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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Tekeshi Once again, Tekeshi found his consciousness fading, specifically after he was stabbed in the gut by some guy with a spear. For a bit, the swordsman actually thought he was dead, all things considered: A stab was generally something fatal. However, after a while, his body began to work again, and Tekeshi woke up with a groan, sitting upright, hearing most of what the maid, Chance, he believed her name was, said, "Well, I was never told that protecting maidens was part of the job description. If that's the case though, I'll try and cool it with the sleeping" he replied in a joking manner, grabbing his sword once more before, shakily, getting to his feet. He somehow had a feeling that he would be getting knocked off his feet a lot.
  2. Platinum Once it was clear that Aislin was following again, Platinum turned, picking up her pace to catch up with those that just kept on walking. She, in all honesty, didn't care to much about the hike. It was mostly an excuse to get some more walking done. Part of her wanted to just get to the cemetery, do whatever they needed to do there (if there was something to do, anyway), and then go. Maybe it was just a bad feeling that certain part of Platinum couldn't shake off, she didn't really know. The other part of herself, the one that she chose to listen to, didn't care too much about the occasion.
  3. Terumi Needless to say, Terumi did not have much expectations for a 'free room', and yet even then, as he slammed the door behind him, he managed to become disappointing at the barren room, along with his growing frustration increasing even further, which at this point he didn't even think was possible. First, he was nearly killed by that damn mutt. Then, instead of letting him die, he was brought here for that bitch's amusement. THEN that piece of trash decided to be a smartass, at a time where Terumi had an extremely short fuse, and when he got into his first fight, some little girl manages to beat him. HIM. And now here he stood in some run down, barely worth a penny room. If he didn't know better, he could've sworn that he was practically just some nobody, instead of the god that he was. With a heavy sigh, Terumi put his hand in his pocket, lifting up one of the knives given to him by Rodin, turning it slightly so the blade caught the candlelight. Right now, he couldn't afford to make much enemies, that was for sure. He already had Trash and the big bitch against him, and he currently needed allies to get him to a more comfortable position in this place. Most importantly, he needed RESPECT. It was obvious that no one here knew who they were truly dealing with, and it was high time Terumi ended the damn conga line of humility and showed them. He WOULD show them. Slowly but surely, anyone who joked at his expense would learn to fear the one true Susano'o. Especially the head of this place. All he needed... Was time.
  4. Theme Harry somehow slaps a bandaid on Lilly while she’s high in the air, the same going with Lucille, healing Lilly for 17 hp and Lucille for 14 Once it was done roaring, the Vajra bounded forward, using it’s own momentum to jump forward, slamming itself onto the ground behind Soma and Satomi, widely slashing at the both of them, dealing 21 damage to Somatotrope and whacking her aside, causing the growth on the wall to pause as it’s source was violently thrown away, and slashing at Satomi, whose only saving grace was her current armor, saving doing it’s work and absorbing most of the Aragami’s claws. Still, she took a hefty 21 damage from the claws, since Vajra slashes are still no joke. As this happens, Lindow jumps over the wall, noticing the Vajra already getting to work trying to kill people, sighing slightly before jumping down, his sword opening to allow a large, black mass with a large jaw to form from his blade, before jabbing his God Arc out, the mouth clamping over the Vajra’s side before tearing itself away, causing the Vajra to roar in pain as the God Arc takes off a fat 46 hp from it’s health bar, as well as healing Lindow for 13 HP, fully healing the God Eater. Soma simply continues his assault on the Chi-You, slashing through it one last time with 25 damage, causing the Chi-You to fall over, dead. Lucille gets knocked into her Sanctuary. Kusuke recalls himself, getting rid of that pesky debuff. Frigus flies over the rubble, moving to attack the Vajra with his keyblade, initiating a new combo on the giant Aragami, dealing 31 damage with his first strike, and 28 with his second. The Vajra doesn’t seem very pleased by this. The Fallen Ogretail begin to advance, all of them firing spikes from their tails once more at Soma, Kusuke, Harry, and Calvera. (47) Soma is unable to dodge one of the spikes and takes 13 damage as a result. Kusuke, surprisingly, is able to simply recall out of the way of the spike that came to him, causing the Fallen Ogretail to pause in confusion at the sight. Harry himself isn’t exactly able to dodge the spike himself, but his current, wyvern scaled layered vest more than makes up for that, stopping the spike so hard that it simply bounces off. The spike fired from the Fallen Ogretail may have done something to Calvera… At least, if