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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Proditor At Frigus’s question, Proditor took a second to look down at the recorder in his hand, noting the fact that it had flashed red for a second before seeming to shut off. After that second of looking at it, he raised his head again, looking at Frigus, “Yes. That right there is an ADVENT Testing Facility. I recognize the design” he replied, turning to the building itself, “... It seems we were brought here to assist the resurrected XCOM, and an easy way to get their attention would be to attack a secure ADVENT location. So yes, our first course of action WOULD be to get to that building” he replied. Nader As Nader looked through his scopes at the lights, he would notice the walls of red energy that they created, along with multiple troops in sleek armor patrolling the grounds in groups of threes, along with some large, humanoid machines stomping around, keeping an eye closer to the building they guarded, along with stationed turrets along the rooftop. He would also notice Aquila begin to approach it, along with one of the patrols noticing the knight… Aquila Sure enough, his approach to the lights was not unnoticed, as three soldiers with strange guns noticed, the one in the leading holding his hand up for the man to stop, “HALT!” he yelled in a slightly distorted voice, letting the two soldiers flanking him to aim their rifles at the knight as he lowered his own hand, “Yuo rea eitnreng a rescittred eraa. Put oyur ahnds ni the air, ro eb eedcuext!” he added, raising his own rifle to point at the knight. ??? “Menace 1-5, we have an update on the mission site. Both transponders we sent out a week ago are back on the map and in your immediate area” “Affirmative Central, we’ll keep an eye out for them.” “... Commander, I believe I’ve found one” “Already? Central, give me video footage of Sandman’s visor” “Already on it Comm… And… Er… What the hell? Is that a-” “Shit… It’s an Ethereal” “Dammit… At least it’s not an Avatar. Menace 1-5, new mission parameters, eliminate the Ethereal. Sandman, you have the all clear to-” “Belay that” “... Commander? “Keep an eye on the Ethereal for now Sandman. It has the transponder, but it is in the company of two other people. We cannot be sure if it’s hostile or friendly” “What? Commander that’s an-” “I know what it is Central.” “Then why-” “Because I’ve decided to, Central.” “...” “... I shall follow your orders, Commander” “Good. Rest of you, continue on with the mission, and stay out of sight until I give you the word.” “Ma'am, we have activity with ADVENT troops. They seem to have found someone. Looks like they’re ready to shoot at a given moment” “Sigh… Great. Alright Lazarus, keep an eye on them. If they decide to go at them, you have permission to engage. Phantom, back him up” “Affirmative Commander.”
  2. Freya Initially, Freya had stood in front of the pod, a hand on her hip as she watched it slowly opened, trying to look as cool as possible as it opened for her... Only to jump and shout a bit in surprise when the confetti shot out, throwing her arms up to protect herself out of instinct. However, after a second of awkwardness as Claptrap began his speech, she forced herself to straighten, brushing off the stray confetti before jumping in herself, snapping her fingers as she did so. Back at her room, her zombies would take notice of another portal that had suddenly opened up, before each were compelled to walk through, entering one of Freya's new pocket dimension as their Necromancer readied herself to leave for Pandora. Freya, on the other hand, once she was in the pod, turned to the strange guy that had entered with her, "Hey there, I don't think we've ever met" she said, before holding out a hand for him to shake, "Freya Wentz, Necromancer. Pleasure to meet you."
