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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Frigus heals Rachel and Nader for 13 HP! As the entire group ran out of the crashed ship, they could see that Firebrand was beginning to activate its engines, sand flying out in waves as it prepared a quick get away. Lazarus himself made it to Firebrand, only to look out and shout something to Database before running back out to meet the group… Specifically to give the still heavily wounded Rachel a hand in getting to the ship. (83) Meanwhile, just as the Sectopod stomped its way out after its new controller, the first of ADVENT’s Transports could be seen on the horizon, speeding their way to the ship. Due to their distance, it would be a bit of time before they managed to make it over. (30) As the group started to make their way towards the ship though, a large crack of a rifle filled the air… A red outline of a bullet barely grazing Rachel’s armor before scattering to the side. The culprit in question was a tall alien crouched on the top of the ship, strangely similar to the one with a sword that they met at the Alien Facility, except clearly male, wearing a hood, and lowering a large sniper rifle, smirking at the group as they retreated, “And THAT there, was a warning shot XCOM” he stated, his voice crackling into XCOM’s communications so everyone could hear, “You should really learn to keep your fingers out of the Eldar’s stuff. It gets annoying having to deal with the messes you cause them” with that, the alien gazed at the retreating party, including the Sectopod, “And I see you’ve gotten new friends! How exciting. Let’s see if they’re any fun sport…” he began, raising his rifle again and aiming it at the group. In the Avenger, the closest to the party could see another sniper aiming at the alien. Specifically, the Reaper, somehow managing to get ahead of the group and back into the ship without being scene… (67) Then, with two individual cracks of rifles, both snipers fired… At each other. Almost instantly, the Reaper was thrown back as the alien’s bullet hit him square in the chest, slamming against the seat behind him and causing Database to cry out in shock before running to his aid. The alien, on the other hand, found his shoulder being thrown back as the Reaper’s bullet collided with his rifle, glancing off the outer shell of the gun and into his shoulder. Needless to say, this gave the group enough time to get onto Firebrand as it began to slowly take off. Despite its size, the Sectopod managed to get itself inside, lowering itself to the ground and carefully entering the ship, managing to leave enough room to squeeze around it. (33 vs 23) Then, with everyone on board, the doors of Firebrand closed, the ship beginning its escape as bullets began to collide with the outer hull, “Evading ADVENT ships now, hang tight everyone!” the pilot yelled. Shortly after, almost everyone in the ship was thrown around by the emergency maneuvers employed by Firebrand, ones that were likely not expected to be performed by a transport ship. However, it only took a minute of this before the intercom went live again, “We’re all clear. No ADVENT ships in sight. Heading back to the Avenger”
  2. Mira Eventually, Mira managed to find her way to the armory, narrowing her eyes as she entered the building. This place was well stocked… But worn out by constant battle. That much was obvious to her. As she kept walking through, she kept eying the tools stored inside. Perhaps she could spend her time until the next battle resharpening her blade. At least, that was what she was thinking about doing, until she suddenly stopped, turning her head to look at a rather roughed up scientist (judging by the old lab coat he wore)... Injecting “blood” into several ants that set them ablaze. And soon enough, setting the entire jar they were contained in on fire. “... What are you doing?” Mira’s deep, altered voice asked, one of her red eyes visibly expanding like an eyebrow was risen in confusion.
