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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. For a second, the man smiled at the short compliment, only to fall quickly as Alexandria went onto her explanation. For the entirety of the explanation, his hand stayed on his chin, but his eyes narrowed in thought as he absorbed the information. By the end, however, it was obvious that fainting from the explanation was the last thing he was doing. Instead, he looked back up at Alexandria, “I am unfamiliar to this Lovecraft you speak of… But what you say would explain why I went from my laboratory to here in less than a minute. A second, more like” he replied, raising an eyebrow as he continued, “... If the theory IS true, I must ask: Would you be an artificial human?” he asked. In most scenarios, it would be nearly impossible, his own world didn’t have the advancements to create an artificial human that could speak simple sentences. But, considering he was talking to someone who he at first thought was a statue and seemed to act rather… Mechanically, it was a fair guess. If he was being honest though, he had no reason to be worried, afraid, or shocked. Well, shocked was something he could understand feeling, but instead, he just felt wonder.
  2. The man raised an eyebrow as the woman he had approached moved to a better lighting, allow him to see her better. If anything she looked… Almost like a statue, but judging by the way she was moving and speaking, was anything but. As the woman spoke, introducing herself as Alexandria, the man couldn’t help but notice the offhand way she called him a newcomer, as if he wasn’t the only one who had just arrived in this place. Which, apparently, was no where. A strange way to explain where he was aside from inside a vehicle, but he’d likely learn what she was meaning about that soon enough. The man couldn’t help but also frown slightly as Alexandria asked what he knew about the parallel world theory… After warning him that he was about to experience fainting soon enough. Even with the warning though, he remained standing, merely bring a hand out from his cloak and bringing it to his chin, “Well, Alexandria, I can’t say that I spent much time focusing on the study of that specific theory. But, it does exist, albeit to any extent by a few people I know. From what other colleagues of mine say, there’s a good possibility that there are an infinite number of universes and timelines, and infinite more are created every second. Worlds that are vastly different than the one we inhabit, stemming from the potential decision to get a glass of water before going to work” he explained before shrugging, “Of course, that is not my field of expertise. I’m more of an inventor really. What brings about that specific question?” he asked.
  3. The arrival of a new traveler was marked with a small flash of light and the sound of new weight being placed on the metal floor. The light itself died out rather quickly, revealing a rather tall man in primarily brown clothing, including a cloak that covered most of his body. He was hunched down, as if he had been originally bending over a table, with his hands placed in the air as if they were still on that very table. His eyes were closed as well as he let out a rather frustrated sigh, straightening and turning to his side, “Which is why I’m trying to inform you that if we don’t take action, there’s a good possibility that-” he explained to an invisible figure, opening his eyes as he spoke, only for his voice to trail off when he realized that he wasn’t in the laboratory he knew so well. For a good few seconds afterwards, the man looked around, taking in the area around him. Very large, very… Mechanical. In most situations he would feel at home, being around so much moving parts. Instead, he was both slightly worried and amazed. Worried because he obviously had no idea where he was, but amazed at the sudden transition from an old room to… Well, another old-looking room, but new to him. But, at that, the man shook his head, rubbing his eyes idly before taking another look and, finally, noticing a woman in the room, working on an item he didn’t exactly recognize. At all. Perhaps it would be best to see where he was by asking her. If he was, accidentally and against his own will, trespassing on private property, appearing as a non-hostile would be much better than trying to sneak his way out. … That, and he was never that good at moving around stealthily. He knew that from experience. “Excuse me” The man said as he walked towards the woman, stopping a fair distance away so he was in conversing distance without intruding on her personal space or work space, “I seem to be a little… Lost. Where am I exactly?” he asked, voice even.
  4. Hello everyone, New Blood here with my own characters to join the inter-dimensional shenanigans. Walmond Reigard & Lambda ... Honestly I'm just glad to be here
  5. @Wolfox Glace Trick question: It's Wiess As or essentially everyone else, thanks for the welcome. I hope I don't cause too much of a ruckus here while trying to 'fit in' as one might say.
  6. So. I've been enjoying Pokemon Reborn so far, enough to have gotten through quite a lot of the game, up to beating the darn PULSE Tangrowth. However, in the fight against the freak of nature I realized that my team 'may' not be up to the task of going through the rest of the game in it's current state, or at least getting past the second gym. So, I wanted to ask for some help in getting a suitable addition to my team for my rematch against Fern, as he's literally my next opponent. Here's my current team. Grotle: Level 24 Ability: Overgrow Nature: Docile Moves: - Razor Leaf - Tackle - Curse - Bite Espurr: Level 23 Ability: Keen Eye Nature: Calm Moves: - Psybeam - Fake Out - Disarming Voice - Light Screen Noibat: Level 22 Ability: Telepathy Nature: Quircky Moves - Gust - Screech - Bite - Leech Life I do have an ability capsule on hand that I haven't used yet, mostly because I was unsure who to use it on. My original plans for my team was to add a Tynamo (who I haven't managed to get yet due to no thunderstorms coming around for awhile now), and an Aron (or it's evolutions) for another physical attacker. Overall though, does my team seem to have a chance against Fern or Florina? If not, what Pokemon should I get to give me a better chance at taking them on? Thank you for any assistance.
  7. Hello everyone, I'm GodofGamingRWBY, or just GoG for short. I'm a long time Pokemon fan, and just video games in general fan, and I managed to stumble across this nice fan game. Needless to say, I kinda got hooked on it and have been playing quite a lot of it. But, onto other things, I have a multitude of hobbies: Playing (self taught) piano, playing video games, reading books, playing video games, writing stories, playing video games, eating and sleeping... Did I mention playing video games? Because I do that a lot. Maybe a bit too much. But, aside from that, I'm a huge fan of quite a lot of things, such as: RWBY (it's in the name), Blazblue, Okami, Fire Emblem, Smash bros, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, quite a lot of strategy games, and obviously, Pokemon. I'm not the best at writing out lengthy introduction threads, but I do have one last thing to say before I end this one off: "Hi"
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