds of silence, Marian let out a deep breath she had held in, putting a hand on her chest as she did so. She didn’t seem to be in any danger right now… And that person seemed nice enough. She just wasn’t sure if their Servant was the same deal. In all honesty she’d much rather have Lancer watching her back while she talked to another Master, rather than not having them around. At that train of thought, Marian couldn’t help but put her hand on the crystal in her pocket, about to send a message to Lancer… Before stopping herself. He could still be fighting at this point, and she could mess up his concentration and get him killed if she interrupted. So, with that, Marian brought her hand back out of her pocket, walking over to one of the buildings and putting her back against one of the walls. She wasn’t going to head back in the direction Lancer and that thing were fighting at, and she wasn’t going to go forward now that she knew another Servant was that way. So, she’d just stay put for now. Proditor For the most part, Proditor barely moved when Julius finished his ‘talk’. He had to say though, Julius had done better than he expected. This other Master could prove to be an ally later down the line, though they would need to have a reason to, as it was still obvious that only one person could win. But, right now, he didn’t need to focus on that. What mattered right now was this base of operations. It was getting closer to completion, but it still was not there… Yet.
  23. Firebrand In response to Harry's question, Database spoke up, "Unfortunately, we don't have much facilities for live testing. We have some sections of the Avenger set aside to test serums, but those are mostly computer simulations our programmers made. Should be enough though, depending on what you need." Needless to say, the talk about the Warp was enough to get Lazarus’s attention, causing him to lean forward as Rachel finished, “Huh. So that’s what other worlds have going for them?” he asked, before sighing, leaning back in his seat, “And I thought our struggle was something. That sounds like hell… Though I wouldn’t be surprised if ADVENT was crazy enough to mess with something like that” he added. In response, the Reaper merely grunted, “Who knows, maybe they already are dealing with these Chaos Gods. Should ask that Ethereal if they are. And if they do I think we should try and cut Ao from her psionics. I’d rather not having these ‘daemons’ pop out right in the middle of the dining hall” he stated. Not a second afterwards, the intercom of the ship sprung to life again, “Avenger is in sight, prepping landing gear” they announced, shutting off while the Reaper muttered “v kontse kontsov” The Avenger With Firebrand in a safe distance from the Avenger, the entire Command Center was calling it a complete mission, patting each other on the back as they begun to relax. The Commander, on the other hand, sighed heavily, taking another long drink from her mug. As she did so, Bradford turned to his commanding officer, “I’d say that was more successful than we originally thought. An actual, functioning Sectopod in our possession” he stated, watching as the Commander nodded, “Yes. And more supplies to put to use. I’d like 5% of the alloys we acquired from the mission to be prepped for redistribution to the Skirmishers. We still owe them after they pulled Reclaimer 6-10 out of that Lost City” she replied once she put her mug down. After a second, Bradford’s smile faded as he got serious again, “Affirmative Commander… Though I should ask, did you get what you needed from the Operation?” “Yes” the Commander replied immediately, taking one more drink from her mug before placing the now empty cup down, “From what I have seen, these are my estimations for these otherworldly travelers: “Nader is a trained soldier, with plenty of heavy firepower at his disposal. Possibly better trained at using them than all of our operatives. However… They seem quick to the trigger. With that amount of weaponry on them, they’re most likely to shoot first, ask questions later. That, and he seems fairly… Paranoid, for lack of a better term” she explained before smiling a bit, “Which, ironically, is close to perfect here.” “Rachel seems to be the same case, to an extent. A trained soldier with heavy firepower… Though hers seems more suited towards armored targets and ones vulnerable to fire. She’d be best against ADVENT’s armored troops and Chryssalids. Her world and belief is different from ours, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she would fight with us on the simple fact that we’re trying to kick ADVENT off of Earth.” “Aquilla… Is a hard one. He’s brave and skilled, considering he managed to take on a Muton and hold his ground. Though, he seems very reckless, considering he’s willing to still attack one of ADVENT’s biggest ground troops. His armor could use some upgrading to help him live if he keeps doing it. No doubt ADVENT isn’t the biggest thing they’ll face, all things considered.” “Alan is rather simple. He’s a very skilled hacker. He managed to break ADVENT’s control over one of their best machines and is now bringing one of them back. We’ll have to have him assist in upgrading our GREMLINs to accomplish the same task, use ADVENT’s own weapons against them.” “Harry, again, is simple. He appears to be a trained soldier, and accomplished field medic. Outfit him with one of our GREMLINs and he could easily keep most of our troops on their feet in case of an emergency” "Finally, Frigus. From what I've seen, he has a skill for swordplay with his... Unique weapon, and, for lack of a better term, magic. I'm unsure how he accomplishes either, really, but it should be something we try and decipher for later use." At that point, Bradford couldn’t help but interrupt, “And the Ethereal?” In the span of a second, the Commander fell silent, before sighing heavily, “I don’t fully know yet, but I trust him. To an extent. Keep him away from the Avatar, at the very least, and keep a track out of any signals coming out of this ship” she stated, “I’ve never truly figured out how an Ethereal feels yet” she added, leaning back in her seat.
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