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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. At Nhevi's statement, Proditor turned his head, "... No. Whatever you are, whatever you claim to be, I do not feel the want or need to unlock any psionic power you have. You'll have to forgive me, but I do not have a good feeling about giving a creature that breaks the laws of reality itself from simply existing an extra boost of power" Proditor stated, before turning back to Harry, "I did not get much from their minds. For the most part, the ones I looked through did not have any idea what these bioweapons were. I'm glad that the PRT has it. They would know how to keep something like that from being used... At all" Proditor stated. To him, personally, that thing sounded just as bad, if not worse, than a Chryssalid, just for how easy it could be to mistake it for another type of drug. Though, the two were different in quite a lot of ways... That was when Proditor spoke up again, remembering something, "Actually, I did manage to pick up one thing from one of the Merchants. A psionic remnant of one of their abilities, which... Seems to be connected to vehicles" Proditor said, digging up the faint psionic impression from his mind. Sure enough, it was still there, stationary and ready to be used. He just needed to get a reason to use it.
  2. At Harry's statement, specifically about the bioweapons, Proditor nearly froze, realizing how close that situation was to becoming yet another Lung incident, from the fact that it was NAPALM. Proditor had only encountered it on Earth, but it was a terrifying product to him. After a few seconds, Proditor spoke again, his voice now tense, "Yes, I was shot when fighting with several merchants. There isn't much to specifically say, aside from the fact that they were much weaker than I would, personally, have expected, though that may have had to do with their less than fragile minds" Proditor stated, then tilted his head forward slightly, "I did not know they were bioweapons, especially of that kind... But I shouldn't be too surprised. The only similarity Angelis and Humanity ever had was the willingness to use bioweapons to their advantage. At least, some humans... Like the Merchants."
  3. "Three thousand, one hundred and fourteen years old, by human standards. The only one of my kind who is older than me is Angelis, who is approximately 5 months older" Proditor stated. He wasn't too keen on continuing the 'story time' himself, but there also wasn't a reason for him to flat out deny it. In a way, it did feel a bit nice to finally explain himself to another individual.
  4. At Harry's question, Proditor's head turned, letting Jun experience her new strength as he answered the doctor's question, "I'm able to use my psionics to cause others to hallucinate, even go insane with enough force, but I can also use my psionics as a flat out combat tool, which is what this helmet is designed for-" Proditor said, a hand rising from his cloak to tap the closed helm, "With focus, I can fire concentrated bolts of psionic energy, or simply create a large 'Rift' that detonates at my command. If needed, I can also temporarily transcend into a more spiritual form, though eventually, I have to revert make to this body. Though, I am capable of temporarily transferring my being into the mind of a willing individual, effectively becoming a form of passenger for them... Though, due to the concentration I'm required to make to stay in there, my psionic control on the outside world is not as effective as it normally is" Proditor explained. The list was much larger, but those were the general basics.
  5. "Yes, it will" Proditor said, right before his hand shot out again, slower this time, grabbing Jun's face as the same process as he did with Harry. There... Really wasn't much different from last time. Proditor's helmet opened up fully to allow the Ethereal to focus his power onto Jun to unlock her gift, Jun's eyes glowed purple, etc, but this time, what Proditor said was slightly different. "THERE IS NOTHING FOR ME TO SAY, 'AMBASSADOR' JUN. YOU'RE MIND IS QUESTIONABLE, YOUR PAST, IS QUESTIONABLE, BUT YOUR GIFT REMAINS AS STRONG AS EVER. USE IT WISELY, FOR WITH THIS POWER COMES A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY. LET THIS GIFT OPEN YOUR EYES" Proditor stated, letting this go on for a few more seconds before pulling his hand back suddenly, letting it vanish beneath his cloak as his voice returned to normal once more, "There. You're psionic power has been unlocked as well."
  6. "I specifically require at least one form of opening to your brain. Eyes are the most preferable, though with just that, the process would be slowed down quite a bit. The end result, however, would be the same" Proditor replied simply.
