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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. For about a second, Proditor thought of which option to choose, before he spoke once again, "Representative."
  2. Proditor himself was the one who had taken the driving position, his form hands lightly touching the wheel of the bus as he activated it, still cursing the limited space it offered him. It was a rather weird experience piloting through the layers of reality itself, but the old Ethereal was able to quickly become used to the feeling... At least until they all came across a dark space, the bus coming to a stop right next to a plant... With a ringing phone in it. After a few seconds of silence, Proditor himself floated out of his seat, "I shall take whatever call this is" he stated, before the doors to the bus opened up, letting Proditor float outside, undisturbed by the black void around him. While Lilly circled the flower, Proditor simply went up to the plant, one of his hands reaching out to pick up the phone, lifting it so it was directly in front of his helm, before speaking, "Hello?"
  3. After a bit, Proditor began floating towards the bus, moving towards the entrance of the bus before beginning to enter it... Being forced to bend quite a bit, due to his height. As he entered, he noticed Harry, Calvera, and a woman he, personally, didn't actually know, aside from what Harry has said before. "Hm. I don't believe we've met before" Proditor said as he moved into the bus, his helmet almost hitting the top of the roof despite being bent over. There wasn't much he could really say, in all honesty. He was a bit focused on trying to figure out how to get comfortable in this damned place...
  4. Proditor had been listening to the discussion between Arminius and Satomi, but at the former's latest remark, the Ethereal couldn't help but turn his head towards him, "You say that as if that is not already the case. All things considered, I would be surprised if our faces weren't plastered in a good number of places" Proditor stated, "... I for one am also not keen on remaining in this place for another few years. It would be best to expand our area of influence, so we assist multiple worlds at the same time."
  5. "You would be correct, and I would not mind" Proditor replied, barely moving an inch from where he floated.
  6. With that, Proditor nodded. It would seem that they would finally be able to move on, now that they had their... Transportation. As Uber finished explaining, the Ethereal turned to Harry, "If you're acquiring things from Dragon, I would like to request that they acquire an IV injector, and a bottle of digestive enzymes, if that is in their capabilities" Proditor stated simply. He still needed a way to eat, personally.
  7. And with that, there was an audible sigh from Proditor as his suspicions were confirmed. Unlike his normal voice though, this physical sigh was silent and raspy, barely even hearable, "Very well, that should be an easy task to accomplish on our end" Proditor stated, reverting to his normal, echoey voice, "Anything else?"
  8. Proditor himself stayed rather silent, observing the two as they went about their things. Well except for one, who stood and began the 'negotiations' for their tool for doing their job. For the most part, he was rather glad to be leaving, meant he could actually get to work on other things. ... At the same time, he was hoping that this bus wasn't what they were getting for their traveling.
  9. Freya stayed more towards the back of the group, holding her staff lightly as she walked with them. Once they stopped though, Freya took another step back from the group, both for her own thing and to listen to Leo, "Alright, round 2 for the dirt party" she muttered, slamming her staff into the ground, causing black tendrils of mist to begin pouring out of her hands, down the staff, and into the ground. After a few seconds, the ground began to tear itself up as human-like 'corpses' began to rise from the ground, a dull yellow light where they're eyes would be shining as they clawed their way up from the ground, silently groaning as they straightened. Freya uses Natural Requiem, making her Dirt Zombies hold position. The Freya Spectacular Loadout
  10. Once Proditor placed the final bit of the wreckage down, the Ethereal finally relaxed, a motion that would be nearly impossible to see due to his outfit. He noticed that the strange, large boy (man?) from earlier was gone... But, disregarding that for the most part, Proditor floated up towards Satomi, "Good work. I never thought I'd see someone capable of taking apart that many boats in that little time" he stated simply, turning his head to look at the three people he didn't exactly recognize. After a few seconds though, Proditor merely backed away from Satomi, turning his body to face the three... Yet not moving towards them, or anything of the sort. ... It was almost creepy like, in a way, even if Proditor was simply observing why they were here.