  3. Mira Soon enough, the blood on Mira’s face had been entirely removed, the irritating sting finally disappearing with it. Sure, there was plenty of blood still on her armor, but at the moment, she did not care about removing it. Instead, she merely placed her two gauntlets back on her hands, flexing hands to make sure they were secure, before placing her helm on her head and straightening from her crouch. Then, without another word, Mira turned from the fountain, deciding to take a walk around the fortress. Mira leaves for the Armory
  4. Marian At Lancer’s telepathic question, Marian thought to herself, keeping herself as straight as possible as she walked, “Pretty strong at the moment. Why?” she asked, keeping a hand in her coat pocket to keep contact with Lancer. Proditor For the most part, Proditor remained silent as he observed the room as it continued to change its appearance. By the end of the twenty minutes, the room was completely changed… Now appearing as an armored, grey room with several machines layered across the walls, each with bright red screens and looking more advanced than anything Julius had seen before, along with lights installed into the wall, illuminating the room, leaving no inch of it darkened. Where there had been regular, wooden doors in the gym, they were now replaced with smooth grey doors that slid open when approached. Where there had been windows to the outside world were now replaced with walls once more, while there were new openings in the walls for new glass windows, with red, electrical tints as a small screen of energy was layered over them, allowing Julius to see Proditor’s work on the building still at work outside the room. The most notable thing about the room was the large, circular machine only a foot away from Proditor, with a bright red center, with a small screen in front of the Servant. Thankfully, Julius didn’t have to wonder what it was, because at that point Proditor finally began to speak again, “From here, once I am finished with the rest of this building, we will be able to control and observe everything inside. Unfortunately, I am unable to make it so it can observe areas too far outside this base, but I plan on correcting that once I am finished” he informed, turning his focus back to his territory creation. He still had quite a while to go.
  5. Freya "ASAP it is then, got it" she stated, turning away for a second to talk to Solara, who was probably still hanging around, "Hey Solara, can you try and get the others over here for me? I'll probably be out in a bit to help" she asked. Solara was probably faster at moving around the place than she was. That and Freya had next to no idea where everyone was at the moment.
  6. Freya Stellio's guarded look wasn't lost on Freya, though she quickly nodded at his question, "Yep, that's no problem for me" she replied, "How fast do we need people to come here? Like, ASAP, or there's not much of a rush right now?"
  7. Freya Needless to say, the second small balls of pure white light started to appear, Freya was bounding with more excitement… Only to freeze when they suddenly changed red. After a few seconds, Freya tested them, willing them to change blue.. Which they did. Then green. Then yellow. Then pink. Then every color she could think of in the span of five seconds, causing the light to practically flicker between colors until she shut them all off, “Alright, that’s cool” Freya stated, tapping the skull badge, “Kinda wish it came from here but hey, can’t have everything” she stated with a shrug, before looking at that large flower temple that she noticed Stellio go into earlier, “Hm… Let’s continue this later, I have something I want to check out” Freya said, blinking again as the world around her returned to normal (from her point of view), before beginning to walk towards the temple. However, just before she entered, Freya stopped, looking at the doorway to the temple. Last time she tried to enter one of these types of places she got a spiritual boot to her butt and kicked out of the temple. Nearly killed her too. Was she really wanting to have that happen again? … Yeah, she was willing to risk it. So, with that, Freya clutched her staff tightly, taking an extremely careful step into the temple… And then another. Then three more. By the sixth step, Freya had let out a sigh of relief, beginning to walk a lot more casually into the temple. Soon enough though, Freya clearly saw both Stellio and some priest, along with some guards. With a bit more courage now, Freya kept walking through the temple, until she was not too far away from the Dark Knight and Flower Priest, “Hey, uh, what’s happening here?” she asked, having heard the mere end of the conversation… And not much else aside from that.
  8. Freya … Okay, Freya had to admit that was pretty ironic when it came down to it. She never thought she’d ever learn a spell that’s considered “holy”. Funny enough that by the end of Solara’s explanation, Freya had let out her own little giggle, “Yeah. This is better than the first time I tried out fire magic” she replied, “Well, I don’t have better things to do at the moment. Being a walking lamp would be pretty cool though” she added, tapping her skull badge, “Especially if I don’t make my other stuff run away from me all the time.”