  7. At Jun's questions, Proditor initially shook his head, "I am unable to unlock everyone's psionic powers, only those that have a strong enough potential. Though, since psionics tend to grow, even when unlocked, I would not be surprised if everyone in this group became unlockable. I do not have control over their first psionic power, though it tends to be light telekinetic abilities. There are no risks, however, to unlocking one's psionic powers... Though, if you wish me to also unlock yours, I would request that you remove your helmet. Those tend to get in the way" Proditor added, mainly keeping to the point. Two unlocks in a day was something Proditor himself was not used to (in fact, personal unlocks was rare for his race as a whole), but in all honesty, this group would need all of the strengths as they could get, which included their own gifts. It was his task to give them those gifts.
  8. "Your psionics should grow with time, becoming stronger as barriers begin to be unlocked. However, the process would be quickened by practicing with it, in any way you see fit" Proditor stated. He had to admit, when he looked into Harry's mind to unlock his gift, the doctor did have a good amount of psionic potential... Just not to the level as others that he had encountered before. Still, he would likely watch Harry's growth with interest... As he would with the others in the group, should they unlock their own gifts. Speaking of which, was Jun, who's cough caused the Ethereal to turn to face them, "He will be fine. I simply unlocked his psionic powers" he stated simply, before looking down at Nhevi, having seen her drop down a little bit ago... Only to see the creature falling asleep and growling. ... Strange thing, really.
  9. "Angelis put all of ADVENT's genetic specialists to work on making the Avatars. She had no other goal aside from that, and believed utilizing other projects would slow down the AVATAR Project, which was something she did not want. I would personally prefer a few more years added to my life span, especially if it's simple genetic modification" Proditor replied, then paused, listening to Nhevi, "... Yes, it makes some sort of sense, but it is not something I am willing to try, specifically because I am not willing to let more be processed for the creation of an Avatar, if I can help it. Other than that, nothing of what you said makes sense” Proditor stated, directly to Nhevi, before pausing once again, thinking about Harry’s question deeply. “... There is an easy way” Proditor stated, before suddenly reaching out with one of his hands, blue energy wrapping around it as he suddenly grabbed Harry’s face, allowing the Ethereal’s psionic energy to begin to wrap around Harry’s head, seeping through any opening in the head that it could find (which, thankfully, did not feel like anything to Harry). At that moment, Proditor’s helm opened up completely, enveloping his head in yellow light, making it shine like a beacon as he spoke, his voice becoming much deeper than it ever had been before, “YOU SHARE THE GIFT. UNTAPPED, UNTRAINED, BUT STRONG, LIKE THE REST OF YOUR KIND. THIS GIFT SHALL FREE YOU FROM YOUR FRAGILE RESTRAINTS. REJOICE, HARRY WALTERS. YOUR EYES, SHALL BE OPENED” Proditor stated, speaking in an almost religious tone as his helm grew brighter. Then, as Harry’s eyes began to glow purple, various images flashing in Harry’s mind, completely indiscernible from each other due to the speed of which they came and gone… And then, abruptly, Proditor pulled his hand back, letting it vanish beneath his cloak, “Your gift has been unlocked. It is weak right now, but will no doubt grow stronger with time. All you need to do is practice, and focus on it” Proditor explained. Sure enough, Harry could likely feel the effects of Proditor’s unlock. Specifically, this faint feel of new strength in him, along with a slightly better feel of his surroundings. Thankfully, his eyes were no longer glowing, the glow having vanished when Proditor pulled back his hand.
  10. "That's something I suggested to Angelis myself. It was denied on the basis that my race needed to become stronger. And in all honesty, a single Avatar would be capable of causing a lot of damage in this group, in almost any situation except if you have all cards on your side. A group of them would be near unstoppable, if Angelis succeeds in her vision" Proditor stated, remembering what Angelis had planned for the Avatars... Which, going from what she described, would truly end all resistance against ADVENT, "It was not a world INVADING scourge we fought against, but a world DEVOURING. I wouldn't even be too surprised if what we were fighting against was these Trespassers we are now working to prepare other worlds to fight against. So, in a way, I'm truly the only one of my kind determined to remain true to our original goal."