she didn’t simply move out of the way and let it fly past. Just as Harry survived getting spiked (again), the Ogretail that had previously missed Harry turned back towards the doctor, biting at him. While Harry was able to avoid having anything get really bitten off, the Ogretail still managed to get a good bite on his arm, dealing 20 damage. Satomi fixes her error after nearly getting killed, removing Structural Disassembly and changing it for Structural Repair. Now she can fix herself. With the Chi-You now finished, Soma turns around, dashing forward and slashing through the remaining regular Ogretail that was ready to try and turn Harry into a meal, killing the creature for good with 27 damage. Kusuke grants two more moves to Soma, who uses them to begin attacking one of the Fallen Ogretail, killing it with a combination of 25 damage and 30 damage from his sword swings. The Vajra, after getting slashed at multiple times across it’s face, crouches a bit, before roaring towards the sky, lightning exploding from it’s being. Lindow, unfortunately, is blown away from this, the sudden explosion of lightning from the Vajra catching him off guard, taking a heavy 26 damage from the lightning. Frigus is more or less in the same boat, the explosion flinging him away and causing him to crash on the ground with 20 damage. It doesn’t look like his combo is going to continue right now, considering the arcs of electricity that zipped around his body, slowing his movements. (26) Thankfully, Nhevi does not mess up Lucille’s Sanctuary by entering it, her corruption activating break it on the Sancuary, and leaving her to die by the Vajra. In fact, it makes it even STRONGER, granting a passive healing for everyone in it that heals them for 10 hp per turn. Frigus is currently paralyzed! Suddenly, the flying form of Lilly (and Ador, fused into her) flies from the sky, slamming into the Vajra’s head, causing the Aragami to be slammed into the floor, dazed. Lilly deals a remarkable total of 6 damage, and stuns the Vajra! Thank god. Somatotrope is currently knocked down and getting back up! Frigus is still paralyzed! Lucille gets rid of the Sanctuary Trump. Lindow, with a slight groan, getting back to his feet, shaking his head from the explosion of lightning. Damn thing hurt, that was for sure. As the Vajra lies dazed, a torpedo flies in from above, exploding on the Aragami’s back, dealing 35 damage and causing the beast to roar as it began to get to it’s feet again. Lucille plays a little song on her kazoo, healing Frigus for (18%) by 5 HP, while Bacchus heals Somatotrope for 6 HP. Proditor finally decides to be useful, using Rift against the three Fallen Ogretail AND the Vajra. (33, 18) The Fallen Ogretail take 42 damage each and somehow become Nauseated, having a 50% chance to miss their targets next turn. (47, 27) The Vajra gets Nauseated, and takes 32 damage itself. Frigus is nearly unparalyzed. Calvera hits all enemies with Solar Flare with 29 damage, finishing off the few Ogretail that were remaining while also nearly taking down the Fallen Ogretail. However, she appears to have made them a tad more angry. Sadly, she is unable to kill any of them. Proditor gets +4 more Int, reaching his max. Frigus gets +4 more Dex. Harry regens 5 hp. Initiative Status
  5. I'll be finishing up my own sheet soon, so this spot shall be reserved for that.
  6. At Sha'Tith's comment, Freya seemed to remember something, the note flashing from sight, likely being put into her oversize sleeves, "Oh right, we need to get bac. Hold on one sec though, need to get something done" she said before running off, heading for the burned soldier that was killed by Sha'Tith, crouching down and beginning to use her magic. Yeesh, that lizard burned them good, it was hard to even get this thing back up. But, she did, and the burned body managed to climb back to it's feet, carefully and methodically, so it didn't mess anything else up. It was kind of sad, really, seeing a corpse this way, but hey, war was war. "Alright, done!" Freya called out, beginning to walk back to the group, new zombie behind her, "Ready to head back out and meet up with the others!"
  7. "Alright, that's fair. I'll just keep a hold of this for now, if you don't mind" Freya said, stowing her journal and writing tools away, folding up the paper that had the instructions for the spell.
  8. "No catch! Well, except the amount of time needed to actually get the spell to work. Here, I'll write it down for you" Freya replied, before reaching behind her, into the bag on her belt, pulling out a journal, an ink pot, and a quill. Then, she went to work, flipping to the last page of her journal and writing down the directions to make her spell work. Essentially, it required one to manipulate their soul into an object, preferably ink on a cloth like Freya does, at a slow pace so the soul doesn't become damaged as it fills in the missing parts again. If Marisa didn't know how to do that, there was a small note on the bottom that gave a quick guide on how to do that, though Freya felt Marisa would get the hand of it. After about 5 minutes of nonstop writing, Freya finally stood up, tearing the page from her journal and holding it out to Marisa, "Ta-da! One anti-death spell directions! Don't go crazy with it" Freya said.
