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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. There was a noticeable pause from Proditor after Harry finished speaking, before the Ethereal replied with a simple "I shall inform you once that is the case" he stated, before turning back towards the endless void, trying to enjoy the silence once more. The Thinker Headache was beginning to start feeling... A bit better. Not by much, but enough so that he could actually get some kind of thought through it, if he didn't think too hard.
  2. "I got it from Tattletale's power, specifically when I accidentally used it when I was looking back towards the past. I should be fine, however" Proditor stated, his hand coming back to her head, "... I just need some more time."
  3. For a good while, Proditor had remained silent to himself, enjoying the comfortable silence that came with the void outside of the bus. It certainly helped his headache. Of course, a sharp pain went through his head again when a loud pop came from whatever Calvera threw outside of the bus, and Harry's voice, causing Proditor's form to twitch before he put his hand down, turning to Harry from where he was in the void, "Nursing a headache still. Not much I can do besides that" Proditor replied, though Harry would finally hear the familiar, surrounding voice that Proditor spoke in, just without his echoey feel to it. It wasn't something he had even thought of doing, but it was a good sign to the Ethereal, as it meant that his brain was starting to fix itself from the split that Tattletale's power had caused.
  4. Once Calvera left Proditor, the Ethereal turned back towards the endless void, a hand moving up to his head as he sighed. This pain would pass, no doubt about that, but by god it would be something he never forgot.
  5. After a slight pause, Proditor sighs, "I should be surprised that Arminius said that... But I'm not. Alcohol is not something I'm keep on putting into myself either. My body would not react to it well. I simply need a bit of silence and time to recover" Proditor stated, "... It is a useful power, I will agree. But one I'll need to be more careful when using it."
  6. For about a second, Proditor was silent. Then, he sighed. There was no use beating around the bush. "I managed to connect to Tattletale's power source, allowing me to tap into it. The limits of this, I'll need to figure out, but one is that over usage of it will cause an influx of information that no normal biological being, including myself, could hope to control fully. It happened whilst I was going through what had happened so far that it hit. Needless to say, with the amount I picked up, there were thousands of connections being made, millions when I went back further. Eventually, it caused a snap between it and my mind, which, thankfully shut off the stream of information. Unfortunately..." Proditor said, lifting a hand and lightly tapping the side of his helm, which still managed to send a jolt of pain through his head, "It caused immense strain on my own mine. I doubt I'll be capable of thinking hard, or using any of my psionics, anytime soon" he finished.
  7. Proditor had remained in his position for several minutes now, trying to calm the near murderous pain in his head. Unfortunately, that was when the portal that had taken the party reopened, with the rest of them popping through it... Which caused another spike of pain to go through his head, causing his form to fold in even more. For a few seconds, Proditor remained like this, struggling to regain his composure, before he began to straighten, his hands falling back underneath his cloak. His brain still felt like a knife was inserting itself into it, but he could at least manage to remain composed. When Calvera spoke, she could likely see the small twitch in Proditor's head, since any shift underneath that would be covered by his cloak, "... I'm fine. Just a simple headache" he stated... Except it was quite obvious that it wasn't really the case. Specifically, the telltale sign was the fact that Proditor was PHYSICALLY speaking, not using his normal psionics like he normally does, so Calvera would simply hear Proditor's voice as quiet and raspy, barely above a whisper, very much unlike his (sometimes loudish) and composed voice.