  3. Outskirts of Test Site A-26 After a bit of time and work, the group taking care of the Alien piece of hardware and responding to XCOM’s call for aid would find the device calmly repeating coordinates for their world, and sure enough, when they directed the ship there, they would arrive at a place vastly resembling the planet Earth, only at nighttime, unfortunately. The entire surrounding area was a heavy forest, with several large pillars of rock scattered around. However, despite the darkness, the group could well enough see the faint red lights of… Something ahead, along with a sleek, black road not too far from where the Weatherlight dropped them off. The device that was the key that brought them here, assuming they had brought it, had its screen flash with red, before seeming to shut off completely. Nader, Alan, Aquila, Contagion, and Blue Occultist arrive in XCOM! After a bit of wait, Proditor himself had taken the device that had been dropped into the bus, recognizing the alloy used for the material before playing it, listening to the entire recording, which was likely loud enough for the rest of the party to hear. Just as it finished, the bus seemed to finally reach a destination, screeching to a halt as Proditor rose, his mind checking the area around the bus to confirm where they were. After a second of that, his voice suddenly entered in both Harry and Frigus’s mind, “Follow me. I believe there is something we must take care of” he said before heading out of the bus, straightening once he was out and floating out a bit, his head turning to look at his surroundings. Shortly after Harry and Frigus got off the bus, the vehicle would go back to life before moving on to whatever else it needed to go, leaving the three to investigate the area. Specifically, they would find themselves in front of a small gap between two pillars, with a large, sleek, black building shrouded in the dark, with small walls brimming with red energy, buzzing lightly as energy continued to go through them. Soon enough though, Proditor would speak again, his voice still only appearing in their minds, “As I suspected… Both of you, welcome to my own world” he stated, "... Unfortunately, this is likely the best greeting you will get from here." Proditor, Harry, and Frigus arrive in XCOM! Sister Rachel After a bit of time, Sister Rachel would finally be able to find the location that several shady people she met had referred to. One of the Xenos bases of operations, a key location of theirs where they conducted strange tests. Needless to say, with the heavy patrols in the area, they weren’t keen on losing this location. But, it wasn’t heavy enough so that Sister Rachel couldn’t sneak in close. But, eventually, there seemed to be a break in her stealth approach, as now there were a group of three of the Xenos troops standing in front of one of the only entrances through their clearly electrified walls, keeping an eye out for anything that didn’t belong. Specifically, two grunts, due to their armor, and one of their Captains, with their blood red armor and cape. Sister Rachel is still in XCOM
  4. Freya After a good amount of time staring at the pod, watching Vitor poke at it, Freya finally let curiosity get the better of her, walking around to where she could open the pod and investigate. There seemed to be someone in there anyway, so they should just check it out to give them a little helping hand. If it was trapped... Eh. She didn't really have much to lose besides time from something like that anyway. Aquila Unfortunately, staring at the device does nothing as the piece of hardware simply lays there, unmoving.
  5. Alan Once DOOMBOT pressed the button, the device flared to life, the top portion of it sliding soundlessly to reveal a bit of smooth, black machinary before a screen popped up, with a red line running through it as the device began to play a voice only recording, with the person talking clearly female, “Greetings to anyone listening. My name is Zhou Hua, though I am mostly referred to as The Commander. I… Would normally hate having to use this method, but as it stands now, I am running out of options. We are fighting a losing war with ADVENT… Their fancy name for themselves, ever since they first took over the planet. We just like to call them the Aliens. Normally, we would just reach out to other Resistance areas for more men, but due to ADVENT’s technology, we at the Resistance, or as we prefer to call it, XCOM, have figured out that they hold interdimensional communication, and my Central Officer persuaded me to try and call for reinforcements to try and get help. As such, we have made this Interdimensional Recording device to try and do exactly that. If it is needed, and it likely will be, there are schematics coded into this device to help you create something to get to our own world, along with a way to contact us when you arrive, and coordinates to get to our world” they explained before pausing for a full second, “... If you are working WITH ADVENT and listening to this, please forget about everything I said, and kindly piss off” they finished before the recording ended, the top portion sliding back shut with its message finished. After a few seconds though, the middle portion opened up a bit, revealing a small slot for other machinery to connect to.
  6. Platinum To be completely honest, Platinum wasn’t looking forward to this game, though that may be her lack of physical exercise compared to everyone else. Nevertheless, she had come along to the actual game, since she had no choice in the end, and had made sure to pull her hair back a bit more so it wasn’t as close to the ground as it normally was. Now though, Platinum was just standing around, arms crossed as she waited for the actual thing to start. Not much she could really to besides wait, after all.
