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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Rachel For the most part, the trap making went decent. The wires were put down, the pipes were placed, and the engine was wired to her vox-caster. Everything was set up. There was just something… Off about this that Rachel couldn’t shake off about her trap. OOC knowledge here: When activated, the engine explode, dealing damage to a random person in or around the crashed ship. Alan As Alan searched the ship, he couldn’t help but notice the fact that while there was an abundance of alien materials, such as the strange crystals and alloys that Database had been dragging in, and some guns, there doesn’t seem to be much materials that stand out to him. Though, he was mostly just checking around the entrance and armory, and there was still a large room in front of him that still didn’t have the lights on, and another room to the side… Which judging by the gunshots coming from it, said that there was some people inside fighting. Harry & Contagion The first thing the new Contagion decides to do is take aim at Harry, letting out a volley of bullets (23 vs 12), most of them hitting the tubes, mostly bouncing off the surprisingly durable glass casing. However, Harry still did hit by a few, taking 9 damage. (86) (47) As the Spectre turned to Harry to fire at them, another loud crack of a rifle filled the air, hitting the Spectre’s shoulder for a hard 23 damage, causing the Spectre to take cover from any more shots, before it fired back at him... (57) … And managing to land a hit on the Reaper’s own shoulder, taking 11 hp off of his vitals. As for Harry, with the distraction the Reaper provided, he managed to use his psionic trick, wiping himself from the Spectre’s vision, along with Dark!Contagion, carefully moving up towards the Spectre and, due to the fact that it probably didn’t have a neck to snap, aimed his rifle at the being, and fired one shot, dealing 18 damage. Immediately, the Spectre head burst into its dark particles as the rest of its body flailed in agony, before it all dissolved into a pile of black dust, shortly followed by Dark!Contagion doing the same, with the actual Contagion being able to wake up once again. That was easy. You two get two merit. Nader (and everyone in the middle room) At first, Lazarus himself stopped at Nader’s warning, listening himself before hearing it. The faint sound of metal upon metal… And by the sounds of it, in this room. Instantly, his hand went up to his helmet as Nader went to the wall, feeling around for a light, “Commander, we’ve got sounds in here. Unknown number of contacts, orders?” he asked, keeping his rifle aimed as he searched the room, his rifle’s light illuminating the barren room, before his light went over a detail that forced him to stop. A hooked up ADVENT MEC, crushed by another during the crash by the looks of it, charging wires still connected, “Shit… Commander, seems we’re in a Mech Bay… Which…” he began, only to trail off as the metallic scraping sounds began to grow in loudness, now clearly coming from the other end of the room. It didn’t take long for Central to answer, “Menace 1-5, we’re picking up signals of an active S̶̶̴̕e̢̨͢͞c̵̶̛̀t̸̨̡͟͡o̢͠͡p̷̴̛͠ǫ́d͏͟,͢͟ ̡͢͟͝r̵͠ȩ̵͜͠͝p̨͘͠ȩ̴̸̕͝á̛͜͠͞t͡͡,͘͜͢ ̵̴͝ you’ve got à̡́́͠n̵҉̢̕͜ ̸̵̛͢͜a̸̡̕͡͝ç͘͟t͏̶҉i͟͜͟͢͝v̷̕͘͢è̀҉͢ ̢̀̀͢S͏̧͞ęc͞t̵҉́͡o̵̧ṕ҉ơ̸̕͠ḑ̛͟͡͝ ̵͡҉̡̡í̶͞n̵ there!” he informed, his communication being garbled midway, “Shit, communications g̸͞ȩ̴̀t̴tįn̷g̀͟ ͝͞ru̵̕s̷t̡͠y̕͜, get me a s̡̛̕͟͟t̢̧͞a̸͡͏t͝u͏s̵͟͜ ̵̢͟͡r̨̕͝e̴҉̵͘p̴͡o̢r̀͟ţ̀͝,̶̨ ̢̧̕͜n͏͞o͟͠ẃ̧̀͏͝!” he added, before his turned his part of the communications off. And not a second afterwards, a loud crash is heard as something breaks apart from the wall, two loud, metallic feet crashing onto the ground. Not long after, multiple red lights began to glow from the darkness, turning away from the group at first, before back at them, its lights glowing brighter as it turned fully towards them, straightening as it did so. Lazarus, understandably, growled in frustration, “Get to cover, we’ve got a Sectopod!” he yelled, taking aim at the machine shrouded by darkness. Aliens all day today... Bradford's Status Report
  2. Platinum For the most part, Platinum chose to ignore Aislin’s flustered response, mostly as a way to ignore the still kind of awkward situation. She felt like it was at least the best move, all thing considered… If she actually focused on fixing it she might get angry enough to- Suddenly, a red haired girl popped her head down from the top of Platinum’s vision, causing her to stumble back with a surprised shout, now staring at the third party as her mind raced to try and figure out an explanation as to why she was FLOATING UPSIDE DOWN IN THE- Then, just like that, Platinum sighed, “Everything all day today…” she thought to herself in annoyance, before fixing her posture, her eyes never leaving the new arrival, “Uh… Hello” Platinum replied hesitantly, “... Mind explaining how you’re doing…” she began, gesturing to the other girl’s feet, “... That?”