  8. Once the bear had been literally punched in the face by Nader, Freya remembered that her zombies had willed their way forward, turning to see her little earth abominations off to 'war', face full of excitement. However, that excitement froze when the zombies first stepped into the minefield... Along with the combination of that laughing maniac's weaponry, causing her entire force to be, well, obliterated. Rather harshly. Freya herself still had that excited face as the explosions began, the sheer force of them nearly causing her hat to fly off. About halfway through the explosions though, Freya quickly began to droop forward, her face turning into a more disappointing frown. Soon enough, her zombies were just scattered dirt and rock, little wisps of black magic flying right back to Freya to rejoin with their source. ... There went her contributing. Freya spends her turn to remove Natural Requiem from her loadout, as it is now useless. Le Freya Loadout
  9. Once Proditor was out of the bus, he floated away from it... And simply floated there. Like a statue, as his mind raced, processing everything that had transpired recently. Probably the biggest thing was his new role in general. It was something that he had accepted, without any hesitation, despite how unbelievable the situation was... To most, at least. Deep down, Proditor always knew that the likely-hood of other forms of reality existing was very high. After all, ADVENT had managed to create a sentient program that existed in multiple realities at the same time. Not even the Trespassers were much of a surprise to him when he heard of them. After all, they were likely the ones he and Angelis were fighting against for most of their lives 20 years ago To be honest, Proditor was extremely pleased when he heard that Humanity had decided to surrender. After seeing the effects of a single battle on a single area, an event which Humanity would dub a "terror" attack, Proditor was glad that they had taken the route that would cause less casualties to both sides. That was the entire reason that Proditor stood in the same room as the Angelis herself, watching from the window of the Temple Ship, gazing down at their new planet… Earth. “It’s beautiful… Isn’t it, Proditor?” Angelis asked, her voice as calm as serene as it always had been, “After 5 months of cautious labor, we’ve beaten this race to submission. I must say, I’m impressed by your ability to locate their main base of operations” Proditor, in response, simply turned his head to Angelis, then back towards the window, “After their assault on our own forward outpost in the middle of the Atlantic, it was easy to figure out where they were hidden. Them taking the Hypersonic Relay was their fatal mistake” he stated, “I’ve already managed to take their ‘Commander’ into custody, though I was unable to prevent some of their chiefs from escaping. With your permission, I’ll give the orders to have them eli-” “No” Angelis said, turning towards Proditor fully. Her voice had not changed, but Proditor could sense that it would change at any moment, as she tended to when she was upset, “The Commander is too valuable of an asset to lose. I have already arranged a… Use, for them” Angelis stated. At that, Proditor himself turned towards Angelis, “... And what would that be?” he asked. “I’ve set up a simulation for them, a prototype for the Codex. With it, they will be trapped within a cycling loop of the Invasion, to fight us off. They will be given the tools to defeat us in this simulation, but with increasing challenge as it evolves. Once they are in, we will gain tactical data to use for all of our forces” Angelis stated, with Proditor practically feeling her smugness, “They will compliment your capabilities well, Proditor” For a few seconds, Proditor remained silent. Then, he spoke once more, “You are keeping the most dangerous creature that has ever walked this planet-” “-Whom we have already defeated-” “- Alive... If she manages to escape, then-” “ENOUGH!” Angelis roared, her voice switching to a much deeper tone, her helm opening and becoming enveloped in light. However, she did not attempt to influence Proditor. Instead, she merely closed her helm after a few seconds, voice returning to it’s calm normality, “I will not argue this with you, Proditor. This is for the betterment of our kind… And our new race” she said, turning and floating away from Proditor, who simply watched the other Ethereal leave. In hindsight, he should’ve seen the signs. Angelis’ aggressiveness, her willingness to keep the Commander alive, and her uncare towards Humanity as a whole… Or rather, he did see the signs. He just didn’t care about them at the time. 14 years ago 12 shots, 12 clean kills. Like normal, his prodigy, Gar’Vax Velhine, otherwise refereed to as ‘The Hunter’, had once again expertly maneuvered his troops around Proditor’s own forces, forcing them out and allowing him to cleanly pick them off one by one. “You know, you really should stop going on easy on me. At this point I’ll actually feel like I’m catching up to you” the Hunter stated, leaning back as the simulation ended, resting his rifle on next to his seat. Proditor himself simply rose from his own seat, straightening so he towered over the Hunter, “Perhaps I should, you’re learning fast than I thought you would” Proditor stated, “Though, you should stop relying on yourself, and learn to use your troops more effectively. War is not something you use to gain glory, Gar’Vax. If you stick your neck out too far, not even the Sarcophagus will be able to save you” the Ethereal added after a slight pause, watching as the Hunter merely shrugged, “Well, I’ll cross that road once I get there” he stated. Then, after a few seconds of silence between the two, he sighed, “Are you still trying to talk Angelis out it?” The question came almost out of nowhere, at the time, but Proditor had merely nodded, “... Yes” he stated. Angelis had begun the AVATAR Project days before, and nothing Proditor could do to persuade her. It was for the betterment of their kind and Humanity’s, she had said… But there was no betterment for Humanity. Only slaughter. Cutting through his thoughts, the Hunter merely stood, “Well, good luck I suppose. Though with how things are going, that won’t really help would it?” he asked, picking up his rifle and slinging it over his shoulder, beginning to walk out of the room, “I’ll be back in about a week, gotta get some more of my hunting in. I’ll make sure to tell my brother to chill with the praise towards you, I know you get annoyed with his constant blabbing” he stated, the door sliding shut with a small hiss, leaving Proditor