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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Vlassis continues to follow the strategic offense principle, moving to N8 and lancing the Revenant nearby.
  2. Proditor As soon as Lucine spoke his name, Proditor stopped, rotating slightly to face the small mage. Additionally, despite Proditor's habit of remaining still no matter the situation, Lucine's comment about being 'hungry' caused the old alien to visibly stiffen. Here, after centuries of warfare, research, and genetic experiments, a completely new situation was being thrusted into his care, one that he had no real experience in. Aside from dealing with the logistics during war, Proditor had never had to worry about food thanks to his position. Ethereals admittedly didn't eat often despite their brain activity, and he at least knew how to sustain himself in the event where he was alone, such as when he was a rogue for a full year. But a human child, in the midsts of another civilization, without any form of currency? That was another matter entirely. "I... See. We do have time before the two catch up, therefor..." Proditor began, shifting his head between a path that led to a restaurant and another set of doors that, if he were to wager a guess, led to a form of fast food establishment, similar to the kinds that sold the Advent Burgers. Nasty things, those were, "... Yes, we'll have time to get something. I..." a pause, one that would've likely been filled by an 'er' if Proditor wasn't as old as he was, "... Don't suppose you're picky about what you eat in this situation?"
  3. Proditor Thankfully for Lucine, Proditor's method of travel didn't take more than a few teleports before they settled back into the lab, the ancient alien releasing his hold on the young girl and giving her a few moments to reorient herself before pressing onwards, initially back to the elevator they used to arrive at the Hotlands before being forced to change his path, seeing as the elevator was damage and it would be far too risky to try and teleport through whatever turned it into nothing more than hot metal. The journey was otherwise uninteresting, mostly because Proditor barely stopped to take in the surroundings. Even when the two made it to the Underground's very own Hotel, the alien just continued floating forward, barely paying any mind to the monsters gathered in the building or any of the sights as he moved through, content with simply going to Asgore if nothing stopped him.
  4. Proditor "Very well" Proditor replied simply as he floated over to Lucine, one of his bony hands reaching out and placing itself on her shoulder. For a brief moment, nothing happened to the two aside from Proditor's helmet opening to let out rays of light. Then, as if suffering from a glitch, both the alien and homunculi flickered out of sight as Proditor began teleporting the two upwards. However, due to the distance the two needed to take, Proditor resorted to making several "small" jumps through the empty elevator shaft, leaving both him and his passenger floating in the air for a split second before teleporting once more.
  5. Walmond "I'll keep that in mind, if I ever need to ask you of something. I'll also make sure not to cause trouble, if I can help it" Walmond replied casually, taking out the coin the yokai had given him and, with a quick flip, changed back into the small form she had been walking around in for most of her time in Gensokyo, "Thank you though. Your help is greatly appreciated" she added with a slight bow, right before she turned and stepped through the gap. Lambda herself mimicked Walmond's bow, albeit with a bit more earnest, right before following her master through the gap, ready and willing to assist with whatever they were planning to do at the Manor.
  6. Walmond "I am well aware of the fact that I am likely overstepping my boundaries" Walmond replied with a short nod of his head, stepping through the gap with Lambda close behind, "Without a doubt, I have nothing to offer, nor do I possess any significant power of my own. But I figured, being as powerful as you are, such a request would be a trivial thing, unless creating your portals had an adverse effect on the world that I did not know about."
