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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Platinum Thankfully, Platinum was at least able to catch the point, turning her eyes towards Aislin. At that point, a million thoughts went through Platinum’s head, but her gaze eventually turned back to the floating, burning girl, giving her a nod of understanding. Probably the one thing Platinum really got clearly. Or at least, somewhat clearly. Once Trick had fully burned away, or if, Platinum would sigh, folding her arms, “I swear to Nayru…” she muttered to herself. At this point her entire view of the world had practically been flipped upside down in less than an hour. She wouldn’t even be surprised if the damn sun came crashing down right about now, “So. You got what she was saying, right?” Platinum asked, turning her head to Aislin.
  2. Azgrurk "THAT'Z WHAT MAKEZ DIS PLACE INTERESTIN'. LOTZ O' DAFT IDIOTZ TA CLOBBA!" Azgrurk shouts as he storms past the fishman, pulling out his new gun and opening fire on the Harpies. He was loving this place more by the minute. Azgrurk fires at the Matriarch with his Lightning Mauler, dealing 3d6+Essence damage. Another Orky loadout.
  3. Freya For the most part, Freya was... Kind of lost with all of the talk going on. Mostly because she was too distracted by this entire thing, since it was huge, inanimate, and talking. Somehow. But, thankfully, her attention was good enough so that she heard the thing about dirt, "Oo, oo, I got it!" she said, stepping forward as her new skeletons scampered back, the young Necromancer lifting her staff as dark energy began to swirl around the bottom tip, "Thing about dirt is, most of its made out of dead material... Soooo, with a bit of Necromancy and some extra effort..." she explained, before slamming her staff on the ground, tendrils of magic branching out from it as it went to reanimate and move the dirt and other organic material keeping this thing in.
  4. Azgrurk For the most part, Azgrurk was laughing in excitement at the sight of the aftermath of the battle, marching his way down to the loot, “OI, DAT’Z WHAT I’M TALKIN’ ABOUT! DAT WAS A GOOD FIGHT RIGHT DERE. NOT EVERYDAY AN ORK GETZ TA KILL AN ENTIRE CLOUD!” he yelled, picking up the rifle he had grabbed before, examining it. Yellow was a good color. Not as good as green, but it marked value, so it was pretty good. After checking the exterior of the gun, mostly by turning it over in his hand, Azgrurk pointed it towards the sky, pulling the trigger to test fire… And watching as literal lightning shot out of it. Unexpected, but enough to cause Azgrurk to grin as he pulled his hand back. That was what Ork Engineering was like, throw something at the enemy and it’ll come out even better than before. … Too bad it was zoggin’ small.
  5. Azgrurk Needless to say, due to the fact that the rifle Azgrurk currently had wasn't working, its bullets barely seeming to phase the giant cloud thingy, the giant Ork was getting extremely frustrated, banging the gun on the side of the ship before yelling "AH ZOG IT!", an throwing the rifle straight at the thing. If bullets wouldn't work, perhaps a bigger projectile would. Az throws the rifle at the Nimbus as an improvised Str weapon!
  6. At Alan’s statement, Database frowned, folding her arms as she turned to him, “We’ve been dealing with ADVENT’s mechanized units for months now. If we’d been screwing up with our Engineering Division then we’d be dead by now with how much we rely on them reverse engineering ADVENT’s stuff” she stated, “But we can make our Drones and Blockers in less than an hour with the correct materials. Don’t have time to work long on these things” she added before turning to Harry, “We already do use medical drones, however. Mine’s just a field medic. The doctors use them all the time for assistance. Though it would probably take a while in order to get one to do entire surgeries on their own” Database finished. Sandman, for the most part, remained as still as possible, letting his wound rest instead of disturb it. He didn’t expect that zhopa to be around, especially not when they were trying to retreat. He’s taken multiple wounds in his career working for XCOM, none making him this close to death before. He probably should’ve shot a bit sooner, risked the miss instead of… Suddenly, he noticed Lazarus moving to sit in the chair he was leaning on, holding his rifle in one hand as he leaned over to look at Sandman, “How are you holding up Colonel?” “Ischenzni…” the Reaper muttered out in response, remaining silent for a few seconds before speaking up again, “I’ll live. Don’t worry yourself for my sake, Lazarus. I did my job” he stated, staring ahead of himself and at the closed ship door. He’d live, but he wouldn’t be on the field for quite a while.
