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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Vulture Inn Up until her name was spoken, Ako was currently blanking, trying to make sense on how and why the merchant was here, blinking rapidly when she heard her name and shaking her head, “No, I don’t think they’re a demon. Or if they are, they are remarkable at hiding their nature” “Thank you, Miss Ako. I don’t exactly have a way to prove that I am a demon, besides my word. But, I suppose for now I’ll return to my room and gather up my wares, if this place is as dangerous as you say. If you have any time before I leave, I’d be happy to let you browse them” Tanabe spoke, ending with a tip of hit hat and a puff of his pipe as he began to turn away and walk back to his room, until he stopped, seeming to remember something. “Oh, and additionally, if you’re clearing out demons and the like, I’d be wary of the Inn Keeper. I’m well versed in people, and I can confirm that she’s an absolutely dreadful person. Receptive enough for business, but has a terribly high ego and awful ability to name things” the merchant added with a shake of his head, “‘Vulture Inn’. Absolutely dreadful name to give to such a fine establishment” he scoffed, passing out of sight of all but Mitsu, who merely saw him walk into an open room and close the sliding door behind him, completely unphased by the potential threats presented to him. Ako merely watched him go, moving to rub her eyes in both exasperation and annoyance once he was out of sight, “I will never understand that man” Ako muttered, to herself, “Still, not surprised that someone took over and renamed the place. Why is beyond me, aside from... Maybe spite?” she added with a shrug, turning her gaze towards the elevator that had remained untouched by the brawl. Spray, Unknown Through years of experience, it was rather obvious to Spray that whatever was happening to him wasn’t a dream. Yes, he had gone to bed to prepare for tomorrow, but shortly during his nap a light had enveloped him for only a few seconds, before leaving him in what felt, sounded, and looked like an endless void for what felt like a minute. Then the curtain of nothing was pulled back, revealing a large plain with clouds rolling across the ground, mountains seemingly painted on the horizon, and an impossibly large Sakura Tree, lifting all the way into the sky and various roots bursting from its base and spreading across the land. It was on one of the smaller roots that Spray realized he wasn’t alone. For sitting there was a young, black haired woman of obvious japanese heritage, wearing… Nothing but a green leaf bikini and pink skirt, hands folded on her lap as she took notice of her new guest. “Welcome, Traveler, to Nippon. It is a pleasure to meet one of your kind at last” the woman called out, standing from the tree root she sat on and somehow floating towards Spray, “I am Sakuya, Guardian Spirit of Kamiki, and helper of Amaterasu, Origin of all that is Good and Mother to us all. Unfortunately, she is currently preoccupied with an old adversary, so I’ve been asked to greet you instead” she explained with a short bow, her ethereal and calm voice adding to the soothing space Spray found himself in. Even if was still all too sudden.
  2. Proditor Though the area had been dark and foreboding, it was only now that Proditor felt the room's tension as he read through the new entries, taking special notice of the bowl covered in white slime. Injecting everything with a direct emotion, choosing to simply do that when one did not know what they were even doing. Foolish. But the entries stated that those that had "fallen" had gotten back up, yet the lab was seemingly abandoned. Clearly, something had gone wrong after the subjects were revived, something to leave this lab in its current state. Stopping in the middle of the room, Proditor scans the surrounding area for any lifeforms, as he had done earlier in the lab far above them.
  3. Vlassis had nothing to comment on the Demon's taunts, instead taking a few steps back to get into the rest of the group's lines once more, placing a hand on his shoulder plate in order to readjust it. He was still rusty, but he could at least feel himself getting back into the flow of combat. But it would do no good if he was slain right here, and with several of his companions down, it was better to go on the defensive to protect them. Vlassis moves to I12 and guards the Squid Man
  4. Proditor It was quickly made apparent that the door was far more complex than a simple lock, his psionics failing to make any suitable progress with it. In fact, the only sign the alien got that he was doing anything of note was a power flux in the system, overloading a vending machine nearby and causing it to dispense a bag of snacks. A small sound of clanking armor caused Proditor to retract his spirit, his head turning slightly to glance at Nader as the man shrugged, offering his thoughts and then moving down the right hallway. He was still on the notion that this was all related to godhood, and while Proditor was certain that it was something else, the old alien didn't speak a word, instead choosing to simply follow Nader down the right hallway.