  9. As expected, Freya quickly found something in Marisa's junk that she found interesting. Specifically, the large set of jaws that remained from some kind of large creature. Sure, it was only a set of jaws, but things of that size were rare, and in all likelyhood, she could find a way to make it useful. That was her specialty, making old bones and recently dead bodies useful, even when they were expired, "Oooooo, what would you want for the jaws? I can give you some directions to make a spell that would let you come back from the dead by yourself, if you want. Spells are kiiiinda my only trade here" Freya asked.
  10. At first, Freya had merely gasped at the sight of Marisa's demon... Though, not in the way most people would. If anything, it was a gasp of surprise, as Freya's eyes began to practically sparkle at the sight of the demon. Mainly, the fact of how cool and... Well, demonic it looked, with it's dark, tall armor with ash and fire covering it. It was unlike most demons she met, which where more just chaotic messes of colors with sharp claws, so it was extremely refreshing to see something that actually looked cool. However, when Marisa spoke, Freya's attention was broken, causing the young Necromancer to blink in confusion, "Huh? Wha- Oh, no actually, kind of strange that they didn't, really, but probably because of different scenarios. Though I don't recall getting threatened less than a minute after meeting these guys, sooooo, I dunno" Freya said, before whistling loudly as a way to physically signal her bear back to her, even if it was still unneeded due to the fact that she could just will the bear back. Which she did, causing the bear to turn from it's task of pushing the cart to the pipes (which it had done already) and run back to Freya, moving around the group and then coming to a stop by Freya's side, "Don't worry though, I don't think they'll follow through with killing you, or whatever" she added optimistically, before leaning in a bit, "So. What do you have? Demon related stuff? I've always wanted something demon related"
  11. Theme Harry slaps a bandaid on Frigus and Kusuke, and despite the fact that it shouldn’t cure the spikes that impaled them earlier, it did, healing Frigus for 16 hp and Kusuke for 15 hp. The Chi-You, at the sight of both missing it’s target and it’s brethren fall, roars in rage, beginning yet another charge for his attack. Jun easily finds her popcorn and starts watching the spectacle. Lindow spends his first move sprinting towards the cliff where the bus was, as there were still some… Well, they obviously weren’t civilians, that was for sure, but they weren’t God Eaters. They were more… Soldiers in the wrong place. Really, really weird ones too. Soma himself sighed in annoyance at Lindow’s news. More Aragami… Great. He knew there was a particularly large Aragami outbreak in this area, but they really didn’t need more at this moment. Really should’ve brought Sakuya along. But, now was not the time to curse her for command’s mistake, now was the time to actually do his job, which was slaying the Ogretail in front of him, unwounded from the battle, and then back off to heal. Which he did, slashing at the Ogretail, dealing 30 damage and causing the Ogretail to fall to the floor, dead, like the rest soon would be. Lucille uses her Edge of Silence, slicing through two Ogretail, dealing 29 damage to each and causing one to fall to the floor, alive but still struggling to get up. There’s only two left, and one seems pretty angry. Kusuke himself rewinds Soma to his status from last turn, fully healing the God Eater! Frigus goes back up, attacking the Fallen Zygote and dealing a total of 37 damage, causing the Zygote to stagger in the air, before roaring in his face. The Ogretails themselves begin to charge forward, once chasing after Lindow, while the other, wounded one turns its attention towards the medic, jumping at the doctor (12, 17)... Only to find Harry side stepping its pounce, preventing it from chowing down on the poor doctor. (26, 17) For Satomi, it wasn’t that hard to find the materials needed to make a quick wall out of the rubble. After all, there was broken architecture all around her. (20) Her wall would’ve been unlikely to stop any form of attack though, considering the size of her foes, but Somatotrope’s extrapolation did the work for her, causing the rubble to begin to expand upwards and to the side, taking up more space and rather quickly growing into a wall suitable for what they needed. It seems like it would still take a while for the rest of it to grow, however. Soma, with the two Ogretail dead in front of him, turned to the remaining Chi-You, pulling out a small medical syringe. He’d need to heal before taking on that Aragami, and keep his guard up this time. At least, he would’ve healed himself, if Kusuke didn’t grab his shoulder, causing Soma to let out a quick “What-” before the two blinked back several seconds ago, with Soma smacking away Kusuke’s hand, even as the latter used his drive to speed him up. For a second, Soma merely looked at Kusuke, mainly in confusion, before sighing angrily, not entirely sure how to react to the situation currently and instead doing what