  3. Platinum … After a good while of thinking, Platinum couldn’t help but sigh again. She wasn’t going to figure out anything about this by just thinking to herself, that was obvious. Best course of action was just to check out that ball again. After all, it wasn’t like she was able to walk out and find the girl responsible for- And suddenly, just as Platinum began to think about that train of thought,the entire forest started to collapse, with Platinum herself stumbling from the shaking earth before looking at the toppling trees and cloud of dirt and stone. Thankfully, Platinum was more at the edge of the field, furthest from the entire chaos… Which was unfortunately where everyone began to run to as Platinum took steps back from it, in complete disbelief at what was happening. First the entire dodgeball incident, and now the forest being ripped to shreds by something? At this point, this day couldn’t get weir- … … After a few seconds of blackness, Platinum began blinking her eyes open. Last thing she remembered was someone ramming into her, knocking her to the ground, followed by darkness covering her vision. Judging by the dull ache at the back of the head, she probably hit her head… Which was probably why she couldn’t really think straight at the moment. Everything just seemed out focused… Like the person on top of her. She felt like that face was familiar, she just couldn’t really put a finger on it… No wait, it was Lexi, she at least remembered that. Or rather… Aislin? That was her last name right? Right, it was. Only thing she couldn’t figure out what was (and for a bit, had been) squishing at her- Oh. About at the same time Lexi realized what she was doing, Platinum realized as well, eyes widening as she looked down and saw it first hand. That was about when Lexi scrambled off her, allowing Platinum to prop herself up on one elbow, bringing her other hand to the back of her head. Now this was awkward. “At least ask next time” Platinum replied, her tone making it rather obvious that she was snarking that out. Honestly, she didn’t really mind, in all honesty. Well, if she was able to think straight, she probably would’ve just punched/slapped Aislin without any hesitation, but she wasn’t, so that opportunity already went and gone. Then there was the fact that it was obvious that Aislin wasn’t thinking straight herself, so it wasn’t entirely her fault… As long as she ignored the time it took for her to realize. The main thing that managed to make Platinum ignore the entire thing rather quickly was the field of devastation in front of her, causing her to slowly, with a bit of a groan, get back to her feet. She took it back, the day could, and did, get a lot worse. … At least she could admit that there was definitely something unnatural going on around here.
