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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. "Understandable, considering the situation" Proditor replied, the end of his cloak barely touching the ground now, "Most would rather be alone when something like this happens, but nevetheless, talking is sometimes better than hitting something. Like a wall, or another person" Proditor stated, having picked up the frustration Kusuke was practically radiating at this point, and with a slight mind read, picked up Kusuke's want to hit something, "I do have to admit, I am surprised you and Satomi were at each others throats so much, especially since-" Proditor continued, then suddenly paused, his head suddenly turning to the side. There was a sudden psionic pulse, a REALLY big one. Something Proditor couldn't exactly put his finger on, not without enough concentration towards the task. All he knew from the sudden pulse that it was large, and potentially dangerous... Which, in this situation, seemed almost perfect, "... Tell me, are you still wanting to hit something?" Proditor asked, his body not moving a centimeter as he spoke, head still turned towards the psionic flare.
  2. Soon enough, Proditor got his ping, causing him to turn and float towards the signal, moving at a faster pace than before. The signal WAS moving, rather quickly, through some alleyways, and Proditor had to catch up before the signal faded away... Even though he could easily find it again. Sure enough, Proditor managed to make it to the rooftops above Kusuke, his helmet angled downwards to look at the moving time traveler, "Kusuke. I need to speak with you, if you're willing" Proditor called out, beginning to float down to ground level with the human.
  3. "Well, doesn't feel right to just let us leave and keep other trapped here. Though I guess if things get too bad, then it can't be helped. Let's just see what happens" Tekeshi moves to G7 to try and stick with the group.
  4. Seeing the man, who Doom refered to as Nader, jump back in surprise and practically dropping all of his items caused Freya to mentally face palm herself. Brilliant move, spooking the guy who was already panicking. Thankfully, she stayed quiet as a... Giant purple lizardman spoke about egg snatchers, and it was a bit more clear that Nader was a bit more calm than before, considering he was able to speak without yelling, which was when she stepped forward, rubbing the back of her head and looking EXTREMELY guilty, "Uh.. Sorry about that, I kind of acted without thinking there, didn't mean to scare you there. Soooo... Sorry, again" Freya stated, her arm falling back to her side, desperately wanting to ask what the items on his armor was, but decided to ask about that later when she didn't look like an inconsiderate ass. Never thought she'd describe herself as that. Either way, that was when Freya straightened her hat, "I'm Freya though. Freya Wentz. Nothing much besides that I guess"
  5. Before Calvera had a chance to respond, a sudden shouting match seemed to break out between Kusuke and Satomi, which the Ethereal managed to make out as relating to the entire 'soul' problem. Instantly, Proditor knew that this wasn't going to be something that would end well, and sure enough, it did, with Kusuke storming off, Satomi running off in tears, and Mirri... Well, Proditor couldn't put a finger on it, but something was off about her. An aura of rage, manifesting through the air around her. It felt like something that Proditor SHOULD be familiar with, but the fact that Mirri had telekinetically choked Satomi and then fired lightning from her hand made Proditor rule out psionic power. The fact that Ren decided to try and 'help' only seemed to make things worse. When Harry spoke up to Proditor, however, the Ethereal didn't even look his way, "I was already planning on doing that" he stated, then began to float up, moving quickly above the group, all while sending out a psionic ping to try and locate Kusuke. Not just to inform him about Harry's decision, but also because he may (or may not) need someone to talk to.
  6. Walmond Walmond himself remained quiet, examining the new group as they spoke. They... At least seemed a bit coordinated, people who have worked together already and knew how each other worked. The fact that they were sent here to help take care of a Trespasser... Actually worried Walmond, all things considered. He'd have to ask once he got the chance, but a live Trespasser here did not bode well, considering those were the creatures that were devouring entire worlds. Though... Walmond did wonder how many more servants there were. The rest of the team had probably taken care of two, but Walmond couldn't exactly remember if there were any more. There might have been one more, or there might've been two more left. Shame that the near death experience had made him forget about that. ... In hindsight, he probably should've written that information down in his journal. Mira Wordlessly, Mira turned back towards the castle, her red eyes narrowing slightly. So that was theirs, and not something they were supposed to attack. The enemy was trying to destroy it, considering the fact that there were inactive siege machines facing towards the castle. Though, for the most part, aside from figuring out that the castle behind them was likely a friendly fortress, Mira was rather annoyed. They acted like reinforcements meant saving them immediately, and yes, while 'Nobunaga' did finish off the enemy, they still had more manpower to work with. It kind of annoyed Mira at how ungrateful they were for the fact that they had arrived to give them a helping hand, especially when there was still fighting to do, and they were nearly beaten in their last fight. Of course, Mira didn't vocalize that, as she simply turned back towards the group. Snow and the others had this covered, she just had to watch.