  7. Freya In most situations, Freya would've been fairly happy to be given this much attention. That wasn't to say she was unhappy by the attention, but coughing up blood and having a pill shoved down your throat puts a rather intense damper on the joy, not to mention being forced to watch her Skag, as heroic as they were, being shot down by the same thing that had killed her as well, all while Harry finished patching her up. "Thanks, all of you, I'll be fine now" Freya stated as she shakily rose back to her feet. Though her body was back to its healthy state, dying and being revived always took some time to readjust to. Thankfully she wouldn't have to force herself forward for much longer, seeing as the only undead left fighting them was the same thing that killed her and put down Henry. She'd probably have to take it for herself, effective as it was. Freya commands her remaining zombies and Dyno to attack the Plague Marine Deadite, her 23 zombies falling in and attacking 1d2+2 damage each. Dyno also uses Claw Strike, dealing 3d6+14 damage to the Plague Marine as well. Loadout Dyno
  8. Walmond The place that Walmond found on the other side of the gap was... Not familiar to him personally, but the design was something he could understand. Though without Yukari in sight, there wasn't much reason for him to stick around it seemed. Yet... He felt as if she could still hear him, "... If you can stilll hear me Yukari, I was wondering if you would be willing to create a portal to the Scarlet Devil Manor" Walmond asked to the seemingly empty area, hoping his feeling was correct and that he wasn't just speaking to nothing.
  9. Proditor Of course. With all the souls in possession, the next logical action would simply be to break the Barrier, their one goal in order to escape this mountain. For another few moments, Proditor stayed silent, mentally backtracking the path they took to get to where they were now, before suddenly nodding to himself, "I cannot say that I can make the entire distance, but at most, I should be able to teleport myself and one other to the main floor of the laboratory. Unfortunately, any further is impossible thanks to how spacious this entire mountain is" Proditor informed, turning to look back at Alphys, "However, I would guess that a direct path to Asgore's home, at the very least, would be significantly faster than the time needed to bring myself and three others there."
  10. Walmond For a few moments, Walmond nearly missed Yukari thanks to taking in the scenery, only being snapped out of his examination of what was essentially hell thanks to the sudden train being summoned and crashing into the stalagmite nearby. Thankfully, it was enough to make him pay attention, just as Yukari stepped through her newly created gap and vanished from sight, even though her gap did not. "Yukari, wait a moment please. There's one thing I need to ask of you" Walmond called out, quickly walking over to the gap and peering inside. Though he didn't enter immediately, he was prepared to do so if he had to, should the gap begin closing or if Yukari simply didn't respond.
  11. Proditor For a few moments, Proditor was silent, his mind grasping on the wisps of residual energy in the room to find some hint, some clue as to where they went. But there wasn't anything to grasp onto, just emptiness. He barely even noticed the new arrivals, nor did he notice Lucine sitting up until she began speaking, her voice snapping him out of his thoughts, "... Our companion accidentally shot her-" Proditor finally spoke, rotating and gesturing towards Lucine, "Asgore attempted to heal her, but both inevitably decided to use the other's soul in order to do the job. As for where they are... I cannot say. They disappeared in a flash of light shortly after the soul was acquired. That's the rundown" he explained as he lowered himself closer to the ground, now facing directly towards the two monsters, "Am I to presume that you're Dr. Alphys?" he asked, his helmet still facing between the two. Yet despite that, it was still clear that he was asking the yellow dinosaur.
  12. Proditor As soon as Asgore summoned his trident, Proditor floated in between the human and monster, still as a statue in the midst of a fight over Lucine's life, "Enough of this. Both of you will stand down, now" he commanded, allowing only a second for each party to accept or deny before he turned over to the King of Monsters, "Asgore, focus on keeping her alive, and inform me of where this 'Dr. Alphys' is. Depending on how far they are, I may be able to retrieve them and bring them here before Lucine expires. If not, I'll simply take matters into my own hands" Proditor stated, rotating slightly in order to look at Nader, "And Nader, simply stay put. I shall handle you once this situation is under control."
