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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. For a good second, Proditor was silent as he himself thought. Then, a single response came from him, "I'l take care of the Intel portion. If you want to attempt to stop him from becoming a neo-nazi -" Kusuke could probably note a certain disdain for that word from Proditor there, "-, then go ahead" Proditor stated. Then, a good portion of his mind began to narrow on the wounded parahuman, beginning to go through their mind, picking out almost everything it could. At least, whatever was of use to him.
  2. Walmond When Walmond found Dackly, he was greeted with the sight of Aurora, working on something bright. He wasn't sure what it was, exactly, but he could feel a resonance of magic that was similar to most healing magic, thought with it's own unique touch. Remembering the conversation the two had before, however... Walmond decided not to comment on it. If there was one thing that the spider had made clear is that she found him uninteresting. However, his attention quickly went back to Dackly and Gozer, raising an eyebrow at the emeralds stored inside the golem, "Interesting... I assume you acquired those gems from the soldiers you fought against?" Walmond asked, genuinely curious at the source of the emeralds. As he asked this, Lambda could be seen approaching him, the large metal sheet, relatively untouched, in her hands as she held in front of her.
  3. "Those two are the Parahumans. The healer and the wounded one" Proditor stated, his soul swiftly detaching itself from Kusuke, though the Ethereal did keep a connection with the time traveler, since they had to keep in touch somehow.
  4. After a little bit, Proditor decided to try something out. If Kusuke was paying attention, he would feel like an entirely new soul had entered his body, smaller yet somehow stronger than his own, simply existing there. As this happened, he would get another update from Proditor, "I'm attempting to pinpoint the Parahumans for you. This may be a bit uncomfortable" he said, just a second too late, since he was already seeing through Kusuke's eyes, seeing if the time traveler was looking at the right people. Of course, Kusuke would still have full control over his body. Proditor wasn't that influencing right now.
  5. Not even a second after Proditor finished his statement, Kusuke would be sent another bit of info, "Found something. Three Parahumans, counted. Two of which are on the ground floor, in close proximity to each other. I'll give you more information if I find any" Proditor stated, keeping up his search for anything of note.
  6. Kusuke would quickly find out that Proditor was still listening in on Kusuke, as the Ethereal's response came almost instantly, "Not yet. I was focused watching your battle. You're rather skilled, I must say" Proditor replied, his mind now working it's way through the building, trying to pick out something of note. Once he was done with that, he would then begin to examine some of the minds in the building, keeping his psionic presence as low as he could while he was doing so.
  7. Walmond When Walmond arrived back at the fort, he began searching for Dackly and Gozer, having already sent Lambda off to search for the sheet of metal they were working on before. There was a bit of time before they went out again, and Walmond decided that it would be best for them to get a bit more progress with their little 'science experiment'. Thankfully, finding the golem and snake woman wouldn't have been too hard, as they likely didn't blend in that well, "Gozer. Dackly. I trust your battle went smoothly?" Walmond asked as he approached the two, noting the large amount of metal scraps at Gozer's feet. Mira "The Dark One" herself moved along with the Homefront team, staying completely silent, the only sounds coming from her being the clanking of her armor as she moved. She barely even reacted to Snow being near her for the most part, as she simply kept her eye on everyone in the fort, taking note of everyone. There wasn't much of a reason to keep a close eye on them, they didn't seem that threatening (if the team they had first met was any indication), but ally or not, Mira couldn't afford not to keep an eye on them. Her eyes briefly glanced to where Snow, Perlita, and Gabriel were being met by one of the warriors that were part of those already sent here, one with red hair and green eyes. Mira herself didn't notice any strange aura, but she felt it, with her Magra resonating slightly with them, despite the distance (which was... Not that far. Probably 10 feet or so). ... She'd need to be watched carefully.