  7. Freya "Pffft, like I haven't already done that before. Doesn't really feel exciting though" she said before hopping to her feet, stretching a little bit, "I'm going to go take a little walk, been cooped up in here for way too long" she added, beginning to walk out of the room, letting her zombies remain in her room. As she reached the door, she paused before turning back to Aquila, "Oh yeah, make sure you close the door when you leave. Soon, hopefully, doesn't feel right leaving someone to just, uh, stand around in my own room" she stated before shrugging. And then, just like that, she was gone, heading away from the door and taking a walk around to ship to get a look at it. ----------------------------------------- Freya herself didn't find too much interesting on her walk. But, coincidentally, she was able to find Stellio again (and Vitor)... And stop when she saw the pod that Vitor was poking, "What the... What is that?" she couldn't help but ask, walking closer to it to get a better look.
  8. Tekeshi himself stayed off to the side of the stables, doing his best to patch up his newly acquired wound in his shoulder. Wasn't really sure what he was expecting, trying to take on a clearly skilled retainer in his state, but he had done so anyway, and because of that, nearly got himself killed for... What was the count at now? Third time since leaving that cell? Yeesh, it hasn't even been that long since he got out and yet he felt like it's been months. Probably from the fact that he had spent a good amount of time with his face on the floor. ... Damn, he really was getting rusty now.
  9. Everyone As the arguments seemed to die down, the party would suddenly hear a strange sound. Specifically, the sound of something glass shattering, followed by the sound of light metal hitting metal as a small, roundish, smooth grey device bounced along the main aisle of the bus, before coming to a stop. Proditor himself turned his head slightly to look at it, before turning back towards the controls, letting anyone who wished to pick it up... Well, pick it up.
  10. Ena After a fairly long while of working, something would catch Ena's attention. Specifically, the air to her side suddenly resounding with a small crack, before a small metal object flew and connected with the side of her head, too light to really cause any miscomfort. The object itself was a small, roundish device of sleek grey metal, with a large black button surrounded by red highlights in its middle. Freya "Oh, no, not really, just wanted to know, kinda was a bit busy with all this stuff" Freya replied, gesturing to the room around her, specifically towards her zombies and Solara, "Honestly, I'm always amazed by how much you can get just from doing a little bit of adventuring."
  11. Proditor himself nearly sighed to himself as he listened to the argument behind him. If they didn't shut up themselves they might damage Lucille's hearing even more, based on how loud they wee being. The Ethereal himself didn't butt in, however. Instead, he simply focused on driving. They would settle this themselves, since they seemed to be on that path already. If he had to interject himself in to stop anyone from hurting each other even more than they already were, then he would.
  12. Freya Freya herself, once the two got to work with Solara, went to her own devises, namely jotting down notes concerning her new swarm of bones that were still flying aimlessly in the air. However, as she did so, she did overhear Stellio's little training, jotting her own notes down about that for later use. She wondered what she could do with something like that... Maybe enchant someone's weapon to automatically use effects similar to her own necromancy? That would be pretty sweet. Nice, automatic source of minions without her having to lift a finger. Ideas, ideas, and more ideas... Today was shaping up to be a good day indeed. "So, any other reason you guys came down here? Or was it just to get some enchants since Solara can do that now?" Freya asked once Solara enchanted Aquila's flail.
  13. Due to the panic and chaos caused by the undignified exit of Somatostatin, it was really hard for anyone to truly stop the group as they headed back up to the Engineering Bay, before piling on into the bus. Proditor himself let Lucille float in first, setting her down on one of the seats before taking the helm of the bus, bringing it to life as his hands went to work on the controls.. And then, with a small turn and sudden burst of speed, the Bus went forward, flashing out of the Engineering Bay and into the slightly familiar traveling phase of the Bus's interdimensional jump, leaving the Fenrir base behind as they went off to whatever kind of new type of problem awaited them. The Party has now left the God Eater verse and moved back into the Bus... For now. Thank you all for putting up with me for now.