  7. Marian At Lancer’s report, Marian found her hand gripping the stone even tighter than before. That thing was managing to give him a hard time… And right now she couldn’t recall him. Doing so would merely make that thing hunt them down again. She’d just have to make do without him and hopefully not get herself killed. … God, she should’ve prepared for this better. “Alright Lancer” Marian replied back, just as Julius asked his single request, in a rather fast paced manner. For the most part, Marian stood there, surprised, before sighing in relief, “You have my permission to use anything you’ve got to take it down. If you need to use Reignite, use it. I can handle the mana strain” she ordered, remembering what he had said to her before, while explaining his Noble Phantasms. If anything else, she always had a last resort ready. But, more on that later, she had another Master to talk to. “Well, that’s… Surprising, to say the least. I thought I’d have to be the one asking for help in this thing” Marian replied, bringing a hand to the back of her head. She had been planning to try and ally herself with someone, strictly on the sense that she barely had any idea what she was doing, not that she doubted Lancer. Though maybe she did a little bit… Dammit, she was really shaken by whatever that thing chasing them earlier was. At that point, she sighed, bringing her hand back down to her side, “But… Hm…” she started, only to trail off, crossing her arms as she went into thought. An alliance could be good… But there was always the risk of a trap. She didn’t think that this Master was trying to at least, he at least seemed nice, but she couldn’t know about their Servant. It would be a lot easier to decide of Lancer was here and she wasn’t worrying about her own life as well. Then, something clicked, causing her to nod as she uncrossed her arms, “I can’t accept this straight out. Too many risks involved. While I would love to have someone to work with for this War, I don't know you. At all. But... I suppose for now, I can offer a cease-fire. Give me some time to think. Deal?"
  8. Azgrurk Despite a bolt of lightning nailing the large Ork, he seemed more excited about it than anything else, before pointing the rifle he picked up from the ship and opening fire again. Azgrurk continues his dakka, dealing 2d6+Dex damage
  9. Proditor In response to Julius’s, Proditor turned back to the room’s main device, his arms rapidly inserting a series of codes, “A quick redesign of the drone is necessary, but… There” Proditor stated, one of his arms beckoning Julius forward, “As the Master, I shall leave you to do the diplomacy. I have this base to finish” he stated, floating a few feet away from the device to give Julius the space to do his own work. Marian … Alright, Marian had to admit, she was completely lost. She really should’ve gotten a map or something before heading out… Or at least studied the city before the War started, “Dammit…” Marian cursed to herself, sighing heavily as she stopped in her tracks. She should really head back to the place Lancer dropped her off at. That way it would be a lot easier for Visrii to tra- Suddenly, Marian paused. Something wasn’t right. It was too quiet. Way too quiet. Then, it came to her, a small buzzing sound coming from right behind her, causing her to whip around, hand holding her Command Seals instinctively rising as she came face to face with… A small, hovering robot, projecting a small screen to show her a white haired kid (teenager, more accurately) in some sort of armored room. Needless to say, this cause Marian to raise an eyebrow, taking a step back from the drone, “Um… Hello?” she greeted cautiously, gripping the gem in her pocket. She couldn’t distract Lancer right now… Especially if he was still fighting that thing.
  10. Azgrurk Needless to say, Azgrurk seemed rather surprised at the fact that they were being attacked by a literal cloud… But after the initial surprise wore off, he grinned wildly, “A CLOUD IZ TRYIN’ TO TAKE ON AN ORK?! I DIDN’T FINK DEY HAD DA GUTZ! TO!” he shouted in excitement, before marching to take the Nimbus on. Azgrurk takes one of the Assault Rifles on the ship, then goes out to shoot at the Nimbus with it, dealing 2d6+Dex damage. Orky Loadout
  11. Azgrurk At Leo's statement of goblins, Azgrurk looked almost offended, "GOBLINZ? WHAT DA HELL ARE DEY DOIN' TRYIN' TO INVADE ANYTHING? DEY AIN'T MADE FOR THAT ZOGGIN' JUNK" he states, walking up to the ship himself, "I'M GONNA HAVE TO GIVE DEM A WHAT FOR ONCE I SEE DEM. BUT, I'M INTERESTED IN DEZE ISLANDZ OF YOURZ. SO I'M COMIN' ALONG."