  9. Marian As Lancer ordered her, Marian closed her eyes, feeling the rush of energy as Lancer began to do his flash stepping… Only to be placed down not a few seconds later, only getting a final, second look at Lancer before he vanished again, leaving her in the dusty coffee shop. For a good while, Marian didn’t move from her spot, looking around the shop before staring down at the crystal Lancer gave her. While she had a bad feeling, she still had a good amount of faith in Lancer. He did seem to be very capable… Even though whatever was chasing them was as well. With a frustrated sigh, Marian put the crystal in her coat pocket, stepping out of the shop before walking in a general direction away from where Lancer had gone. At least, where she believed Lancer had gone off to. … She just need to give those two a distance away from herself at the moment. That and any other Servants. For a brief second, Marian looked down at her right hand, thankful that she was wearing a glove over it. She didn’t want to be easily recognized as a Master, especially not with Lancer around. Proditor Aside from shifting some of the dust away from Julius, so he didn’t keep breathing it in Proditor didn’t respond to Julius’s question, simply staring at the room they had entered. Large, dusty. Likely a lot more space and materials for him to work with. It would take some time to make this place into a suitable base, but it was early in the war. They had the time. After his initial observation of the gym though, Proditor turned to Julius, “All I need is time, Master” he stated. As he did so, Julius could see the gym beginning to slowly change, from the dust in the air moving to the middle of the room, slowly being condensed into a small ball, while the walls and floor began to slowly shift to a high grade, shiny grey metal, the edges of these shifts being bright blue as they expanded across the room. Along with that, the nonessential parts of the gym, like the bleachers and hoops began to dematerialize, the same blue outlines appearing on them as he did so, “As a Caster, the materials I need to do my work are always with me. I’d say it will take me approximately… twenty minutes to finish this room. Possibly an hour or more in order to prepare the entire building. I shall make sure to create a room for you to occupy for the duration of the war, Master” Proditor explained, turning his head back to the rest of the room.
  10. The Sectopod continues to menacingly charge its Wrath Cannon! Contagion does his best to hide Nader and Frigus from the Sectopod’s gaze! Frigus dives behind a wall for cover, all while healing Nader and himself for 11 hp! Aquila takes a running leap towards the Sectopod, landing atop the giant alien machine and beginning to bash at its armor for… 8 damage as its armor barely budges from his attacks. In fact, the Sectopod barely even seemed to notice he was there, focusing its attention on the targets in front of its cannon. Lazarus continues to run like hell, firing another round of bullets at the Sectopod as he does so, only to watch them once again bounce off its armor. The Reaper, on the other hand, runs off to the side, practically vanishing from Harry and Contagion’s sight, only for a loud crack of a high caliber rifle to pierce the air as the Sectopod’s armor gains a tiny new hole in its hull, with 16 damage as well. (57) The Reaper’s position is still a mystery at this point. (NATURAL 20 vs 4(+15)!) Just as the Sectopod’s cannon began to glow bright and brighter, the air in front of the alien tank beginning to heat up as the firing charge was near completion… Suddenly it stopped, its eyes blinking out of power and dying as the cannon lost its charge, closing itself up as the Sectopod lowered itself back to the ground. Then, not a few seconds later, it began to come to life again, still as a statue as it awaited its new orders from… Alan, who had successfully fixed his fuck up and hacked right into its AI and take control of it away from most of ADVENT's mainframe. ENCOUNTER IS FUCKING DONE WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME Everyone who was on the initiative list gains 4 merit. Alan gains 1 extra merit for hacking into a god dang Sectopod and winning, even with him failing hard previously. Nader gains an extra merit due to weakening the Sectopod considerably with the Horsekiller Not long after the Sectopod miraculously changed sides, the comms began to clear up again, “Menace 1-5, our contacts in the Resistance can’t keep ADVENT preoccupied now. You have multiple aircraft on your way, return to the Firebrand immediately!” Bradford said urgently. For the most part, the party could see that the XCOM operatives were doing exactly that. Lazarus was still sprinting towards the ship, after taking a second to see the Sectopod’s change of command, Database was bringing back the last of supplies from the ship, and the Reaper was… Somewhere. The Sectopod itself still stands, awaiting its new orders.
