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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. "You may want to move Dackly" Walmond's voice said, and not a second afterwards, the large, clawed hand of Lambda burst through the back window, grabbing the skeleton that was currently being bitten by Dackly. Not even a second after the hand found it's target, the skeleton was dragged through the window and, without a moments hesitation, Lambda throws it off the side of the truck, watching as the skeleton crashes onto the ground and rolls several feet back as the Truck continues it's path. Walmond watches this with little interest after his quick warning, lifting his hand and looking towards the sky, snapping his fingers and causing short Magic Bursts to fly out and strike several of the falling arrows to the best of his ability.
  2. "Hm... Necromancy as well..." Walmond muttered. Back home, necromancy was considered an impossible art, the dead stayed dead and that was it. Even though he had begun to research how to create his own mechanical constructs with forms of sentience, something that was considered impossible as well, Walmond shared the majority of people's thoughts on Necromancy. It would seem like he was wrong once again. "Another surprising twist on top of everything I've learned in the last hour." Walmond stated, barely phased by the sudden arrival of the "Boomtown Express". However, the after a few seconds, he groaned in slight frustration, mostly the music coming out of it. He was a big fan of music, yes, but whatever was playing from that was... VERY nerve grinding, and due to the level of volume, very difficult to simply ignore.
  3. Walmond straightened at Gozer's response, surprise clear. However, instead of sounding like he was sorry for bringing up something that could've been a tragic experience, he simply smiled slightly and raised an eyebrow, "So revival is another feat you've accomplished? Fascinating. How was this accomplished?"
  4. "Goddess... I must say that I'm not a religious person myself. But, traveling realities? I would guess that would take a lot of magic to accomplish" Walmond replied, bringing a hand to his chin as he narrowed his eyes an thought. If traveling realities was a feat others could accomplish by their own, then his own issues shouldn't be as big of a problem as he thought. ... What was he getting wrong then...
  5. "Interesting... It would explain this" Walmond stated, tapping the flatbed of the truck with one of his hands, "Walmond Reigard, by the way. Scientist and inventor."
  6. "You would be correct" Walmond replied, glancing at the Squirrel construct, Gozer, "... By the way, forgive me for asking at this time, but... What ARE you, exactly? My world has no form of creatures, or perhaps constructs would be a more accurate term, like you."
  7. Walmond, thankfully managed to finally get enough energy to stand up straight, clearing his throat before speaking, "I am as ready as I can be" he said, noticing the Stone Truck. Silently, he thanked the... large Squirrel of various objects and the snake woman as he got on the flatbed and sat down, sighing in relief. Lambda simply floated next to Walmond, setting her feet on the floor of the truck once her master sat down, hands folded in front of her as she patiently waited for the truck to begin moving.
  8. Well, if there was one thing that came out of the run, it was that Walmond finally got a bit of exercise after god knows how long. Problem was, by the time the rest of the group chose to stop at the ruins the woman, who revealed themselves as Nobunaga, told them to stop at, Walmond was basically nearly dead from exhaustion. In fact, when they finally stopped, Walmond simply went to the side of the group and leaned on one of the (still thankfully somewhat sturdy) walls for support, taking in deep breaths to simply not pass out. Sadly, aside from hearing Nobunaga's name, there wasn't much Walmond picked up from everyone's conversations with Nobunaga. Lambda, however, because she was not dying from exhaustion, actually was able to make out what the others were talking about, wordlessly watching them as she took in the information for Walmond. The latter could always check her memories and get what he needed out, after all.
  9. Of course, just as the electricity Walmond sent out neared his targets, a burst of gun fire had arrived out of nowhere, wiping away the very skeletons he was aiming for. Soon after a voice had rang out, followed by a woman flying into the fight, causing hundreds of arquebuses, something he recognized from his research of fire arms long ago, to appear shortly after a little speech to open fire on their current opponents. Strangely though, the one thing that got Walmond's attention was the fact that this woman had managed to summon all of those arquebus in barely anytime at all. Of course that, was quickly followed by another curiosity when the woman informed them of a human fortress nearby. Since it became clear the rest of the group was keen on getting out, Walmond had no reason to say otherwise. After all, it seemed like a never ending torrent of skeletons. Eventually they would be swarmed and killed. With that though, Walmond simply turned to where the woman had pointed, "Lambda, we're moving" he said needlessly, then began to run with the rest of the group. He wasn't the best runner, that was for sure, but he would likely be able to keep up with the others. Lambda, when Walmond informed her that they were leaving, suddenly flew back from the battle, joining Walmond's side and simply floated next to him, perfectly keeping his speed as he arms shifted back into their normal appearance... Along with her CLAW sabers suddenly snapping out of her arms, electricity crackling on their surfaces.