  12. XCOM It was surprising, but the Reaper wasn’t as wounded as one would expect from getting shot in the chest. Most likely because of the odd material making up his inner armor. It only took Harry a few minutes to patch him up… Though it was obvious he would need a bit of time before he was able to get back onto the field. When he asked Database his question, she shrugged, “I don’t really know myself. The Commander said it was something called ‘Meld’, but I’ve never heard of it before. Might want to ask her once we make it back to the Avenger” she stated, looking at the Sectopod, “Gotta say… We’ve never managed to bring one of ADVENT’s heavy armored units intact before. Dr. Tygan would love to examine it. ”
  13. Freya Well, once she got the tree under control, Freya quickly realized the problem with reanimating dead plants. Thankfully, she was able to notice the two skeletons nearby before she could get disappointed, directing most of her magic towards the two, reanimating them and setting them to work. Specifically, using them to simply cut the tree out of the… Thing with their teeth, all while she watched.
  14. Mira For a few seconds, Mira took in the explanation Friedhold had given her, before nodding again, folding her arms as she did so, “Hm. Not that different from my own then” she stated, before pausing. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t have said anything related to her own Magra, even something remotely related to it. It seems she was getting more open thanks to this ‘saving the universe’ thing. It felt weird. “... How much of this do you have? How easy is it to create?” Mira asked after the brief pause, wanting to try and get away from the subject of her Magra before it was touched upon.
  15. Azgrurk In response to Jun’s hand, Azgrurk looked both confused and impressed at the same time, before figuring figuring out what she was trying to do, using his non mechanical hand to shake hers, “PLEASURE TO MEET YA” he responded before turning to Toshiro, “I’M ACTUALLY ONE OF DA SMALLA ORKZ FOR MY AGE, BUT I’Z STILL GOT THE FORCE TO BEAT ANY PRETENDA WHO GOEZ AGAINST ME-” he stated confidently, pointing his claw at Number Two, “LIKE DAT GROT OVA DERE” he added, bringing his claw back, “BUT, YOU’Z GOT DIS ORK’Z ATTENTION. WHAT ARE YA GOING TO DESE ISLANDS FOR? AND WHO’Z DUMB ENUFF TO TRY AND SIEGE A PLACE WITH AN ORK INSIDE?” he asked, stepping to the side to let them move to their ship, mostly since Jun wanted to move away from the dead body (like the weird human she was).
  16. Proditor Again, there was a rather long amount of silence between Caster and his master, mostly due to Proditor focusing on his Territory Creation again. However, suddenly, Proditor spoke up again, right into Julius’s mind, “My planet was centuries away from Earth, even in terms of light years. It is not important to you, nor will it ever be. My race came here due to its destruction, however, and we were searching for other forms of life to elevate. By your race’s definition, I believe the Temple Ship I was stationed on would be considered ‘cool’. Your media had different views on what alien species looked like, however, some of our ground troops did bear similarities to what you believed to be aliens. I am named ‘Proditor’ due to the fact that my species uses names that refer to past deeds. I betrayed my race. Hence my name” Proditor explained simply, “So, yes, alien society is different from human society. Though, some aspects remain.” “Like corruption” Proditor thought silently, making sure not to relay that thought to Julius. Thankfully, that line of thought was put on hold when the observation machine he had created in the center of the room flashed red, drawing Proditor’s attention as it brought up live footage of… A rather normal, black haired girl walking through the streets nearby. Or, as normal as one can be walking around alone at this time of night, especially with expensive clothing such as hers. Immediately, Proditor’s helmet tilted forward. He had set the alarms to react to magic. Which meant that this woman was a potential mage. Or, more likely, another Master. In the case of a Master, it wouldn’t be too hard to take her out here and now. Their Servant did not seem to be around, which left them vulnerable. However, there was another option… “Master, there is another mage nearby, with a high probability of them being another Master” Proditor stated, turning to Julius, “As of now, we have three options. One, we can let them go and not reveal ourselves, remaining hidden. Two, we can eliminate them. Or three, we can attempt negotiations to gain an ally for the beginning of the War” he explained, “Each option have their own merits, though I suggest the first option. However, the choice is up to you, Master.”
