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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. "I read your mind. Before now you were a possible threat, someone that could have arrived to kill us. Considering the way you entered, I wouldn't have been surprised. However, I am now certain that while you are capable of being a threat, you are not a threat as of now" Proditor replied simply, another arm rising from his robes, a blue aura surrounding both his hand and Lilly, lifting the latter slightly in the air so she would stop running, slowly pulling her form back towards the rest of the group, "... And if you were worried about me learning anything about you, do not worry. I merely read what your intentions were. Any secret you wish to hold on to by yourself is safe from my eyes knowledge."
  2. At the sudden sound of a crash, Proditor instantly spun around with speed much unlike he was moving before, helm snapping open, with the bright light flowing out of it as a single hand rose from the darkness of his cloak, which was a long, skeletal like hand with purple-like skin. The same blue energy that had once enveloped Kusuke now enveloped Proditor's entire hand, slowly but surely growing more intense with every second. However, once the figure stated that they were not their enemy, Proditor's head tilted forward ever slightly. For a second, Proditor was utterly still. Then, the light from his helm vanished as the helm itself closed, his hand returning beneath his robes, "They are speaking the truth" Proditor said simply. He had just scanned the outskirts of the figure's mind, and it was clear that whoever they were, they did not plan to attack or kill anyone. At least, without reason.
  3. "A Nazi was, or still is, I suppose, an individual that believes that the Aryan, or pure Germans, named after the land they were born in, are superior to every other race around them. They attempted a complete genocide of those they blamed for their loss in a war that devastated their way of life, and began another to take over the world. They were not successful, and while the founder of these beliefs was killed, it is clear that there are those that still believe it" Proditor stated, letting out a small sigh, "If we are capable of taking care of this 'Empire Eighty Eight' organization, I would personally prefer to do it" he added.
  4. Looking back down, Proditor could see both the girl and time traveler had made it back, scattering any doubts of the latter's ability to manipulate time. Seeing that, the Ethereal floating back down, settling just an inch off the ground as he stared at the rest of the group, "Currently, there is not much we know about this world, not enough to give us clear insight as to what we need to do here" Proditor stated, answering Kusuke's question, "Unless the one that comes from this place has something to say that may help us" he added, turning his head to look at Somatotrope.
  5. With that, Proditor nodded, beginning to float up a bit higher, aiming to get at least above the building height. At the same time, his helm opened up a bit, bright orange lights beginning to seep out of the new cracks as a blue, wavy field surrounded Kuzuki, lifting him off the ground. Soon enough, the two were slightly above the building rooftops, with Lilly in clear sight, "Good luck" was all Proditor gave Kuzuki before the latter was suddenly launched forward at rather high speed, the arc perfectly aligned with Lilly's path. Proditor himself simply remained motionless as he watched the two forms fly off, his helm closing abruptly, even though he continued floating where he was.
  6. To Proditor, the sight of reality shattering was a very unique experience. The sight he stepped into however was far from unique, instantly reminding him of Earth before ADVENT took over and repolished the city centers. It was a huge feeling of deja vu, but a welcome one, at least, "I am personally from Earth. The year 2025, specifically. Though, my Earth and this Earth Bet are likely very different in design. I would not be surprised if the technology was far behind the technology I used" Proditor replied to Harry's early question. However, soon enough, it was clear that while some people were astounded by the architecture around them, one REALLY was interested in seeing it, having flown out with her "pet" to investigate a building surrounded in a blue bubble... Which caused the one person to have come from this world instantly state that she was going to get herself killed flying towards it. Without a seocnd thought, Proditor floated silently towards the time traveler, Kuzuki, who had asked if he should go get her, "Tell me, time traveler, do you need a boost to reach her?" Proditor asked, tilting his head forward to indicate he was talking about Lilly, who was still flying away.
  7. While Proditor was silent, he was far from distracted towards the talks going on, soaking up every word spoken. Endbringers, creatures in Earth Beta that they weren't supposed to fight (yet at least), the names and abilities of those who he was mean to to work with, including a brand new individual popping into existence. It still wasn't a good time for him to interrupt said talks, but there was something that he could do. Specifically, deal with the armored lady off to the side, silent and unmoving. With unnerving silence, Proditor began to float towards Somatotrope, "A lot to take in, I presume?" he asked once he got into conversing distance, part of him now focused on Somatotrope while the other was still listening in to the others.