Lindow did before, and just rolling with it, “Alright, looks like you’re not just a random civilian. Just stay out of my way, and the Aragami’s way. You don’t have a way to kill one for good. So don't even bother” he stated, before charging the Chi-You, slashing at it and dealing 31 damage, but not causing the Aragami to falter in its charge. However, with the aid of Kusuke, Soma was able to quickly follow up his strike with another charged swing, black energy once more forming around his God Arc as he slashed at the Chi-You, dealing another 64 damage. If the Chi-You wasn’t already pissed off, it would be now, though it’s wings did shatter rather loudly at Soma’s attacks. The two Zygotes that were on the ground continued to struggle, unable to move. However, the one in the air puffed up it’s shell, then let out a red gas from the shell, which seeped towards the ground, affecting Soma, Harry, Kusuke, and Frigus. (19, 27) Soma is unaffected by the gas, merely letting out a small ‘hmph’ at the Zygote’s attempts. (15, 31) Harry is unaffected by the gas. (21,19) Kusuke is affected by the gas, taking an involuntary breath of it and finding his body suddenly weakening. He gains the “weakened status” and will take 50% more damage on the next attack that hits him. (8,9) Frigus is unaffected by the gas. Frigus, to finish his new combo, points his keyblade downwards, launching a heavy storm of ice burying each Zygote in ice and causing the one still in the air to fall to the ground with 21 damage to each… Actually causing two of them to finally stop moving. Though one still remains alive, roaring weakly as it tries to break out of the ice. Lilly flies high into the sky, waiting for her chance to strike. Finally, the Chi-You attacks, ignoring its injuries and letting its hands rapidly fire three small orbs, each locking on to individual people, dealing 20 damage to Lindow, 16 damage to Harry, and 18 damage to Lucille, each shot arcing through the air to hit their target. In addition, the Chi-You puts it’s hands together, forming another orb of energy before shooting it, straight at Lindow (30), it’s aim straight and true (87), and catching the God Eater off guard, knocking him off his feet with 24 damage and causing him to roll for a bit, before using his God Arc to stop his roll by planting it into the ground. Frigus finally lands, slashing one last time at the last, grounded Zygote, finally killing the damn thing with 42 damage. Lucille Puts her Sanctuary Trump into her kit. Lindow, after getting blasted by the Chi-You, groans, getting back to his feet before rubbing his head. Damn things knew how to hurt sometimes. With that though, he pulls out a green orb from his pocket, tossing it to the ground before stepping into it, healing himself for 40 hp. Mirri flies high in the sky, her X-Wing finally getting to work in combat. Lucille creates her Sanctuary, making a field to protect others from harm, if they wish to enter it. Proditor himself attempts to expand his mind, aiming to take control of one of the lesser creatures that they were now fighting against, expecting only a little resistance. (26, 27)... Only to find the Aragami’s mind suddenly sharpening, like it did Lucille. The sudden burst of the single emotion that ruled the Ogretail caused Proditor to stagger in surprise, before straightening. A shame, to be sure, but he would have to make do. Calvera fires two bolts of fire at the remaining healthy Ogretail, dealing 30 damage with the first bolt of fire and 26 with the second, bringing the Ogretail down to the ground, smoke rising off it’s body as it roared in pain. Frigus gains +4 more Dex Proditor gains +4 more Int At that moment, the entire party could hear a large roar coming from behind them, right around the corner of a building. Then, suddenly, a large, saber-tooth tiger like creature jumped from around that corner, spinning around and seeing the party and the Bus. Then, with a roar that caused electricity to spark around the capes on it’s back, the creature ran forward, ramming into the back end of the bus and causing it to be pushed heavily out of the creature’s way, before coming to a stop, not that far from the cliffside that led into the battlefield, roaring loudly once more as each cape seemed to stand up. As the new Aragami did so, several grey Ogretail began to pop out of random buildings, jumping into the fight, wanting to join in with the feast. A Vajra and several Fallen Ogretail have entered the battlefield! Initiative Status
  12. "Demon binding? Kind of hard to get those things to work for you. From my experience they tend to like to find any little loophole to break out of your spell and shove their little knife hands through your throat, but hey, not my place to be weirded out about that. If anything doing it successfully it pretty darn cool" Freya said, straightening from her bow as her face growing a bit more excited already. To her, it was always nice to meet someone who acknowledge and seemed to live with the fact that they have bad reputation just because of what they did. Well, this was the first time actually, but still, same point, "Oh, but what do you have? Guessing I'd have to trade something for it?" Freya asked.