  4. Rachel (14) As everyone continues to fight, Rachel gets to work setting up a perimeter with her traps… Managing to fine scattered plates of the ship's hull around, plenty of pipes and (surprisingly) wire. Hell, she even managed to find one of the engines half buried in the ground near the ship... She just couldn't tell if it was broken or not. Either way, a lot of material at hand. Middle Group (66) Frigus moves up and proceeds to whack the Muton twice in the head, catching it off guard and dealing 44 damage to it. It’s not dead yet, but it seems to be getting close… (49) As Frigus whacks the Muton in the head, Aquila himself goes for a stab at the Muton, the bayonet of it’s rifle being inserted right in its gut, dealing 9 damage! Now it’s just getting angrier. As if the Muton couldn’t get enough today, Lazarus fires his grappling hook at the thing, the hook piercing its armor and digging into the skin. After a second, the Muton rears back in pain as 15 amps of electricity is pumped into it. Not even two seconds later, the Muton stops, steam rising off of its body before it slumps to the ground, dead, while the hook detaches from its corpse, reeling back to Lazarus, who merely shakes it off once it came back. The Mutons are dead. You three punks get two merit. Harry & Contagion (30) (28) Before the ADVENT troops could truly react to the ambush, Contagion fires at the Spectre, dealing (27)(27)(22) 76 damage! As for the Soldier, a small device flies out of the darkness, sticking to his back as a small, blinking red light began to emit from it. The Spectre, after getting a multitude of bullets shoved into its form, looks up, its faceless visor staring straight at Contagion before its body begins to dissolve into a swarm of black particles, which hover in the air for a bit before racing towards Contagion. (7 vs 17) Before Contagion could react, the dark cloud washes over him, blacking out his sight as it began to assault him and… Analyze? It didn’t really matter. As it stood, Contagion himself felt his senses fading away, before even his mind went to black. Meanwhile, at Contagion’s body fell to the ground, an outline remained, before forming into a solid shape, vastly similar to Contagions, except completely black. The Spectre quickly reformed right next to him as well. Harry, as this happens, opens fire at the ADVENT Trooper, (62) his shot landing with a mighty 26 damage… And hitting the device that was thrown onto him. Needless to say, the device proceed to turn a dead trooper, into a dead EXPLODING trooper. Here’s the Initiative Status
  5. Marian After Lancer’s calm reply, Marian couldn’t help but feel his grip on her tighten as he suddenly began to move even faster than before. Then, only a little while afterwards, he warned her to brace herself, causing her to instinctively activate her magical circuits. She didn’t have much training using her magic, unfortunately, it was something she only learned not too long ago, but it was enough as black, gridded lines appeared on her skin, only really showing on her neck due to the fact that everything else was covered up, causing a small aura to appear around her. A small shield to help brace herself. Which, when Lancer did suddenly change his jumping pattern, helped her at least handle the effects of suddenly stopping and going again. THIS was supposed to be what her father was trying to investigate?! Proditor Wordlessly, Proditor grabbed Julius’s shoulder, his helm glowing brightly for a split second as a blue aura was generated around his hand. Then, not a second later, both he and Julius quickly converted into blue outlines, before scattering into individual particles that were quickly snuffed out by the rain. … Julius himself would’ve felt absolutely nothing for the second after he was broke apart, only to be dropped on his feet in a completely different area, the alien’s hand leaving his shoulder, “There. We should be safe here for the time being. I do not currently sense any Servants nearby” Proditor stated, looking up at the church nearby, “... And we managed to save a good amount of time as well.”
  6. Platinum At her own place in the court, Platinum couldn’t help but narrow her eyes as she thought. She unfortunately didn’t see the flash from Sharp, but she had more than enough on her mind as it was to keep her occupied. Namely, that flash of light, which she still had no clue what it was, except it was completely unnatural by all accounts. Finally, Platinum sighed, bringing a hand to her forehead. This entire this was confusing enough to start making her head hurt, specifically since there was no truly logical reasoning for any of this at this point.
