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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. "My species did not originate on Earth, no. But for unknown reasons, even I do not know, our biology is similar enough to humans to be compatible with most medical tools" Proditor replied, "Though, the last time I had any form of medical work, it was with more advance tools than what is currently available here" he added, waiting for anything Harry wanted to finish up with before floating up slightly as the hole in his robes began to re close with the purple flames from before, slowly closing that hole, "You need not worry about replacing my blood, however. My body is capable of recovering most blood loss, due to the fact that my body is meant to run on lower amounts naturally. Still, I thank you, a hole like that would've been problematic if it wasn't taken care of" Proditor added, bowing his head towards Harry.
  2. Terumi Just as Terumi had decided to stop walking around, leaning onto a wall, sighing in annoyance, before he was suddenly thrown into some form of arena, staggering slightly from the sudden change. He WAS able to notice two things though, despite being disoriented: His opponent, one of the few who had arrived in this hell hole with him, and Abyss, sitting their with like the smug little bitch she was. At first, Terumi growled, straightening and glaring at Abyss... Until she said, to both of them, to destroy the other. And that was the first time Abyss actually made Terumi smile. With that Terumi turned to his opponent, tilting his head slightly as he began to call out, "Well, look who it is, one of of those little shits who came in here not too long ago. Honestly, I would've preferred that piece of trash as the first person I got the beat the shit out of here, but lucky for you, I can still get some enjoyment from this. After all, I NEED a little bit of a punching bag here" Terumi said, grinning in his normal, sadistic manner... Before suddenly dashing to the side, the same portal in the sky that he had made before opening of and unleashing a torrent of dark green snakes at Rei... Until he paused, noticing how EVERY GOD DAMN ONE simply broke apart the ground around her. For a second, Terumi look dumbfounded at that, before growling, probably from the string of back luck he was having... Before shrugging, moving for his next attack...
  3. When they arrived, Proditor quickly moved to the table in question, turning around and placing himself onto the table, his robe flattening against his form and the table. As he did so, his robe began to... Burn away in purple fire, originating from the bullet hole and expanding outwards, the bits of the robe floating into the air and disappearing, allowing Harry to be able to work more effeciently without the hole in the way... Along with seeing more of Proditor's body. Even with the limited bit available, Harry could tell multiple things just from a glance. One, the hole itself was... Strange. The walls around the wound were more of an orange-gel, dripping slightly with a similar color liquid, most likely blood. Aside from that though, the area around the wound was a sort of greyish color, with the look of it being normal skin, with it rather obvious that, with the actual depth of the bullet wound, there wasn't much on Proditor's body, being practically paper thin. Basically, he was clearly NOT human. But, as Harry worked, the materials he used were surprisingly effected for the Ethereal, who was still speaking despite getting patched up, "After I was forced to retreat from the fight against Lung, which seeing as you're still alive and okay, means that you were able to take care of him, I regrouped with Somatotrope and Arminius, who were searching for some Merchants... Or regular drug dealers. We found them, and we were able to take care of their operations, though not without our own injuries... As you can clearly see."
  4. At first, Proditor didn't respond. All he did was nod, and follow. It was only when Harry directly began to ask his questions did Proditor begin to speak again, "Yes, it was a bullet wound. I was unable to figure out which type of gun hit me, though it was likely a form of pistol with enough power to penetrate multiple floors, and the roof, of a building, and have enough momentum to go straight through me. As for how I have felt, aside from the normal pain one would get from having a hole in their body, I do not feel any sort of side effects, though that may attribute to my more decayed nervous system" Proditor replied, quickly and without hesitation, "I do know the medical treatments towards people like me, though I am unable to perform those treatments due to my lack of training in that field. I can guarantee that the bullet failed to his any major organs in my body, otherwise I would practically be unable to move. I can easily transfer any knowledge you need of my physiology directly to you though" Proditor added, his form more or less remaining as still as ever, even as he floated alongside Harry.
  5. Honestly, Proditor finding Harry wasn't much of a problem. His old psionic ping trick still worked fantastically, allowing him to figure out the location Harry was and go there. The real problem was getting to him, security of this building was... High, to say the least. But, nevertheless, Proditor had managed to finally find Harry, who was focused on a computer, likely searching for information. "Harry Walters. I require your assistance" was the first words that came out of Proditor after the few seconds of silence that he had came to.