in the brightly lit room, alone. One year ago “This project is needless, Angelis, you must realize it!” “After 19 years, you still persist with this argument? The wheels have turned for 19 years. We cannot stop it now” “You can. Use what you have, consider it the final product of the AVATAR Project, and if they are not strong enough, you can simply clone yourself to continue living-” “I cannot do that, and you know it. If we are to prepare for what lies ahead, we need more power. Humanity is the only way we can defeat our enemy” “...” “We have done this multiple times, Proditor. Our forces are a culmination of our conquest and our domination. Why begin this now?” “Because before we encountered Humanity, we had uplifted these creates from their primitive natures. Humanity is different, it has culture, history, something to strive for. And you are destroying it all.” “... This conversation will go on no longer, Proditor. Do remember that you are no longer necessary… I have a suitable replacement for you if this is EVER brought up again from you. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?” There was no answer from Proditor, and no true conclusion to that psychic argument as Proditor cut himself off, practically fuming in his own ‘office’. He had let this go on for 19 years, and never took any initiative. Now, this genocidal project was nearing it’s final lap… And there was nothing for him to do. … At least, before he decided to send critical ADVENT data to one of the Resistance Groups, a feat that took him more than 10 days to accomplish, then disappear into the wilderness, marking his official desertion of ADVENT. With a small sigh, Proditor lowered his head. There was likely more he could’ve done in that situation… Though, in the end, it likely wouldn’t have had the same result. Specifically, the fact that he could’ve- Suddenly, a sudden spike of pain went through Proditor’s head, causing all 4 of his arms to come out, the knife he had been carrying around falling from them as they went to hold his head as his body instinctively began to fold, trying to relieve the pain by lowering his head towards the ground. In said head, multiple images flashed through it, each one less distinguishable than the last… Except for the vague relation to his own world, Humanity, the AVATAR Project… And a black mass practically devouring Earth. … And then, they were shut out, leaving Proditor with a paralyzing headache as he floated, motionless, outside of the bus.
  10. At first, there wasn't much that happened when Proditor connected to the Source, aside from the feeling that he DID connect to it. Then, his mind was suddenly assaulted with a torrent of information, piecing together seemingly unconnected things in his mind with it's arrival. Yet, compared to the mass of knowledge he had already acquired over his lifespan, it was simply a bigger river of information than he had before. Which was not too bad, by any means. "... And there" Proditor said after a good while (roughly 15 seconds of silence as he connected to the Source), his helm snapping shut, "It's a rather simple power, but extremely effective in the right circumstances. I can see how it would cause you headaches, due to the rush of information" Proditor stated. Then, after a second, the Ethereal straightened as best as he could, "I shall leave you to recover from your headache" he said, turning to exit the bus, still processing the new information in his head. There was a lot of things he was wanting to go over from the last few days, anyway.
  11. There wasn't much of a visual acknowledgement from Proditor, aside from his helmet snapping open again as he began to concentrate, using his own (rather large) psionic impression as a basis to connect to Tattletale's power source... Which, from his point of view, should work. The only question was if the power source would accept his intrusion. Proditor gains a new trick to use for this task!
  12. At Aislin's comment towards the schedules, Platinum actually seemed to freeze for a second, before getting up with a small sigh, "Right. Good thing we already got everything unpacked" she said, turning to walk towards the door. It was more so an initiative thing, there wasn't much reason for her to stay around, as Esyllt would probably lead them out anyway.
  13. "Then I believe I may have found the source of that power" Poditor stated, one of his hands coming out from underneath his robes, holding the knife he had acquired about a day ago. Last time he had attempted to connect to the source of a Parahuman's power, he seemed to have activated it upon himself, causing a knife to burst out of his arm. It was strange... But if it was something psionic... "The last time I interacted with the source of a parahuman's power, I had it activate, causing this knife to come out of me" Proditor stated, looking back towards Tattletale, "I would like to attempt to establish my own connection with your power source. If it uses a psionic signal, I should be capable of linking myself to it" he stated. It was more of a request, and if Tattletale allowed him to do so, Proditor would attempt to do just what he wanted to do. If not, well... He'd probably still do it. This was a chance he was not letting slip by.
  14. When the bus shook, Proditor barely even felt it, even if his body did shake a little bit from the force. Even the portal opening up, with someone screaming for help didn't get a budge from the Ethereal. However, a few seconds after most of the group left to that portal, Proditor spoke to Tattletale, "... Tell me Tattletale, what is your power, specifically?"
  15. At Tattletale's permission, Proditor bowed, ever slightly, "Thank you. This should not bother you at all" he stated, before his helm snapped open, glowing light beginning to seep out of it as he began focusing his will towards Tattletale's mind. He would figure out how this parahuman psionic link this time, and hopefully not have a knife pop out of his arm.
  16. Proditor waited until the girl, with multiple animal-like creatures following her, finished what she was saying, before speaking himself, "Precisely Harry. It's something I may have to investigate with Somatotrope, later" he added, before turning his his towards the girl beside him. What she said was... Actually a bit unnerving, at least to him. The ability to change someone's DNA to make them become iron-like was not a power that was weak by any means. In fact, it was extremely useful. ... He had a sudden thankfulness that she was not from the Earth he came from. Angelis would've found her almost instantly, and with power like that... She would've been unstoppable.