  5. Harmony With naught more than an eye roll and stepping back, Harmony allowed the group to continue with their forceful entry, barely batting an eye when their bomb arrived, completely obliterating the gate that blocked their passage with a "Hm... So these are the creatures of this world" she murmered to herself as the various apes roared and hooted their way into the clearing, taking a few more steps back in order to seat herself on one of the untouched barrels scattered around the camp. Animalistic as they were, these creatures were somewhat interesting, showcasing a limited intelligence with their trophy necklaces. She considered the others more interesting, but she supposed she could see how they responded to threats. Harmony uses Art Shift on the Bullymong Brute, reducing it's Strength stat effectiveness by 25%, and using her free action to Observe it to prevent Art Shift's timer from counting down for this turn. Loadout
  6. Proditor "Very well" Proditor replied, watching Nader move on, a tad disappointed but unsurprised by the man's response. He let it go for now, floating after Nader as they delved further into the underground lab. At least until they hit a locked door and new pathways. Doubtful as he was, Proditor attempted to use his psionics to open the door himself, expanding his mind into it to fiddle with its locking mechanism.
  7. Proditor "Perhaps the solution to all this is simpler than dietyhood" Proditor commented, staring at the entry panels as he himself thought about the puzzle presented to them, "The barrier they're referring to may be metaphysical. But I believe we've already encountered this barrier. Earlier, before we entered this mountain, something prevented me from retrieving any data from my psionics when I sent it in, something that trapped it inside. Both at the pit, and then the door" he added, recalling his experience from those times, as well as the short tale that they were told going through that empty house. Specifically, the tale of Asriel on the human child. That held the key. "... I was unable to catch most of the story, but I recall that one of the monsters, Asriel, used a human SOUL to pass through the barrier. It can be traveled through with one, but their goal is to free them all... Dietyhood might be their goal, but I believe that plan is to gather enough SOUL energy in order to overload this barrier, breaking it and allowing everything inside to leave. Even if it isn't, there may be more information hidden down here" Proditor explained, turning away from the panel and to the hallway, and then back to Nader, taking special notice of how Nader said that something was 'talking to him', "Nader. Whatever it is that's trying to speak through you... Would you allow me to attempt to contact them myself?"
  8. After several minutes of figuring out how to get herself active again, helped by Rein's stew, Máni let out a stretch and a yawn, finally formulating her thoughts and going over what had been said so far, "Sorry for not speaking up earlier, I guess waking up was never one of my strong points. It's a pleasure to meet all of you, my name is Máni. I think. Pretty sure that's what it is, at least." the woman greeted, giving a short wave to the various occupants of the room, "I'm not too on board with joining up with a cause that I know nothing about, especially when I don't know anything about myself in general. But if this is all similar to a 'dream', then there's no real reason to say no. Might miss out on some fun."
  9. Mira Mira barely reacted to the heat of Brave's sword, her armor and Magra taking the brunt of the seemingly half-hearted attempt to keep her back. What she did react to was the bombing that occurred shortly afterward, violently erupting the ground beneath her very feat before she could avoid it. Yet through the dust and smoke, Mira continued, wisps of Magra holding her armor together even as she brought Black Heart into Brave's armor, tearing off a multitude of plates to reveal the inner mechanisms of the being. This was the only opening she needed. Focusing entirely on the revealed circuitry, Mira took one step forward, her foot grounding itself deep into the ground as Magra began to erupt from her being, far more than what the warrior normally demonstrated. However, the newly generated Magra was swiftly pulled back towards Mira, traveling through her armor and into the palm of her free hand, taking the form of a small, condensed black orb. And with one word, Mira closed her fist around the orb, using her momentum to throw a punch into Brave's opening, "DIE." Mira uses Shattered Moon: Eclipse on Brave, dealing an undodgeable (4[6d8]+13)x1.1 damage to him in exchange for all her current Magra. Her Magra passives are now irrelevant, due to the fact that she cannot gain anymore. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0). Greed: 2 charges Black Heart bonus (Craft) Level 5: Aura of Greed: Once per round when Mira lands a weapon attack Black Heart gains one charge. Mira gains +1 Syn and -1 global DR for every two charges Black Heart possesses. Black Heart looses all charges at the end of each encounter. Currently at 2 charges.
