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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. "That seems to be everyone's reaction when they first arrive here, confusion" Sakuya replied, "... Though, you've most likely got the gist of what this place is like, haven't you?"
  2. Proditor himself... Never actually left the dock area. He simply stayed there, scanning the area, seeing what he could do in the most efficient way. He did make sure to give Eva directions towards the warehouse where the group stayed at, so she would have somewhere to rest if she needed to, but the Ethereal did not tag along himself. ... It was only when the rest of the group began to arrive did Proditor truly begin to get to work, his helmet snapping open as he began to use his psionic power. Proditor joins the encounter!
  3. "That's good. It saves me the time explaining things, thankfully. Ren and I aren't the only ones in this world, there are 10 others, though they're off doing their own things. Once I finish what I'm doing here, I shall bring you to meet them. You'll be working with them quite a lot in the coming days" Proditor said. Then, with that, he floated forward, moving past Eva and Ren, until he was right on the dock's edge, starting out into the boat infested waters. For a bit, Proditor simply listened to the waves, the sound of society happening around him, and watched the boats rise and fall with the tempo of the sea. Then, his helmet suddenly snapped open, bright orange light beginning to shine underneath. It was time.
  4. Sheriff barely got a nod from Sakuya. His only physical cue that Sakuya heard him was the fact that she glanced back at him for the briefest moment, "I see. You must come from a very different world than mine" she stated, her gaze shifting back to the front of her person, "... I take it you're a newer arrival to this place?"
  5. For a second, Freya looked a bit confused at the mention of a duel. Then she snapped her fingers, "Oh right, you accepted that challenge from the lizard guy. Well, I wish you luck then" Freya stated, then turned around, heading off to get her own rest.
  6. "Sakuya" the maid responded with a short bow, "and you are?" she then asked, turning around as she began to lead Sheriff to Saki's Bakery.
  7. At that, Sakuya nodded, "I have seen her then. She was at my employer's bakery... Likely still is. I can show you to it, if you wish" she replied, turning slightly to indicate the direction that the bakery was in.
  8. With the confirmation, Freya quickly pushed herself off, stepping away from Aquila, "No problem, just didn't want to be stuck on there" she said, "I think I'm going to get some rest, think on how I'm going to complete that thing you wanted me to do"
  9. Freya almost facepalmed when she noticed the cat run by, forgetting that Aquila had her. But, instead, she couldn't help but find the kitten INCREDIBLY adorable, "Aw, she's adorable" she stated, "... Oh, by the way, do you think your done with your exercise?" Freya asked, tliting her head slightly at the question.
  10. Freya had to think about that question for a second, "Hm... Not really. Never really stuck to one place long enough to really consider getting one. That, and animals don't tend to like me around" Freya replied after that second, adding in a shrug, "You?"
  11. "Who... Never mind, different world stuff. Main thing is, Necromancers as a whole back home just are kinda... Inconsiderate jerks, rather antisocial, preferring to turn people into mindless little slaves, etc etc. Hell, aside from my teacher and I, no Necromancer in history has really made it their goal to help people. They're mostly just 'I'm evil and I'm going to take over the world with my zombie army!' and all that" Freya responded with a shrug, "But hey, at least there are some people that don't seem to mind my profession, so that's a plus"
  12. Eva would quickly get a reply from Proditor, his voice as calm as normal, "Hello again. Try again, this time with the attempt to answer this: Do you know of the Trespassers?" After a few seconds, Ren would suddenly get Proditor's voice in his own head, "I am attempting to directly speak with this young girl, whom you may call 'Eva'. Guiding her through the process of responding to me is something that takes awhile, so please be patient" Proditor stated, his helmet not budging an inch, even though he was practically speaking to two different people at once.
  13. Sakuya In all honesty, Sakuya wasn't exactly expecting anything special from today. Aside from seeing a new match, with two people she had never seen before, a man in a yellow coat and an oni, there wasn't exactly much that really had caught her attention. Well, except that little girl with an alien mask on her head. Saki seemed to enjoy her company enough. That was something Sherrif could be thankful for, that Sakuya did remember that specific girl, because as she walked through the streets, she overheard someone asking around for a girl, who's description matched rather accurately to that girl, causing Sakuya to alter her course towards them, "Excuse me" Sakuya said as she approahced them, just as Sherrif finished asking his most recent person, "I overheard you asking around for someone that I believe I recognize. Are they silent? Rather shy?" she asked. Terumi For the most part, Terumi merely glanced around at the Gates of Hell, noting the shift in scenery and how pleasant it managed to look, compared to the plain stone outside at least. However, when the man asked what Terumi wanted, the latter simply pushed out a stool with his foot, then sat down, "Honjozo-shu sake. If you don't have that then whatever hell you happen to have, as long as it's somewhat strong" Terumi said without hesitation, resting his arms on the counter.
  14. Once Aquila finished his statement, he would hear something he probably didn't expect from Freya. Barely contained laughter, coming out more of an initial snort and then a bit of giggling as Freya curled up, trying to keep her laughter contained, "S-Sorry, sorry, that is just the first time I've heard anyone say that about me" Freya said after a solid 5-10 seconds, quickly composing herself from the initial surprise, "Ah... Thanks for the compliment, but that's far from the truth. I mean, early in my life that wasn't much of a problem, but once I developed a reputation back in my world? Getting sickened reactions and being called a freak of nature was just a part of my everyday life" Freya replied, all while in her seemingly default tone of voice.