  7. Middle Group Frigus initiates ham mode, whacking both of the Mutons stuck in his gravity (still), dealing (21+29) 50 damage to both! They look mighty pissed off now! (8 vs Non-Natural 20) Aquila uses his trusty flail once more, going to whack the Muton once more… Only to find it ducking beneath his swing before ramming forward! (Natural 20! Vs 22!) Thankfully, by planting his feet on the ground and grabbing onto the Muton, Aquila is able to stay on his feet… Only now he was trying not to get thrown by an extremely angry Muton now struggling out of his grip. Lazarus merely takes aim at the two Mutons still stuck in mid air, filling them with more holes, dealing 16 damage to each. Not long after, the gravity spell Frigus casted wore off, causing both to drop to the ground, dead. With the two Mutons now dead, Nader changes his target to the one fighting against Aquila, who were both currently grappling each other. While it was distracted, Nader slammed Horsekiller into its back, hitting it for 8 damage. It’s still pissed off. (17 vs 11) With a mighty roar, the Muton manages to finally throw Aquila off of him, pushing the knight a few feet back before taking another swing at Nader, the latter’s helmet doing it’s job and protecting him from the blow, only causing 4 damage. Do we need an Initiative? Needless Status Harry & Contagion Not long after Harry asked his question and got set up, the Reaper responded, “They’re only a few steps from the door now. I have the one opening it” he stated. Not 5 seconds afterwards, the door to the lab opened, revealing two ADVENT soldiers and a black/green humanoid creature that was likely the Spectre the Reaper talked about. Just as said door opened, a large rifle crack came from behind them, before the left-most soldier’s head practically blew apart. Before either the Spectre or the other soldier could react though, Harry and Contagion were already firing, with Harry’s new plasma rifle hitting the ADVENT Soldier in the chest for a good 18 damage, while Contagion hit the Spectre for 20. Neither seemed dead, but each seemed upset. Initiative Status
  8. Marian At first, Lancer’s suggestion to carry her for travel got a surprised reaction from the young Master, only for her to become even more shocked when he suddenly yelled that a battle was upon them, before running out of the room, “L-Lancer, wait!” she called after him, throwing her coat on and slamming the door to her apartment behind her, chasing after her Servant as he moved insanely fast through the building. By the time she reached him, he had already come back in, not far from the exit he used, “Hold on, what enemy are you talking about? I do-” she tried to ask, only to be cut off when Lancer picked her up, causing Marian to let out a little “eep”. Before she could say anything else though, Lancer had gone right back out of the building… And jumped into the air, causing her to drop her umbrella and let out a startled cry as the world became a blur. Originally, she forced her eyes shut, covering her head as Lancer retreated through the city. However, by the third landing, when she realized that she was completely unharmed and the two weren’t splats on the ground, she opened her eyes looking around at the blurry surroundings. If she was honest this was… Rather surreal. The fact that she was in the rain, being carried by a knight, protected from said rain by a bit of fire that didn’t even hurt her, moving through an entire city at high speeds. She had a feeling that Servants were powerful… But this was… Amazing! … At least, until the single second as Lancer landed that gave her a sight that would probably haunt her for the rest of her life. Specifically, two green eyes from a shape in the distance, locking with hers as it moved after them. At least, that’s what she guessed, considering she didn’t see it before. Those eyes were very bright, enough to cut through pitch black darkness if it wanted to. In a way, they were rather beautiful… If Marian couldn’t feel the sheer hatred and animalistic fury that laid behind them in the second she saw them. “L-Lancer, I think whatever enemy you felt before, it’s gaining!” Marian yelled over the sounds from Lancer’s jumps, saying it just as he landed once again. Proditor Once Julius went going, Proditor trailed him, his spiritual form hovering above the rainy streets. He was originally content with moving through the city, getting a good look at it by himself. That, and the walk would’ve done help to calm his Master’s nerves, a calm mind was what they needed to win this war anyway. Unfortunately, it seemed the War had other plans, since a sudden ping of energy on his internal radar caused his form to suddenly freeze. Another servant, nearby. Moving fast, by the feel of it, along with another faint signal just at the edge of his radar. Either there was a Servant chase going on… Or they were going for them. “Master, there are two Servants coming this way. I would suggest increasing your pace” he stated, slowly rematerializing next to him, keeping perfect pace with Julius, “Alternatively, I could attempt to teleport both of us to our destination right now. Save us the trouble of dealing with these Servants” he added, turning his head to scan the rooftops behind him, keeping an eye out for the Servants.