  11. Now that the mage no longer exists, Tekeshi moves to P-6, alive and well.
  12. Freya For the most part, Freya nodded at Solara’s explanation. White magic, magic for order and teamwork, whatnot. Dispelling enchantments seemed pretty useful though. She’d have to work towards learning that. However, at the present, she closed her eyes and began to focus. A higher form of order probably wouldn’t help for her to focus on… She didn’t really put much faith in them anyway. Neither was she much of a poem person. That just left a mathematical equation, or- And like that, Freya managed to get a grip on something. Specifically, something imbued in her skull badge, causing it to shine brightly with two individual lights… Probably from the eyes, if she had to guess. Excitedly, she began to look around with them… Only to realize that no matter where she pointed, nothing really happened aside from things lighting up, “... Well that’s disappointing. Just some lights? I mean, it’s something, but kind of-” she began, a bit disappointed as she turned back to Solara… Only to cut herself off when Solara shrieked in terror and dived for cover, “Oh Agnas-” she groaned, quickly bringing up her hand to cover up the eyes of the skull… Before realizing she could just will it to shut off. Which she did, bringing her hand back down and revealing a deactivated skull badge. Once Solara came back out laughing, explaining that she had learned ‘Turn Undead’, Freya stood there a bit confused, mostly because she had no idea what she meant by that for a second. Then again, judging by the fact that Solara fled in terror at it, probably meant that it made undead flee in terror. So that was something. In response to Solara’s exclamation of irony, Freya brought a hand to the side of her head, now showing a bit of a sheepish grin, “Well, I don’t tend to get a good grip of certain stuff” she stated, “Hm… But at least if we take on another Necromancer, I have the advantage thanks to this. Even if it… Affects mine as well” she added, before shrugging.
  13. Freya At Solara’s explanation, Freya nodded, “Right… Another magic type…” she muttered, remembering her struggles from when she was younger, specifically the ones about other magic types, before shrugging, “Well, I have nothing better to do right now. Think you can give me a few pointers on this ‘white magic’ thing?” she asked. It wasn’t like she had better things to do, mostly because doing anything with her stuff would probably turn the entire place from “welcome” to “die you freak of nature die” in a heartbeat.
  14. Freya For the most part, Freya was a bit impressed at what they were doing, and a bit thankful that they didn’t try and kill off any of them right at this moment. Which was thankful, at least. … However, once the group was past the gate, Freya decided to take a bit and ask Solara something… Directly. So, stepping off to the side, Freya’s sight of the world switched to the dull, foggy world of the spiritual plane, where she could see Solara fully, “Hey, Solara, mind if I ask you something?” she asked, only to continue before Solara could respond, “I’ve been thinking about how to get you a physical body. I’ve been thinking about getting a suit of armor for you to inhabit, so you can actually do something, but there might be something else we can do. Specifically, um… Using my own body as the anchor. Kind of like sharing it. I know we couldn’t really do it as I am now, because-” Freya paused, looking down at herself… Specifically, the shadowy outline of herself that seemed to suck in the light coming from Solara’s soul, “... Me, in general, but do you think it could be possible?” she finished. She knew it was possible, it was just very hard and things tended to go really badly when two souls were incompatible.
  15. Freya Right after Tim gave the cat a little pet, Freya came stepped in, "My turn!" she stated excitedly as she did so. It was a weird test… Then again, religious people were always weird, but hey, it was not harmful so it didn’t really matter much now did it? So, with that, Freya carefully and gently giving it a few pets, including a quick scratch behind the ears before, like the others before her, retreating. Not much else to it besides that.
  16. Freya For the most part, Freya was looking around the place she had walked in now, taking in the sights as Tim offered everyone bits of obsidian. In all honesty it looked very familiar to her own place… Not as exciting or exotic as the last two places she came to. But hey, it at least felt like home. At least, the good parts of home. Maybe. After a few seconds of that though, Freya finally nodded at Vitor’s proposal. She wasn’t too cold, her outfit was able to at least take in heat from the sun… But it wasn’t good enough to not let her feel some of the cold, “I’d rather not stay out here in the cold myself” she said. Before she went after Lily however, she took a second to grab a bit of obsidian from Tim, giving him a quick thanks before walking after Lily.