  7. If Freya seemed bothered at the threat of being food for some tigers, it didn't show as she paused in thought, "Hm... That makes a bit of sense... Sounds completely insane but... Eh, I've dealt with worse..." Freya muttered to herself, slowly accepting the fact that there were entirely different worlds that just... Existed. Kinda gave her the thought of meeting another Freya... That would be fun. It was at this moment that Freya truly looked at the others in the group of "people" she had been summoned with, and... She was rather surprised, to be honest. Everyone looked... Really, REALLY fricking otherwordly, with their weird outfits and whatnot, but what got her attention the most was a large guy (reaaally large, to be exact) who was holding some... Weird items in his arms, and looked like he was about to have a panic attack. Which is exactly why Freya suddenly stepped in front of him, giving him a small wave to try and get his attention (he might've looked over her, she had to make sure he saw her), "Well, from what I understand, the 'fuck' that is going on is that we've been dragged from our worlds, brought here, told that we're supposed to be helping OTHER worlds prepare to fight some big freaky things called Trespassers that want to eat everything. Kinda psychotic, buuuut, I can't disprove it here so I'm just going along for now. For the record, I only learned this like... 10 seconds ago, buuuuuuuuuuut thankfully, Mr. Doom here is clearing things up for us!" Freya explained, gesturing to the throne Doom sat upon as she finished, "Soooo, there's no reason to... Well, I suppose there IS a reason to be freaked out by all this, but it miiight be good to take some deep breaths and calm down, otherwise you might get throne into a lion pit. I think, at least"
  8. Freya herself sort of... Blinks in confusion for a second, looking around the room with her own panic quickly growing. Where was she? Who were these people? Why did she have her equipment, normally when she was kidnapped she'd have her things taken from her. However, those trains of thought was suddenly interrupted when some guy in a green cloak (and armor) suddenly spoke up, causing Freya to jump slightly when he began to speak and... 'explain' what was going on. And it... Kind of confused her. "Wait, waitwaitwaitwait, what do you mean by Trespassers? What even ARE Trespassers? And other worlds, I was led to believe there was only one? And us being sent as relief forces? And..." Freya suddenly gestures to the other people who were nearby, who she only noticed a few moments prior and not even long enough to look at them closely, "... Why us, specifically?"
  9. Proditor didn't even look back as he suddenly stopped, his voice tense as he spoke to Ren, "... I'm fine. I can understand that you did not mean to unnerve me but... Be wary when using flames, especially around me. No flame is truly harmless" he said simply, then began to move away again, his head as still as a statue... At least until Calvera approached and introduced herself, causing him to turn his head slightly to the side to look at her. Instantly, he remembered the Rig, and the 'Power Testing', and how he had done his best to ignore the fact that she had suddenly turned into bonfire... No, that was putting it midly, more like an actual start. ... Damn, of course there would be more fire users. "No, we haven't conversed yet. I am Proditor, a pleasure to finally know your name, Calvera" Proditor replied, his head turning back to face the crowds in front of him.
  10. Suddenly, as Proditor was looking around, a sudden flare pulled his attention back towards 'Ren', and when the Ethereal's head turned to face him, he froze completely, taking in the flame in Ren's hand. It wasn't like Lung, where Proditor was practically frozen in fear, but when Proditor recovered from the sight (rather quickly, he might add), it was still an unnerving sight, "I... Suppose I shall move ahead and get to the graveyard as well. I believe it would be best if we got to work as... Soon as possible" Proditor stated, his echoey voice being much quieter than normal as the Ethereal began to move his way through the crowds, easing his way by sending out a faint psionic signal that weaved through the crowds, giving them a subconscious urge to move slightly out of Proditor's path. He would've floated above and moved through the crowd that way, but conserving his strength was something that would come in handy later on. He'd need all the energy he could muster for the graveyard.
  11. Proditor himself, like normal, floated alongside the ground, the slight movements of his head the only thing noting to others that he was paying attention to the... Attention around them. It had been a while since he had gotten so much attention, since the last time was when Humanity officially surrendered to ADVENT, and the Ethereals had gone to initiate diplomacy. Or, limited diplomacy, as it was, Humanity never really had a chance to deny their demands. He, unlike Arminius, had no problem with the attention and photography. They would get their appearances spread around at some point, and it was not as if there was much to truly work on with just a picture. However, the group was suddenly stopped when... Someone dropped in from the sky, suddenly. Proditor himself stopped, his mind already alerting to him that this man was not human, and while Lilly may not have been unalarmed, Proditor was... Well, a bit surprised, even if his motions didn't show it. They already had one new arrival, and that was in a secure location (the warehouse, specifically), and now they were in the open, with many people around them. At that thought, the Ethereal looked to the side, scanning the crowds for some sort of reaction.
