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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Godiva herself was rather silent as the General fell, and as Baldur decided to heal Siegmund's wounds. She was lost in a mixture of emotions, betraying one's country would do that, but she was fairly confused as to why they would cut through the fortress's garrison, killing plenty of soldiers who were simply following orders, while leaving the general alive, especially when their goal seemed to be the opposite. Unfortunately, as with the rest, she didn't get the chance to voice these questions as glass shattered around them, marking the entrance of three horsemen, coupled by more footsteps as the soldiers ordered to flank them finally got around. Though, unlike the rest of Virtuous, Godiva looked upon the three with even more confusion, not quite sure at what she was looking at or how she should feel, aside from recognizing them as possible enemies thanks to the poor reaction of the group, "Uhm... Can I ask who these three are? I'm not too familiar of any trio of individuals like these. Are the Perusian?"
  2. Mira "Stand and fight. You're going to die either way" Mira commented as Magic dodged her underhanded swing, taking a step forward in the same breath to strike once again. Mira once again uses Lunar Stance, countering the first attack made against her this turn for 6d8+3d6+23 damage, and follows it with a Crescent Slash on CFW Magic, dealing another 6d8+4d6+23 damage. Her second set of actions by using another Cell Repair (healing herself for 7d6+13 HP) and, if possible, another Crescent Slash on Magic for yet another 6d8+4d6+23 damage. If her Rending Combination perk doesn't let her to the second Crescent Slash however, Mira will simply end her turn after the Cell Repair. Full Moon: Restriction Release will last for another 3 turns.
  3. "Th-Thank you, I may have gotten a bit over my head there" Godiva admitted as she got back to her feet, still feeling the burns along the front of her body. The two blasts of fire had knocked her clean off her steed, who had proceeded to flee before becoming a victim himself. Thankfully though, seeing his rider back in good health, her Pegasi returned, helping her into his saddle. Truth be told, she was in over her head right now, practically committing treason against her own country, but it was too late to change her mind now. Godiva moves to L10 and heals Kane, then cantos to L8.
  4. Battle theme Mot, Kino, and Emna hold their turns for now… With a flash of red, the Onryo dashes forward, becoming a blur as she flies around the room and slashes at various members, dealing 26, 40, and 29 damage to Kino, Mitsu, and Spicy respectively. Though bloodied by the Onyro’s attacks, Mitsu manages to hold on and strike Ubume 1 for 80 damage, felling it in one swift blow. The other Ubume, though losing their partner, decides to take a step back from the raging goddesses, instead switching its focus to the fellow undead that was Enma, slashing at her for 22 damage. Spicy, now thoroughly pissed, practically ignites the entire room, waves of flame igniting every demon, yet somehow sparing those who fought alongside the Goddess. The Ogre continues to lay where it is, seemingly lifeless, as the fires begin searing its floating fruit (for 25 damage) Ako, noticing the fact that the Onryo nearly felled a Goddess, puts aside the fact that the other was starting to burn down the inn with her flames, throwing a two barrier slips at Mitsu and Lexiel, along with a flurry of flower petals twirling around the wounded Goddess, healing her for 13 HP. Spray manages to get up to Lexiel, despite all the fire and heat being thrown around, and heals her for 18 HP. Lexiel does herself a favor by summoning a Wall of Denial between the world (save Spray) and herself, healing everyone else for 5 HP. The fire and heat created by Spicy continue to rage on, the pulse from the flame she held vaporizing the other Ubume whilst burning the Onryo for 22 damage. Turn Order Status
  5. If he was being honest, Proditor felt somewhat uncomfortable just by being in a place like this. He had braved wars, fought against horrors that could shatter the mind of normal humans, yet a human karaoke bar was enough to make him feel odd. He didn't exactly feel like he should be spending time here, not when there was more work to be done... Yet he didn't have the heart to go against everyone's desire for a bit of rest, especially with the child being so engrossed in their unique singing. So, as visibly uncomfortable as he was, Proditor simply tried to relax, floating just out of the group's way as he watched. He did register Nader's request for money, but didn't give a response. It was rather obvious that Proditor didn't have any 'American money' on him... Not that he needed it in the first place. ... The fact that Nader was now seemingly part Tiger did cross Proditor's mind for a moment, now that he had a chance to think on it, but he quickly brushed off the fact. It was honestly one of the less odd parts of Nader's odd character.