  14. "Right. Let's go, retainer!" Tekeshi moves to N6 and engages in combat with Alunda.
  15. Freya At that, Freya seemed to think for a second, before shrugging, "She hasn't been doing much, so sure, come on in" she said, swinging open the door to let the two knights in before turning away to bring Solara over... Which also let the two see what she had been doing for the past our. Specifically, the swarm of bones with fleshy wings hovering above a very faint outline of blood on the ground, "Hey, Solara, Aquila wanted your help to enchant his flail" she said as she approached the Archangel, gesturing towards the two knights.
  16. Proditor After a few attempts, Harry would've gotten a reply from the Ethereal as he steeled himself once again, slowly rising from his position, "Understood" he replied to the Doctor before he refocused his mind on the Director's, already feeling it starting to clear and focus on the task at hand. It was extremely simple for Proditor to just turn his mind off for a second, causing the Director to fall back to the ground, unconscious. Then, as he began to bring his mind back, he noticed the prone form of Lucille, laying in one of the corners, almost unmoving despite her creatures doing their best to get her moving. Proditor didn't even hesitate for a second as his body began to... Well, dissipate into blue mist, starting from the bottom of his robes to his helm. The mist itself traveled through the air, seeping through the cracks of the observation window into the room, before reforming into the room, staring down at Lucille for about a second before his helm opened. Instantly, Lucille would feel her body beginning to rise in the air, very gently, as the Ethereal began to carry her out of the room with his psionics and towards the bus. As he did that, he also responded to Harry's question, "I simply get the bus to move and not destroy us during travel. There isn't much I can do to bring us to an exact destination. I would guess that it takes us to where we need to go, and I highly doubt it would stall if we were meant to stick around for now."
  17. Freya Just as Freya finished her little project, namely her bone swarm, she heard a knock on her door, causing her to pause from her joy of getting the job done. After a second’s hesitation, she sighed, then went over to it, letting her staff scurry off into the corner as she went over and pulled the door open a bit, popping her head out to see Aquila and Stellio standing outside. Instantly afterwards, Freya’s little frown turned into a smile at the sight of the two people she actually talked with in the group, and the two that didn’t seem to mind her magic at all, “Oh, hey, didn’t expect to see you guys. What’s up?” she asked, gaze flicking back and forth between the two knights.
  18. Sakaki and Johannes, as expected, were both thrown off their feet when the explosion occurred, the glass of the observation room barely holding itself together from the shock wave. At Harry's question, Sakaki brought a hand to his head, shaking off the dizziness, "Yes, quite fine, surprisingly... Just a bit blinded by that light" he replied, sitting upright before pausing. Then, he began to talk again, in a much more whispered voice, "Dr. Walters, I'd recommend you get your friends out of here immediately. As soon as Johan gets his mind straight, he will order your executions" he said, his smile still gone. However, at that point, it finally returned, "I can promise you that he will calm down after a good amount of time, however." Sure enough, as he said that, Johannes was already beginning to shake off the dizziness from the explosion, propping himself on one arm as the other went to his head.
  19. Somatostatin After a second of charging, there was a strange silence between the two. Then, two large beams of pure flames fired at each other, each flying through the tunnel and colliding with each other, the sheer heat from the two colliding beams causing the steel around the impact point to practically begin to disintegrate. Somatostatin herself kept herself where she was, forcing more fire out of her cannon as time went on, growling ever more as the beams didn’t move. No… STOP! And then, for just a split second, the divine flames that went out of Somatostatin’s cannon seemed to falter, suddenly considering Calvera’s flames to be an ally and refusing to affect it. By the time Somatostatin got control again, switching the flames back hostile, it was too late, with Calvera’s flames filling most of the space where her own flames were before. The result was, unfortunately, a sudden large explosion, burning through five floors at the same time, the force shaking the entire building. For most of the party, the explosion sent them falling to the ground due to the force, and the light causing practically everyone to become blinded by it. For those that could still see, namely, Jun and Mirri, they could see the faint outline of Somatostatin as she flew into the air, until she was so high up in the air that she practically left eyesight. Proditor The Ethereal himself was, arguably, not that bad of shape. The light was frustrating, but it didn’t blind him, as he never used his eyes anyway. The force of the explosion knocking him into the wall wasn’t bad either. What was bad, however, was the giant explosion of fire, leaving most of the room aflame, with the tunnel Somatotrope had made crumbling from the force of the flames. All of that left the Ethereal practically shivering where he was out of pure terror, his mind racing and flashing back to the war on Earth, the flames once again destroying everything in its path.