  10. Walmond The scientist watched as his electricity... Did little to nothing to the skeletons aside from being flashy. Perhaps it was his current distracted mind that was making it more difficult than normal to focus his magic. Nevertheless, there was still enemies, and distracted mindset or not, he still had to fight. And he did so, turning to the incoming skeleton warriors, sending another arc of electricity flying towards them. Walmond uses another Magic Burst dealing (3d6+8) damage to Warrior Battalion B, and forcing a constitution check. If the check is failed the enemy is paralyzed and has a 25% chance to fail an action. Lambda simply does MORE CHARGING, doing another Electrical Charge (1d8+4 more damage for reference). 1 turn left for Defensive Modifications. (These I suppose will happen after the 5 action grace period)
  11. Walmond Walmond was, at first, surprised by the sudden appearance of the woman, raising an eyebrow in curiosity at her. But, before he could actually respond, the pink mist that he had initially worried about came over him. At first, he simply coughed, absentmindedly waving the mist away... At least, until a thought came to his mind. Why was he even helping these people? There was no reason for him to, after all. For all he knew, they were murderers, thieves, scum of the earth. They could betray him at any moment, send a knife right through his back. What he SHOULD be doing was killing them, sending arcs of electricity down every one of their sorry excuses of- And then, just as soon as those thoughts had come, Walmond had clamped down on them to stop them from going any further. Interesting how those thoughts came to his head, but not anything he should actually worry about. After all, Alexandria had explained the situation to him, and he knew that, even if someone wanted to kill him, they had more reason to keep him alive than dead due to the enemy they share. That, and even if he wanted to, there was almost no way Walmond could take them all on, even with Lambda. ... Then there was the strange, drakonic skeleton that had risen from the cauldron that his allies were dumping skeletons into, that had flown away not long after it was created. The sight caused Walmond's curiosity to rise, but thankfully, the scientist turns his attention back to the battle at hand, specifically, lifting his hand and snapping his finger towards the incoming skeletal warriors, a surge of electricity arcing towards them... This time not at any weapons, but the skeletons themselves. Walmond uses Magic Burst, dealing (3d6+8) damage to Warrior Horde B, and forcing a constitution check. If the check is failed the enemy is paralyzed and has a 25% chance to fail an action. Lambda The two things that caught Lambda's attention was the woman on the hills, and the skeletal dragon rising from the cauldron. She completely ignored the mist that lingered around her, quickly disregarding it's potential threat. If it was poisonous, then Walmond would know how to deal with it. Right now, she had to focus on the swarms of enemies still moving towards them. So, she began pumping more electricity into her CLAW sabers. Lambda uses Electrical Charge, giving herself another (1d8+4) electric damage boost to her next attack. 2 turns left on Defensive Modification.
  12. Walmond It was at this point that Walmond realized that there was a strange mist approaching them, lingering on the field. But, with nothing much to do about it, Walmond simply begins taking careful breaths of air, unsure of what the mist WAS exactly, while focusing on the next course of action. Which, specifically, was continuing to assist the group. He did so back straightening himself off from the ground, then snapping his fingers towards a woman with dark hair and a multicolored outfit, specifically, towards the sword she used. Walmond uses Electrical Current on Mitsurugi, giving her +12 electrical damage for two attacks. Lambda With her CLAW weaponry charging, Lambda proceeded forward, recognizing the new threats and reacting accordingly. Lambda uses Threaten the Enemy on 3 of the new arriving skeleton warriors. 3 turns left on Defensive Modifications.
  13. Well, there was certainly no harm being brought his way, unlike last time where he nearly became a pincushion for arrows. But, with him not exactly being threatened, that meant he could stay where he was. Right now his allies seemed to need a healer, and while there were others, he needed to fit that role right now as well. Which is what he was going to do. Walmond uses Healing Field on Kino, Jade, Tama Vajra, and Solomon for (2d4+8). Lambda didn't exactly mind the fact that three beasts were now busy gnawing on her shields. Considering that was what she wanted them to do, get distracted from allied forces, it was to be expected. But, she still had to do some work, and right now, that was preparing to counterattack herself. And with that, the beasts specifically could begin hearing something happening underneath Lambda's shields. Specifically, the charging of electricity. Lambda uses Electrical Charge, gaining a (1d8+4) damage boost to her next attack.