  9. Mira When Mira’s blade cut into the Lahmu, she had already planned her course of action. Take a step back, then counter its own attack to finish it off. Sounded good… Until the Lahmu, in a burst of speed, swung one of its clawed hands at her head before she could step back, creating a large clanging sound as her helmet was knocked clean off her head, landing with a heavy thud a few feet away as its owner finally avoided the Lahmu’s followup. Then, with a small glare, Mira grabbed the Lahmu’s arm, lifting it above her head and slashing downwards once more with her sword, cleaving the creature in two before tossing the remains aside with a frustrated sigh, finally turning and picking her helmet up with one hand, calmly placing it back on her head. The ‘blood’ from the creature stung, but not enough to make Mira worried about it at all, even if there were some stains on her face. Then everything went to literal hell as the beast in the group suddenly created a giant storm out of nowhere, blasting winds everywhere and forcing even Mira to plant her sword into the ground in order to not get thrown off her feet. But, not long after the sudden storm started, it was gone… Leaving a completely destroyed and charred battlefield. … Needless to say, for Mira, it was an impressive sight, one that astounded her from the sheer power thrown around. But, it didn’t take long for her to yank her sword back from the ground before following Ghost to the castle, as silent as ever. Walmond and Lambda Neither Walmond nor Lambda were prepared for the storm that had suddenly appeared from Ghost’s beast, though thankfully Lambda was able to quickly go back to her creator and hold him down, preventing him from flying away from the force, which for that, he was thankful. And then when everything cleared and Lambda let go of Walmond, allowing both to straighten, Walmond physically gasped at the sight in front of him, “My word…” he whispered as Lambda moved ahead, needlessly paying attention to the area around her encase something didn’t actually die while her shields folded back into her gauntlets. Soon enough, Walmond managed to shake his head of the shock, walking after Lambda, and by extension, Ghost.
  10. Marian Once Lancer vanished from her sight, Marian moved towards one of the chairs in the room she was in, picking up the long, black trench coat that she had placed on it earlier, thinking about Lancer’s suggestion. Getting an ally could be helpful… It was just extremely dangerous. She wasn’t too sure if she wanted to keep her back open for a backstab… Especially when she was unsure how the War was going to go. “I’ll think about that Lancer” she replied to his suggestion after a bit of thought. Just as she grabbed an umbrella for the rain outside, Lancer had rematerialized, suddenly asking her how fast she could travel. Needless to say, the question made her blink in surprise before she answered, “Well, about as fast as a normal person, I guess. I wasn’t really able to get a car or… A vehicle of some kind here.” Proditor “Hm… A church…” Proditor replied to Julius, thinking about it, “Hm… If the area is clear of anyone by the time we arrive, it would be a good area to make a base and spy on the War. I would suggest we move quickly before other Masters can intercept us.”
  11. Platinum At Sharp’s response, Platinum merely nodded, bringing a hand to her chin as she went back to her thoughts. Everyone heard it, that was good… Kept her from thinking that the entire thing was a figment of her imagination. She just didn’t have any confirmation that the flash of light was real or not. It was, strangely, unlikely that it was part of her imagination, since it actually fit with everything at the moment. There just wasn't a clear cut explanation of how. "Thank you" Platinum replied to Sharp, before turning and walking back to the sidelines to sit down and think. There had to be something going on, that was for sure. She just needed to figure out what. ... Or, well, she didn't NEED to. She just wanted to.
  12. Marian By the end of Lancer’s explanation of his abilities, Marian nodded. A halberd capable of enhancing its reach with magic, while Reignite gave him a better shot at winning… Except for the fact that it seemed to be best used as a last resort, since it weakened both him and her (if the drain she felt from it was showing). At his final statement though, Marian couldn’t help but shake her head, “It’s fine, Lancer. I could've summoned a dozen different Servants than you... Er, weaker, ones, I mean. We don’t need brute strength to win something anyway” she stated, looking out of the window at this, watching the rain continue to fall, “But… If there is a War going on now, I think it’s best we get moving, right?” she asked, looking back at Lancer, “We don’t accomplish anything by standing around.” Proditor Julius got his response a few seconds after he asked his question, “I am unable to sense any Servants nearby, which means at the moment, we should be fine, unless Assassin is already on the hunt. As for our plan, I would suggest finding an defensible area, preferably a large, empty building such as a warehouse to use as a base. I will need time to prepare it in order to be able to defeat other Servants, but with time I should be capable of doing so myself” Proditor explained, pausing as he considered another plan, “Additionally, we could attempt to strengthen ourselves by allying with another Master, preferably one who cannot win the War on their own. It is risky, but it would allow us to better fight against the more powerful Servants of this War.”