  6. Proditor, after a bit, turns around, "I shall go find the others and regroup with them" he says simply. Then, without another word or look, the Ethereal leaves, searching for the rest of the team using the same method he used to find Soma and Arminius. Specifically though, he was searching for one person... Harry.
  7. When you're an Ethereal that has lived for as long as Proditor, seen horrors of the galaxy like he has, and led countless armies into battle, it becomes a trend of things that don't surprise you. Sure, being summoned to save different dimensions from things called Trespassers was surprising, but that was something that Proditor actually preferred, rather than the alternative. Hearing a bullet break through the roof of the building he hovered above and nailing him straight in the chest, going straight through both him and his cloak, was something he never would've expected. Because of that, Proditor gasped aloud, dropping to his feet as his arms fell to his stomach, his concentration faltering for a second as the pain set in. That, thankfully, didn't cause his Rift to shorten out, but instead caused it to explode abruptly. Of course, Proditor only heard the sound, and didn't get much else as he tried to think his way through the pain, shuddering heavily from it. This went on for nearly a minute, until he was able to regain control of his mind, sending out a psionic ping to see what the situation was down there... And was rather pleased with the results, as they had effectively won. After another few seconds, Proditor forced himself back into the air, moving slowly and carefully off the roof and down to the ground. For everyone else, they simply saw the floating form of Proditor suddenly enter through one of the previously barred doors, which Proditor has unbarred with his mind, floating past the spasming form of Squealer, though, there was a little psychic resonance coming from him that seemed to gravitate towards Proditor, latching onto the Ethereal's mind. While he noticed it, he didn't pay it any mind for now, as he simply approached Arminius and Somatotrope, "... I am, and was, unable to stop that van from leaving. I apologize." he said, slightly bowing his head, as if disappointing in himself. There was a slight change in Proditor's echoey voice though, as if it was a pain just to speak, even with his mind. Almost as an after thought, the Junkie under Proditor's control suddenly felt the control over him disconnect, which in turn, caused him to fall over unconscious.
  8. Proditor himself remains motionless, his robes swaying idly in whatever wind is currently in the air at the moment. All of his actual action is throughout the entire building, as he continues to cause his disruption... Which comes in the form of a dark purple, misty field to suddenly spring to life in the middle of the room... And then explode, knocking away those hit. Of course, his goal wasn't to kill any of them, just either knock some out or disrupt the rest. Proditor uses Rift on Skidmark, Squealer, and Junkies, dealing 3d8+INT damage to each of them and forcing a check against Proditor's Int*1.5 vs Essence. If an enemy succeeds against this check, they take half damage. The Junkie under Proditor's mind control is commanded to then aim his gun at Skidmark, specifically an arm or leg, and fire.
  9. If Proditor was capable of frowning, he would've. Two people were the true problems in there, Skidmark and Squealer. The others weren't so much of a problem, especially because they were not capable of harming him, since he was on top of the roof. Overall, his side had the advantage of surprise... They would have to just use it well. Which, coincidental, was Proditor's plan. At will, Proditor's helmet opened further, allowing more of his psychic power as he begun his work. Down below, the merchants would suddenly find... Weird things happening. Specifically, every single truck door suddenly slamming shut, and one of the people carrying the drugs would suddenly find their minds being assaulted by another entity, one with a staggeringly large will. Specifically, Proditor invading his mind. If the man in question has his will dominated by the Ethereal, he would suddenly begin to destroy any drug nearby, including the one in his hand. As Proditor did so, he sent out a message to Soma and Arminius, his voice suddenly entering their minds, with his usual, echoey sound, with one phrase for each. "This is Proditor. I am disrupting the Merchants."