  13. Soon enough, Freya's magic had done it's work, the tendrils of magic managing to drag all the pieces together. Then, Freya removed her hand, sighing in annoyance. Stellio did a number on this guy, she coul barely even get her own magic to pull them together, never mind fusing the parts for a bit of time. She'd need to figure out a way to transport them for the time being so she could actually fix them, preferably in a safe place. The method of which seemed to be in her bear. After all, it DID have several holes in it... However, her attention was quickly diverted by the sudden appearance of some form of which. Normally, the arrival of someone like that would make Freya a bit on edge, but considering they seemed more confused of where they were and surprisingly nonthreatening, it was practically impossible to really feel threatened by the woman, which was rather obvious by the fact that she merely stood up, dusted herself off, then approached the woman as Blue answered her question, "Yep, welcome to Australia, home of everything dangerous one could imagine, I guess. Name's Freya, Necromancer extraordinaire, pleasure to meet you" she said, straightening her hat with a slight bow.
  14. Freya, in all honesty, barely even reacted to Stellio's unnatural laugh, more interested in the fact that some of his own magic was slurping away at the blood that the soldier left behind. It was kind of interesting, and weird, and probably had something to do with feeding his own magic pool... But Freya didn't dwell on it for too long, "Used to be over a hundred of individual Necromancers, at least before they decided to band together, try to take over the world by reviving a Dragon skeleton, and caused the founding of the Purifiers of the Flame, crazy religious fanatics who's job was to, well, purge mages, and thanks to them, there was a Great Purge that caused the death of all of those Necromancers, aaand a few other mages that were in the wrong place at the wrong time. That was about 400 years ago, but those Purifiers are still around trying to get rid of Necromancy once and for all, which includes me, that's why there are only four Necromancers still 'alive', excluding me, of course" Freya explained, watching as her tendrils of magic finally grabbed hold of one of the other parts, beginning to physically drag it over to the main part, "But yeah, I know each of their names, I even met two of them. Not on good terms, mind you, but met them nonetheless. There used to be five, and the fifth was the man that taught me, Siegfried, who was a friend of my father. Great guy too, taught me his own school of Necromancy instead of the boring stuff everyone else kept using. He's not around anymore, since an immortality spell doesn't really help you when you've got guys who outright counter magic trying to hunt you down, but that's in the pass. Now that I'm here, I shouldn't have to worry about getting killed and having my blood used as a sacrifice for their god... Or whatever they do aside from hunting mages."
  15. Theme As the Aragami in front of them collapsed, the two Chi-You began their assault, one crouching towards the ground, as if preparing for an attack, while the other slashed forward at Lindow (8), only to swipe the air as Lindow merely sidestepped the attack once again. As a counter attack, Lindow simply slashed at the Chi-You. However, the Chi-You managed to move its wings from the God Eater’s slash, leading to Lindow to strike at it’s heavily armored legs, his strike barely even scratching the Aragami. Soma, on the other hand, stepped back, placing his God Arc on his shoulder as dark energy began to swirl around the blade. Lucille, as she began to search for foot holds in the Aragami’s mind, finds it suddenly sharpening, as if aware of her presence, beginning to resist her attempts. The Chi-You itself looks up, almost smugly at Lucille, which could only really be displayed to the girl by the singular, powerful emotions of pure hunger. Kusuke speeds up Lindow, allowing multiple of him to do their work against the Aragami. Frigus initiates his air combo, dealing 72 damage to the Zygote, causing it to stagger in the air, nearly falling to the floor, before angrily roaring at the Keyblade wielder. At that moment, the Ogretail begin their assault, two of them charging the open God Eater, forcing Soma to dodge each of their attacks, barely, as he held his charging pose, still taking 37 damage. The other three will charge past him, going for the more ‘weaker’ prey, lifting their tails and firing several spikes at Lilly, Kusuke, and Harry, dealing 14 damage to Lilly, 13 damage to Kusuke, and 7 damage to Harry. (60) Satomi herself fires at the Chi-You that had missed Lindow, and in a stunning display of marksmanship, deals… 14 damage as the arrows barely seep into the cracks of the Aragami’s wings. It wasn’t hard for Soma to notice that these other people were trying to help… Which was completely idiotic. They didn’t even have God Arcs, how the hell were they expecting