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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. "... Huh. Your wood must be different from the ones I've seen" Freya commented, "Names also seem to be a bit different. Normally people would put 'the' when refering to a Legendary Knight, yet you just use it as a flat out name... Speaking of which, what IS your name? I never quite caught it"
  2. Freya nodded in response, noting the rubber band that seemed to just fade away once it was taken off of his tiny little body, "Honestly, wooden swords aren't really THAT special. I know that if someone said that they used a weapon made out of wood, a friend of mine would freak out. Or probably call them an idiot, one of the two" Freya stated, having a second's hesitation as she tried to figure out if the person she spoke of really counted as a friend. It was quickly decided that they did. "... Do you need any help with that?" Freya asked after a second, watching as Blue tried to open the pin of the button.
  3. Once the group had arrived at the safehouse, Freya almost immediately sat down on one of the beds, leaning her staff on the bed while she examined herself. By this time, the regeneration had done it's work; Her entire body was more or less functioning perfectly, without any loss of itself. The only issue was that he outfit was... Kinda not in the best of shape. Too bad she wasn't much of a tailor, otherwise she'd be able to fix it, easily. Oh well, she'd just have to deal with a highly damaged sleeve on her arm and a little hole in her dress. ... After a bit though, Freya decided to stand up, leaving her staff at the bed she had picked out, giving a small stretch before heading back into the main area of the safe house, looking around for something to pass the time. After a bit, she eventually managed to find Blue, wherever he was. "Hey Blue, what are you doing?" Freya asked, crouching down a bit (at least, in the scenario that he was closer towards the ground).
  4. "Direct telepathy. I can communicate with you from one mind to another. That should help with your introduction to me, at least. I'm guessing your previous response to me was a confirmation of my original question?" Proditor asked, his body not budging an inch as he 'spoke'.
  5. When Leo responded to her, Freya couldn't help but feel a bit happy, "I prefer things to be more creative, though I sometimes go for the classics. Well, most of the time for the zombies..." she stated, trailing off once Leo clearly became more distracted, causing her to sigh slightly, looking back ahead of her as the group continued on to the safe house. ... For the most part, she was rather silent. At least until a loud 'crunch' fills the air, along with Vitor suddenly shouting, and a snake darting between Freya's feet, causing her to jump to the side out of surprise. Thankfully it didn't seem like it wanted to mess with her, mostly just wanting to get away. Looking to the side, Freya could see what the commotion was about, that snake had bitten Leo, just as he finished his little golem... And it was a very, very poisonous snake, judging by how Vitor was reacting. "... Yeah, I'd like to get to that safehouse as soon as possible" Freya commented, more so a whisper than anything else. She had nothing to help slow hat deadly venom. Only way she could help was if he... Well, died from it.
  6. As Tekeshi's sword took down the mage, his own body managing to hold it's position despite the gust of wind blasted at him, he noticed the tome the mage used fall out of his hand, almost undamaged. Quickly bending down to pick it up, Tekeshi looked back at the group, noticing that Viola had just burned the last enemy (for now) with a blast of fire. Then, Tekeshi straightened, running back to catch up with the group, stopping next to Viola, "Hey, think you may want this. You can probably guess where I found it" Tekeshi said to her, tossing her the tome he had picked up before. Move to F13 and give Viola the Wind Tome.
  7. For a bit, Freya's tiredness drowned out the conversation, as the young Necromancer attempted multiple times to not fall face first onto the ground. Thankfully, she managed to accomplish this, and came back into the conversation, hearing what was being said and, rather quickly, straightening as she jumped in, "I'm Freya Wentz, top class Necromancer whose ability to pick people of the ground to various degrees are rivaled by no one, that I can assure you. I also have some neat tricks that I can share that'll let you guys survive actually getting killed... Once, at least" Freya stated, lifting up a hand to straighten her (frankly very tilted) hat, a confident grin. ... She was rather proud of her profession, it seemed.
  8. For a few seconds, Proditor remained still, his head almost tilting to the side in response to the girl. Her response was... Strange. Two words, one being a repeated word and the one... Likely being her name. The Ethereal wasn't one to easily get confused, but this managed to get him... At least until he found a (reasonable) conclusion. After those few seconds, Eva would hear Proditor speak once again... Except this time, right inside of her head, not from the area around her, "Would this be a better way to speak with you?" Proditor asked, his head glancing towards Ren, before looking back down at Eva again.