  8. Proditor took the time now to slightly bow towards Doctor Ebon, "Thank you for the explanation, Miss Jules. It was very helpful" Proditor thanked, then turned towards the rest of the people around him. At first he almost introduced himself, wanting to at least give those around him a name to refer to him as. But, despite that, he stopped himself, noticing how most were in conversation, though the female with the sword was still rather confused and overwhelmed by the situation. But, she was already being taken care of by others. ... He'd simply wait for his chance to speak, if that was the case.
  9. Proditor himself didn't speak, his form remaining motionless as he took in the information from Doctor Ebon. His entire being was in shock, but despite that, he both believed it and... Was strangely relieved. On one hand, looking into his mind, he could pick out parts of his memory where all was blank. That, and entities that wished to consume all weren't at all foreign to him, as he had already experienced them before. On the other hand, he was relieved because it was a fresh start. For almost a year he had lived on the run, first from his own race and then by Humanity as a whole. He was dying anyway, but now he at least had a purpose before his inevitable death. It was these two factors that caused Proditor to remain silent, letting the others speak for him, taking in Ebon's answers. On the subject of traveling to multiple worlds... He both hoped he could return to his own to set things right, and that he would never find his way back there again.
  10. "... I suppose that would answer that specific question, but it does not help much" Proditor replied. However, before he could continue, his attention was shifted to one of the females who was now freaking out, sliding a sword out. If Proditor had eyebrows, he would be raising them. He knew that swords were a reliable weapon (after all, the greatest threat to his race did still use them to remarkable success), but it was still a surprise, mostly because no one would dare try and use a sword against his kind. Though, considering she obviously didn't know who he was (he saw about 3 creatures whose races he didn't recognize), it was at least explainable. To top it off, the full armored woman who had just gotten up, pulled out a rifle, and asked her own... Fairly threatening question. With that, Proditor's head turned back to the woman in white, "... Perhaps it would be best to tell us something to satisfy our curiosity, at least before your 'higher ups' give us a rundown" Proditor stated. While it was clear that his statement was more of a demand then a request, his voice was still retaining the same calmness as before.
  11. Proditor For the Ethereal, the sight of opening his eyes and seeing a completely different sight than what he was used to, namely, the wilderness of the planet Earth, was definitely a shock. But, despite that, Proditor's mind remained as clear as ever, taking in the area around him. Humanoids all around him, varying in appearance... Even in race. He could even feel extreme psionic power practically radiating off a few, which was somehow a relief to him. Yet, even so, instead of speaking to any of the others who had woken up alongside him, Proditor focused his attention on the doctor, clearly having troubles with... Meeting something, "... Excuse me" Proditor said, floating forward just enough so he was in speaking distance. His voice was low, but unlike most Ethereals, firm, and fairly echoey, though if it was just his natural tone or the walls causing it to echo was up for debate, "I understand you are busy rushing towards something, but an offhand comment towards us is not how I would prefer waking in an unknown place," Proditor stated, his head turning slightly to the side as he looked at one of the pure white walls, "... Where are we, exactly?"
  12. Terumi In all honesty, Terumi wasn't exactly doing much aside from strolling around the town, figuring out what the town itself had to offer (which was practically nothing), and continuing to go over the fact that not even an hour ago he was practically humiliate by both Abyss and that damn cowboy shit. It angered, no INFURIATED him that those events transpired... Which made him hope that when Abyss actually decided to let them fight (after all, it was a "gladiatorial game" to her), Terumi would be able to kill that cowboy first and foremost. Because obviously, he needed to be taught a lesson.
  13. Terumi For a split second, Terumi blinked in confusion, wondering why he wasn’t summoning anything. Then, looking behind him, Terumi saw how his ring was in the air… Just not doing anything. How in the hell was that a thing? He was sure that- Suddenly, Terumi understood, and on top of everything that happened not long before, the revelation caused his anger to only increase, as if it never had a limit. The ONLY explanation for this was that Abyss was somehow canceling his power… And making him look like a complete idiot. For everyone else, they simply saw Terumi looked completely confused… Only to snarl and start walking forward, both hands now in his pockets as the ring quickly dissipated. There were no last minute insults, no death threats… Just Terumi finally walking past everyone, including Sheriff, without so much as a glance. In his head though, he made a vow. He’d kill all six of those shits, including Abyss, by the time he was done here.