  6. "... I understand General. Know that I don't hold any ill will towards you, I'm just... doing what I feel is right" Godiva replied to the disembodied voice of Siegmund, flinching slightly as she watched the rest of Virtuous move in and begin cutting the defenders down. It hurt watching the same troops she promised to keep alive be killed... But it was unavoidable at this point. The most she could do, riding further into the keep, was try to knock out a few soldiers on her own, hopefully keeping them from getting into fights that would ultimately kill them. "Please forgive me." Once Fey hammers Ivan, Godiva goes to J13 and uses her mace against Mage D, before cantoing back to I14 (if it's available by the end of the turn).
  7. Osada "Hm, nice place, Must've taken a while to get the money for it huh?" Osada commented, whistling as they stopped at the detective's home. Truth be told, he didn't much mind the odd looks the resident gave him, he got that enough back in his old world no matter where he went, be it in the Mage community or from ordinary people. After all, he wasn't exactly a normal human. If anything, he just felt glad to be continuing his exploration of what life had to offer, and being allowed to see the sights of a place normally locked off from his kind was rather enjoyable.
  8. "Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to try that kind of maneuver." When Lenore moves, heal her using the Heal Staff, then Canto to J18
  9. With the floating eye gone, Godiva turned her head back, casting a sad gaze back at the castle and those inside before steeling herself once again, turning back to Virtuous, "I know it might seem fairly hypocritical considering my earlier actions, but I would like to lend a hand in assistance. I figure we can discuss things later, but I also figure that you may need a bit of help getting to the General. Who I presume you're here for."
  10. "... So it's as I feared..." Barely audible from the young noble, Godiva narrowed her eyes casting them down as she took in the news. The King, her own uncle, had ordered her cousin, his own son for that matter and Prince, to be held captive outside of the kingdom. She knew her uncle had done plenty of questionable things, but as a distant member of the royal family, she had tried to keep an optimistic demeanor and keep helping those she could. But to imprison their own son under the guise of them being kidnapped? For her, that was an act that crossed the line. Godiva, admittedly, wasn't a strong willed individual for the most part, but when she came to a decision, she held true to her beliefs. So, naturally, Godiva took in a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to do, and began trotting out of castle... Then, another woman broke from her position and went to kiss Arthur. And, just like that, Godiva seemed to forget what was currently happening, letting out a shocked gasp at the sight, "Oh my goodness, Cousin! You found someone new!? I'm so proud for you!"
  11. Initially, upon hearing the General's voice, Godiva turned her head back into the fort, a confused expression on her face as she processed where the voice was coming from, before ultimately moving slightly outside of the doorway, looking up to spot the speaking eye was positioned, "Hold on... Siegmund, you mean to say that you were behind my Cousin's disappearance? And that you entrusted his imprisonment to the same kingdom that we're at war with?"
  12. Flicking her gaze back and forth between speakers, Godiva quickly caught on to what they were implying, just before the purple haired man cleared things up for her, "What identity? I don't know anyone's identity, no sir. He just sounded like someone I knew, but it's clear that they aren't related in any way, yep. And unfortunately I don't think you were at all out of the fort's notice. General Siegmund could hear you from beyond the main hall" Godiva replied reigning her mount back and slowly backing into the fort once again. As excited as she was to finally see her long lost cousin again, it was obvious that now was not the time for family reunions.
  13. As it was to be expected, Godiva's arrival begun to quickly make things descend into chaos, with both Ivan and the intruders shouting and mobilizing themselves. For an instant, Godiva responded in kind, drawing the mace that she kept at her side and reigning her mount back, ready to fight if these intruders were willing to attack a noble like her... Before suddenly freezing at the sound of the red haired individual saying her name, only to turn away and seemingly shove something onto his face, "Wait... That voice... Arthur?! Arthur is that you!?"