  10. Walmond Walmond, personally, did not notice the enemy troops coming straight towards him. In fact, he was barely able to jump out of the way, nearly getting slashed apart from their weapons, though now his outfit did have a few cuts from the attack. Trying to get some distance, Walmond backed away, then slammed his hands back down onto the ground, his magic flaring back to life as the soldiers seemed to stagger from... Something. Walmond uses Healing Field on Magna, Soryn, Victoria, and Leon for 2d4+14 health. Lambda After having most of her body repaired, by both her master's healing and her own magic that repaired herself, Lambda was forced to raise both shields, defending herself from a sudden barrage of arrows, which simply bounced off the metal of the shields. Then, lowering them, Lambda immediately charged back into the fray, even though she was heavily wounded not a few seconds ago. Lambda uses Threaten the Enemy, taunting Soldier Battalion B, DT Archer Battalion A, and DT Beast Pack A. 2 turns remaining on Defensive Modifications.
  11. "No, they are not" Proditor replied simply, floating up to the roof where he then opened his helmet, psychic power flowing from him as he focused his power downwards, almost like an extension of his soul going through the ground until he reached the roof of the floor that the Merchants were in, listening in to whatever they were saying.
  12. "Stop" Proditor said abruptly, turning around and looking towards one of the buildings, specifically one they just passed, "I found some. Behind that building. Plenty of drug related thoughts coming from there" Proditor stated, a hand being lifted from underneath his robes and pointing towards the building, "I shall go above it, and ambush them from above. If I notice anything worth noting, I shall contact one of you" He added, and with that, Proditor began floating up towards the roof of the building, wanting to move to it's side and look down at where he was detecting those thoughts.
  13. "A good suggestion, and worth a try" Proditor replied. And with that, he went to work, his mind expanding (along with his helm), as he begun a rather long reaching search for specific emotions and thoughts. For thoughts, he searched for the obvious ones, ones related to drugs, criminalistic activity, and worry at the sight of the group. For emotions he searched for, mostly, worry and satisfaction, specifically of the smug variety.
  14. At that, Proditor's attention returned to the streets, "If they did so, they wouldn't be around for very long" Proditor commented, thinking to himself for a bit, "... And they would likely be even more hesitant to act with my presence" he added. He honestly was having difficulties thinking of how to go forward with this, as field work was something he was not used to. Especially when searching for drug users, as he normally left that to the ADVENT troops stationed in the cities. "I doubt I would be able to find their activity using my psionic capabilities, unless I began reading the minds of every soul nearby" Proditor eventually stated, his voice rather quiet, mostly due to realizing that there could, in fact, be people listening in to what they were saying.
  15. "It would depend by the culture, but one only loses their rank if they are flat out demoted from it. Generally when they're alive. In your case, you would still be classified as a captain" Proditor replied, "Most ranking officers I dealt with kept their rank when they passed away, as per human culture. It was the same with my race, though our expiration was not as common" 'Or wanted', Proditor added silently, "I myself used to be the leading tactician of ADVENT, a planetary peacekeeping force led by my race to keep the peace on Earth. Because of my rank, my word was second to only one on our military side, which during peace times, I simply had to limit resistance movements from getting too out of hand. Overall, not as difficult as most of my tasks."
  16. Proditor listened into Arminius's response, understanding the entire explanation. It was the first time he really paid attention, but it was oddly similar to his own experience. Even before ADVENT took over Earth, "I did not hear anything about you being a military commander. What was your rank, when you were in that role?" Proditor asked, his head turning to Arminius.
  17. Soon enough, Proditor found the signal he was searching for, picking up his floating speed to find them before they moved away from the location he recieved. It only took him a few minutes, and soon enough, he had spotted Soma, Arminius, and Fingers, floating down behind them while picking up the end of Soma's question, "I assume things have been going well on your end?" Proditor asked after a few moments, giving Arminius time to respond to Soma's question, since that was the likely recipient of said question.
  18. The Universe's Greatest Necromancer, Freya Wentz! Freya's special minions: (These require action slots to summon into battle) Caspin, the Apprentice Dyno, the Dystoan Drop Bear Solara, the Archangel The Bone Bats Henry, the Skag Spitter Blitzvogel, the Lightning Rakk Rakky, Rakko, and Rack, the Rakkrakkrakk
  19. As Proditor moved away from the fighting, he could finally feel a sense of peace. Despite his efforts, he was never capable of truly curbing his fear of flames. It was as if it was a primal code, ingrained into his very being. He once saw flames as a comfort, and now they only reminded him of death and destruction. Quickly though, Proditor shook his head. Now was not the time to focus on that problem, that was for later. Now, he had to hunt down either Somatotrope and Arminius... Without knowing where they were. Or, that would be the case, if Proditor did not have his psionic powers. As he floated away from the flames, his helmet opened up, just a slight bit, as he began to send out a psionic ping. Specifically, one small enough to not be detected by other psionic users, but large enough to do what he needed. Which was to find those two by finding a direction and distance on where a response, similar to the feelings he had from the two when the group had first met. He personally expected to only feel Somatotrope, to be honest. Arminius was... Not the most psychically gifted of people.