  13. Proditor There was always moments in life where events happened to put Proditor at a loss for words. The confirmation of the goat being Asgore was a pleasant bit of info, not to mention extreme coincidence, but it was nothing he couldn't process. What surprised him was Nader's response, the armored human wasting no time in deducing their target and firing... Right into Lucine, taking the shot meant for Asgore. It happened so quickly that even the thousand year old alien couldn't react, leaving Proditor stunned as everyone in the room began to process what just occurred. In many ways, Proditor felt the urge to do something about this situation. Heal Lucine, lock down Nader, finish off Asgore, something. But he couldn't bring himself to do anything besides stare in silence. His psionics were powerful, yes, but he couldn't simply heal another being with it, nor did he have the expertise to do so, and to try and further the violence now was quite obviously a sour move, even for him. ... The best he could really do now is act as a buffer to ensure things did not escalate further, even if things seemed to already hit a breaking point.
  14. Proditor As soon as Proditor began to peel his way into the entity's mind, a sudden force from within knocked him right out. It was a force that Proditor was fairly familiar with, one that fueled life's ability to progress as well as his own psionics. Namely, willpower. Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance to get much more from the entities, seeing as how they merely vanished as soon as their new arrival put his foot down and told them off, "... Interesting. I did not consider that to be a solution" Proditor admitted, hands falling within his robes once more as he turned to the large goat, using his psionics to lift the key on the ground into the air and to his side, "To answer your questions, we do not know. I have predictions, but nothing concrete just yet" he added, leaving out the fact that the goat would likely have a better chance of knowing more about them than they did... Not only for likely being a resident, but also due to their uniform signifying importance. A small part of him did consider the possibility of this being the "Asgore" whose home they went through, and who was also meant to be the leader of all these Monsters, but Proditor put that feeling on a hold. Appearances could be deceiving.
  15. Proditor Once again, although they were clearly pushed back, Proditor's attack *seemed* to do nothing to the creatures, only managing to disrupt their forms and aim. For a moment, Proditor's attention was taken from the fight, focusing on the arrival of Lucine and a gigantic, bipedal goat, before he refocused. He could clarify what was happening later, and Nader would be a... Good enough spokesperson, despite his paranoia and theories. Right now, Proditor needed all the focus he could muster, seeing as what he was about to do could backfire hard on him. But he needed to understand what these truly wanted, or there was a good chance they would die long before they did. And what better way to understand your enemy, then to look into the mind of your enemy. Proditor attempts to use Psionic Control on Memoryhead, forcing a check against Proditor's Int (now 22) vs Memoryhead's Essence. If Proditor wins, he will have control over Memoryhead for 4 turns, and if he can immediately give a command, he will attempt to use it to get the other two to stop attacking as well. If Proditor fails the check, nothing happens. Loadout
  16. Proditor Though he wasn't expecting his attack to be enough to outright kill the entity, Proditor was still somewhat surprised at the result. His lance tore through his mark, yet by the time it dissipated back into the air, the monster had reformed, seemingly unharmed by his attack. It seemed that these creatures were naturally weak, but made up for that weakness with incredible regenerative capabilities... Likely related to this world's "determination", judging by the location and journals. It was certainty odd, if an emotion could bring about this kind of ability. Regardless, the two vulnerable, and Proditor couldn't take much risk. So for now, he would simply need to incapacitate... If it was even possible. Shortly after firing his lance, Proditor's three other arms emerged from within his robes, lifting into the air as his helmet began opening, psionic energy swelling around his hands. Then, as if crushing something, each one of Proditor's hands closed into a fist, a vortex of purple mist rapidly appearing and, just as quickly, exploding within the center of the creatures. Proditor unleashes his Rift, dealing 3d8+Int damage to each of the entities, as well as forcing a check with their Essence vs his Int*1.5, giving them a 50% chance to miss their attacks if they fail. Proditor's Int is currently 20. Loadout
  17. Proditor At first, Proditor was simply surprised to notice a lone key. It didn't give him any relief thanks to the situation, but he didn't get much time to dwell on it before the note in his mind's grip began to melt and bubble. In an instant, the alien went on autopilot, releasing his hold over the note as he spun back around, taking a second to aim, wasting no additional time before shooting a hardened lance of psionic energy into the middle of the group. Proditor uses Psi Lance on Memoryhead, dealing 3d6+8+(1.6) damage. Loadout
  18. Walmond With Yukari's announcement and portal, Walmond rose to his feet, "I'll make sure to keep your warning in mind. Again, I thank you both for the meal and company" he said with a small tilt of the head. With that, Walmond excused himself from the table and conversation, stepping into the recently created doorway with Lambda right behind him, her careful eye being entirely focused on the staring eyes within.