  13. Marian It wasn’t hard for Marian to notice how Lancer was actually shorter than her, and about her age as well. Odd, but she didn’t say anything about it. Master or not she wasn’t keen on getting on their bad side. At his question though, Marian blinked for a second, before bringing a hand to the back of her head, looking to the side, “Er… No, but I can now” she said, bringing her hand back down as her eyes shone brightly for a few seconds as she looked at Lancer’s parameters. Thankfully, it was something she could get a hold of. Lancer seemed to focus more on defense and speed rather than strength… Since those two were fairly high stats. He also had Battle Continuation… Which Marian guessed was something that helped them keep fighting despite wounds. For the most part, it seemed solid. But, it was doubtful that she had the best. For all she knew she had the worst. Hopefully not the later. At that point, Marian’s eyes died down again as she gave a nod towards Lancer, “Well, you seem fairly strong, Lancer. I’m honored to be working with someone like you” she stated, folding her arms as she did so, “Though, I have to ask… What do your Noble Phantasms entail? I can’t really say from looking at them.” Proditor “Yes, I am capable of controlling minds, with time. Servants take a while for me to find footholds, but Masters tend to be more vulnerable, if I’m able to control them” Proditor replied simply, his voice seeming to come from everywhere around Julius, “I would suggest using your magic for offense, if you must use it at all. As a Caster, my ability to fight on the front lines are severely limited compared to other Servants. Increasing my physical capabilities will amount to practically nothing.”
  14. Marian Needless to say, with the sudden lightning arcing in the room, Marian was forced to take a step back, bringing her hands up to protect her face as the energy from the summoning began to die down. Once the room had fallen silent, Marian moved her arms a bit, opening her eyes before they widened in surprise at the Servant standing before her. A Lancer, judging by his weapon, and judging by the armor, a knight as well. That was when Lancer spoke, introducing himself to her and referring to her as his new Master. After a brief second brought from her taking that fact in, Marian took a deep breath, fixing her posture before responding as professionally as she could, “A pleasure to meet you, Lancer. I am Marian Lavitiel Matrinox, current head of the Matrinox house” she responded, giving Lancer a respectful bow of her own before straightening. … A few seconds afterwards, she realized that Lancer was still kneeling in front of her, without moving, “Er… You may stand now, if you wish, Lancer.” Proditor At Julius’s proposition, Proditor’s head moved in what appeared to be a nod, “In normal situations, I would appreciate that. But considering my status…” Proditor began, his entire body suddenly turning transparent and blue, before scattering into individual particles that blew away in a non-existent breeze, “I am more than capable of reverting to a spiritual form. Space should be no problem for me unless I must deal with another Servant” he explained.
  15. Proditor (Caster & Julius) Sudden theme Soon enough, the light from the circle died, revealing a hunched over figure in brilliant, exotic blue robes, which when combined with a large helm that covered their entire head, prevented any notable features from sticking out. Once the light was all gone, the figure began to rise, easily beginning to tower over Julius... Until he was fully straightened, floating slightly off the ground and being nearly twice as tall as Julius. If Proditor was entirely honest, he was not expecting to be where he was. A small room (thankfully not small enough to hamper his height), dusty from the lack of care, and a single human before him. It wasn't complex for Proditor to realize who this individual was, even without probing the latter's mind. After a second of silence between the two however, Proditor finally spoke, his voice loud and echoing in Julius's mind, carrying with it an air of power and authority, "Greetings, Master Julius Carsten. I am Proditor, Caster of this War. It is a pleasure to meet you" he stated with a respectful bow before returning to his straightened pose, now unmoving as he stared down at his Master.