  12. Proditor, as he listened, nearly sighed in disappointment. One had a very powerful ability, one that could solve a manner of emotional trauma and such things, and they use it for crime and making their own harem? The Ethereal had worked with, and studied, humans for 20 full years and still had yet to truly understand how their line of logic worked at times, "I see. Additional testing is no problem for me, though preferably after we get our work at the Boat Graveyard done" Proditor replies, after a small pause at least.
  13. Mira In response to Snow's question, Mira simply turned, looking dead on at Snow as the latter began to move towards the battered group. Then, with a quick glance towards the other five, she began to follow Snow, her own boots hitting the ground the only sound coming from her. Her own sword laid in a barely visible sheath at her side, clearly having the appearance of a regular, one handed sword, much unlike the giant blade Snow carried. As she moved forward, her eyes began to dart around, taking in the people who they had come to help, noting the ones that looked like soldiers, and the ones that could potentially be a threat in combat, if they had to. It was likely unnecessary, but she still had to be careful.
  14. Walmond & Lambda In all honesty, Walmond knew the battle was going south. The team seemed to be losing ground, and coming closer and closer to death in every attack, no matter how many times Walmond himself healed. Even Lambda, who was built for durability, was beginning to wear out. But, just as the hordes of forces began to press their attack once more, a flash of light from the Castle distracted them, as it distracted Walmond and Lambda as well, and then, with only a small speech to accompany it, a roar of gunfire decimated the remaining ranks. After a few seconds, Walmond stood up, the green magic flowing through the ground quickly snuffing itself from existence, "Lambda, return" he stated needlessly, as Lambda was already moving back to rejoin him, her shields sliding back into her gauntlets. With that, Walmond walked forward, moving to the front of the group, eyeing the new arrivals that were right in front of the Castle, "Hm... I suppose now we greet them?" he asked, to no one in particular. ??? In the new group of arrivals, there was one specific person that slowly rose to their feet, having been in a kneeling position before hand. As they did so, their dark, battered armor became more and more noticeable, as a dark, mist-like cape sprang to life behind them. Once they straightened, their hands fell from their helmet, revealing blood red eyes underneath the darkness of the helmet. With a quick look around, the figure spoke, voice deep and metallic, "... It doesn't seem like we needed to help that much, considering how easy those forces were handled" they stated, turning around and looking up at the Castle, "Hm... I wonder if this is what we're supposed to be helping with" they added, seeming to ignore the people that were fighting for their lives only moments prior.
  15. At Linebacker's request, Proditor gave the faintest motion of a nod, "I would be glad to try, whenever possible" he replied, his helmet snapping shut as he did so. He'd heard a bit of these 'Endbringers', though not much. All he truly knew was a bit about Simurgh, an Endbringer with near perfect future sight and powerful telekinesis. He also knew that he needed to stay as far away from one of them as possible. "Though, while I do know of 'Simurgh', I am unfamiliar with 'Heartbreaker'. Who are they, exactly?" Proditor asks after a brief pause.
  16. Terumi At the man’s response, Terumi’s eyes narrowed even further, having registered yet ANOTHER insult to his coat. At this point, he was convinced that this entire damn place just didn’t have much material to run off of. But, after a second, Terumi shrugged, then wordlessly began to move past the man and towards "The Gates of Hell". Sounded like a comfy place.
  17. Terumi Terumi didn’t pay much mind to the change in scenery, and sure as hell didn’t care about the people watching him. He didn’t view them as important, and so he himself merely gave them a small glare as he moved by, and left it at that. The only thing that DID make Terumi stop was a sudden voice behind him, causing him to stop and turn around with a raised eyebrow. Then, upon hearing the man, who he had already labeled as a washed-up punk in his own mind, and their question, Terumi couldn’t help but narrow his eyes, “Kch… That ‘display’ was a case of luck on that brat’s part” he stated, turning around fully and dropping into a more relaxed pose, both hands shoved into his pockets, “... But I am looking around for something to make sure that shit doesn’t happen again” Terumi stated. Whoever this guy was, Terumi had the feeling that they WERE someone of importance, and he knew that he couldn’t just ignore every single thing he came across.
  18. Once Zentilin made it clear that he wanted everyone's attention again, Tekeshi switched his focus solely to the Rogue. The plan he explained could be summed up in simple terms: Wait for an explosion triggered by the destruction of a magic pylon, and then run like hell, make a stop at the stables, and then get the hell out of the place. Overall, simple... On paper, at least. It would definitely be more difficult than what it was sounding... At least for Tekeshi, if the last fight was any indication. "No questions here" Tekeshi replied, once Zentilin was finished with his explanation.