  20. Somatostatin With her attention focused completely above her, the Aragami didn’t even notice Kusuke catching up to her, at least until he got his hand on her. For Somatostatin, she didn’t feel the fact that she was suddenly put forwards a fair bit of time ahead in the timeline, but she did feel Kusuke and instantly spun around to swipe at him, wings unfolding to keep herself in the air. Hit or miss the time manipulator, Somatostatin would notice the charging Calvera at the bottom of the tunnel she made, growling as she pulled her cannon to face her, letting it begin to charge up as the plating began to shift around, giving it more room to breathe and space at the front to fire, even as Mirri began to fire stun bolts at her, most of which kept simply bouncing off the plates of her armor. Soma Soma didn’t even notice Calvera charging up her own beam, only noticing the Aragami aim its cannon downwards and begin charging a blast. Frankly, it was annoying, but there wasn’t much he could do besides pull himself up to the next floor and dash to the side in order not to get incinerated.
  21. Freya Freya herself had taken one of the beds (letting her bear carry it along with the jawbone) and picked out one of the many rooms for herself, making it clear to the others that it was her room before closing the door, and getting to work. Specifically, there was the fact that she wanted to try something. The magic that came from the ship felt… Well, familiar. Not Necromatic in many ways, but she had felt the magic it used to jump from this world to whatever lied in between worlds. It was curious… Curious enough for Freya to pull out her journal and begin writing the feeling down, before theorizing and attempting to figure out how the magic worked, frustrated muttering coming from her from time to time as she wrote for a solid ten minutes. At least until she finally grinned, placing her ink quill away, slamming her book shut, and bringing up her fingers to snap them, letting her magic swirl around her fingers for a second before- SNAP For a second, nothing seemed to happen. Then, the air in front of Freya, roughly 5 feet away from the Necromancer, opened up, revealing a black mass of seemingly nothing. Instantly, Freya jumped up, a look of surprise and pure joy on her face as she realized what she did, “OH MY GOODNESS I ACTUALLY DID IT!” she yelled with pure happiness, nearly bouncing in her spot as her brain began to work on ways she could utilize this new ability, instantly forming ideas for what she could use. First off, she snapped her fingers again, creating a new portal while closing the first one, before sending a quick wisp of magic through it and closing it with another finger snap. If she was right, she just opened a quick portal back home, and sent out a small bit of Necromantic Magic through the portal to try and get one of her old pets back. Hopefully her Wyvern… Or maybe Sir Archknight. Either way, it didn’t matter… She had another thing to work on. Specifically, using the poor guy who got cut into three pieces by Stellio… At east, after Freya was able to pull it out from the bear. She swore never to try that out again… It was a pain to pull parts back out. Nonetheless though, Freya got to work, rolling her sleeves out and beginning to… Well, extract the parts of the corpse. Specifically, the bones and organs, which she did so without so much as a flinch. The organs, for the most part, went off to the side, being kept from degrading by her magic, while one of the lungs and the bladder went off to its own little pocket dimension that Freya created at a simple snap of her fingers, mostly because she realized that she could combine the three, the organs and her new portals, to have easy access to do her blood rituals… Which was something she had ALWAYS had a problem with. For the next hour though, Freya continued her work, breaking apart the skeleton of the man and shifting their skin (by using the knife she carried around) to create little flaps, using her Necromancy to fuse the skeleton fragments to the skin flaps, and then animating them to cause the flaps to act as wings, slowly but surely making their way into the air. An untold number of bone fragments, flapping happily in the air, all from the body of one person who’s only remains were the organs she hadn’t used yet, and they were placed in the same pocket dimension she put the liver and organ from before. Needless to say, Freya was rather happy by the result. Just after she completed her project, another portal opened up next to her, causing her to turn and see... A regular old zombie in a suit, nearly human like except for the slight signs of decay on their face, holding a silver tray. The sight of them caused Freya to frown for a second, before shrugging. It was another zombie, so she couldn't complain much. She just wanted her Wyvern...