to kill an Aragami? They were just going to get in the way. Instead of vocalizing this, however, Soma merely swung his blade down it became enveloped in black energy, catching one of the Ogretail with his blade, dealing 63 damage and cleaving it in half. The Zygotes themselves were kind of angry at Frigus for nearly felling one of their own, and as such, one came to assist its brethren as the other flew after one of the God Eaters, specifically, Soma. The two Zygotes fighting Frigus puffed up their shells, then spat pure fire at Frigus, dealing 21 damage to Frigus in total, while the other one fires at Soma (21), barely catching the God Eater off guard and dealing 9 damage to him. While the Zygote had done well surviving most of Frigus’s combo, it did not expect the final strike, which was a heavy blow to its head, sending the Zygote falling to the ground, slamming down on top of the Chi-You that had been fighting Lindow, taking 16 damage while giving the Chi-You 9 damage. The Zygote itself falls to the floor, now struggling to get up. (1, 8) When Lilly tried to persuade the Chi-You to stop fighting and eat things that would increase her survival, she felt a sudden burst of anger from the Aragami, “No. We feed. You are food. Everything is food. We have eaten humans before. These will be no different” it stated, continuing its assault. The Chi-You that had been charging up its attack finally acted, forming a large ball of pure orange energy between its hands, before firing it out at both Satomi and Lucille (95)… Only to whiff, completely, managing to instead hit the cliff side in front of them, causing a rather large explosion. The other Chi-You spun around, sending a blazing kick at Lindow (19)… Only for him to duck underneath the kick, almost casually. Somatotrope herself began her extrapolation, her sword flying out at the Aragami, flying directly at the chest of the Chi-You… Only for her to find that, in a surprising twist, the sword’s blade merely shattered on contact with the Aragami’s body. Lucille uses her Edge of Silence, hitting the Zygote and, once more, causing it to nearly fall the ground after dealing 54 damage, only for it to fly back up with an outraged roar. Harry is a medic and prepares to heal everyone. Lindow, when Kusuke began to do his magic, turned to him angrily, “What the hell, why are you still-” he began, only to pause when Kusuke’s Drive took effect. For Lindow, he could actually… Well, SEE himself… At least, that’s what it looked like. With one look at Kusuke, giving him a shrug that said “Alright, I’ll figure this out later”, Lindow charged the Chi-You, rapidly slashing at the Aragami and dealing a total of 130 damage to the Aragami, bringing the Chi-You to the ground, quickly dying from Lindow’s assault. Lucille fires her little bolts of necrotic energy, dealing 6 damage to one of the Ogretail, and would've healed if she had taken damage. Needless to say, the attack didn’t really bother the Ogretail much. Proditor himself lifted his hand, aiming at one of the Zygotes that were struggling to stay in the air, firing a bolt of psionic energy, dealing 22 damage and causing the Zygote to fall to the floor in agony, still alive, but unable to fly… For now. Proditor Loadout Frigus gains +4 Dex from his passive. Proditor gains +4 Int from his passive. Harry Regens for 5 HP. As the first Chi-You goes down, Lindow pauses, bringing a hand to his ear. Kusuke, due to being near him, could likely hear the urgent speaking of someone on the other end of a communication device, though it was too muffled for him to hear. It seemed pretty bad, as Lindow sighed, “Great… Just what we need now” he muttered, before putting his hand down and yelling out to Soma, “Hey, we’ve got more Aragami coming this way. Must’ve heard the fun. Keep the Aragami here, I’ll be right back” he stated, before turning to Kusuke, “Make sure he doesn’t get himself killed” he said, and instead of waiting for Kusuke’s reply, he began to run towards where the bus was, placing his God Arc on his shoulder as he did so. Lucille, at around the same time, could probably begin to hear the faint but rapidly approaching steps of something large coming her way, and fast. Initiative Status
  16. As Stellio spoke, Freya put her hand on the head of the soldier's body, letting her magic begin to seep through it's body, "I mean, I don't have access to all of my own stuff that I had earlier, so I kind of have to get to work. But dooon't worry, I'm probably not going to go insane just because of my work. After all it's not like I lock myself in an obsidian tower every day and just talk to eldritch artifacts, turning myself into an undead, all the while believing that everyone currently breathing is conspiring against me like EVERYONE does at home. At least the other Necromancers. All four of them" Freya stated casually, watching as small tendrils of black magic began to poke out of the slashed part of the soldier's body, inching out of it to try and connect to the other parts of the corpse.