  10. Walmond "I see. Thank you" Walmond replied, both to Youmu and Yukari as he took a sip of the newly made tea. He figured that Yukari, being as carefree and mysterious as she liked to act, wouldn't give anymore details than that, but at least they knew that she knew the person that left them. For now, his attention was turned back to Reimu, finally seeming to get her head straight once again thanks to the tea provided by Youmu, "My name of Walmond Reigard, simple scientist and inventor. My companion here is Lambda, an automaton I created to assist me in field research" he greeted, gesturing a free hand to the robotic maid behind him, who simply gave Reimu a polite bow as her own greeting.
  11. Tanabe "Simple, I was resting here before moving on to Kamiki Village. I did notice an odd change in service when I arrived. Mostly the food and tone, but I could hardly sleep in the wilderness with my inventory out in the open for any would be thieves" Tanabe replied with a small shrug, "Believe me, they're more of a problem than you would be lead to think."
  12. Vulture Inn "Yes, it would seem so" Ako replied, slips of paper vanishing into her sleeves as she took in the state of the inn, "Odd that there were so little demons here. I figured that our entrance would alert the entire place to an attack" she added, resting a hand on her chin as she took a moment to think, "Hm... Considering the dark air, the Demon's leader is still around. If I were to give a guess, they might either be above us where the Boss lived, or in the Sanctuary past the hot-" she continued, turning to a hallway off to the side of the room that seemed to lead outside, only to be interrupted when a new voice snapped her out of her thoughts. ??? "Ah, Miss Ako, what a surprise to see you so far from the Shrine. I see you're also with this fine group. A pleasure to see you all again" a voice called out, a cheerful energy cutting through the tense air like a hot knife. Upon looking for the source, it would be easy to find a familiar face resting a hand on the second floor's railing, taking a short puff of their pipe, "I heard some commotion while I was trying to eat, and figured I would see what it was about. I hardly expected to see you folk here" Tanabe added after the quick smoke, giving a smile to the various members of the group, all while ignoring the dissipating parts of the now slain demons.
  13. Proditor In contrast to Nader's reaction, Proditor barely flinched when the elevator began rapidly descending, the only sign that he reacted being the slight opening of his helmet. At first, the alien attempted to at least slow the elevator down with his psionics, mostly to ensure the inevitable crash wouldn't be as hard on the both of them. When it was clear that he was unable to slow the descent in any meaningful way however, he instead changed his approach... Swiftly phasing out of existence as he harmlessly latched onto Nader's mind, only to reform shortly after the elevator finally made its stop. Once more, Proditor remained calm despite the situation, noting the fact that Nader had turned his gun on him for a brief moment before moving it on, but choosing to ignore it. Seeing as how they were now cut off and in a potentially hostile area, that seemed to be the better idea than bringing attention to it. Regardless, Proditor left the elevator shortly after Nader, expanding his senses in order to get a better understanding of the area around them. He knew that there were lifeforms down here, but sensing something miles away was different from sensing things nearby.
  14. The wounds taken from the Fiend, Demon, and Skeleton were painful, yes. His armor was old, and not as durable as it was in his youth, making the various attacks tear through and sink into his flesh. But the real pain came from his realization that Alunda had moved to support him, only to be left open and attacked. He was thankful that Korrina finished the Fiend off, seeing as it allowed Vlassis to move back to protect, but his failure still stung. This was why he had never found a place in life. "My apologies Alunda. I forgot that I had a duty to protect." Vlassic commented as he positioned himself in front of the healer, tearing out the arrow that had lodged itself into his shoulder, before pulling out the small flask of medicine he had taken from the supplies given to them and taking a quick swig of it. Vlassis moves to J10 and takes a sip of his Vulnerary.