  14. "Thank you Adelaida, I'll make sure I return these to you once I come back" Godiva commented as she trotted by the fairly quiet knight, bending over to take the keys for herself. Then she simply went over to the front door, bending over to unlock it, open it, and guide her mount outside to be met with the sight of what seemed to be a fairly sparse and oddly uniformed guard moving to the side of the fort, without much signs of combat. Until Godiva saw the bodies that laid just on the edge of her sight, slightly hidden by trees, and the realization that the 'oddly uniformed' guards weren't guards at all, and were the intruders. Intruders with masks that hid their identities, which meant... "... Oh. That's not good. Uuuuh, Ivan? I don't think these are Perusians." Godiva moves to J20, opens the front door, and cantos to J21
  15. Battle theme Before everything went to chaos as it normally did, Lexiel quickly summons a Soul Warden, the good lad’s arrival reinvigorating the party (and healing 5 hp as an added bonus). Doing as he normally does, Mot continues to drive within the confines of the room, putting another bullet into an Ubume for 63 damage, additionally gaining another Mortality stack. “Spare me your lectures. The broken remains of a god has nothing to offer” the Onryo spat back, flicking its arm to the side, splattering a slight amount of blood onto the ground, all while still deflecting the bullets that kept coming towards it. Then, suddenly, the Onryo slammed its foot down, an aura of wind whirling around her and deflecting the various bullets on their own accord, as well as giving it a 15% damage reduction, red eyes glaring at Spray from beneath the Onryo’s mask, “ENOUGH OF YOUR GAIJIN CRAFT!” As the Onryo turned her attention to Spray’s gunfire, Mitsu made her move, disappearing in a burst of wind and beginning a swift assault on the yokai., dealing 132 damage in her initial flurry. But, in the instant she backed off, Mitsu would easily note Spicy’s own offensive, giving her yet another opening to take advantage of. Said opening was quickly taken, another sword swipe dealing 53 damage at the raging yokai, her blades tearing through the aura of wind that tried to protect it. The Ubumes, upon seeing Lexiel summon a new, fairly divine entity, take it upon themselves to take care of a potential problem at its source, gliding right over the floor and slashing at Lexiel twice, dealing 19 and 25 damage each as Lexiel manages to avoid the worst of their blades. Spicy, meanwhile, begins her rapid strikes, slashing at the Onryo 15 times for a total of 73 damage. (91 for lily rank roll) Drawn to the residual divine energy coming from the Shrine Maiden, the Bud Ogre charges her, jumping at and slashing down at Ako, dealing a hefty 28 damage. Ako, for her part, reacted fairly quickly despite being nearly torn open by the Ogre, slapping a Purification slip onto the demon’s forehead. Shortly after, the slip shone with a bright light, arcs of what seemed like electricity swiftly coursing across the ogre’s body, dealing 28 damage (19 vs 8) and causing the ogre to fall over, the large plant on its back opening up to reveal a floating ‘fruit’ within. Thankfully for her, Spray managed to make his way over to her, doing a bit of quick patchwork on her wounds and healing her for 18 HP, “Thank you, I appreciate it…” Enma and Kino, while the Onryo still recovers from the rapid assault that was forced upon it, join in with said rapid assault, Kino smacking the Onryo for 10 damage and inflicting an Entente of Malice, which is quickly consumed by Enma, hitting the Onryo for another 22 damage and debilitating it. Turn Order Status
  16. "Excuse me Sergeant Ivan, just passing through to see what's going on out there for the General." Godiva moves to J-14, saying high to Ivan as she passes him.
  17. Mira With the booster crushed and its energies flowing through her, Mira lifted her sword to her face, red eyes peering past the edges at the final CFW, a mass of dark fog flowing around and into her armor as she began focusing her Magra within, preparing one of the two techniques that she rarely used, "Full Moon..." Under a barely audible mutter, the fog that constantly surrounded Mira finally, fully retracted, hiding within the shell of dark steel that surrounded Mira's body, and pooling within her center; Her Generator. The red eyes that had been glaring at CFW Magic had also vanished, but even still, her gaze could likely still be felt within the black void beneath her helmet. "RELEASE!" And with that shout, the Black Knight erupted, the Magra pooled within releasing everything it had and more to fuel Mira forward. Yet, unlike her time with Brave however, the explosion was hardly lethal, more of a hard push against her surroundings. Instead, the Magra that had been put together was flowing both within and around Mira as she charged CFW Magic, her blade dragging along the ground as she closed in on her target... Mira spends 18 of our hard earned Elder Coins and unlocks her Lunar Stance. Mira spends all 8 of her Magra points to activate Full Moon: Restriction Release, granting her unlimited Magra for the next 4 turns. Once that has been activated, Mira will then use three extra actions: Lunar Stance, nullifying the next attack that hits her and countering with (6d8+3d6+23) damage; Half Moon: Crescent Slash on CFW Magic, dealing (6d8+4d6+23); and Cell Repair, healing herself for (7d6+13) health.