  17. Azgrurk Suddenly, at the sound of two humans, the large Ork turned around, scanning the area and quickly finding the source of the humans. However, instead of staying where he was… He merely turned his entire body around, walking towards them, “YOU MUST BE DEM ‘UMIES I WAS TOLD TA MEET. DA ONEZ FIGHTIN’ DEM ‘TREZPASSAZ’” he replied as he approached, his mech-arm rising to his chest in a rather… Unsmooth fashion, “NAMEZ ‘CAPTEN-GENERAL COMMANDA COMMISA CENTURION WARLOCK NOB WARBOSS AZGRURK DA THIRD OF DA 423RD BRIGADE’... BUT MOST ‘UMIES JUST CALL ME ‘AZGRUK’” he added, stopping a good 15 feet away from the group, “PLEASA TO MEET YA, ‘UMIES” Once he introduced himself, his arm brought itself down, "GOTTA SAY, I'Z EXPECTED DA 'UMIES TRYIN' TA SAVE DIS PLACE WOULD BE TALLA."
  18. Freya For the most part, Freya had to cover her ears as the group approached the “Flower God”... Which was not really much of a “God” rather than some sort of giant metal building. That made noises. And talked in a very choppy manner. The weirdest part was the fact that her Necromancy actually seemed to resonate with it. Like it was alive, with only some parts being considered ‘dead’. Considering it seemed completely made out of metal, this was something Freya didn’t expect. And did not want to mess with while other people were giving their shots at it. “Yeah, I’m not messing with this thing. Buuut…” she trailed off, looking at all the wood that was messing with the machine, “Hmm…. Gimme a sec” she commented, before taking a deep breath. Then, tendrils of Necromancy began to seep out of her staff, moving towards the wood to reanimate them, and move them out of the machine’s way.
  19. Atmosphere “OI! WE’ZE COMIN’ IN A BIT TOO ‘OT, WHATZ YA DOING WIFF DA SHIP?!” “SORRY BOSS, SOMEFIN’Z WRONG WIFF DA ENGINEZ-” “DA ONLY FING WRONG ‘ERE IZ YER ‘EAD YA LAZY GIT, WE’ZE ONLY GOT ONE OF DESE SHIPZ AND IF IT GETZ BROKE I’M ‘AVIN’ YOUR ‘EAD!” “A-ALRIGHT BOSS!” Forest Clearing For the most part, the Forest was as peaceful as it always was. Even with the slime still hopping about, almost happily, and even with the two strange vehicles parked around. There were still dead bodies rotting away at the edge of the clearing, but that was simply nature. What WASN’T nature was the giant, flaming rock hurtling down from the sky and crashing straight into the forest. As expected, the crash of the rock was devastating. Trees were both burned and broken apart by the sudden, hot force, entire chunks of the ground being thrown away as the rock crashed into the ground, actually managing to bounce out of it once before crashing back into it. Not even the slimes were safe, as a few were unable to hop out of the way of the rock before it vaporized them. Slowly but surely however, the rock came to a stop, right past the two other ships. Perhaps the strangest thing about the rock, once it stopped, was the random bits of metal covering it, along with the large engines strapped onto the back, which slowly guttered and died. For almost a straight minute, the rock was utterly silent, remaining still as the last engines died out. Then, one of the metal panels was kicked off, flying several feet through the air before crashing back onto the ground. With a groan, a rather large, green skinned, humanoid creature crawled his way out of the ship, shaking his head as he looked around, “OI… WAIT…” he muttered loudly, before grinning, straightening from the exit of the ‘ship’ “HAHA! I LIVE! NUMBAH TWO ALWAYZ LANDZ WIFFOUT A PROBLEM! HAHA-” he shouted in victory… Only to be cut off when a giant, metal clawed hand jutted out from the ship, grabbing the creature tightly as an even larger creature pulled himself out, before repeatedly slamming ‘Numbah Two’ into the hull of the ship. After roughly six slams, the bigger creature threw the smaller away. Azgrurk “TOLD YA I’D ‘AVE YER ‘EAD YA ZOGGIN’ IDIOT!” Azgrurk yelled at the now dead body of his Second in Command. He really needed to get some good pilots, because everytime he got on a ship it always crash landed. Or maybe Orks weren’t meant to fly, hell if he knew. With a groan, Azgrurk jumped down from the hole of his ship, his metal legs making a large slamming clank as they hit the floor. Looking around, he noticed several of the slimes that had retreated from the landing sight... And then the other two ships, "OI... DOSE LOOK LIKE 'UMIE SHIPZ..." he commented, turning himself to face the ships, "MUST'A BEEN FOR DEM 'UMIES DAT MESSAGE TOLD ME ABOUT" he added as he began to walk towards the Weatherlight, his footsteps making rather loud clanging sounds as they hit the ground.
