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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY
[IC]TotMG:LF The Ships
GodofGamingRWBY replied to StormLord's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Harmony With precision and grace, Harmony added yet another stroke to her painting, masterfully recreating the dias that was meant to be the door's 'key'. Truthfully, she could've cared less about the now vaporized ruins, but there was history that was stored in those stones, and she could hardly trust those barbarians who called themselves archeologists to bother keeping an accurate portrayal of the place. So, she decided to grace it with a footprint in history, a reminder that it once existed, before it inevitably faded from all memory except hers. For an instant, her eyes shifted away from her canvas, registering the sight of another young woman walking past her station, white hair and red clothes highlighting a particularly annoyed expression. Then in that same instant, she returned her gaze to her painting. At least until her eyes suddenly snapped back to Scarlet, catching a sight that caught her interest, "Fascinating, now aren't you an interesting specimen. An artificial immortal, hm?" Harmony commented as her green eyes bore into Scarlet's back, leaning forward and resting her chin on her hands as she did so. -
"Oh, um... Hello, it seems I've taken a wrong turn. I'm Godiva Coventry, a pleasure to meet you all. Have you happened to hear about the group "Virtuous" around here?"
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Freya Upon being called out, Freya let out a little 'eep', staring in shock (and confusion) as the Necrodancer unleashed his moves, young and tired brain trying to catch up with what was going on. Thankfully, now that she had time to take in the sight, she was able to figure out the current situation... A grin growing on her face. She wasn't someone who had any experience with the fine art of dancing, but she still found it fun regardless. And, with the fact that she just died a few minutes ago, a fun diversion sounded wonderful to her. So, presenting her staff, Freya brought a hand to her hat, pulling it down and tilting her head so that only one of her eyes were peeking out from underneath, "Very well! I, Freya Wentz, humbly accept your challenge!" she shouted back, raising her hand from her hat and, in full dramatic fashion, snapped her fingers, a loud crack filling the dance floor despite the music that played. If the Deadites had their own backup dancers, then they would in turn need their own. In an instant, several portals opened around the young Necromancer, popping out Freya's own support; Her Bone Bats, immediately flying into a skull formation above Freya's head; Henry, back from the dead and cartwheeling in the air before landing on its feet; and Solara, being very confused about why she was summoned for a dance off. But, going further, Freya taps the ground in front of her with her staff, the floor quickly shifting and allowing a new horde of dirt constructs to claw their way up from the ground... before posing in full unison, seamlessly slipping into the rhythm of the Ginyu Tokusentai. Freya uses her action to summon 28 more zombies, who in turn join in the dance against the Ginyu's dance group. The Bone Bats merely stay in their skull formation above Freya's head, while Henry barks at Guldo to get his attention (and taunt him). Solara uses her Flaming Sword and wings to fly within the air, trying to get some attention with some cool sword tricks. Henry Solara
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Battle Theme Mot springs into action, putting a bullet into the Ubume to the Onryo’s left, dealing 50 damage before it can bring its umbrella up to defend itself. In the same instant that Mitsu dashed towards the Yokai, the Onyro did the same, steel fans slashing at Mitsu for only an instant before it moved away, practically teleporting between its targets in an elaborate dance, dealing 31, 21 (reduced to 15), and 31 damage to Mitsu, Lexiel, and Ako respectively. Though the Onryo was only at her side for an instant, that instant was enough for Mitsu to get her own counter in, before moving on to the rest, dealing 21, 20, 20, 21 damage to the Onryo, Ubumes, and Bud Ogre. Oddly enough, the Bud Ogre barely seemed to flinch as Mitsu slashed at its face, only showing the slightest sign of pain when her sword cut into the large “flower” on its back. With their master now in action, the Ubume spring forward themselves, swords quickly drawn from their umbrellas as they advanced, slashing at Spray and Ako for 31 and 21 damage each. Spicy herself makes her move shortly after the first Ubume struck at Spray, quickly overwhelming any defenses it might’ve had with 15 attacks, dealing a total of 90 damage. Despite its initial lack of a physical response, the Bud Ogre roared at Mitsu, spinning in place so