  17. Once the introductions started to roll around, Platinum, rather quietly, sighed, putting her last object where it was supposed to go before turning around, "My name is Platinum Mirazaki" she stated simply, her face utterly passive as she sat on one of the bunks, her twintails draping over the side, "... I personally like chess and history" she added after a moment with a small shrug. She wasn't one that really enjoyed introductions, but she'd most likely be forced to introduce herself anyway, nothing much she could do about it.
  18. There was a good pause as Proditor thought, "Risky... But could be rather helpful. I do believe I know the source of these parahuman powers though. Specifically, something in their brain, sending out psionic signals" Proditor stated. And, if he focused, he probably could've sensed Tattletale's psionic link, "However, I am not sure what it is exactly. But, I can attempt to see what it is, exactly... With your permission of course, Tattletale" Proditor stated.
  19. For a second, Proditor paused as he entered the bus, hearing Harry's call or help. Then, he began moving through said bus, still annoyed by the lack of room it provided him, until he finally reached Harry and Tattletale, "I do not have information concerning parahuman capabilities, but I should be able to help you" Proditor stated, before asking another question after a quick pause, "... What, exactly, do you want to do?"
  20. Platinum herself was... Surprisingly quiet as she worked to store her things as efficiently as possible, keeping everything as organized as they could, given the circumstance, which was more than she could personally say for her 'roommates'... Which, thankfully, wasn't where her metaphorical black cloud was coming from. For the most part, Platinum could care less about what said roommates were doing; as long as they kept her from getting into trouble, she was fine. Aislin lazing around? She was fine. Callan carrying her sword around (which she STILL didn't understand how she got permission to do so)? She was fine. What she was NOT fine about was the fact that she was stuck in a cabin that was designated as Alexian, WITH THREE OTHER ALEXIANS. Normally, it really wouldn't have been a problem, she was a non-practicer herself, but generally, from her own experience... Those that followed Alexus sort of didn't have much capability for being responsible. What made it even worse was that she wasn't even the head of this cabin, since Esyllt had gotten that 'honor'. ... Well, as long as she did what she was supposed to, it didn't really matter. She just had to keep things organized and neat, and then she'd be fine. Fighting over who really was in charge of this wasn't worth it, in her opinion.
  21. Proditor wasn't even taken aback by the sudden visions popping into his head... Granted, he had preparation before the visions hit. For the most part though, he had been completely silent as the visions played out, taking in both the information towards his partners, and the general information spoken about by the people in the visions. For the most part though, he simply viewed each thing as info to be stored away for later review, though there was one thing that made him almost block out the rest of the vision. Lung had broken free. Almost immediately, Proditor's mind remembered his encounter with the creature, how his flames tore through his own defenses, eating away at him, uncaring towards the life it was working to extinguish, how that creature had made him relive one of the most traumatic events in his centuries of existence. Soon enough though, the visions had ended, causing Proditor to remain motionless for a good ten seconds before he placed the phone back on the flower, turning away from it and heading back towards the bus. He had a feeling that the vision didn't bode truly well.
  22. Upon the sudden landing of a FREAKING METAL BEAR OF ALL THINGS, Freya jumped back as he minions began to advance, shambling forwards, uncaring towards the minefield, "Oh gods WHEN DID THAT BEAR GET HERE!" Freya yelled, watching as the bear opened it's mouth, revealing... Rotating, sharp weapons in it's mouth. At that, Freya quietly took a step back, holding her staff tightly. That right there was not something she wanted to deal with, no way, no how. Freya adds Misty Skulls to her repertoire. Natural Requiem Zombies move forward, sacrificing themselves on the minefields like the heroes they are. Freya's Super Spectacular Loadout.
  23. "Nothing else. Thank you for your cooperation" Proditor stated, before hanging up the phone, nearly sighing out of annoyance. It was annoying to deal with people who didn't seem to want to do their job, though the Ethereal COULD at least get the boredom of said job. Still, it slightly, VERY SLIGHTLY, aggravating to be treated with thinly veiled disrespect. Said deskman should've been thankful he wasn't dealing with Angelis... After a few seconds though, Proditor picked the phone back up, waiting for the automated message to finish it's directions, before dialing in "1".
  24. "Ah. I see. Well, if that's the case, I have to ask: Where am I, exactly? I assume a little rest stop before one heads of to their next world?" Proditor asks, taking a look around at the void, "... If one could call it a resting place."
  25. "Hello. I would like to speak with Yamato Jules, if you can get her on. There is an update that I want to inform her of" Proditor said, once his call was answered. Doctor Ebon may have been the name most people called her, but her real name was simply easier for Proditor to use.
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