  17. Harry, Contagion, and the Reaper Once he was patched up, the Reaper stood, quickly reloading his rifle with more ammunition, “Follow me. There is a side entrance to that room I noticed before I found that patrol” he stated, turning and quickly running off, thought making himself visible enough for the rest of the group to follow him. Soon enough, the Reaper led the three to another door, and when opened, led to an area behind the battlefield… Right in the Sectopod’s blind spot. This is still happening! Once more, the heavy stomping of the Sectopod began again as it continued forward as its main body began to rise, mechanical shifting emanating from the tank as its legs were straightened out to let the main body rest well over six meters off the ground. Then, once more, a turret extended from the top of the Sectopod’s body, the aiming down at the ground before opening fire on both Frigus and Nader, dealing 16 damage to Frigus, and 14 damage to Nader. While Frigus wasn’t able to get his slashes against the Sectopod’s main body, he was able to strike twice at the machine’s legs, dealing 23 & 27 (50) damage to it! Too bad it’s still standing. Aquila marks the Sectopod! And he’s now about “eye” level with the Sectopod’s main body, to its side and on a rather clear walkway with railing on the sides. Lazarus pops out of cover again, opening fire on the Sectopod and dealing 11 damage. Most of the bullets merely bounce off it's still intact armor. Alan begins to use his hacking, taking his pervious knowledge he extracted from ADVENT’s Mecs… Only to find his tool’s lights suddenly flashing red as the Sectopod pauses, then somehow manages to straighten more, turning straight for Alan. The Sectopod gains a +2 to Synergy and Dex as Murder.exe is activated! (68) Just as the Sectopod begins focusing on Alan, another gigantic bang fills the ship as another round of the Horsekiller is fired at the alien tank, dealing 33 damage… And managing to punch an entire hole through the tank, exposing a bit of inner workings before it turned back towards the group. While Rachel unfortunately couldn’t jam her pistols onto the Sectopod’s main body, she managed to get close enough to rapidly fire at it with both of them, burning the Sectopod’s armor with 16 damage! (25) Unfortunately, while the pistols began to melt the armor of the Xeno tank, it still held strong. With one of the hostiles registered as near, the Sectopod lowered itself towards the ground for a second, multiple panels shifting open on its legs. Then, a large burst of electricity exploded from its legs, creating a wave that blew Rachel away, dealing 27 damage as she’s thrown back. Then, it stomped both of its legs into the ground, panels shifting on its lower front as a swirling red light began to activate inside of it… Aimed right at the ground. “Oh shit…” Lazarus immediately muttered, before jumping away from his cover, “PULL BACK! NOW!” he yelled before turning and booking it. Initiative Uh oh status
  18. Marian Needless to say, Marian was rather surprised when Lancer slipped the crystal into her hand, and even more surprised when Lancer spoke directly into her mind. But, by the time he finished explaining what he had given her, she nodded, her magic circuits flairing to life again as she covered the stone in her small barrier as well. Then, she had the decision. Flee from the beast following them or engage it. Which was something Marian quickly thought about. If they fled, they could get away… She trusted Lancer on that. But what if they were tracked down again by the creature while they were still recovering from fleeing? But fighting the thing was risky as well… Dammit, not even an hour into this mess and she was already making a life threatening decision. “Alright, try to get a bit of distance on that thing and then drop me off. We’ll give it a fight” Marian replied, using the crystal to mentally communicate with Lancer, “I can try to get away from it while you fight that thing, I’m just going to get in the way if I stick around. We can regroup later” she added. She didn’t want to sound like a coward, but whatever was following them had clearly struck something in her. Natural prey response, most likely. Proditor As Julius ranted, Proditor merely stood as still as a statue, unmoving as he listened. He had to admit, humans had their strangeness. He had an advantage with his “obscure” magic, yet put it as a failure of his own. “No, you are not pathetic” Proditor replied bluntly, “but this is neither the time nor place to continue this. This gym however sounds like it will prove useful” Proditor stated, extending one of his longer, thing, blue arms out to Julius, “I believe it would be best to cut the journey short this time” he added, his signature blue energy beginning to form around said hand. Once Julius (hopefully) took the alien’s hand, Proditor would once more cause both of them to vanish from the church in a burst of blue particles, before reforming both of them at the gym Julius mentioned.