that its spiked tail into Mitsu’s side just as she came to a stop, dealing another 28 damage. Though reeling from the two deep cuts both the Onryo and Ubume made against her, Ako focused on her own duties, quickly throwing a Recovery Slip at the Goddess of Calamities, healing her for 23 HP, while a flurry of sakura petals flew around herself, healing herself for 12 HP. Spray shouts out his inspiring lines to Mitsu, healing the Goddess for another 10 HP, just before aiming his rifle at the now still Onryo, opening fire upon it. The Onryo, much to his (possible) surprise, merely swung its fans, quickly deflecting each bullet fired at it with precision and grace. Not that he was actually attempting to hit her, just keep her distracted… Lexiel takes the time to fill herself with hope, granting her First Strike on her next turn. Kino summons her sister from the beyond, sacrificing 22 HP to do so, but allowing Enma to quickly stab the second Ubume, dealing 10 damage and marking it for her sister. Turn Order Status
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Mira In a way, Mira was somewhat surprised to have been able to get so close to Magic in the first place, especially in a way that caught the scythe-wielder by surprise. Unfortunately for the Dark One, however, Magic was quick to respond, slamming the end of her scythe into Mira's torso and sending the latter flying, clawed gauntlets digging into the dirt and debris in order to bring herself to a stop. For a moment, Mira stayed in her position, still as a statue, before suddenly letting out an annoyed huff, standing back up and resuming her march towards her opponent, slashing at the nearby factory parts in an almost offhanded way. Mira attacks the Factory with Black Heart, dealing another 6d8+11 slashing damage and gaining a second stack of greed, reducing her damage resistance by 1 but also gaining 1 Syn. Mira currently has 3 Magra, and will gain 1 extra in the next turn. Loadout
Greek FEF: Part I - Underworld's Ascent
GodofGamingRWBY replied to Aurorix's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"It looks like my observation was correct, destroying that gem would have been problemat-" Vlassis begins, shrugging ever so slightly beneath his armor, appearing rather worn out from the fighting. At least until he suddenly stopped speaking and snapped to attention, head whirling to the side as the old warrior took notice of a flash of light, just by the edge of his vision. Or rather, what seemed to be a flash of light, as when he looked at the source, all that remained was tiles and dormant red runes, nothing that would reflect light the way that Vlassis had noticed. For a few moments still, his gaze lingered in the general area, his old instincts forcing him to stay and insure nothing was out of place, before he slowly returned his gaze to his new Lord and Asterios. "... Hm." -
Greek FEF: Part I - Underworld's Ascent
GodofGamingRWBY replied to Aurorix's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"I can understand his reasons for deciding to test us. Regardless if it was necessary to fight one another or not, it was... Enjoyable, being able to shake off the rust of old age. I pray in the future that I'll have the chance to face you myself in battle" Vlassis commented, turning to Asterios and placing a fist on his chest plate, a salute from one warrior to another. -
[IC]TotMG:LF The Ships
GodofGamingRWBY replied to StormLord's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Harmony Through the group's descent into the ruins and rather one sided slaughter of the Bullymongs, Harmony decided that actually sticking around might actually be worth it, seeing all the interesting individuals that populated this rag-tag group. What she didn't account for was the accomadations she would have to work with, mainly an utterly horrid ship that seemed more like a patchwork of various shipping containers than anything flight worthy. As one who enjoyed aesthetics, she could feel her very soul screeching in pain every time she examined... Any of the ship's parts, really, even if she couldn't do anything about said design currently. So, she took up some space for herself, materializing her surprisingly large quantity of art supplies and getting to work on her next piece. Namely a replica of the ruins that she had gone through, moments before being obliterated by a bomb. It was enough to keep her distracted from the tragedy that she forced herself to sit in. -
Osada Once the detective turned her attention towards him, Osada finally gave off his casual shrug, "the art of flying still eludes me, but I happen to be more than capable of climbing a few mountains" he commented, ignoring the fact that she decided to just add him to her group of two. He didn't mind, it might've been good company, and he had a whole new world to explore. Really, she was just giving him an excuse, which was more than enough for him.