  15. Walmond As soon as Walmond finished her sealing of the mask, Isobel had approached with her own, causing the scientist to turn to her with a momentarily confused expression, "Hm? Oh yes, that. I was wondering when you'd remember to give it to me" she commented as she took the artifact from the botanist and swiftly sealed its power. She was thankful that she did, considering Yukari finally remade her appearance, congratulating them for their work, retrieving her servant, and restoring them all to their original genders through a simple flip of several coins, which Walmond pocketed without much thought along with the sealed artifact. "Yukari, a question if you will. Seeing as you know that there are only four artifacts, do you also happen to know how they were spread about, or who placed them?" Walmond asked shortly after the group was settled down at Yuyuko's table, sparing a quick glance at the seemingly out of touch Miko before moving on to their query.
  16. Mira continues hacking away at Brave, dealing another 6d8+11 damage and getting yet another stack of Greed. She currently has 7 Magra, and will gain an extra bit in two turns. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0). Greed: 1 charge Black Heart bonus (Craft) Level 5: Aura of Greed: Once per round when Mira lands a weapon attack Black Heart gains one charge. Mira gains +1 Syn and -1 global DR for every two charges Black Heart possesses. Black Heart looses all charges at the end of each encounter. Currently at 2 charges. Loadout
  17. Freya "It's fine, it's fine" Freya replies with a dismissive wave of her hand, standing up as Danielle took in the surroundings, "This kind of stuff happens, honestly. Was a pretty good illusion spell too, if I'm being honest, considering that it just made me see-" BOOM Whatever Freya was going to say never left the young Necromancer's mouth as a clean hole suddenly burst through her chest, causing her to stumble forward and fall to her knee, just barely leaning on her staff to keep herself from completely falling over. If it was anyone else, the sudden pain of having a giant hole in the center of their chest would've caused them to pass out instantly. For Freya, it left her disoriented, her nerves numbing themselves to spare the rest of the body the agony. Slowly, almost hesitantly, Freya lifted a hand from her staff to her chest taking note of the blood that was now running down her ruined dress and not much more. "Damn... This was my favorite... Dress..." Freya thought to herself, forcing her magic into overdrive as black tendrils began to creep out and mend the irreparable damage. It would be close, but she was reasonably certain that she could at least fix her body before she died. The outfit was a lost cause now, but hopefully she could get something from this place to- BOOM Once again, Freya's thoughts were completely cut off as another round tore through her heart, finishing the job and leaving the young girl to fall face first into the floor. Shortly after Freya's corpse hit the ground, the white bit of fabric around her shoulder glowed for a split second, only to swiftly dissipate into black dust. And, as if finally unlocking, the black tendrils that passively repaired Freya's body went into overdrive, swiftly rising up and filling in the two holes in her torso, only to freeze shortly after. Once a few seconds had passed though, the magic faded away, revealing perfect and unharmed skin as the Necromancer stirred back to life, climbing up her staff as she began coughing up the blood that had gotten caught in her throat. "I'm fine, I'm-" cough "Not fine" she called out, snapping her fingers to cause a portal to appear in front of the unharmed Bone Bats, teleporting them away to make way for her next summon. With yet another snap, another portal opened up, a single Skag Spitter jumping out of the void and immediately making a beeline for the Plague Marine, barking loudly to gain its attention with acidic spit and animalistic anger. Freya dismisses the Bone Bats, using her PLZW to summon Henry the Skag Spitter, who immediately uses Bark to taunt the Plague Marine Deadite. Her horde continues to brawl with the New Deadites, attacking them 23 times for 1d2+2 damage. Dyno instead goes for the old Deadites, clawing them for 3d6+14 damage. Loadout Dyno Henry
  18. Though slammed by both a fireball and axe to his shoulder, Vlassis only gave a single step of ground, using his momentum to just narrowly avoid another fireball from hitting him. He was never that good against magic, often preferring to force his way through. Normally it worked, when he wasn't also being blocked by other opponents. ... Problematic, needless to say, but the Wandering Daemon had dealt with worse. "Tch.. Very well. I was planning to prove myself to Lord Argos in the first place" Vlassis muttered, rolling his wounded shoulder and adjusting his grip on his spear. The philosophy that these demons and his companions were discussing could wait until later, if it ever came up again. Now was the time for focus on the fight in front of them. After being healed, move to J9 and stab Fiend B from behind.