  19. Elegy For the most part, Elegy was rather surprised at the sight of the Island they landed in. Well, not as surprised as she would’ve been, considering the place was called “Rubbish Island”, but it was still so bad that it blew other sinkholes she went to out of the water. … Well, that was probably a bit rude, but it at least had its truth. When the Captain had selected her to be one to go with her and get information, Elegy simply stood and nodded. Then, a good while later, they were walking through the streets and, unsurprisingly, the Captain was the one getting the most information… And even that wasn’t enough. And then everything basically went to hell, with everything beginning to shake, even making Elegy herself start to wobble s she was ordered to help a girl that had fallen down, causing the mute musician to nod in response and start moving towards her, just as cans began to fly everywhere, nearly hitting her multiple times as they flew right over her head, causing her to duck multiple times to avoid getting any head injuries. By the time she reached the girl though, Rice and Isaac had already gotten there, taken the girl, and were booking it away from the scene. Oh come on! Elegy thought to herself as she ducked underneath another can, before running after the two herself. She was not getting into any life or death situations right now.
  20. Mira For the most part, after the battle was finished, Mira was completely silent, not even saying a word to the people around her. Over the course of the trip though, she steadily grew back to her altered height, the dark, flowing cape on her back returning as they finally reentered the courtyard… Where she immediately split from the group, going to where it would be a bit harder to notice her (though, not if you were actually looking for her) to clean herself off of the blood from that creature. Normally, blood wouldn’t be that much of a thing to worry about. She was used to it staining her armor and normally let nature to the washing for her, like rain or rivers. However, at the moment, the blood was being an annoyance, still stinging despite the battle being long done. Currently, it had seeped through the small openings of her armor, and streaked along the left side of her face, thankfully not actually getting into her eye, which is why she needed to find something to clean herself off with. There should be something around here to help her do that… … Which came rather quickly, actually, in the form of an active fountain… Made out of skeletons. Weird, but Mira wasn’t really picky aside from how out in the open it was. Normally, that would’ve made Mira refuse to use it at all, since she never liked removing ANY part of her armor, especially not when people she did not know were around. But, instead, she merely knelt down next to the fountain’s edge, placing a hand in the fountain and watching the blood easily wash off her armor. Then, she took her hand back out, removing both of her gauntlets and helmet and placing them next to her, carefully using the water from the fountain to get the blood off of her face. She didn’t have the time nor will to get rid of all of the blood from her armor, so this was more or less the best she was doing with it. Walmond & Lambda Walmond and his servant, on the other hand, stuck together, remaining near the entrance to the courtyard as Walmond inspected Lambda for damage. For the most part, Lambda wasn't too bad in terms of damage… A lot of marks on her gauntlets indicating damage, but nothing worrying. Hell, even with the arrows still sticking out of her, he wasn’t worried, especially when he could simply pull them out and use a bit of his magic to repair the damage. Overall, Lambda was still 100% active and ready for combat… At this point the only thing he needed to was figure out what to do with her now that he had new information regarding souls. … At this point he wish he had his laboratory again.