  22. Somatostatin When Kusuke went up to Somatostatin to rewind her, things seemed to be going well. After a bit of delay, due to the fact that she was completely locked in time, Kusuke managed to remove the lock and start rewinding Somatotrope to a timeline where she didn’t get Aragami’d. At least, that was his plan, at least until Somatrope’s left arm suddenly began to move, whacking him in the face and sending him flying back, mid rewind. … Now, standing where Somatostatin stood before was… Well, a worse Somatostatin. Most of its entire body was covered in sleek, grey plating, with the right arm being covered with obviously thicker plating and only allowing the God Arc’s blade to poke out of it. The other arm, however, was more of a large cannon, with the sides glowing bright orange, and her shoulders being covered by large bits of armor, with two large spikes jutting out of it. Both feet were clawed, with three claws on each feet. On its back was two large, grey wings, folded so they didn’t take up too much space. The head itself was… Well, barely human, a large, triangular helm covering most of her head and only leaving her mouth open, which also revealed thin black veins sticking out from the helm. Breathing heavily, Somatostatin took a step forward, nearly stumbling as her blood red eyes shot between the party, growling more and more the longer she looked at them. Then, she straightened, wings unfolding as she roared to the sky for a solid second before throwing her cannon upwards, letting it open and glow brighter… Before firing a massive wave of fire above her, the force nearly causing the steel beneath her to crack, the flames punching straight through the floors above her. Soon enough though, the blast of fire ended, letting Somatostatin bring the cannon back down. But, instead of engaging the party, she merely flapped her wings once, jumping into the air and using the force of her wings to shoot straight through the new hole she had made into the roof. Licca herself, once Somatostatin roared, ran out of the room herself. She was an engineer, not a God Eater, and it wasn’t like she had anything to fight something like… THAT in the first place. Observation Room Once Somatostatin fired a hole through the building, Johannes finally seemed to react, turning to the scientist that was still at the controls and seeming to be at a complete lost of what to do, “Alert all Far East God Eaters, now. We have a new Aragami type and it must be eliminated” he stated, watching the scientist nod before getting to work on the controls. Soma Soma himself merely lifted a hand to protect his face from the heat at Somatostatin fired her cannon, having initially been caught off guard by the sudden transformation. However, once Somatostatin stopped and began to fly upwards, Soma sprinted forwards, jumping to the next floor after her. His ascent wasn’t as fast as the new Aragami, but all things considered, it was still rather fast. Proditor The second Somatostatin’s transformation knocked away Kusuke, Proditor’s helm had opened up, his psychic will already going towards the creature’s mind to take control of it, and to cut it off from its most important tool, Somatotrope’s shard. Unfortunately, before he could get a foothold, the wave of fire shot from its cannon shattered his focus, causing him to bring his four hands up, quickly generating a psionic barrier around most of the party, shielding them from the worst effects from the sudden blast of heat. Soon afterwards, Proditor’s hands fell as his mind began to expand once again, his psionic power chasing after the Aragami as it flew up through the building. Mirri (18 vs 23) Mirri's Sever Force activates as Somatostatin begins to fire her cannon. Unfortunately, whatever timeline Kusuke yanked her from seemed to have strengthened their own willpower, as they manage to shake off Mirri's ability... Which was probably why she was still able to fire her cannon.
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