  20. Proditor At Julius’s outburst, Proditor barely moved his head towards his Master, though the movement was still there, “Yes. I am” he stated, before falling silent once again. However, while Proditor was silent, his mind was at work. So far, the war had been quiet. He had not sensed a Servant except for the first two, and now they were fine. For now at least. It was likely that another Servant would stumble upon his “workshop”, even if it was on a less likely leyline. In that event, he needed to plan out his defenses. One of the first priorities he needed to make sure of was his Master’s safety. As a Master, Julius was naturally his weakest link. He would need to be kept from other Masters and Servants, to keep them from taking him out. While Proditor could go for a long while without a Master, it was a needless risk. He was not be certain he could find another Master to contract with. Mana was another thing he had to worry about. Normally, he would have no chance against another Servant, even with the fact that he could safely use his teleportation up to six times without a leyline. Ideally, he would have prefered setting up base on at least two leylines, but as of now, this was what he had to work with. In this territory, he held the advantage. This leyline gave him the mana source he needed to keep up with another Servant. While not limitless, it would have to do its work. He already had his outside visual systems created. His territory would alert him if anything appeared nearby, at least if it had a trackable mana source. That meant that Assassin could still sneak in. Which was why he was internally programming the territory’s other defensive mechanisms, mainly alert systems, turrets, etc, to attack anything it detects not similar to him or Julius. And, if allies were to join them, they would be capable of entering his territory as well. There were many possibilities… And he would not know until he found and observed the Servants he was fighting. Instantly, Proditor raised one of his hands, a long, frail, blue arm rising from his cloak as blue energy swirled above his hand. After a good ten minutes of focus, which unfortunately slowed down his territory creation in the process, a new machine was made, appearing as a floating, spherical drone with four individual claws, with a glowing blue center. Once he was finished with the drone, Proditor’s hand fell back underneath his cloak, willing the drone to fly away, “That has the current task of finding and observing other Servants. The more I know of our adversaries, the better of a chance we stand” he informed Julius, making sure his Master knew what the drone was for before refocusing on the base’s creation.
  21. Mira At Friedhold’s explanation, Mira slightly nodded, “I see. And what IS this ‘ADAM’, exactly?” she asked. Already, she could note that it could genetically alter something (the ants, specifically at the moment), and if she was correct, had healing properties as well (since she had noticed the green glow from it healing his burn wound).
  22. Platinum Once more, Platinum couldn’t help but narrow her eyes as she tried to decipher what they meant. If they wanted to speak in abstract riddles, she’d just have to pick it apart and figure it out herself. “The maiden of the sea must be protected”... She had to be referring to Aislin. Either, saying that Aislin was the one who needed to protect the “maiden of the sea” (whatever that meant), or she was the maiden in question? Either or, at this point. "The emptiness seeks to void the white”... The only thing she could figure out from that was that something wanted to destroy another, erase it completely. That could be a million things, all the way up too erasing reality. Which, at this point, wouldn’t even surprise Platinum if there were people plotting to do so, whether or not it was actually possible. She hoped it wasn’t. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much else Platinum could decipher from the girl’s statements, as they had started to slowly (almost literally) burn away, cutting Platinum off from focusing on deciphering. Instinctively, she took a step towards the girl, determined to at least ask ONE thing, even if she’d get a completely vague response from it, “Hold on, what do you mean by ‘maiden of the sea’?”
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