  19. Walmond In response to Reimu's spell beginning to reach its conclusion, Walmond barely flinched, keeping her hand in the air, electricity crackling around her fingertips as she welled up her own magic. She wasn't the best spell caster, far from it, but if there was one skill she picked up in a life of science, it was the ability to notice patterns, and in this world, it appeared as if people fought with patterned attacks as if it were a tradition. Perhaps she wasn't creative enough to go with the flow of combat, but she could follow along nonetheless. Reimu's spell was long, large, and very worrying yes, but it was rather obvious. So, going with her hunch, the spell would strike about... "NOW" Walmond suddenly yells out, clenching her raised hand before diving to her knee, slamming the same hand onto the ground whilst the array of danmaku bore down upon her. Yet the scientist didn't worry in the slighest, mostly thanks to the fact that Lambda, ever loyal, stood in front of her crouching form, hostile magic burning into her armor as she did her duty. Walmond herself didn't pay attention to Youmu, more so relying on her to make her way through the danmaku on her own. Instead she pumped her own magic into the ground, soothing green light flowing from her hands as it flowed through the arena, a light against the Miko's cursed magic. Of course, that was the only noticeable thing that came from her as she stood back up, brushing her cloak off and inspecting Lambda's damage, just before Masako's counter attack sent Reimu flying into the ground. Lambda had received significant damage, but nothing to entirely worry about. She'd have to take some time to manually repair some of the armor, and inspect the core to ensure the sapling's influence, nor Reimu's, had corrupted it. For now, Walmond simply approached the Tengu and the fallen Miko, glancing around for a moment before taking notice of the mask, bending over to pick it up, beginning the ritual of sealing in the same movement and breath. The final step of the battle, a confirmation that it was over.
  20. "Youmu, on my mark" Walmond calls out shortly after Reimu vanishes from sight, holding up her hand as Lambda floated back to her master, shields expanding from her gauntlets as the duo waited for the Shrine Maiden's arrival. Walmond commands Youmu to delay her attack until Reimu reappears, and if she can still act, slaps down another Healing Field, healing Lambda, Isobel, IP, UB-65, and Hikara by 2d4+9 (+5 from her cloak), although Lambda is only healed by half. Lambda takes a basic defensive action to give herself 50% damage reduction. Walmond Loadout Lambda loadout
  21. Next to the wall, one woman began to stir from her sleep, blearily opening their eyes while their brain was getting into gear. It was almost serene, at least before she practically slapped her own head, a splitting headache suddenly coming to life and interrupting her peaceful awakening, "Piece of fucking- Ow, ow ow, why does it have to be now?" the girl muttered to herself, rubbing her temple while her head tried to fix itself and report the current situation. She felt... Empty, most of all. Like she was missing something, but within the haze of sleepiness and her splitting headache, she couldn't figure out much. Her name was... Máni? Right, Máni. After that her mind drew a blank, unsure of who she was after her name and other miscellaneous things. But it was clear to her that something was wrong, Past that, nothing. She didn't know where she was, nor did she know who any of these people were. She might've known them, considering she didn't feel all that threatened by any of them, but she didn't remember them. Of course, it didn't help that soon after she woke up, one of the other occupants of the room began screaming something about dark magics, serving to worsen the headache that had just began to clear up. Otherwise she didn't speak, merely shifting her unfocused eyes between the occupants of the room as she tried to make sense of what was going on. Not that it was helping at all.