  11. At Harry's question on if Proditor and Angelis shared the same mindset, there was the briefest moment where he could feel a burst of anger from the Ethereal, along with feeling like something was ready to clamp around his head and shake it, hard. However, in the instant after, Proditor merely sighed, "No. Angelis and I never shared the same mindset on the AVATAR Project, and we never will. Perhaps at one point, we would have, but that changed. Humanity was specifically chosen for the AVATAR Project because they were the most ideal, due to their inherit psionic powers, along with, yes, being far easier to genetically modify than other races we took over, and with an Ethereal mind backing up an Avatar's already incredible psionic power, one would practically be a near unstoppable force on the battlefield" Proditor explained, "Along with that, a good portion of the Ethereals are reaching their expiration dates. The closest, with less than 20 years left to their name, by my calculations, was Angelis, and me. An Avatar would be fixing that problem, especially if they are mass produced... Which is exactly what Angelis wants to happen. Thankfully, she has not managed to accomplish that task... But the last time I checked, she was getting close."
  12. There was a rather long pause as Proditor thought about those questions, "... I've asked myself the same question for the last few years of my life... If my race has an understanding of morals. I've long decided that if we had any, it was lost long ago by Angelis... The current 'Queen' of my race, and the one that runs everything we do. She was the one who decided to use failed 'projects' and use them as weapons of war, even going lengths to purposefully fail projects to accomplish that goal" Proditor explained, a hint of sadness coming from his voice as he spoke, "Either way... Humanity represented what we were searching for since we set out on our task. They're very similar to the ones in this group... Physically at least. I have never seen any human capable of feats this group has performed, but they were remarkable nonetheless, as I found out when Angelis began our invasion. Humanity was crafty, intelligent, and had untapped psionic prowess that rivaled most Ethereals. The epitome of these traits was found in the leader of their planetary defense force called XCOM. Officially, they were known as 'Zhou Hua', but to most, simply by their code name 'The Commander'" Proditor added, shaking his slightly, "... However, it still was not much of a contest, in the end. Humanity was taken over by my race, who established themselves as 'ADVENT' while they ruled over Earth" Proditor finished, growing silent once again for another few seconds, before talking once more, "... That was when our task was forgotten, when Angelis decided the best hope for the galaxy was to increase the Ethereal's power... By using humanity as new bodies for our own aging ones. So, she began the AVATAR Project, to systematically process humans with suitable genetic coding to create Avatars, extremely powerful psionic bodies capable of hosting an Ethereal."
  13. "The headache is completely gone... now, at least. Though, I would personally suggest waiting a bit, at least until we can get the resources and tools to do anything with what we've investigated" Proditor stated, then paused, considering the second question, "... I do not, personally, know why we are all waiting here. I would gladly move on, but I get the feeling that it would be more beneficial for us to wait, for the time being" "But yes, my race is granted our psionic powers genetically, though we never had to do extensive genetic modifications on ourselves. For the most part, our psionics was simply a connection between each Ethereal, a form of Hive Mind ruled by a Queen, much like insects on Earth. Eventually, evolutionary process allowed our powers to evolve beyond simply links, forming into what I am able to use now, along with making each of us more individualized, though our previous 'Hive Mind' tendencies remain, as our race as a whole tends to agree with each other quite a lot, focused on a singular goal: Preservation of the galaxy by preparing other races to defend themselves against world eating horrors. At least, that was our original goal" Proditor stated, then sighed, "... Force the most part, our genetic altering was on other races, raising them from their primitive ways into troops for our kind. For the most part, this did not work out well... Most races we came across did not have adequate psionic capabilities in general. That was before we came across Humanity."
  14. "Understandable. I'll make sure to prepare for that questioning when it comes" Proditor stated, "... Though, I believe figuring out a way to lessen the commonality of these 'Thinker Headaches' is something that would be better suited towards my own control over it. I doubt that genetic altering would do much to fix the problem, and even if it did, it would take years to make a suitable fix to the problem, at least for me. Psionics have always been a hard to manage thing genetically for my race."