  14. Terumi Terumi, since he was ready to start trying to kill Sheriff, was able to react rather quickly to the sudden appearance of a blue portal. Specifically, once that opened up, Terumi immediately sprung forward, wrapping himself in that same energy he was emitting earlier, until he was basically a large snake head rushing forward towards... Nothing. Not even a second after he rushed in, Terumi suddenly screeched to a halt, spinning around as the energy around him dissipated, head snapping from side to side as he searched for that shit. His gaze did fall upon Nibiiro, long enough for it to be clear that he was considering trying to kill her just from being around, but his attention quickly went back to searching for Sheriff. And sure enough, he quickly spotted Sheriff walking away, his rage growing even stronger at the sight, "Oooh, behind all that big talk you're just a little coward then, huh?! Well I'm not done with you yet, you piece of SHIT!" Terumi stated, a large ring appearing behind him. Not a second after the ring appeared, a torrent of dark green projectiles, shaped like snakes, suddenly flew out at Sheriff... And the sleeping girl.
  15. Terumi And as expected, this "fashion victim" was able to tell that Sheriff was smirking... and with that, along with the continued offense from Sheriff as well, seemed to make Terumi snap, taking a step back and lowering his head, and body, so it was about chest level with his normal hight, both hands grabbing the top of his head. However, while this could be told as a sign of pure, brain hurting rage (which it nearly was), Terumi's response was anything but pure rage. If anything, it was surprisingly calm, but still filled with seething hatred, "Oh, you'll be lucky if I don't get any of your blood on this" he stated. Then, he was back into a standing position, swinging both hands down and causing a sudden eruption of dark energy to fly out around him, hood flying off for a second before resting back to a normal position. Then, he was back to his original "relaxed" posture. The only difference was that now, only one hand was in his pocket, while the other was at his side... And the fact that both eyes were glaring at Sheriff, "Congratulations, you've officially made the top of my shit list, hope you enjoy it in your last moments of life you little shit"
  16. Terumi For a good second, Terumi's eye narrowed, his mouth turning from a smug, relaxed smirk to a frown, and then to a snarl. Clearly, that comment hit a mark on Terumi, and he didn't really appreciate it, "Oh you little shit, seems like you've got SOMETHING underneath that trash, don't ya?" he said, anger and contempt lathering his voice as he removed one hand from his pockets, "You know, if you really feel like dying right here, right now, I'm more than willing to grant you that wish. After all, why wait for your inevitable death when you can just get it over with right now?" Terumi asked, lifting his now free hand slightly, both eyes glowing slightly brighter as dark green mist started to fall slowly out of his cloak, "Well, what do ya say, trash?" Obviously, Terumi either did not notice the gun this 'trash' was carrying, or simply didn't care.
  17. Terumi After a few seconds of walking, Terumi suddenly paused, stopping in his tracks. He realized that he was rushing, and the last time he did that, he nearly died. What he needed to do was take it slow, plan what he needed to do, and act on it... And one of the first steps to killing that annoying bitch was to have a safety net to fall back on. While he could resort to his self observation, but that would start killing him after it's usage, just like before, and unlike last time, he doesn't have a vessel on hand to fall back to. No... He needed to remain anchored to this world, and without Rags to fit the bill, he'd have to start working on getting that anchor set up. With that, Terumi grinned, mostly to himself, as he turned around, shoving a hand in his pocket as he walked back to where the 7 had been transported to. His target, specifically, was the man who looked exactly like a low budget cowboy, "Wait, you come from a place called 'the wastes'?" Terumi asked Sherrif, leaning forward as he did so. Then, he leaned back, relaxing his posture as his eyes moved up and down the outfit of Sherrif, "Well, you certainly do fit the part of 'waste of space'".