  11. Proditor continues lifting crap from under the water, choosing to start lifting up the Eastern Underwater Wreckage.
  12. After a bit, Freya shrugged, "Well, I think that even without all of those golems, we should be fine. I guess I'll go with the pipe team though.I can probably give you guys something to distract anyone that tries to mess with you. Depends on what's there". Freya joins up with the pipeline team, because it needs more people.
  13. Freya actually jumped a bit when Leo slammed the table, staying a bit silent for a bit before leaning towards Leo, "Well... Suicide is also overworking yourself and dying because of that. If a Tapian is anything like a Basilisk, then resting after getting bitten by one is the best idea, because you're not exactly cured, you're recovering, even if you can walk. Trust me, dying from poison during recovery is not a good way to go" Freya stated, keeping her cheerful voice up during her explanation, before leaning back, "I don't think you should stop trying to help, but you really shouldn't try and push yourself to help as much as you can either. If you still want to go with the... Uh... Pipe Repair Team then like I said before, you should take it easy. In fact, I would personally recommend that you stay behind, make some of your golems, and send them off with the Pipe team" Freya suggested. Then, after a second, she looked straight at LEo again, "... You can control your golems from a distance, right?"
  14. Proditor... Didn't really budge when the bay and beach suddenly turned into a golden color, nearly blinding in color. This was probably due to the fact that he was wearing a helmet that protected his eyes, and the fact that he was more seeing with his mind than anything else, and because of that, Proditor simply kept working on bringing ships to the shore to be dismantled, fcusing now on getting the scraps way under the sea. Begin lifting the Southern Underwater Wreckage to the shore
  15. Sakuya As the Oni spoke, Sakuya couldn't help but notice how Mokou, in all of the 'excitement', had vanished without a word. Seeing that, Sakuya couldn't help but smile a little bit, a motion that would be extremely difficult to see by almost anyone, "Hm... Hard to say. I'm sure you can find one of the smiths in town, they'd likely like someone with your kind of strength" she replied with her own shrug. After that, Sakuya remained silent as Saki explained how the currency and how her place worked, eventually moving past the group to stand nearby Saki, turning to the group, posture refined and elegant as ever. Terumi Swiftly, almost instantaneously, Terumi had spun the knife in his hand, sliding it into his pocket, doing the same with the other knife, "Well then, you'd be correct. These things better perform well" he said, standing up from his seat, grabbing his glass of sake and quickly downing the rest of it, before practically slamming it back down on the counter, "Hopefully your 'Ashuri' has something worth my time... Rodin" he finished, then began to walk away, moving towards the corner that had an available room for him. He needed time to think anyways.
  16. Sakuya Just as Sakuya was about to reply to the white haired Oni, Saki suddenly entered the room with yet another plate of cookies, seeming to recognize one of the newcomers. A second after Suguri asked her own question, Sakuya sighed, rather slightly, their question being answered already, "It's a rather long story, but Mokou and I have met before either of us were dragged into this place. Even then, she generally brings in new arrivals here to get settled down, since Miss Saki runs a room rental service here as well" she stated, looking back at the Oni, "As for jobs... Well, most businesses here are always looking for help, so it shouldn't be too hard to find someone willing to hire you" she added after a moment of thought, closing the door to the bakery and folding her hands in front of herself.
  17. Freya herself was out rather hard, barely make any noise as she slept. It was only when Snow made her announcement that she actually woke up, yawning and stretching as she got up and checked what the commotion was... And by the time Vitor got through with explaining what the situation was, she was wide awake, since they were still forced to deal with Roadhog... Which, to be fair, was probably the point of coming here. "Jeez... Reaper eats souls?" Freya asked, her face actually a bit pale as she said that. If this Reaper COULD do that, then that kind of messed with her own revival capabilities, as it left her own soul vulnerable during the revival time. Then, she sighed, putting a hand to her head, "Well, I guess I can go with whatever team needs me, if we are doing that, at least."