  19. Spray, Spirit Realm Though Sakuya didn't initially comment towards Spray's unfortunate habit, nor did she flinch, the guardian spirit gladly took the offered handkerchief, wiping down her shoulder as she continued, "Think nothing of it Spray, it's not the worst that I've had to deal with in my time" she stated, handing Spray his handkerchief, "Regardless, I am afraid I am unable to speak with you for long. The darkness that encroaches upon this land, and the longer my attention is diverted, the better it can seep into the lands I protect. But it would be rude to thrust you into this situation without a clue of what to do, so it is my current duty to give you that clue" Sakuya continued before clapping her hands together. "To put it simply, you have been called by a higher power to assist in keeping balance to everything that exists, protecting worlds from creatures that wish nothing but to devour all life. It is that reason that you have been brought here, as one of these creatures have begun to wrap their influence on Nippon in order to resurrect and old enemy of Amaterasu, all so they can plunge this world into darkness. However, they-" Sakuya continued, pausing to herself for a brief moment as her gaze flickered to the side, where there was still nothing but a blank expanse, "My apologies, it seems this has to be more brief than I expected. I shall bring you to your current partners in this task, simply tell them that Amaterasu called you to handle the Trespassers, and they should be able to inform you about the rest" she quickly finished, waving her hand in a circle to summon yet another flurry of sakura petals that swirled around Spray's feet, right before Spray began to be lifted into the air by an unseen force, the petals swirling around him in greater and greater intensity until all he could see was a mixture of white and pink. "I wish you luck, Maxwell Schiff, with your new role." The light of the world vanished into darkness. Sparrow Inn "Well, there's a difference between destroying and taking over, and-" Ako commented idly, about to go into a short rant before she caught herself, "Never mind, I try to rationalize yokai actions far too much. Let's just deal with the new boss and figure out where the old one-" she began with a shake of her head, following Mitsu and Lexiel up the stairs... Only to be interrupted by the sight of a various sakura petals being blown into the building by the now broken entrance, flowing past the group and consolidating into a sphere at the top of the stairs for a few moments. Then, the force controlling the flowers stopped, each petal suddenly being unceremoniously dropped, their soft landing being easily overshadowed by the loud thump of a body slamming against the wood floor. As for Spray, all he saw was blackness before a tiny sliver of light shone through the cracks in his high speed cocoon of petals, right before the air supporting him gave out and dropped him right onto his back in an old yet very well kept Japanese-styled inn, with several figures standing near the bottom of the stairway next to him, staring up at the new arrival.
  20. "We must begin moving out. We'll be overrun by these creatures if we linger much longer" Vlassis moves to L10 and attempts to stab Bowaton D.
  21. Proditor Though not nearly as paranoid as the human beside him, Proditor's years of military experience taught him to be ready at all times. So when he read the note's rather simple message, the alien's response was nearly immediate, his mind's eye once again expanding to take in the entirety of the room around them, and a bony arm shooting out, purple mist swirling in preparation for a Psionic Lance depending on what was behind them.
  22. Proditor Continued experiments, continued failures. It seems as if the project lead made a little bit of progress with their research, seeing as they attempted to create a vessel to house new 'souls'. In fact, the flowers left in this room, along with the entries, hinted that they attempted to create a flower to do so. An odd choice, but considering what was presented, he could see the logic behind it. Outside of his own inner thinking, Proditor simply floated to the end of the room, his psionics lifting up the note that lay on the ground so and turning it over so that both he and Nader could read it, should it readable.