  20. Proditor, once he saw Lung kneel in pain, couldn't help but feel some pleasure in the success. Of course, that was quickly overwritten when Lung simply looked up at him, said something that he couldn't hear due to distance, and already seemed to be preparing his own attack. For a second, Proditor had a sudden urge to stay, to take the mind of this Lung. They were already transforming into... Something, and that could be useful later on. A fighter under his control that could burn what his psionic powers could not handle. But, as soon as that thought came, it was discarded as Proditor simply lowered his arms into his robes once more, his helmet snapping shut as the Ethereal turned away, beginning to float (rather quickly) away. He already knew that his will wouldn't let him do much more in the flames, especially when he was the main focus. That, and he was never supposed to BE targeted in the first place. Proditor packs his backs and gets the fuck out of there, LEAVING the fight.
  21. It wasn't that hard for Proditor to notice something while his mind focused on the Masked Man... Specifically, a rolling wave of fire that rises up from the ground up towards him. Instantly, his mind switches it's entire focus, memories of the past flowing into his mind, Instantly, Proditor lashed out, sending a clear wave of bright purple, psionic energy out towards the wave of fire, like a sword. However, where it dispersed at first, the flames merely reunited, continuing on their course and blasting Proditor directly, causing him to fly back, not from the force of the fire, but from it's mere presence. His mind was racing now as he forced himself to think, noticing the bits of fire now burning his cloak, which were quickly extinguished by a (hastily) concentrated force of psionic energy. He could feel several burns underneath his cloak, however, which he knew he could do nothing about. But, he knew there was something he still had to do. So, forcing his will and mind to the task, Proditor refocused his attempts on the Masked Man, mask still releasing the same light it had been releasing before. He had curb this fear, lest it controlled him here. Proditor, after getting Vietnam Flashbacks, tries another Mind Fray on the Masked Man.
  22. Proditor eventually reaches the top of one of the rooftops, scanning the area around him. The rest of the party was already moving in to help the civilians, but there was a man who was still flinging fire in an attempt to rid himself of the pests bitting him. That was the person Proditor needed to target, as he was the main problem. With that, Proditor's helm opened up once more, his four arms rising from underneath his robes, almost touching his helm as he focused his power onto the masked man. Proditor uses Mind Fray on the Masked Man, trying to make him FEAR THE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!
  23. "Hm... My powers will not be of much use in the flames. However, I should be able to provide support from long range" Proditor stated, beginning to float upwards towards the rooftops, "If I spot anything out of the ordinary, aside from what we are expecting, I shall make sure to contact one of you" he added. Proditor joins the Gestation Interruption, but stays far as fuck away from that fire!
  24. "Somatotrope. This 'Lung'... Do you know how intelligent he is?" Proditor suddenly asked, floating up so he was practically next to both Harry and Somatotrope. The part of his mind that had been regulated towards lookout duty now focused it's attention on scanning the area around him, trying to figure out the exact situation and where this "Lung" was. However, while Proditor looked as calm and serene as ever, the more attentive members of he group could probably feel something off about the Ethereal. Specifically, a bit of nervousness towards the situation.
  25. In response to Harry's question, Proditor nodded his head, "Yes, I am capable of detecting the minds of others" he replied, part of his own mind already being focused on that simple task, though he had to release his hold on Lilly in order to not tire himself out, all while moving to follow Harry and the others, dropping a bit closer to the ground to it was harder to detect that he was floating. After a little bit though, his head turned towards Lilly, "I do not plan to read the minds of everyone around me. That would be unnecessary. But, if you have psionic capabilities, detecting the presence of other lifeforms should be no problem. Once we have the time, I would have no complaints teaching you how to accomplish that task."
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