Mira For a while, Mira simply stared at the final CFW, red orbs clearly judging her as she took the time to speak with the Captain and Lyra. The arrival of the monsters over the hills of garbage merely got a tilt of the head from the Dark Knight, only to swiftly refocus on her target, watching the mound behind rise up and begin assembling itself into different structure. That seemed to be the "Deity of Greed" Magic commented on, but it was inconsequential to Mira. Her target was Magic, nothing more, nothing less. "Deal with her 'deity'. I'll handle Magic." Mira charges forth attacks CFW Magic with Black Heart, dealing 6d8+11 damage and gaining a stack of Greed. She also uses the Helmet of Judge to cast Libra on Magic, giving her a small bit of info on her if possible. Mira currently has 1 Magra and will gain 1 extra in two turns. Loadout
Mira At first, Mira simply took in the landscape, her mind trying to make sense of the sheer... Oddness present. A land of junk and trash, items cast aside when they were no longer needed. This was where the final CFW was holing themselves up, but for what? Mira didn't get much time to think on it before Falcom began speaking, the twin yanking the Dark One from her thoughts, alongside the other twin taking the time to freeze a large cluster of trash in the form of a lizard of some sort. Regardless, Mira nodded at Falcom's comment, staring up at the blue and pink lights poking up from beyond the piles of worthless junk, "If that's the case, then we should deal with the matter quickly and leave. Our target doesn't seem to be keeping a low profile here, what with the light show" Mira noted, her shroud of Magra once again enveloping her armor as she took a step forward, immediately heading down the path presented before them.
Greek FEF: Part I - Underworld's Ascent
GodofGamingRWBY replied to Aurorix's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Excuse me, I have a companion to retrieve." Vlassis moves to I4, giving Owena a Vuln and guarding for her. -
Osada Unfortunately for the Homunculi, Momiji took advantage of his split second opening, three sword slashes breaking what little remained of his guard and sending him to the ground. It took a few seconds of staring for Osada to properly process what just occurred, but once he did, he simply laughed, "And here I thought I stood a decent chance, though if you've seen the style before, then it's not much of a surprise" Osada commented as he pushed himself off the ground, sheathing his twin swords. Admittedly, he couldn't fully understand what Momiji meant by 'he looked familiar', seeing as he was a rather unique Homunculi, rather than one of the mass produced variants. Though, since she was familiar with Niten Ichi-ryū, then it was likely that she was sensing the Heroic Spirit housed within him. ... Hopefully not, that would lead to explanations that he would rather not get into. "No, I just wanted to see how well I stacked compared to the local competition. My research has found that I am woefully lacking in experience, so I'll have to begin rectifying that. Thank you for indulging in my request" he answered, giving Momiji a bow before turning back to the detective, botanist, and shrine maiden. He was planning to send a characteristic shrug towards Sanae due to his crushing defeat, but he instead found himself raising an eyebrow at the poster Masako possessed.
Osada Well, to say Osada was 'outmatched' might've been giving himself too much credit. He was barely within Momiji's league, his offense easily being matched and countered by her defense, as he predicted. Yet even as he was knocked back, he held as much ground as he could, magical circuits flaring up as he began reinforcing a single part of his body. In a duel of life and death, there can be no room for honor. Pull whatever tricks you must in order to survive. Osada uses Confounding Blow, stunning Momiji once and dealing 1d6 damage twice (at 60% strength) Loudout
Osada "Wouldn't dream of it" Osada commented at Momiji's clarification towards him, waiting for Momiji to name the location of their duel and taking up his position shortly after. As the Tengu readied herself for battle, Osada did the same, drawing both of his swords and flipping them around to a proper grip, only to rest one sword on his shoulder and hold his other sword at his side. Not the most proper stances, but one that Osada was most comfortable with. It was clear to the Homunculi that the odds in this fight were stacked against him. He already saw but a taste of Momiji's speed just moments before, and it was very likely that she had plenty more experience than he had. He may have the advantage in terms of offense thanks to his twin swords, but Momiji could easily match... In normal situations, at least. He still had his personal trump card from his status as a Demi-Servant, which closed the gap ever so slightly. Letting out a breath that he didn't know he was holding, Osada's body suddenly tensed up, the sword on his shoulder swiftly moving down to his side. There wasn't much point in thinking about how the match could go. Rather, he simply needed to focus on where his swords fell, doing what he could to dictate the flow of the duel. Strike swiftly, without hesitation. Allow your foe no room to breathe so long as they remain in your blade's range. Osada attacks with Fifth Form, attacking Momiji four times at 6d4+12 damage each, with each attack only dealing 60% of its normal damage. Loadout