  22. Vulture Inn battle theme Managing to stunt his way up the stairs of the inn, Mot circles around to Mitsu, gun trained on any of the demons that planned to strike back against what the goddess was about to do next. Halfway through Mitsu’s speech, the Ubume took a step forward, wordlessly giving its opinion about the Goddess of Disaster as it brought its blade above its head and slashed down at her, dealing 38 damage and leaving a bloody gash in her robes. Of course, immediately after that, a gunshot rang out as Mot finally finished his stunts, putting a bullet directly through the demon’s heart with 46 damage. However, despite having a hole where its vital organ should’ve been, the demon remained standing, calmly sheathing its sword in preparation for its next attack. Granting the Black Imp just enough time to process what was going on, Spicy rushed back into the fray, slashing the black demon apart in a flurry of 14 blows, slaying the demon where it stood without much difficulty. Upon its death, the remaining chattering skulls immediately freeze, lifelessly dropping to the ground with several resounding shatters. Without the Black Imp for her to worry about, Ako turns her attention to the various Red Imps, divine instruments lashing out once again at one of their heads. However, just before it connected and severed the demon’s head from its body, the Imp pulled out its guitar, the demonic instrument managing to take the strike with only a significant gash to show. One that was already beginning to patch itself up. At the same time, another burst of wind and sakura petals flows around Mitsu, restoring her body for 15 HP. Although clearly outnumbered and overpowered,, the Red Imps didn’t flee like those of their kind usually did. Instead, they opted to at least make a last stand, spreading out and swinging their guitars at Ako, Enma, and Kino, dealing 14, 10, and 13 damage to each. With most of the noticeable problems being dealt with, Lexiel casually enhances Mitsu’s bloodlust by giving her Battle Rage, confident that it wouldn’t lead to more problems than they already have. Thunder rumbles in the distance as Mitsu makes her declaration to the demons, divine lightning arcing from her being, dealing 32 damage to every demon in the room as it coursed into their beings and tore them asunder, vaporizing the Red Imp’s guitars and the Ubume itself, barely holding on after being shot by Mot. For a brief moment, the Green Imp seemed to have been spared of the Goddess’ wrath… Only for her blade to sever its head from its shoulders with 71 damage, easily slaying the beasts where it stood as it turned into naught but sakura petals. Normally this gesture would’ve been enough for the Goddess, but something urged her to continue, urged her to go forth and slay every single being present in the name of the Temur… No… Not just that, but something else... Whatever the source was asking her to fight for, Mitsu’s body moved on its own, becoming a blur as she suddenly appeared next to one of the Red Imps that was still recovering from her display of power. Her movement had barely messed with her sword’s arc, allowing it to cleanly cut through the lowly demon in the same stroke that had taken out the first. Enma and Kino begin their tag team combination, the spirit leading the way and striking the demon for 13 damage, marking the demon just as Kino made their move, adding another 20 damage and healing the duo for 4 HP each as the Imp just barely held its ground. The Green Imp is too dead to try and get help. Turn Order Status
  23. Mira Finally. It seemed Iowa's little stunt had brought the main event right to them. Which to Mira, was good, seeing as they no longer had to fight through a horde of worthless machines just to get to who they were meant to deal with. She barely paid any attention to the few drones that had opted to try and swarm her and break through her armor, only bothering to grab hold of one of the drone's fronts, metal bending ever so slightly in her grip before she slammed it into the ground, along with her stomping on the machine for good measure as she began her march towards Brave. Judging by his looks, he was no slouch in combat. Large and heavily armored... And bearing the same corruptible state that was present on the now deceased Judge. But to Mira, it didn't entirely matter. She could tell that they weren't as overwhelmingly powerful as Judge, and seeing as they obviously weren't the group's leader, she couldn't even consider him a hidden threat. His robotic backup was inconsequential, seeing as she'd simply do what she had always done. Break through with her brute force. Mira charges CFW Brave and attacks with Black Heart, dealing 6d8+11 damage and gaining another stack of greed. She currently has 5 Magra, and will gain extra Magra in one turn. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0). Greed: 1 charge Black Heart bonus (Craft) Level 5: Aura of Greed: Once per round when Mira lands a weapon attack Black Heart gains one charge. Mira gains +1 Syn and -1 global DR for every two charges Black Heart possesses. Black Heart looses all charges at the end of each encounter.
  24. "I'm honored that you would listen to my advice. Anyways, let's focus on the matter at hand. Otherwise I doubt we'll make it out of this afterlife." Vlassis moves to J10 and attempts to smash Skel Sword B
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