  16. Harry & Contagion At Harry’s question, Database merely nodded, taking the canister and beginning to carry it back to the ship. Not long after he did so, the russian voice of Sandman came into his comms, “I’ve spotted a small party of ADVENT forces. Two soldiers and an active Spectre, moving through the hallway to the right room. I am currently flanking them” he informed, before his com went silent again. Main Room Frigus uses the feared “Gravity” spell, dragging the two Mutons not engaging Aquila to be side by side! (Natural 20 vs 19!) As Aquila prepares his counter attack, his flail wraps around one of the bars of the Muton’s rifle, before pulling the rifle out of the Mutons grasp, forcing the alien trooper forward and straight into Aquila’s knee strike, dealing 9 damage to it. (17 vs 23) Unfortunately, despite it getting knee’d in the crotch, the Muton seemed rather ok Lazarus, taking advantage of Frigus’s gravity spell, raises his rifle (90), firing a short burst of bullets that deal 10 damage to each Muton. The first two Mutons take aim despite the gravity, one aiming for Frigus, and the other aiming for Nader, each of their guns glowing brightly in the darkness. (58) The Muton aiming for Frigus hits his mark, dealing 10 damage to the keyblade warrior. (11) The other Muton, due to the darkness, misses Nader by a hair, the beam of plasma hitting the wall behind him and nearly burning a hole through it, despite its superior metal. The final Muton, angrily roared at Aquila, deciding to fully ditch it’s rifle in favor of sending a powerful right hook towards Aquila’s head, his armor doing its work and only causing a mere 6 damage. Aquila instantly managed a counter attack on the poor Muton, his flail hitting it for a hefty 16 damage and healing 8 hp! Nader charges the Mutons that were stuck in the air, swinging his Horsekiller at the one that missed him, causing it to be knocked into the other, dealing 17 damage to both of them! Status Initiative
  17. Marian If Marian was being honest, the rain was the last thing she wanted to happen today. All it accomplished was making everything ominous… Which after the events that continued to transpire in recent history, it was the last thing she wanted. First, she got news that her father, and mother for that matter, had died in an accident. Not even a few days afterwards, she was visited by a member of the organization her father worked for, who told her that she was now tasked to do what her father died trying to do. Specifically, an investigation of something that happened a long time ago. She couldn’t refuse, so she started her own investigation, and just two days after she started she found herself here… Wherever here was. It was completely insane, but she was here now, standing in a room of one of the many expensive apartments in this upper class district, watching the rain continue to pour outside. With a sigh, Marian pulled out a small vial filled with blood. It was something given to her before she set out for her investigation, something her father was prepared to use for something. At first she was confused about why she needed blood, but now that she was here and somehow knew what she had to do, she was glad she kept it around. After a brief bit of hesitation, Marian opened the vial, getting to work on making the summoning circle in the middle of the room. It took a bit to keep working despite the smell of blood that was slowly filling the air, quickly finishing her work before resealing the vial, placing it to the side before beginning the summon itself. "Blood flows unhindered Stories of greatness intertwine My body is yours Your heart I desire Brandish your soul against my foes Come forth with me unto victory..." At her chant, the circle in front of her began to glow, all while three red markings faded into existence on her right hand. A large handle, a scythe-like blade that hovered right above said handle, and then a parting curtain that surrounded the two previous marks.
  18. Tekeshi, despite his track record, helps out Doran and moves to J-4, stabbing the Journey Man in the gut and praying that he doesn't die.
  19. Platinum Platinum herself merely gave Miss Filhem a quick nod at her instructions, watching the group of four leave the court. For a few seconds afterwards, Platinum simply stood there, thinking to herself, before walking towards the ball to get a better look at it. … Needless to say, there wasn’t much that she couldn’t really figure out from the ball that wasn’t something she saw before. It was just a simple dodge ball with a large burn mark from it that originated from this ‘Lilith’. The main question was how the hell something like this could’ve happened, since the best explanation she could come up with is that Lilith had used some sort of energy to power her throw… Which, at this point, could easily be the answer. It just didn’t make sense. “I’m not the only one who saw that flash of light from Lilith earlier before this dislocated someone’s shoulder, right?” Platinum asked Sharp, looking at them from the side of her eyes. She wanted to make sure her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her, and Sharp was the nearest person to ask that question.
  20. Platinum Once it was clear that Alva was fine, Platinum sighed, turning on her heel and beginning to walk away. There wasn't much reason for her to remain around the two anyway, the problem had been fixed. But, now that she was able to think straight again, and not be completely distracted by Alva's dislocated shoulder, her thoughts went back to the flash of light that came from the girl's fingers. Almost instinctively, her eyes drifted to the ball that had been thrown, noting the burn mark still present on it. The chance of it actually being her mind playing tricks on her was fairly low at this point. ... The thing was, she just didn't know WHAT the hell happened to cause this chain of events.
  21. Platinum Just as Platinum's mind was starting to clear up and get to rational thinking, the girl that had tagged her out earlier was suddenly next to Alva, flatly telling her to leave and that she was, in short, being useless (which, to be entirely fair, she was in this situation). Normally, Platinum would've gotten a bit upset that she'd call her useless when she was trying to think, but instead, Platinum just sighed, stood up with a shrug, and stepped back. Might as well let someone who seemed to know what they were doing actually do their thing.