Vulture Inn Though Ako was more than willing to speak, anything she would’ve said died in her throat as Mitsu and Lexiel spoke their terms, a certain glint appearing in the Youkai’s eyes that seemed to be a mixture of both amusement and annoyance, “Quite presumptuous, don’t you think? Here I thought Tennin were more of the negotiating type” the Youkai stated, placing her pipe on the throne as she moved to an actual proper position, dismissing the ‘band’ of Imps with a wave of her hand, the lesser demons quickly making their leave to avoid getting caught up in the coming fight. The Ubume remained still, even as the Youkai stood from her chair, but the creature that slept at her heels awoke thanks to her movement, immediately uncurling and rising to its feet. “I’ll admit, it’s been quite some time since I’ve been threatened so brazenly, and in my own place of business no less. But, if that’s how you wish to be…” she continued, pulling out a pair of steel fans bringing one to her face and fanning it out to obscure it, even as it continued to be shrouded in darkness. At once though, each candle in the room suddenly went out, the incense seeming to burn with greater intensity as the volumes of the Youkai’s black hair began to rise and wave through the air as if she were underwater. And then, with a snap, the fan closed. Where once were red eyes surrounded by a dark void, there was now a fanged, grinning mask, painted in elaborate patterns of red and black paint. Though her red eyes still shone within the pits of darkness, it was clear that they were far more feral. “I’ll simply decorate this room with your blood as payment.” Battle Theme Turn Order Status
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Greek FEF: Part I - Underworld's Ascent
GodofGamingRWBY replied to Aurorix's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Alunda moves to L7 and heals Vlassis. "Thank you, I am in your debt once again." Vlassis moves to J6. -
Osada For the most part, Osada was simply taking in the conversation, nodding as he took in the new information, trying to piece them together with what he already knew. Reality hopping, or Rayshifting as some more clever mages would call it, was a complex trick that was mostly a theoretical, only being actively employed by a select few organisations. At least, that's what he thought, he never looked too deeply on who actually tried to pull those stunts off. Mostly because he hated trying to work his head around the inner complexities of magecraft. Waltzing into the Reverse Side of the World was one thing he could handle, being flat out dropped into alternate worlds, even with the prospect of finding and dueling new opponents, was not what he would call- In a stroke of luck, Osada's sanity was preserved from his thoughts as Sanae elbowed him, causing him to snap out of his pondering, "Hey, I'm just biding my time for the right moment. Despite my looks, I'm not actually rude enough to butt into conversations just to get my fill" Osada replied, seemingly wounded that Sanae would think of him like that, before dropping said act with a shrug, "But, if you insist" he added before clearing his throat to get Momiji's attention, "Excuse me Momiji, but would you be interested in entertaining a recent trespasser with a little duel between swordsmen?"
Vulture Inn "Yes yes, you're exterminators determined to do your foolhardy job and kill any demon that tries to make a living. I noticed as soon as the Miko walked in, but I suppose civility is all but dead these days" the woman replied with a bored tone, red eye never leaving the group even as she let out a sigh, "For your information, I have not harmed a single human since I came here, nor do I plan to bar the common folk from entering and staying at the Inn. All you see here is a change in management, nothing more, nothing less-" "And what of the Sparrow Clan? How come a youkai has taken up refuge in their pride and joy, much less one fueling the Moon Cave's barrier?" Ako interrupted, taking a step forward and whipping out the demonic slip she had created from within her sleeves, holding it up for the demons of the room to see. Though a slight chill had come through the room at Mitsu's mention of the word 'Orochi', it was nothing compared to the pure darkness of the slip as it radiated with malicious energy, a dull purple light seemingly fixated on the woman seated in the throne ahead. Thankfully, before the presence could get too powerful, Ako slipped the seal back to its hiding place, an act that left the woman quiet for a few moments before she spoke again. "... You two ladies have guts, I'll give you that. To answer your first question, the old Boss made a deal with me many years ago to help their business. I had hoped that they would uphold their part of the deal, but they attempted to cheat me out of my part, so I had to be a bit more rough than I would've like" the youkai answered, her still bored tone and casual smoke indicating that she didn't exactly care if she had to get rough, "Unfortunately I cannot just 'revoke' my connection to Demon Lord, it's an inherit part of all demons that manifested during his rule. I'm sure the Shrine Maiden can handle the barrier once the Samurai and Fish are dealt with, can't you dear?"