  9. As Freya catches up to the rest of the group, she spares a glance behind her and sees Roadhog taking his friend away from the area, slowing down herself and leaning on her staff for support. Regeneration was a blessing, she had to admit, but it could be REALLY tiring, especially after using her Natural Requiem. But, she wasn't tired enough to not listen, and she practically absorbed what Vitor was saying, and what Ena said. However, as they did speak, Freya decided to do her real quick thanks, "Hey, blue hair- I didn't actually get your name- Thanks for the bit of mana... That was pretty helpful" Freya said (to Leo, specifically), just as the hole in her chest fully recovered, leaving only a small hole of fabric on the front and back of her outfit, and her bare skin in between. Her arm, however, was still visibly repairing itself, though steadily growing smaller as time went on.
  10. At first, when Proditor arrived at the graveyard, he could instantly see why it was a problem that couldn't be dealt with easily. Boats were filling the entire dock, one even single handily blocking the entire mouth. Though, there did seem to be enough space to lift said boats out of the water, one at a time, and dismantle them... But there was just the problem of him not having anything to accurately, and easily, dismantle them... However, that train of thought was disrupted when a sudden, cheerful voice next to them called out with a simple greeting. Turning only his helmed head, Proditor saw a rather short woman looking up at him, wearing a rather strange outfit. For a second, the Ethereal thought over the sudden appearance (since he swore that he didn't see her when he first arrived), before his body fully turned, "Hello. I take it you've been sent here by Doctor Ebon?" Proditor asked, his voice keeping it's echoey feel as he spoke.
  11. Freya, as she ran, couldn't help but feel a bit of mana flow into her, the source rather obviously being the guy with blue hair. As Freya decided that she would need to thank him for the little boost, the mana had already begun to be put to use, speeding up the recovery of her own black magic, quickening the slow (but steady) regeneration of missing flesh, blood, and bone. Still hurt, A LOT, but Freya could live... At least, as long as she didn't chose to stay here. Which she wasn't planning to. Freya uses the good ol' tactic of making a tactical retreat!
  12. Once Friedhold began his own experiment with Dackly, Walmond took it as his time to leave, gesturing to Lambda to follow him as he turned and began to head away from the armory, taking out an old, yet fairly well kept journal, and pencil, jotting down notes of the results and what transpired with the creation process. This was something he was going to need to dwell upon, and attempt to recreate the results.
  13. When Proditor began to narrow in on his target, he couldn't help but feel a bit... Confused. He had seen a glimpse of something, completely immense in size, dwarfing the size of most countries on Earth, but remaining extremely simple, like small, all while being completely formless, it's nature staying just out of reach. However, before Proditor could push further to investigate, a sudden jolt of pain in his right arm snapped him out of his concentration, causing him to look down as a familiar clang sounded underneath him. Moving slightly back, Proditor could see the source of it... A knife. For a second, the Ethereal stared down at the knife, feeling his own wound quickly closing up. Then, having pieced together the events that had just transpired, he knelt down, picking up the knife in one of his unwounded hands, before straightening and moving away. He'd have to answer these questions later on, but for now, there was a certain task that needed doing. They had to get to work on that graveyard. Proddy finally gets a move on and heads towards the Boat Graveyard
  14. At some point, Proditor paused, suddenly remembering something. There was a thing that had been peaking his curiosity, and that he'd almost forgotten, somehow. The psionic residual that lingered everywhere he went, centered around the many parahumans in this world. With a quick look, Proditor looked around, making sure that the empty street he "stood" in was truly alone, before relaxing his body, his mind going to work on the mystery he was finally wanting to solve. Why every Parahuman had a strong psionic connection with... Something.
  15. For a second, Tekeshi looked back at the performer, raising an eyebrow... Before shrugging, "Sure. Guess I'll... Give them something to clap for" he said, choosing to entertain the performer. However, with new energy, Tekeshi dashed forward, slashing at the mage that had blasted him. Stay still and beat the crap out of the mage
  16. It was rather easy for Proditor to leave the building, thanks to the fact that the only guard believed that Proditor was a 'welcomed guest'. However, as he left, he tagged along with Kusuke, for the most part, informing Kusuke about Harry's decision concerning the meeting. The Ethereal didn't give a side of the problem though, simply letting Kusuke know that if there was a problem, he should try and work it out with Harry, but for the most part, Proditor was rather neutral in the entire stance. When they arrived though, Proditor simply gave a slight bow to the time traveler, then turned, heading away from the meeting place and Kusuke, searching for the rest of the group. Or something of interest, at least.