  19. Proditor, once the boxes are presented, had his helmet open up again as his mind began to work his way through each, his voice echoing in the training room as he relayed what he was getting, "If you wanted to know exactly what I was getting, then I shall go through each box, one at a time. The first... Very simple. Manipulation of thoughts. Something that is easy to do, but rather difficult to reverse or counter, unless the mind itself is resilient to that sort of effect. The second is a form of mind control that controls what the mind is doing, though not as powerful. Which, unlike before, is rather-" As Proditor speaks, the second box will suddenly find a sudden switch in control, the constant stream of thoughts being implanted suddenly being blocked out, along with it's "actions" being halted as well, "- Simple to counter. And the last is a simple rewiring of the brain for..." Suddenly, Proditor's voice faltered as his mind narrowed on the final box, the Ethereal suddenly becoming stone silent, at least until he spoke again, "... Making someone suicidal and send them off to assassinate and kill a ranking person, with disregard to their entire being. A near perfect infiltration unit, who would seem perfectly normal until certain conditions are met" Proditor stated, turning to Linebacker again, "... That effect is something I would be unable to reverse. At best, with time, someone with their memories altered this way would be capable of having those 'conditions' removed, but it is doubtful they'll be the same person again, due to the rewriting of their memories." That was where Proditor fell silent again, though mostly as he waited for Linebacker's response. There wasn't even a reaction to Calvera's sudden burst of fire, as if Proditor somehow managed to completely ignore the fact that she basically became a star.
  20. Terumi For a while, only blackness filled the space that occupied Terumi's being, at least after he exploded. Then, everything came rushing back, and Terumi found himself stumbling forward as he took in a sharp breath. Experiencing death for the second time in a row was not fun... Especially when it was by some brat he barely even knew. If this shit wasn't a damn game, Terumi would've killed that damn brat five times over, and it was because of that Terumi's agitation for both Abyss and the other girl. He was out of his element, and they knew it. They ALL knew it. That was his biggest problem. He'd have to even the playing field, and that meant learning how to fight better. He had a limited amount of lives, a minimum of two, if that bracelet was any indication, and that meant he'd have to make the most of it. Now that he truly understood the stakes, Terumi begin to move again, this time looking very, VERY carefully at the town around him. He'd have to find anything he could use to his advantage, even if it was just some bits of knowledge. He was NOT losing again, that was for sure.
  21. "Go ahead" Proditor replied, barely moving from his spot. To be completely honest, Proditor was glad to be given an excuse to practice his powers again, and outside of a life threatening situation. Before he was brought to do this "task" of stopping the Trespassers, Proditor was always on the run, keeping his psionics to a minimum to avoid attracting attention. Now he was able to freely use them again. And it felt great.
  22. Upon seeing the machine, Proditor nods. And then, without moving, Proditor begins his demonstration, his helmet opening as he focused his psionic abilities on that "brain". It was very much machine, that was for sure, but close enough to a living brain that there were effects were notable. Specifically, the machine would suddenly find itself picking up vastly different data (or visual images), much different than what it was getting before, almost unnaturally. After a few seconds of this, the machine would suddenly find itself unable to do anything, as some unknown force suddenly took control of it, changing some data here and there before it suddenly left. As this happened, several small objects from around the room, maybe a few cups, and a pencil, maybe, as a bright blue aura appeared around each object. And then, without warning, everything stopped, the items that were picked up suddenly falling back to where they were as all effects that were influencing the machine went away as Proditor's helmet snapped shut. With a short turn to Linebacker, the Ethereal spoke again, "Do you require a repeat test?"
  23. Proditor himself joined up with the Testing group, silently following them as they made their way to the testing area. Once they arrived and the group began the tests, Proditor turned to Linebacker, "My abilities work best on things with actual minds. Do you happen to have anything of that sort that I can demonstrate on?"
  24. "First time I've heard someone call me a pervert the second they meet me" he said, shaking his head as he stepped around the table, "I can assure you, there is nothing we've left here that isn't something you're not used to cleaning up. Unless, of course, you're used to cleaning up what you're implying, in which case, we still did not" Tekeshi stated. Then, his other hand pointed at Zentilin, "Besides, going off what Hoody's saying, I don't think you'll be cleaning this place up anytime soon" he added. After saying that, he looked at Viola and shrugged, "Well, since we've been seen, I think it's time for us to get going. Though, there is the issue of... Kinda sudden here maid, but what's your name?"
  25. ... To be completely honest, everything that the woman said maid Tekeshi blink in surprise, his tense posture relaxing, only a little bit, as he tried to wrap his head around everything she just said. How a set of phrases could go from getting kidnapped all the way to calling the five of them perverts was beyond Tekeshi's knowledge. However, instead of answering, Tekeshi looked at the others, raising an eyebrow to signify his confusion and was now a bit unsure of what to do here now. One thing was for sure though, even though his posture was slightly relaxed, the grip on his sword remained as tight as ever.
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