  14. Walmond Just when it seemed like his allies were making some headway, the enemy began to... Well, fight back. He himself wasn't in much of a bad spot, thanks to choosing to assist from a distance. The only real threat to him was when the entire archer line of skeletons began firing at random, forcing Walmond to step back and to the side to avoid a good number of shots, one managing to slip right by while cutting through both his cloak and a little bit of his shoulder. Not enough to really cause any lasting harm, but enough to get him moving again. Once Walmond stopped moving, he held out both hands, a bright green light eminating from both the second he snapped his fingers. Then, quickly afterwards, he brought them above his head, and then slammed both hands into the floor, causing bright green lines to travel through the ground towards the group and, out of pure luck, towards Dackly, Lexiel, Morgan, and Isobel, the lines stopping at each and causing another green light to erupt from the ground for a few seconds before fading away, the lights managing to heal a bit of their wounds. Walmond uses Healing Field on Dackly, Lexiel, Morgan, and Isobel, healing each for (2d4+8) Lambda, on the other hand, manages to finally reach the main party after shrugging off several arrows from enemy archers. They managed to get a few hits in while her arms were still transforming, but that didn't matter. What DID matter was actually assisting allied forces. So, when she reached the group, she immediately put herself in front of three of the beasts that were attacking, arms raised to protect her entire body while giving her the ability to silently glare at all three from barely visible eyes. Lambda uses Threaten the Enemy on three beasts. 5 turns remaining for Defensive Modifications.
  15. Well, it was a good thing that Walmond was done talking with Mar, or anyone for that matter. Not a few minutes afterwards, the entire building began to shudder violently. Soon enough though that shuddering stopped... Mostly because Walmond suddenly found himself suddenly in a nightly area, specifically high above the ground. Now falling at a rapid speed. With a small sigh, Walmond lifted a hand and quickly snapped his finger, and not a second later Lambda shimmered into existence next to him, wordlessly picking him up and slowing her own decent to the ground. Walmond and Lambda join the fight. As the two floated down, Walmond managed to notice the large army of skeletons heading their way, visible by the sight of numerous bonfires. At that, Walmond frowned, standing up from Lambda's hold once she was near enough to the ground. Lambda herself didn't waste anytime moving in, her arms already expanding to create the shields she always used. Walmond, on the other hand, looked at the rest of the party, noticing a woman charging the skeletons with nothing but a knife. Questionable, but Walmond had a feeling that it was something she did normally and was good at. With that, he decided to give her a little bit of a helping hand, lifting his hand towards the woman, specifically the knife she used, and snapped his fingers, an arc of electricity suddenly flying from his hand and zooming straight towards the knife as it slashed at the enemy. Lambda activates Defensive Modifications for 6 turns. 6 turns remaining. Walmond uses Electrical Current on Liliya, giving her weapon a (12) bonus to damage for two attacks.
  16. At that, Walmond raised an eyebrow in surprise, "Even water? Interesting. Consider me now fully interested in learning these arts, when you have the time to spare. As of now I feel like it would be best to familiarize myself with the "Castle" and the others that reside here, since I have no doubt that you and Alexandria are the only people here" he stated, gaze slightly shifting to see two more figures walk in, but quickly turned it back to Mar.
  17. "... Well, it would seem that my world is behind a plenty number of others in both technology and magic" Walmond stated, shaking his head slightly, "A shame on that part... But this Stonerist Art, the objects you are able to effect, would that include metal?"
  18. "Interesting... It would appear that magic varies from world to world. I cannot say if the magic from my world is more advanced or less, because of the differences. For example, I do not require any external material. All I need is a good snap-" Walmond explains, and to prove his point, he moves his hand away from his chin, snapping his finger and causing a burst of electricity to spark to life and arc around his hand, "- and I am capable of generating my own electricity, from the soul, like yours. However, it takes years to learn how to summon up magic correctly, and many more to master just one element, so unlike you I am unable to simply pass my mana through objects. However, I am capable of manipulating objects, such as healing wounds and creating a self regenerating source of magic in my own creations... Like Lambda, for example" he added, waving his hand to where Lambda was still staring at Alexandria, the motion also causing the electricity to dissipate, "Of course, given the similarities, it's quite possible that the exact knowledge of each kind of magic is, or was, lost to us, and it may be possible for one to learn the other's form of magic. Though, that would require a bit of testing to figure ou- Apologies thinking aloud again."