  18. With that, Proditor takes a moment to inspect his arm, noting the damage before letting it fall underneath his robe again, the burned portions of it suddenly becoming enveloped in blue, fire like energy as it began to repair itself. As it did that, Proditor began to lift up yet another Southern Boat and move it to the beach.
  19. Terumi When the barkeeper threw the knife, Terumi merely tilted his head to the side to let it pass by him, his gaze following it as he flew through the air. For a second, he was a bit surprised by the length that the knife was able to fly, since there was still change, but that surprise was quickly overshadowed when the knife turned into the image of a snake, wrapping around the chair and biting it, allowing the barkeeper to yank it back and catch the air with one little flick, with Terumi barely flinching to the chair suddenly flying past his face. For a second afterwards, Terumi was silent, looking at the barkeeper from the side, as if contemplating. Then, he finally figured it out, shaking his head as he let out a small 'heh', then began to inspect the knife more closely, "Well damn, didn't think my shit would be here. How the hell did you manage to get a hold of my Nox? Or a least replicate it?" he asked. Then, his look darkened, "... And is how effective would it BE here?" Sakuya At that, Sakuya merely shook her head, a small smile forming on her face, "I don't find it strange at all. In fact, my Lady had the same mindset as you when she was defeated once" she commented, remembering Miss Scarlet and her own attempts to befriend that Shrine Maiden, Reimu. Of course, after she said that, Sakuya realized her mistake, causing her to sigh, "Sadly, she's not here now, though I wouldn't be surprised if my current employer had the same code as you do. Speaking of which..." Sakuya added, suddenly stopping in front of a large building (A very large one, by the way), turning to Sheriff as she folded her arms, "This is where I work. Your friend should be just inside" she added, stepping up to the door, opening it and... Suddenly freezing as she saw a group of people she had never seen before standing there, with only one familiar figure standing with them, "Ah... Mokou, I see you're showing some newcomers around?" she asked, stepping forward to let Sheriff into the room.
  20. Proditor, despite the explosion sending flakes that burned straight through his robe, smacking into one of his arms underneath, managed to keep his concentration, keeping the boat that he had just lifted up in the air. He barely paid attention to the others, keeping all of his focus on the boat so he didn't drop it, as he moved the floating wreckage to the beach to place down for later deconstruction.
  21. Terumi At the barkeeper's suggestion to 'lighten up', Terumi merely frowned a bit. At least, until they brought out the knives, causing him to raise an eyebrow as he grabbed the blade of one of the knives, flipping it to he was holding the handle, inspecting it closely, "... What the hell are these suppose to do?" he asked after a second of inspection. These were melee weapons, and from what he had seen so far, melee wasn't entirely recommended, since you were likely to get your ass handed to you before you even made it close to your opponent. Which was bullshit, in his opinion. Sakuya "He did seem rather violent, in general. He was the first person I've seen here that made a clear death threat towards his opponent" Sakuya commented. Then, after a moment, she spoke again, "Why ARE you looking for this girl, anyway?" she asked.
  22. Proditor remained almost entirely focused on his task, when he had gotten distracted checking those who were around, causing his grip on one of the ships to falter. After a second of refocusing himself, he began again, trying to lift the same boat out of the water.
  23. Once Freya left Aquila to do what he was originally doing, she simply went to the bed she had chosen out earlier, practically asleep by the time she hit the mattress. There wasn't really much she could do right now anyway. But, given rest, she could start working on Aquila's request. All she would need was a body, living or dead, and some gold...
  24. Terumi "... Terumi" Terumi responded after a brief second, grabbing his glass and taking a quick drink, which he had to admit was pretty good, "Yuuki Terumi" he finished after taking his drink, placing the glass back down on the counter. Sakuya Sheriff couldn't exactly see it, but Sakuya did frown ever slightly at the mention of the death duels. She had already seen new arrivals fight, but she had to question why she was one of the few who had never been placed in a match. She couldn't exactly LEAVE if she never got a chance to win, could she? "Are you referring to another newcomer? One with a yellow cloak?" Sakuya asked, merely out of curiosity. She had a feeling she knew exactly who Sheriff was talking about.
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