  18. Yuuki Terumi At first, the last thing Terumi could recall was a sharp pain in his stomach, and his own voice laughing in his ears. Probably to be expected, and while there were other fragments of memories floating in his mind, those last two parts seemed to stick to him the most, even more than the fact that he was stuck in a room with 6 other people, and each one less impressive than the last, and couldn't move or speak. But why the hell did those two parts seem more important than- "Be devoured by infinite darkness, Yuuki Terumi" Suddenly, a single phrase was spoken in his mind, like it was answering his question, and soon enough, all the memories came rushing back. That damn little SHIT. Oh, how a combination of hatred, confusion, and slight disappointment filled Terumi, and if he could move any part of him right now, he would've been gritting his teeth and clenching his fist, probably cursing like a sailor at the rush of memories flooding into his head. That damn dog had gotten lucky before, and when it actually mattered, the dog's only saving grace pulled through and managed to nearly kill him. But... Recalling the sensation of his body dissipating into the air, how the hell was he here..? "Welcome, Yuuki Terumi" Suddenly, a woman's head had appeared in front of Terumi, as his head worked to figure out an explanation for why he was here, and sure enough, every second Terumi was forced to listen to her speak was a second that Terumi's annoyance for her increased. Him, fight for HER amusement?! Who in the hell did this woman think she was, seeing HIM as a plaything for her game?! Terumi barely paid attention to the rest of her speech, except hearing about the Death Counter, but for the most part, he was a bit too annoyed and angry at this "Abyss". And then another flash of light, with Abyss DARING to give him a "good luck", and suddenly Terumi was able to move again, stumbling forward and instinctively pressing a hand to his chest. Somehow, whole, not dissipating like before. Then, his attention shifted to the other 6 that were now moving as well, along with his surroundings, and he couldn't help but narrow his eyes in annoyance. Then, straightening slightly, Terumi began wordlessly walking towards the entrance to the town, pulling up his hood to cover his head, and ignoring the lessers around him. Oh, he'll play Abyss's game. And by the end of it he'll show her what actual hell REALLY looked like. OOC:
  19. I have decided to join this Hell because why the frick not.
  20. Walmond, upon seeing his attack hit his targets, only to disperse without any lasting effects, caused the scientist to frown in disappointment. However, with a quick look around the field, he noticed how winded his allies were, then crouched, placing both hands on the ground as bright green lines began to spread their way through the ground. Lambda, after charging into the battle, found herself pulling herself back after multiple batallions hacked away at her shields. They were holding, but the lucky strikes that went past those shields caused the rest of her to not be holding up well. So, with that, keeping both shields raised in from of her, Lambda initiated her self repairs, electricity surging on the top of her body and sealing the gashes in her armor and body. Walmond uses Healing Field on Liliya, Lambda, Leon, and Magna, healing them for 2d4+INT (14). Lambda's healing from this is halved. Lambda uses Emergency Repair, healing herself for 1d6+SYN (4). This healing is not halved. 3 turns remaining for Defensive Modifications.
  21. Walmond, after doing his little healing, stands up, snapping his fingers towards the enemy's army still, a burst of electricity flying from his fingers towards them. Lambda, on the other hand, charges the skeleton forces, shields raised to reduce any damage she would take from engaging them. Walmond uses Magic Burst on Soldier Battalion B, dealing 3d6+8 damage and forcing a constitution check against the damage dealt, paralyzing the opponent if the check fails, which causes then to have a 25% chance to fail an action. Lambda uses Threaten the Enemy on Soldier Battalion A, DT Warrior A, and Soldier Battalion C.
  22. Walmond himself… Quickly realized that striding to battle probably wasn’t the best idea, as shown when a skeletal battalion turned their attention to him, forcing him to jump back, though not without a few managing to at least get a few cuts on his torso. With a frown, Walmond took a few steps back, then crouched towards the ground, letting green lines flow from his body and into the ground… Though, not as much as normal. The lines themselves make their way to Soryn, Lexiel, and Magna, zig zagging through the enemy forces to reach their targets. Lambda, on the other hand, remained where she was, letting her blades re enter her arms and allowing her gauntlets to expand to create her two shields. Walmond uses Healing Field on himself, Soryn, Lexiel, and Magna, healing them for 2d4+8 hp. Needs to do Magic Burst and Electric Current to activate Lessons of Affection. Lambda uses Defensive Modification, giving her 50% damage reduction for 6 turns.
  23. Walmond and Lambda Walmond simply raised an eyebrow at the sight of the large contraption, and the amount of effort that went in to make sure that the Castle stayed where it went. Which, considering it seemed to be their only option out, was something he would have to work to protect now from their army. Wonderful. With a sigh, Walmond snapped his fingers, bringing Lambda to attention. Then, he simply tilted his head forward, towards the direction of one of the army's officers, only to begin a slow but steady walk towards them. Lambda, however, after taking the split second to activate her sabers, had a sudden burst of speed and flew forward, charging the Officer while Walmond snapped his fingers again, an arc of electricity flying through the air and covering both of Lambda's sabers. Walmond uses Electrical Current on Lambda, giving her +12 to her next attack. Lambda attacks Officer A with her sabers, dealing 1d8+6, and +12 from Walmond's Electrical Current.
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