  17. Freya doesn't even stop to think about the sniper shots, instead choosing to keep running! Loudout
  18. Sure enough, Tekeshi's stroke was enough to take the axeman down, causing them to crumple to the floor. However, just as Tekeshi straightened from the killing blow, a fireball came in and rammed into Tekeshi's side, nearly knocking him over with the sheer force. But, gritting his teeth, Tekeshi turned and began to advance on the mage, taking out the vulnerary he carried around and giving himself some healing. Move to G10 and use a Vulnerary
  19. Just as Mercaider finished the swordsman he went up again, Tekeshi dashed right past him, gunning right for the axeman that had took Viola down, his sword in one hand as he ran towards them, paying no attention to the merciless verbal smackdown and actual smackdown that the lancer had given the poor swordsman. "This little charade of yours is over, dead man" Tekeshi yelled as he jumped in the air, slashing downwards at the axeman... Move to 510 and give the Journeyman a piece of my mind.
  20. While Dackly cackled like a mad scientist as she went with her work, Walmond remained silent, observing the job and analyzing everything that he could. When the resut was poured out of the Cauldron, Wamond REALLY began to look over the creation, taking in how it moved and reacted to the world, and comparing it to his other works. Needless to say, the hedgehog seemed much more... "life-like" than his own. "I find it a good result. Though, I can see why a machine with sharp blades wanting to hug everything would be a problem. Let me attempt something" Walmond said, then turned his full attention to the hedgehog, "Theta, stand still" Walmond commanded, watching as the hedgehog suddenly stopped waddling towards Dackly, it's arms falling back to it's sides. Seeing this, Walmond nodded, mostly to himself, "It's still able to follow commands well. You can keep Theta, if you wish. I doubt we'll have much time for me to truly inspect them, though I've learned quite a bit from this experiment. All I need to do now is replicate the effects for Lambda here" the scientist finished.
  21. "I do not have a better idea" Proditor replied simply, moving out of his 'hiding spot' as he begun to move towards the exit of the back room, back to the outside world. To him, it would seem that they're right about done here. Unless, of course, Kusuke was planning on doing some more brawling, in which case the Ethereal would simply hang around and wait.
  22. As Dackly began to do her little presentation, she'd find that the sheet of metal had been changed into a basic frame, folded up like a human-like origami. While Lambda stepped back to watch the show, Walmond stepped forward, placing a hand on his chest before slowly pulling outwards. As he did so, a bit of bright blue mist began to come out of the spot where he had his hand, before snapping away from his body and balling into his hand. Without any hesitation, Walmond began to tamper with the mist, melding it into different shapes before suddenly walking up to the pot and dropping it in, watching as it quickly spread through the top of the cauldron, before it began to dissolve into it. With that, the scientist stepped back, letting Dackly do her work.
  23. "It was simply something that passed through my mind. After our discussion before we left for our operations, I thought a bit on the relationships of souls and my method towards achieving living machines. One hypothesis I thought of was that my soul simply wasn't compatibly for my goal... Though, that depends solely on an if. I'll pursue the answer to that question after our test using alchemy, but until then, it's something that can be a possible explanation for why our results vary drastically in this field" Walmond explained, his own face not budging an inch in response.
  24. Earlier, at the Courtyard At Dackly's statement, Walmond nodded, gesturing to Lambda to follow him as he moved after the duo, "That's why I've gone to look for you two. That experiment should be completed" Walmond stated, thinking to himself for a bit, "... This is a possibility, but these gems, you say they're pure Life Force. That WOULD include the soul of whatever you petrified, correct?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once they arrived at the armory though, Walmond remained quiet, for the most part, as he watched the two get to work. When Dackly accidentally revives one of the skeletal warriors, Lambda nearly lashed out, noticing the hostile before it was picked up by Gozer. At Gozer's statement, Walmond nodded, looking at the emeralds, "I can see how that would be helpful. It would save me the trouble of mending the wounds on everyone in the middle of combat" Walmond stated, actually a bit grateful for that, since... Well, in the last battle he had been healing as much as he could and they STILL were nearly beaten, due to the sheer numbers of enemies.
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