  8. Finally made the sheet. Hopefully it's good. Ready for pain.
  9. As Freya kept running, she couldn't help but look back as one of the party members was dragged back, getting hooked by Roadhog and pinned under their foot. However, she had a good feeling that, even if she kept running, her 'zombies' would give them enough time to get out and get back to running. At least, that's what she thought, before she saw Roadhog shove a bunch of metal into his shotgun and begin to... Well, go whole hog, tearing through her minions and causing dirt and rook to fly through the air, purple energy wisping out of each corpse and trailing back to Freya as she kept running. However, she was not safe from the hog, as she felt a searing pain in her left arm as she ran, an another sharp pain from the right side of her torso, causing her to nearly let out a gasp of pain, only barely managing to keep it down. As she kept running, she looked at the two spots of pain, eyes widing as she saw the damage. The middle part of her left arm, right above the elbow, was nearly blown off, though for the most part, it was already being taken care of as tendrils of black energy began to form around the room, filling the void. The same went with her torso, though it was mostly just a small hole that was quickly filled up. While both WERE filled up now, the pain was still there, and did not seem to want to go down. "That is... SO unfair..." Freya muttered as she ran, the staff holding her staff now also holding her wounded arm. Freya keeps running from the apocalypse. Loadout
  10. I suppose I'd be interested in joining. It depends on if I can think of a character before the RP starts.
  11. Once Proditor was sure that his task was complete, he floated down from the rooftops, his cloak barely touching the ground as he now moved past the guard and into the back room. He wasn't that surprised when he heard music and shouting, muffled through the walls. However, instead of going through and seeing what was going on physically, Proditor moved to a spot where his tall, narrow form would be rather... Hidden, preferably in a break of furniture that he could fit his form into. If not, then he'd just move to a corner. As he did so, his mind began to expand once more, pushing through the walls of the building to see what, exactly, was going on in the rest of the building, and what Kusuke was up to.
  12. With this new information, Proditor's mind quickly returned to it's original state, urging the Ethereal forward as it went out once again, targeting the tripping guard. There was no mind control, just an attempt at entering his mind and altering it slightly. Specifically, letting Proditor through without any quarrel. To the guard, if Proditor's work succeeded, it would seem that the alien figure was a welcomed guest, and should be let into... Whatever it is that is in that building he is guarding.
  13. For a second, Proditor's head peeks over the side of the roof to make sure Kusuke entered the building. When it became clear that he did, Proditor pulled his head back, relaxing his body as his spirit began to expand, his mind reaching out around the area around him, focused entirely towards the "locked" building, searching for any entry ways he could exploit to get himself in undetected. If there wasn't, well, he'd just have to switch his position to the top of that building to make sure he could act if Kusuke got into any trouble. Hopefully he wouldn't get shot through the flooring again though.
  14. Almost instantly after the next person goes in, Proditor sends another message to Kusuke, "Same password on my end. The Bouncer simply repeats 'Sweet and Salty Popcorn' in his mind. I would suggest trying the password you overhear those entering say, see if that works" Proditor states, "I shall look for my own way in"
  15. Freya had paled when she heard what Roadhog was like. But seeing that... thing in person caused her face to become pure white as she quickly turns and begins to sprint, keeping a hand on her hat as she ran to keep it from flying off. However, as she does, she drags her staff along the ground, leaving a trail of black behind her. Soon enough, she lifted her staff, which caused the ground that she had messed with to rumble a bit, before breaking open as men, no, zombies made of the very earth, eye sockets glowing with a misty purple light, with rocks and roots poking out of them, began to claw their way up, moaning silently as all 27 of them converged onto Roadhog. Freya begins to run, not really making it far but making sure to distract Mr. Roadhog with her Natural Requiem. Loadout
  16. Originally, Freya had a good feeling. They were being sent here as reinforcements, and while the odds seemed stacked against them, she had a feeling they would be able to win against whoever was chasing Vitor if they tried. But, as Vitor explained this 'Roadhog', her face visibly paled, nearly being a complete opposite color of her black clothing. She didn't precisely understand what this entire "'Holy Grail War', but the simple fact that this guy was able survive getting stabbed trough the heart (which NO ONE should be able to shrug off), having one of those sweet guns, and having mana on top of all that made her opinion on the matter changed entirely. "Alright, I am personally on board the 'get-the-hell-out-of-here' carriage. Right now, preferably" Freya stated, inching closer to Nader, with a body stance that practically yelled "I'm going to bolt at the slightest opportunity".