  23. Walmond For a while, Walmond fell silent, eating his food in contemplation, even when Masako stole a dumpling from his plate. It was only when he was finished with his meal that he seemed to come to a decision, cleaning himself up before focusing in on the conversations happening once more, "I have to commend you, Miss Youmu. Though I'm not familiar with most of the food, this meal was one of the best I've had in quite some time" Walmond complimented, ignoring the quick flash of hurt passing through Lambda's expression as he turned to Yuyuko, "and I should thank you as well, Miss Yuyuko. Despite the chaotic situation we have found ourselves in, your company has certainty been pleasant." With his thanks out of the way, Walmond gave a bow to the two hosts, now shifting his gaze to Yukari, "Miss Yukari, though this does not need to be handled immediately, there is something I'd like to ask you later on. More of a small favor than anything, really."
  24. Mira's second Theme Override Though normally stoic and focused, Mira couldn’t help but be surprised at Brave’s reaction towards the fight. Tossing his sword away made Mira initially think that he would attempt to face her head on with his own, but instead he… Reached up and attempted to tear out the tentacles growing from within. He wasn’t just fighting them. He was fighting himself, or rather, the very thing that seemed to bring him life. It confused her, considering it didn’t seem like it brought any consequences. Why would he wish to rid himself of his newfound power in the middle of a fight against his enemies, especially when he had a chance to take them out here and... “I will be used NO MORE!” For the briefest moment, Mira hesitated, her attack seeming to linger in the air longer than it should have. But whatever caused her to hesitate, she quickly clamped down on it, pushing forward to send her punch straight through Brave’s torso, a wave of dark Magra flowing from behind her, kicking up dust that enveloped both warriors. However, despite having the clear opportunity to strike, Mira initially waited for the smoke to die down, still as a statue despite Brave actively struggling against his own corruption. The orb in her hand had yet to break, and she could shatter it with nothing more than a bit of pressure, but she remained silent. It was only when he stopped to give his final words that the Dark One reacted, two red orbs flickered to life from within Mira’s helmet, offering naught but a face for the resurrected warrior to look at, along with a barely noticeable tilt of her head. A gesture of recognition, or at least the best she could give. “Shattered Moon…” Brave wished for a complete death, one that would ensure that he would never return. Though she had already planned on using it, Mira found it pleasing that she would be able to grant that one wish with her initial attack. It was exhausting, but… She needed a bit to stretch, for once. “ECLIPSE!” With that final word, Mira’s fist shattered the orb, a sound of breaking glass resonating throughout the ruined battlefield. Instantly, the air of the area changed, suddenly being pulled towards Brave and Mira. This change only occurred for a mere moment, before being violently blown back as an explosion of pure darkness erupted from within Brave, quickly enveloping Mira as well before expanding outwards. Aside from the few waves of Magra that burst from the explosion (serving only to continue pushing things away with their force), the only other noticeable thing about the explosion was its size, reaching to about 15 meters in size before suddenly dissipating into the air. The result of the explosion was rather obvious, leaving behind a blackened, smoldering crater; and Mira, still standing in the same position as she was when she had shattered the orb. At least, for a few moments, before she suddenly fell to her knees, barely managing to plant her sword into the ground and support herself on it, her other arm hanging limply to her side. That attack was still never easy to recover from, but she could at least use it without nearly passing out. She was still fully aware, enough to note that Brave was successfully disposed of, her Shattered Moon obliterating whatever remained of him. She was also aware enough to recall those words of his. They were both tools of war, even if their purposes differed. Yet where she embraced her role, Brave had rebelled, choosing to fight by his own choices than by what commanded him to. … Did he have a choice to become a weapon? Did she ever have a choice? … She didn’t know, aside from that this was all she knew how to do.
  25. Alunda to J10, revive Mercia. "Argos, cover her. I'll deal with the skeleton." Vlassis goes J12 and attempts to murder the Bowaton B Argos invokes mayhem by moving to H11 and smacking Demon A.
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