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trespassers [IC] ALTEREDNU
GodofGamingRWBY replied to Hal Henderics's topic in Trespassers of the Multiverse: Gaiden^2's General
Proditor another Psi Lance at the Genji Armor's main body, dealing another 3d6+10 damage. Loadout -
Vulture Inn "Lexiel's right. It's a lot more about the intent than the actual attack. Though it helps to have tools designed to hunt Yokai like I do" Ako commented as she made her way of the stairs, a flick of her wist snapping a slip of paper to her hand as if to prove her point before shoving it back into her sleeve, "I'm Ako, by the way. It's a pleasure to meet another warrior chosen by Mother Amaterasu" she added with a bow, waiting for the others to ascend to her level while Spicy slipped into the elevator... Though, it was more of a wooden lift than a full, modern elevator. Unfortunately, it was rather cramped in the elevator, due to it not being designed to hold so many people at one. But, with only a bit of effort, the group was able to fit themselves in with just enough space to act if they needed to. Though the quiet was unnerving and worrisome, nothing tried to attack them during their ascent up the Inn. This lasted until they finally reached their stop, the wooden doors sliding open to assault them all with a mixture of incense and smoke. The room the lift brought them to was a throne room of sorts, a long hall with cushions lined up as chairs, along with incense pots and candles burning within hollow bamboo stands alongside the walls. However, what was most noticeable was the inhabitants of the room. Two Ubume stood at the end of the hall, weapons held at their sides as they stood at attention. Several imps also scattered the hall, each playing their instrument in a discordant song, seemingly unaware of the new visitors. Next to the throne, asleep and peaceful, was what appeared to be a lion-like demon with wooden limbs, a long spiked tail, and a large, transparent pink bud containing a red orb hovering inside of it. And then, on the throne itself, was a woman dressed in a black mourning dress, lounging upon her chair with a pipe in hand, along with wild black hair that fell all around her and spilled onto the floor. Somehow, despite the lighting of the room, the woman's face was shrouded in darkness, the only visible portion being piercing red eyes that bore into the group as they exited the lift. "Hm, you are by far the loudest guests I've ever had. Tell me, what brings you here to my inn? Because I doubt you're wanting to book a room for the night" the woman commented, taking a breath of her pipe, voice filled with idle curiosity rather than fear at the several armed individuals entering her domain.
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Mira As expected, Mira was relatively silent as they moved through the tower, matching the cat's lack of words with her own. For a moment, Mira actually felt relief when she walked into the meeting room once more, laying eyes on a familiar sight of two ready soldiers and their commanding officer. But of course the relief was hardly noticeable as she moved to sit down, giving the Captain a simple nod before the meeting began. Most of the rundown was going over what they already knew, from Magic's little blocked off playground, along with the other three being revived. Nothing to stir any emotion in Mira aside from anticipation to finish this. "What was CFW Magic like when she was alive? There's no doubt that she's changed some of her tactics after being killed, but I'm sure there's some things she's kept around in her arsenal" Mira asked, going straight for the one question that she had for the coming fight. What Magic was like now was beyond any of them it seemed, so there was no point in her asking.
Greek FEF: Part I - Underworld's Ascent
GodofGamingRWBY replied to Aurorix's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Alunda moves to H7, healing Mercia Vlassis meanwhile ducks into the cover of the M7 pillars, stabbing the nearby Revenant despite still being on oblivion's doorstep.