  21. Rachel & Alan (with Harry and Contagion) Not long after either of them asked their question, the Reaper of the party spoke up, “A Sectopod is one of ADVENT’s mechanical units, and their worst. Anti-Armor weaponry will be appreciated” he explained as he entered the room Harry and Contagion were in, the coat on his shoulder being scorched black, “I will go there once I am patched up” he added to the coms, before heading to where Harry was. Harry and Sandman are back at full health! Sectopod Encounter! Battle Song: The Sectopod itself, now having spotted its enemies, begins its advance, its two large feet smashing against the metal flooring as more red lights appear on top of it… Before spinning rapidly. Suddenly, a hail of magnetically propelled, alloyed bullets flies at the party, dealing 20 damage to Lazarus and 15 to Aquila. Once the hailfire of bullets ends, the gun retracts back into the Sectopod’s frame as it continues forward… Frigus initiates emergency healing, healing himself and Aquila for 13 hp each! (14 vs 7) Aquila dashes to cover, hiding himself from the Sectopod… Surprisingly. Lazarus raises his rifle, firing rapidly at the Sectopod as he makes his way to cover, his rifle dealing 17 damage… And barely causing the Sectopod to flinch as it continues moving. Nader, on the other hand, stays right where he is, unleashing absolute hell on the Sectopod, dealing 15, 18, and 14 damage with his M3 Sorraia, 17 with his Osprey, 5 damage with his PAW, and finally, his Horsekiller gets a wonderful 23 damage on the Sectopod! The mechanized tank itself, when met with Nader’s onslaught of bullets, once again, barely even reacted to his Sorraia, Osprey, or PAW, merely letting the bullets clang against its armor as it advanced. However, when the Horsekiller was fired, the Sectopod was actually stopped, its body being forced to the side as the bullet collided, causing it to take a step back as well from the hit. … Unfortunately, judging by the fact that its lights merely glowed once more as it turned back to the party, it was going to take a bit more than that to take it down. Alan arrives! And is probably in awe of the mechanized death robot coming his way. Or something. Soon to be changed initiative Where's the Commander?
  22. Elegy For the most part, Elegy had been off to the side of the ship, looking out into the horizon of the sea and practicing a few small songs on her violin. It was mostly a way to keep her head clear at the moment, it was a bit boring at the moment with the crew nearing their destination and not seeming to need her music at the moment. However, when she heard the call of food, she couldn’t help but stop practicing, turning from the edge of the ship and heading towards where the food was, waving at the rest of the crew before getting her, as Carl put it, “Shit-on-a-Shingle”, sitting down with it a wordlessly digging in. Which, considering she didn’t do much on the ship aside from play her music and wasn’t even that big to begin with, made how fast she was devouring the food a bit of surprise to those that hadn’t seen her do so yet.
  23. Proditor For the most part, Proditor ignored the fact that Julius fell to the ground face first. It wasn’t that surprising for the most part, it was a sudden teleport on a moving individual. The tall alien was more looking around now, barely moving his body except slightly rotating in the air. Quiet, no people he could sense. At least there wouldn’t be witnesses if another Servant arrived. Suddenly, Proditor looked back at Julius, having caught his Master’s short internal rant. It wasn’t that hard to be honest, it wasn’t as if Julius was keeping his thoughts quiet, but for the most part, he continued observing and detailing the area as Julius went up to the door. As expected, Proditor heard the chains rattling, already coming to the conclusion that it was locked. And like before, Proditor heard Julius’s internal screaming and internal rant, nearly physically sighing as he began to turn around, “To think I would get an insecure Master for this war…” he thought to himself before projecting his voice into Julius’s mind, “Do not fret about things such as that, Master. This is a war, self doubt will only further hamper your ability to fight, and win” he explained, fully turning to Julius, “You are a mage in training, not a fully fledged one. You should only be doubting your abilities if you were fully trained” he added, beginning to float towards the gate to the church… before suddenly stopping, clearly not of his own will, “What..?” he asked, his voice still hearable by Julius as he looked around the grounds of the church, before bringing a hand up, hand glowing blue for a second, “Hm… A field that repels the concept of Servant…” he commented, bringing his hand down, “I am afraid that I am unable to go any further than this. My guess would be that another Magus is around here… Possibly in the church itself” he said, looking up at the church, “... But, I am unsure it is worth investigating as of now.”
  24. Platinum For the most part, Platinum couldn’t help but be completely confused as to what the girl meant. She didn’t exactly ask WHAT she was, but HOW she was floating upside down… But instead got the answer of “I’m dead people”. Which made no sense except for the fact that she was a… Spirit of some kind? That would explain why she was floating upside down in the air at least. However, the girl’s response to Aislin’s question, and then question towards her caused Plat to let out a flat “What?” in response, unfolding her arms as she did so. What did she mean by “a guardian of the future”? And why did she direct the question towards her? Either she was being metaphorical or… Literal. Which at this point wouldn’t even surprise her.
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