  15. "No" Proditor immediately replies with a small shake of his head, "These shards are more limited individually. They have a different uses than my own psionics, some likely even stronger, but unlike them, I do not need a source in order to get my own power" he stated.
  16. For a few seconds, Proditor was silent as he thought about those questions, thinking back on what he already knew, "... The source of these psionic connections comes from a certain organ in the brain... Specifically one called the 'Corona Pollentia'" Proditor explained, his specific statement coming from his link to Tattletale's source, which he had connected to again for the briefest moment to get said information, "Parahumans are likely born with it, though if it's genetically passed down or a common mutation, I'm unsure. Due to the fact that I already know where their signal comes from, it would be simple to narrow down to where that organ is located" Proditor added.
  17. "Yes, they are all connected to these beings, though it differentiates between each parahuman. From my knowledge though, the only real way to connect to these sources is to use a psionic signal similar to the ones unique to each Shard. This either requires one to have their own shard, or have enough psionic control in order to make a signal like one" Proditor explained. He had no doubt that others would be able to achieve the same feats as he did... They just needed the control over their own gifts (if they had it in the first place) before that was possible.
  18. Once Harry had asked Proditor to follow him, the Ethereal did just that, following closely behind the doctor. When Harry also asked his question, after they got to the medbay, Proditor noted the slight disbelief in Harry's voice... Which was understandable. Proditor himself was not a 'parahuman', so him being able to access another's power would be unlikely. But, entirely possible, as it turned out. "From what I've learned, a parahuman's power comes from a 'shard', that resides in their own head. I am unsure if these shards do cause changes in one's psyche, but I do know that they serve as a form of extreme psionic signal to their source. Tattletale, for example, has her shard connecting to a sort of planet-sized being, who's only purpose is to collect and piece together information, which she can tap into to use her power. As it was a psionic signal, I was able to replicate it and gain access to that same source" Proditor explained, voice now returning to it's normal, echoey form.
  19. "I see. Thank you Satomi" Proditor stated, looking away from the small samurai, noting that Nhevi had moved on to more interesting sights. Specifically, that seemed to to be Lucille. For a second, Proditor remained where he was, observing the entire bus, before beginning to move forward... Right towards Harry. "Harry, I recall that you needed me?" Proditor asked as he approached, straightening as best as he could as he talked... Which wasn't much, due to the bus. They needed to get something bigger. He did notice the strange meat on the floor... But chose not to acknowledge it.
  20. Freya Thankfully, Freya was able to see that the bear that had dropped onto the team had now died... Which, originally, didn't really concern her much, since it was mainly just a bunch of... Iron and magic, she guessed. However, as another round of explosions came out behind her, a familiar sense came to her, coming from her own magic, pointing her towards two things that it WANTED to be used on. Some poor guy that got cut up into three pieces... And the bear. Instantly, Freya seemed to brighten as she straightened her hat, before running past the group and right to the bear. Sure enough, as she neared, she could sense the familiar dead feel that a corpse would have... Which was surprising, but apparently this thing was some weird mix of previously living parts and iron. If things went well... She should be able to work with this. So, now just a step away from the corpse's head, Freya crouched down, planting her staff firmly into the ground before lifting her hand, tendrils of dark, misty magic rising from underneath her sleeve, "Alright, let's put you to work..." she muttered, before placing her hand on top of the bear's head, causing the dark tendrils to latch onto the bear, seeping through any opening they could find in the bear. Freya uses Necromancy on the bear, finally having a reason to be useful. High Tier Freya Loadout
  21. Walmond Will edit fluff in when I figure out how to write his fluff in. Walmond uses Electrical Current on Rampart, giving them a (9)x1.5 damage boost until their next two attacks. Lambda, on the other hand, uses Defensive Modifications, giving her a 50% damage reduction for 6 turns. Mira When Ghost had given the team time to prepare before the storm, Mira had spent it with her blade drawn, taking a more combat suited form. Specifically, she shrunk down to her normal height, and let the two red eyes that dominated her visor fade away. Then, they were in, with most of their foes around them crawling out of the flames. It would've been intimidating, if they hadn't been avoiding their own quick deaths. As Ghost gave out her instructions, Mira began to walk past her, wordlessly approaching the enemy, sword lazily drooping to one side as she walked. Then, once she had moved a fair distance, she began to pick up her pace, turning her walk into a fast-walk, a jog, and then to a full on sprint towards the enemy. They wanted those officers dead... They would have them dead. Mira uses her basic attack on Officer B, dealing 3d6+6 damage to them. 1/8 Magra. Next turn she will gain one more. 1/4 turns until her Magra generate makes one extra Magra.