  15. "Eh, not really, though I'm probably the worst person to ask that question. I think they look rather cool" Freya replied, not really moving much, aside from going up and down from Aquila's push ups.
  16. If there was one thing Proditor seemed to be good with, it was reading Eva's questions. At least, it helped that he COULD practically read her mind with ease, "Simply try and think of a response to me using your head. Using your mouth is not necessary for me to understand you" Proditor replied calmly.
  17. Instantly, Freya shrugged, "Alright then, juuuust don't get disappointed if I don't really add much" she said, stepping around Aquila so she could be more to his side. Then, right before Aquila started, she quickly got in his back, kneeling right on top of him, both hands on her knees as she 'helped'. ... Even with her entire weight on top of Aquila, he could probably note how she really, REALLY didn't weigh that much... At least not enough to make that much of a different for his workout.
  18. "That would be best, yeah. I'll let you know when I'm good to go with it then... And sure. What exactly do you need my help with?" Freya asked, her seriousness all gone now, replaced with her normal cheerful tone.
  19. It was rather obvious that Freya was slowly becoming more and more excited, especially when she got a good look at Aquila's golden eye, "Great! That makes it way easier! If we spend some time I can probably transfer a good portion of your soul into that eye of yours" Freya stated. Then, almost abruptly, her excitement died down as she took on a more serious tone, "... I have to ask though, are you SURE you want to try something like this? It can seriously backfire if it fails, and testing it out before hand would be a bit difficult, unless I can get the right things for it"
  20. Thankfully, Freya was able to notice the little glimmer underneath his eyepatch, snapping her fingers when she saw that, "OH! That works perfectly! Gold is one of the best absorbents for magic and souls!" Freya stated, a bit louder than she should've. After a brief pause, she decided to ask something, "... That IS actual gold, right?"
  21. After a pause, Freya turned back to Aquilia, "Holy Relics COULD work... Though most of the time their big, easily noticeable, and don't like it when someone like me handles them. I personally prefer jewelry, like this-" Freya stated, lifting up the little amulet around her neck, tapping the black gemstone within, "- This is a rather simple version, but this is filled with my own soul. Sort of a backup plan, encase I get decapitated, burned alive, poisoned, stabbed through the heart, mauled by a dog, things like that" Freya added, her casualness on the topic indicating either an uncaring towards it, or that she had dealt with those exact scenarios before. "Either way, I know how to transfer soul energy to certain objects... It just gets a bit harder when dealing with another person's soul. Main difficulty would be fitting enough of your soul into something that you can keep on you at all times, so you'll be able to control your own body"
  22. At the question, Freya couldn't help but frown, "That's... Something I've never really thought of. For the most part, when I make a zombie, or any form of undead, they're kind of completely under my control. No free will, nothing, they're only walking around because I'm there to keep them up" Freya stated. For a second, Aquila could almost hear a bit of a scolding tone creeping into Freya's voice, most likely signalling her explaining WHY she wouldn't want to try something like that anyway. However, instead of that, Freya paused, folding her arms as she began to think, "Though... It COULD be done. You'd need me around to let you actually move, along with being... Well, dead, so I could turn you into an undead in the first place... And I'd need to figure out a way to keep your soul anchored to the body..." she added, turning away as she start muttering about things, now quiet enough so that Aquila couldn't really make out what she was saying. This wasn't something that had ever been successfully done... Or attempted, for that matter. But if Freya could accomplish it and actually manage to make a 'living' zombie...
  23. For the most part, Freya was simply wandering around, seeing what was going on. It was only by chance that she wandered towards the training area, noticing how a man that... She actually didn't recognize, was waving her over. After a split second of decision making, Freya practically turned on her heel, walking over to the man, "Hello, what do you need?" Freya asked as she approached, seeming completely undisturbed by the fact that this guy was, in fact, shirtless. Didn't really matter to her much, though the eagle tattoo was rather neat.
  24. "Well, they certainly live up to their name of 'God Wires' then" Freya stated, still as interested and cheerful as ever. Though, underneath, the Corrupt Crimson managed to remind her of something else. More power with the only downside being that you had an urge to kill anyone beneath you? Considering that description fit some of the people that tried to kill her at one point, multiple times, it was a bit more of a persona feeling. As she said that though, Freya finally straightened, dusting off her outfit a bit, "Well, I think you'd want to focus on making your shield, so I'll leave you to it. Thanks for the talk Blue" Freya said, waving downwards at the little guy before turning around, beginning to walk off.
  25. In all honesty, Freya couldn't help but feel really interested in Blue's explanation. Such a tiny thing, yet managing to have a history that went far past itself, "I'm... Going to admit, that sounds really nice. You sound like you have a lot of respect for these God Wires and True Water, and here I am with a name on every hit list of all of the gods that have heard of me" Freya replied, "What are these God Wires, anyway?"
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