  17. At Nader's comment, Freya shrugged again, "Yeah my bad. I'll make sure to let you guys all know next time I bring up something you killed. Don't want to lose anything myself" Freya stated, turning her attention back to Leo, now that her bear was all safe... Her face falling at his continued explanation. Some of the things he said kinda flew over her head, but she got the gist of it. Whatever this thing was, it was dangerous. Aaand kind of stupid, all things considered. In Freya's honest opinion, it was kind of weird for something to have the ability to track every single living being that lived in this Barren Kingdom at some point and then FAIL at doing it's job, since if any of it's creations had the ability to track as well as Dysto did, then Leo really wouldn't be standing here and talking about it. Kind of didn't make sense to her, in all honesty, but she'd get to that matter latter. ... Main problem was the fact that Dysto had THREE Dragons, which, if they were anything like the ones living at home (specifically, mountain sized lizards that breathed a whole matter of different elements and were probably better at using magic than most mages were), then they kinda had a problem, especially with whatever else they had, since Freya had NO clue what they did. Thankfully, for Leo, Freya didn't respond herself, letting Nader speak. Instead, she sort of just stood there and frowned, placing her hand on her hip for a bit before sighing, walking away and going for the three parts of the poor soldier that Stellio cut apart. They weren't that useful to her right now, but with a bit of reanimation and some magic she might be able to temporarily put the body back together. She'd have to figure out a way to use the three parts though, she doubted that she'd be able to consistently keep the entire body together, as it was now.
  18. Freya herself was actually a bit interested at the entire thing about Dysto, her eyebrows rising in curiosity, "Huh. Kind of rare to have entire genocidal things going after one person, and it's been hunting you it's entire life? How did you survive it for so long anyway, if it wants you dead? Who protected you while you were-" Freya asked, her tangent only being stopped when Nader suddenly fired his Horsekiller, causing the girl to jump and see her bear being thrown off it's feet, passively flying through the air and flopping on it's side, almost not caring about the new hole in it's side that was made, "WHAT THE HELL- WHY?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BLAST IT!" Freya yelled as she rain past Nader, dropping to the bear's side investigating the wound, forcing herself to calm down as she did so. The bear seemed fine, considering it was already getting back up to it's feet to continue it's mission, since Freya had not willed it to stop, and the wound didn't seem to hit anything important... Though she'd have to patch up the hole later, "It's okay, it's okay, there there... It's nothing but a flesh wound, no need to fear" Freya said comfortingly, something that was highly unnecessary. Then, as the bear got back to it's feet, Freya turned around to look at Nader, letting out a sigh of relief as she straightened her hat, "Okay, sorry, my bad, I probably should've warned you about what I was doing. But, there's no reason to fear this here... Dysto Bear. To clear things up, it IS dead, no life in it anymore, buuuuut I've gone through the liberty of putting it back up. So, to save myself from explaining everything, the bear is on our side now. Specifically, mine, but that detail isn't important" Freya explained, her cheerful voice returning as fast as she had lost it, seeming to have thrown away her previous worry as the bear continued to go to the cart to help push it, this time quickening it's pace.
  19. Proditor, as everyone began to prepare for the fight, redirected his focus on the creatures in the clearing below him. Whatever they were, they were creatures that no sane person would ever create. This belief was strengthened when he lightly probed one, realizing that it wasn’t just ONE creature… But near millions of individual creatures, each working together to achieve a single goal. Kill and consume. With that, Proditor began to float forward, moving off the side of the cliff and following the very small fall as he began to move towards the conflict. As Lilly flew up to the conflict, voicing her concerns over the creatures that appeared ready to attack, the humanoid bird she was attempting to speak to merely looked up, roaring at her approach. Then, she would get a reply, telepathically, from the voice of hundreds, nay, thousands of creatures, each in complete sync as they spoke only two words to the approaching dragon-girl, “To feed” The man in the brown jacket finally decided to finish his smoke, tossing it to the ground, “Well, looks like intel was right, we have a nest here Soma” he stated, calmly stepping on the cigarette butt, looking up at the Aragami in front of him, sword still resting on his shoulder. In response, Soma merely narrowed his eyes, quickly glancing at the man beside him, “You don’t say, Lindow?” he replied, eyes shifting back to the Aragami. Why they haven’t attacked yet was beyond him… Though he could be asking the same question on why he didn’t attack yet. Then, suddenly, both of them could hear wing flaps approaching, causing Soma to turn his head lightly to see the flying form of Lilly heading towards them. Lindow himself turned his entire body to see who was coming, raising an eyebrow at Lilly, “What the hell? New Aragami type?” He asked aloud. Not a second afterwards, he noticing the rest of the group heading towards them, “Damn, what are civilians doing here?!” he yelled, nearly taking a step out of surprise at the sight. That was when one of the Ogretail jumped forward, aiming to catch the God Eater off guard. Soma himself noticed this, turning around, stepping forward to get cover Lindow, who had idiotically left himself open for the Aragami... … Only to find Lindow stepping to the slide, spinning and letting his sword fly right above the ground, then slashing upwards to cleave through the Aragami’s entire body, leaving the two halves to fall to the ground, “Soma! Keep the Aragami away from the civilians! I’ll take care of the Chi-You” Lindow stated, watching Soma nod in response as he charged the Aragami. With a small sigh, Lindow entered his own battle stance, both hands now on his God Arc as the Chi-You both looked at him, each of their hands moving in a “bring it on” gesture. This was going to be a long day. MISSION OBJECTIVE: SLAY THE ARAGAMI NOTE: LINDOW AND SOMA WILL BE ASSISTING IN THIS HUNT Initiative: Status
  20. At Leo's response, Freya merely shrugged, "Well, I was a bit focused on other things, though I did hear something about learning, fighting and helping. Not all of us have really good hearing" Freya stated.