  18. Initially, Godiva had responded to Siegmund's request with a cheerful nod, guiding her mount to head further within the keep... Only to pause when the sounds of fighting began to leak in through the walls. At least, she was pretty sure it was fighting, it certainly did have the shouting and ringing of metal upon metal. Turning back to face the General, she saw him put a hand on his forehead, taking notice of the sounds as well, right before asking her to check it out for him. Until he was interrupted by his soldiers once again as they joked about the possibility of Perus counterattacking, and more importantly, the group known as Virtuous. Unlike Siegmund, Godiva could believe in the soldier's theory on Virtuous attacking them. It was foolish, yes, but the group was known for being a problem and taking risks. Regardless, it would be a major surprise, especially since they would be attacking an out of the way fortress. If it was a Perus counterattack, then she'd simply have more people to patch up afterwards. But if it was Virtuous... Then perhaps she could see what they were really about. "Got it. I'll be right back." Godiva moves to J8
  19. Mira Completely tuning out the existence of the so called "Diety of Greed", Mira continued her march back to CFW Magic, taking out the one STR Booster she had taken... Only to crush it within her hand, allowing its energy to pour into her. Mira uses her STR Booster Z, boosting her STR by 50% (5.5). Currently she has two stacks of Greed, giving her +1 Syn and reducing her DR by 1, along with 6 Magra. Mira will also gain an extra bit of Magra from her passive in two turns.
  20. "I appreciate the thought General, but I'll be fine. Today was certainly an eye opener, but I'm still willing to push on. Besides, if things go well, it wouldn't matter if I 'walked away' or not."
  21. When it came down to it... Godiva truly didn't know the real levels of war and death that she would witness taking up this burden for her family. In a way, it felt like the General was deliberately making a point, an example to test her spirit. He had certainly been accommodating enough once she had arrived, but now, staring as he tore apart the opposing army with nothing more than a flick of the wrist, it felt like watching a different person. She had been hesitant to ride back to the fort, partly out of a sense that an extra weapon fighting for them would be better than one waiting for them to return, but it was painfully obvious that hers didn't matter much next to the General's power. "..." Still, though she initially bared a look of shock and horror, Godiva simply ended up closing her eyes, letting out a deep breath and bringing a closed hand to her mouth. Though they was a mixture of allies and enemies, Godiva offered a whispered prayer to those who would never return home. Then, after offering her words to the departing souls, Godiva turned her horse around, riding off back to the fort, as she was ordered to. She had a bit of prep work to do before they made their way back to the castle.
  22. Harmony “Hm, she is a strange creature, isn’t she? I doubt anything has experienced something like her before” Harmony commented, pushing herself from her chair and taking a few steps towards Scarlet, hands behind her back, hidden underneath her shawl, “But yes, we can skip your ‘warnings’, I’m sure I’ve heard them all before. Right now, I’m far more interested in learning just what kind of being you are, miss..?”
  23. Osada For his part, Osada was barely paying attention to the wolf tengu and the detective's talk, instead gazing at the Tengu Settlement itself. It was an odd blend of feudalism and modernism, what with the traditional walls and what seemed like factories within them. It was an oddity, yet that made it somewhat interesting to look at. Of course, even when focused on admiring the architecture, Osada's gaze shifted back to the conversation once the word 'stabbed' was dropped, just as Masako flew up to the weary guard to handle their entry. Not that he would've done it himself, seeing as he was practically being dragged around right about now, "I take it you have a pretty bad reputation when it comes to getting into fights, eh?" the swordsman commented towards Isobel, taking note of her inaudible sigh, "I'd see it as a blessing, but only because I actually like it. You don't strike me as the girl to enjoy matching blades."
  24. Harmony "It is part of my job to notice the finer details, and no, we haven't yet" Harmony replied with a smile, not seeming to mind Scarlet's guarded tone. She was used to it, since no matter how 'unassuming' she looked, there was always something that clued the observant on her true nature, "My name is Harmony, a mere Observer who has chosen to watch this... Particular oddity of a group. You do happen to work with that anomaly that calls itself... Zoe, correct?" she asked, straightening her posture now that she had Scarlet's attention.
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