  17. If Proditor's eyes could narrow, his would be narrowing very hard. The strange password and the rather strong mind were both worrisome, but nonetheless, it was what he had to go with. As he continued to listen into the Bouncer's mind, he sent a quick message to Kusuke, through telepathy, "I managed to get the password from the bouncer. It's 'Sweet and Salty Popcorn'. Though, their mind is rather strong, I am unsure if that truly is the password. You can try it out, though I'd recommend waiting a bit for one more person to come in and try a password. If anything changes, I'll contact you immediately."
  18. Freya herself dusted herself off, listening to the talk as she straightened everything on her person. Teleporting was not an easy thing, because for whatever reason it really ruffled up someone's attire. Or maybe just hers, hard to tell. Either way, she made sure not to accidentally knock off the Wire Warrior (Whom she might at least nickname 'Blue' for now, since... He was blue) as she straightened her things. She didn't really say much, letting the others deal with the problem themselves, but she WAS curious about who was chasing this guy. After all, they had some sort of hook-rope-thingy that they used to grab people, that could somehow go through WALLS, which made Freya want to see it herself. Maybe she could use something like that...
  19. Proditor himself, standing right on top of a rooftop nearby, remains still, just out of sight of anyone looking from below, as his mind reaches out to the "bouncer's", trying to pick up what he can, like what he was letting people in for and what did they have to say in order to GET in. If that failed, then Proditor had an easier solution... Though, it depended on if his eavesdropping actually worked.
  20. Proditor himself began to leave the alleyway, keeping to the ground as he moved. When Kusuke asked if he could point him in the right direction, Proditor stopped, looking directly at Kusuke, "The flare is coming from over there" the Ethereal stated, a single arm rising from underneath his cloak and pointing towards the general direction of the psionic flare, "I can take a guess that if you head in that direction, you won't miss it. If I manage to make it there before you, I'll make sure to contact you and lead you to it" Proditor added, before beginning to float up towards the rooftops. There was the fact that Proditor didn't reference the change of thought Kusuke had while talking. It just didn't seem that important to the Ethereal, as of now at least.
  21. "Hm... That makes sense. The being on my shoulder part. Are you being run by some sort of magic though? It's... Kinda strange to see somethi- someone made of wire" Freya replied, noting the features of the 'Wire Warrior'. She was both weirder out by all this but at the same time really interested. Not just for the Wire Warrior on her shoulder, but practically EVERYONE around her. ... Made her wonder on if any of them were used to necromancy...
  22. "A psionic flare, just a fair bit away. I am unable to truly define it... But it seems to be similar to most 'parahumans' have, just bigger" Proditor stated, his head turning back to Kusuke, "It would give you a good distraction, I'd bet"
  23. The sudden voice on Freya's shoulder caused the young necromancer to jump slightly as she turned her head to look over her shoulder. However, seeing no one there, she slowly turned her head forward again... At least, before she noticed the little, glowing thing on her shoulder, "... Wow, that is... I don't even have words for this. You're just... Tiny" Freya stated, her attention completely switched to the little thing on her shoulder, "What ARE you exactly? And why exactly are you on my shoulder?" She asked, squinting as she tried to piece together how the little thing looked like, which might take a bit because of how small they were.
  24. Freya, when Nader began to explain, quickly gained a confused expression. She wasn't someone who really paid attention to technology, magic was her trade, so she was very lost when Nader started to explain, even if she tried not to be. However, once Nader reached the part about his Horsekiller 1935R, Freya began to nod, beginning to understand what they actually were. By the end, Freya was almost jumping in excitement, "Those. Sound. AMAZING!" Freya stated, feeling a bit jealous about those "guns" now. She barely had anything to actually fight with, which was... Kinda a problem for her actual school, but, heck, even if she didn't use a gun something like that could be revolutionary. As Nadine leaned in to ask Nader her question, Freya turned to the side, the gears working in her head as she began to fully process this new information. She'd probably have to ask at some point if she could try one... If he was willing to lend one of those guns to her for a bit at least.
  25. "Well, that's reassuring... A bit. Still feeling a bit guilty buuut, I can live" Freya replied with a shrug. Then, she suddenly pointed at one of Nader's guns, "By the way, if you don't mind me asking - Seriously, I REALLY hope you don't mind me asking, what are those things anyway? On your armor, I mean." She asked. They looked rather cool, and Freya couldn't help but feel a bit awed by them... Even if she didn't know WHAT they were.
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