  21. Soon enough, Freya's hand left the bear's head, the young Necromancer watching as they bear continued to lay there, unmoving... At least, until it suddenly began to shake, getting up to it's feet sluggishly, at first, but getting increasingly faster and more steady as a short amount of time wore on. At the sight of the bear now (sort of)alive, Freya clapped her hands excitedly, before taking the bear by the ear and leading it towards the rest of the group, just as Leo finished his explanation about Dysto, "Soooo.... What did I miss over here?" Freya asked as she approached, pointing her staff towards the cart, causing the bear to calmly walk towards it, almost as if trying to be as nonthreatening as possible as it moved to help push said cart.
  22. Soon enough, the white that surrounded the windows of the bus faded away as the bus began to slow down… Before lightly tapping a broken wall in front of it. Which seemed to be a running trend in the area… The broken part, at least. From what the group could see, they had parked next to a small cliff, which poked out to see a completely ruined city. Buildings lay shattered wherever they looked, and some had large circles in them, as if they were eaten out. Of course, that wasn’t the only sight, since in the distance, standing inside of what appeared to be a town center, was what appeared to be a showoff between man and beast. On the beast’s side, there were multiple large creatures, each larger than almost anyone in the party aside from Proditor, which seemed consist of several, two legged creatures with large tails, some… Flying women with large, eyes shells on their backs, and two, humanoid creatures with blue plated wings. On man’s side was simply two men, one wearing a large, blue, hooded jacket, and the other wearing a tattered brown jacket. In each of their hands were large swords, each bigger than their actual wielders. If one looked closely, they could also see large, red and black bracelets on each of the men’s hands. The man in blue was in a combat position, sword at his side as he scanned the creatures in front of him, waiting for one to strike. The other was more relaxed, with their sword placed on their shoulder as they seemed to enjoy a quick smoke, seemingly not caring about the beasts in front of him, even when several roared, preparing to attack. Proditor, when the bus stopped, sighed in annoyance, about to comment on the fact that he would have to ask Uber and L33t how their vehicle started up on its own, before noticing the view outside, pausing for a good bit before rising from his seat, opening the bus’s door and floating outside, looking around in… Shock, mostly. Both at the city and at the sight before him, man versus abomination. Initiative and such will be given once the encounter truly starts. Enjoy.
  23. Suddenly, practically everyone in and around the bus could suddenly feel the vehicle shake, as the controls began to turn themselves on, a rapid fire of 'beeps' and 'boops' going off from the driver's seat as it began to work itself, seeming to put in a destination on it's lonesome. When the bus shook, Proditor had instantly looked around in confusion, before beginning to move through the bus, moving as fast as he could to the front section of the bus... Pausing in surprise when he saw the bus working on it's own to jump to a new place, before moving to the drivers seat, sitting down and letting his hands fly across the controls, trying to get it to calm down. But, considering the flash of white that took over the outside of the bus not 5 seconds after Proditor took the helm, it could be easily figured out that it didn't work. This bus is now departing to the God Eater Hunt thread, which will be created ASAP. Please buckle your seatbelts, react if you wish, and enjoy the wait to God Eater.
  24. And, with Arminius's new question, Proditor turned to answer, "It would not be difficult on my end to help you resist mind control, though it would be time consuming. But, yes Harry-" Proditor added, turning to the doctor again, "- Squealer's powers related to vehicles. If needed, I could use the small amount of her power that I managed to pick up and use it to upgrade this bus, if that was what you were wondering. Though, I may not be the best to actually do the task."
  25. In all honesty, it wasn't hard for Proditor to realize that Harry had nearly burst one of his blood vessels, due to his oddly specific question, but the Ethereal chose not to comment on it, "Yes, Squealer was their name. As for defenses against psionic powers, I will say that ones with a lot of willpower are generally able to easily resist most psionic manipulation, but you can create your own psionic shielding, though I would recommend becoming much more used to yours before attempting it. There are some technological attachments ADVENT made to help their troops resist enemy psionics, if they had any, but I doubt we would be able to make them ourselves, as of this moment."
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