  19. At Mar's response, Walmond actually blinked in slight confused before closing his eyes and sighing, "Thought aloud didn't I? Apologies" he replied, then paused, raising an eyebrow, "... Hold on? Channeling? That is something I haven't heard used with the terms of magic. Pray tell, what is it?" Walmond asked, now finding something new to put his curiosity on.
  20. "Walmond Reigard" Walmond replied, not even looking down at the cases as Mar put them down, "Scientist and inventor, of my own world at least" he added, his hand instinctively rising to his chin as he looked at Mar with a mixture of thought and curiosity, "... Considering the multitude of surprises I've experienced in less than four minutes, I shouldn't be surprised that someone of a completely different race would be here, along with a fully functional synthetic..." Walmond stated idly, more or less without realizing that he had thought aloud.
  21. As Walmond finished his own explanation, his gaze shifted slightly past Alexandria, eyes widening somewhat as a new man walked into the room. Or... Whatever they were supposed to be. If he had any doubts about other worlds, they would've been dashed already at the sight of this creature, "Fascinating... I take it you're one of Alexandria's associates?" Walmond called out, his curiosity getting the better of him and causing him to, at this time, forget about Alexandria and step past her, walking towards the new arrival. Lambda herself simply watched Walmond walk off, shaking her head somewhat at the sight, before turning it back to Alexandria, continuing her blank stare towards the other machine.
  22. "You would be correct" Walmond replied, his gaze shifting back to Alexandria, "Currently, Lambda uses the best system I could give her... Yet, as you can see, that isn't the best. It is a combination of machinery and my own magic, with the machinery linking the magic to the rest of the body and the magic being the part to give her... Well, a soul, if we can currently call it that. It is the part that gives her any form of life, independent action, creative thought, and simple understanding of what others say. As of now it's the best I can give, but I can easily upgrade if need be."
  23. "Correct" Walmond replied simply, "A bit of a specialty of mine, though I'd be surprised if there weren't more advanced robotics on this ship than I possess, such as yourself" he added, refraining from frowning at Alexandria's comment about slavery. It was indirect, but it forced Walmond to take a second, and only second, to think if Lambda truly was a slave. She didn't have a will of her own besides serving him, though if the knowledge was available to him he would've gladly given her free will. But, as soon as the thought came, Walmond pushed it aside for now, knowing he would spend hours pondering over it if he actually starting thinking hard on it now. There would likely be time for that later. "Speaking of which, her name is Lambda. Sadly, she's not capable of speech, though that is... Something I've been attempting to fix in recent years" Walmond commented, looking at Lambda as the magitek droid simply stared back at Alexandria.
  24. For a split second, the man's eyes lit up in wonder as Alexandria answered his question to the best of his ability. For another second, he appeared as if he was going to ask another question, likely pressing if she knew how she was made, if she knew, but eventually thought better of it and simply nodded, "Yes, quite wonderfully in fact. If that is true, then I have no reason to disbelieve you" he stated. At that moment though, his smile suddenly frowned as he snapped his fingers at a realization, "I just realized in my excitement that I forgot to introduce myself. A bit rude of me, apologies. My name is Walmond Reigard, scientist, inventor-" Walmond began, keeping his normally long introduction short and to the point. As he did so however, the air seemed to shimmer slightly next to him, before a new figure seemed to just pop into existence, taking the form of a woman who, at first glance, seemed to be a bit taller than Walmond, only to be roughly the same height due to the fact that her feet didn't exactly touch the ground, with a large black dress and short black hair neatly made. Walmond himself only looked to the side of himself as this figure suddenly appeared, continuing with barely a pause in his introduction, "- And leading figure in the field of artificial creation" he stated, finally raising an eyebrow at the floating woman, "Hm... It would seem that I made the magic portion of the teleportation a tad too strong..." he muttered instinctively. The woman, on the other hand, looked between Alexandria and Walmond, a complete impassive face as she looked at the gigantic android and the scientist. Then, after a split second of doing this, she turned fully to Alexandria, giving a deep bow, as if in greeting.
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