  22. For a good second, Proditor kept "eye" contact with Satomi, before his head turned back towards Nhevi, watching as she... Seemed to try and write something down, and seemed rather frustrated at her attempts. At that, Proditor sighed slightly, realizing that he'd have to ask questions about that later. "So. Do you happen to know what I've missed while I was outside, Satomi?" Proditor asked, looking back at the small samurai. He didn't seem to have noticed that she was talking to Kusuke earlier... Though that may be a combination of the fact that he wasn't around for most of the time, and his attention was taken up by the simple existence of Nhevi.
  23. ... Proditor's original prediction was right. Whatever this thing was, it was even worse than a Codex. It was even worse when one died on the battlefield... Yet this 'Nhevi' seemed to be in this state constantly. It reminded him of some sort of... Glitch in a computer system... Except instead of a computer system, it was a glitch in reality itself. After a few motionless seconds, Proditor's head merely shifted slightly towards the rest of the group, silently asking if someone had an explanation for what was going on. In likely the first time in 3000 years of existence, he was truly at a lost on how to respond to the situation.
  24. After a bit, Proditor's hand finally fell as his headache finally began to vanish, leaving his mind to work again and come to a realization. These 'Trespassers' he was working against were likely the same creatures that devoured his own world, and the worlds that his kind fled to following his home's destruction. Which meant, in all likelyhood, this had been a problem going on for centuries now... And also meant that there was a good chance that he would return to his own world, to deal with Angelis. "This is for the betterment of our kind… And our new race” With that realization, Proditor sighed. In his opinion, Humanity was the race that was meant to take care of the Trespassers... At least, on his world. His kind was frail now, too old to continue their journey, which was to prepare other races for the coming storm. Ironic how he was practically the only one who still held on to that goal. Either way, if he was to return to his world and help Humanity prepare... That would mean figuring out a way to assist the Resistance, or as ADVENT called it, 'XCOM', without getting his head blown off. Which, the only way to do so and still helped... Seemed to be making his physical presence as low as possible. About 15 seconds later, Proditor turned, floating back to the bus and lowering his form so he could enter, his brain finally working fine again. It honestly felt good to be able to think clearly, especially after the flashbacks towards his- Why the hell was there a Codex in the bus? That was the first thought that went into the Ethereal's head when he noticed the small... Thing sitting on one of the chairs, flickering constantly with magenta and black coloring on it's body. The mere fact that it was flickering was what made Proditor mistake it for a Codex... Except that he knew, without a doubt, that a Codex was more stable than this thing, "... I seem to have missed something while I was gone. Would anyone care to explain what that is?" Proditor asked, unsure of how to refer to it. It was not natural, that was for sure.
  25. Platinum, for the most part, was rather quiet as the group hiked along. She didn't mind that speed they were going, she preferred a relatively fast pace anyway, but she couldn't help but notice how two of the girls in the group kept lagging behind, one of which being, unsurprisingly, Lexi. For a good while, Platinum didn't really mention this, just preferring to keep moving with the group. However, after the latest realization that Lexi had stopped to stare at the bark, Platinum sighed, rolling her eyes slightly as she turned around on her heel, "Aislin, come on, I doubt there's much of interest on the tree bark" she said, her tone indicating that she was a bit annoyed by Lexi's stopping.
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