  22. Platinum For the most part, Platinum was more or less lazily paying attention to the match while in her own thoughts, mostly due to the fact that she was no longer a part of it. She half-heartidly noticed that Kaede had been struck out, with Alva moving on to another girl, only for her ball to be caught and- Suddenly, a loud boom snapped Platinum's attention to full force. Was that a goddess damned flash of light that came out of her fingers? Did that ball just move faster than she could actually see, and was now smoking from the force? And- That was where Platinum's thoughts froze as her eyes finally went to Alva, noticing the fact that she was laying on the ground and in clear pain. After a second of being completely frozen, Platinum's body went on autopilot, jumping to her feet and quickly getting off the sidelines and running on to the field, crouching next to Alva. Instantly, Platinum noticed the fact that Alva's shoulder was definitely not placed right, a fact made even more obvious at the fact that Alva's hand was hovering near it but not fully touching it. There was also he fact that Platinum easily noticed how Alva actually had tears coming out of her eyes. At that point, Platinum forced herself to take a deep breath, closing her eyes for that duration before reopening them, trying to think on what she needed to do... Except at the moment, all she could actually DO was draw a complete blank and crouch there uselessly. Goddesses she was not ready for this...
  23. Everyone Not long after Aquila’s request came out, the Commander spoke through everyone’s coms, “Menace 1-5, Aquila has encountered three Mutons. Looks like we were correct in assuming some of ADVENT’s forces survived. Clear the ship out with lethal force immediately” she stated, “Sandman, go into the ship and begin locating any more hostiles for the rest of the squad. Lazarus, Nader, assist Aquila. Database, continue extracting supplies. The rest of you, you’re free to explore or assist wherever until further notice” the Commander stated, before falling silent. Lazarus At Frigus’s statement, Lazarus simply nodded before punching in one last number for the charge, before standing, listening to the Commander’s orders before sighing, “Wonderful, Mutons” he muttered before grabbing his rifle again, beginning to run towards where Aquila had gone. Rachel Once the Commander let out her orders, the Reaper’s cloak shimmered back into existence as he stood, “Keep the area out here secure if you wish. I have something to do” he said to the Sister of Battle, before moving towards the hole in the ship and, after taking a careful look inside, jumped into the ship. Harry & Contagion As Harry and Contagion made their way to the main entrance of the ship, they could see Alan and Database return from their trip back to Firebrand, ready to bring in more supplies. Database herself, upon seeing the container Harry carried, raised an eyebrow, stepping closer to inspect it, “Found something neat, huh?” she asked, leaning forward to try and figure out what it was, “Hm.. Commander? Should we bring this in? I’ve never see-” “Yes, bring it in, as soon as possible” the Commander quickly interrupted over the comes, causing Database to simply shrug, “Alright, I’ll bring it back then” she stated, holding out both arms to indicate that she was ready to take the container. Aquila (12 vs 4: Pass) Aquila, thankfully, managed to break contact and move his way around a corner thanks to the Muton’s lights, before turning around and preparing to strike at the first Muton to come into his sight. And then, when the first one came into his sight, he threw out his fist to clothesline the alien brute (9 vs Natural 20!)... Only to find the alien brute catching his fist, then pulling it to the side and headbutting Aquila in the head, ignoring the fact that he was still wearing his helmet, staggering him and leaving him open for the Muton’s followup, a large slash with its rifle (25 vs Nonnatural 20), his armor armor absorbing most of the blow and leaving Aquila with only 8 damage to his name. The other Mutons barely had time to round to corner before Lazarus, Nader, and Frigus ran into the room, the two Alien troops turning to meet them and roaring at both, activating their rifles to allow green energy to begin flowing through them. Status Initiative
  24. Freya At Orion's comment about ancient artifacts managed to catch Freya's attention, causing her to quickly close her journal and stow it away, "That sounds pretty interesting. I'm up for checking it out" she replied, before turning to Law, "Say, later, do you think you can use that thing-" she points towards Law's Alloy Printer to indicate what she was talking about, "-to make some armor for my little guys? Never really get the chance to suit my stuff up."
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