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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Though Vlassis didn't speak another word at Argos and Alunda's momentary embarrassment, he did smile ever so slightly, gladly accepting the offer of freedom and retrieving his lance from the supplies. Not his, specifically, but one that he could use well. Regardless, he simply went with the flow of what the world put in his way. Of course, the first obstacle in his path came rather quickly as the group began to move through the building, only to be stopped by a group of guards and, most surprisingly, the Minotaur, Asterios. Vlassis was a wanderer, but even he knew of that beast's reputation. The monster of the Labyrinth who killed all who stepped foot in its domain, a creature of un-equaled strength and had known no defeat. Aside from the revelation that this beast was Argos' tutor, and how it had apparently died in the time Vlassis had been stuck in the Underworld, the warrior within him began to twitch with excitement. He had been rusting away for years, and his first test of strength was against a beast of legends! Unfortunately for Vlassis, the excitement of fighting Asterios had to wait as his attention was pulled towards both Argos and one of the young women he had recruited, Mercia he believed her name was. It was a good thing his parents had hammered in some education into him before he left, seeing as he had to now step in to make sure their plans didn't get ended before they even began, due to them debating on destroying a crystal the second they laid eyes on it. "Volatile stands for something that changes rapidly and without much rhyme or reason. Oftentimes for the worse, rather than the better" "If you do want to smash it, then I have no complaints. But I believe it would be safer for us to do it before we leave, rather than as soon as possible. There's no telling what would happen when it breaks apart."
  2. "Agh... My head... Is this what heaven is supposed to feel like? 'Cause I'm not really... Wait, who are you people?"
  3. Walmond begins her Healing Spam once more, healing IB, Empi, UB-65, Masako, and Hikari for 2d4+9 (+5 from her cloak). Lambda, meanwhile, gives up her turn distracts Reimu for a bit in order to give Youmu a clearer opening on the Shrine Maiden. Walmond Loadout Lambda Loadout
  4. "It's not as if I picked the name myself. Though I believe it was based on my fighting style, rather than character" was all Vlassis had to say in response to Argos' comment, pushing himself up from the ground just as his 'assistant', a maiden with holy garbs and bat wings, came in and began laying into the boy. Definitely not his idea of 'saviors', but he couldn't complain either way, since he was dead. "Thanatos as well? That's... Surprising. I don't suppose you two brought keys with you? Something to get these shackles off and let us look presentable."
  5. In the heat of battle, Mira barely registered one of her allies go down. It was odd, considering the size and power of those they had fought before and what they were fighting now, but she didn't pay much mind to it. It didn't matter to her after all, and all that mattered was the robots ahead. So, she held her sword in front of her, dark energy swirling around her being once more as she prepared for the next attack against her. Mira uses Lunar Stance again, canceling the first attack made against her this turn (with priority), and dealing 6d8+3d6+11 damage to the attacker. She currently has four Magra, and will gain extra Magra in two turns. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0). Greed: 1 charge Black Heart bonus (Craft) Level 5: Aura of Greed: Once per round when Mira lands a weapon attack Black Heart gains one charge. Mira gains +1 Syn and -1 global DR for every two charges Black Heart possesses. Black Heart looses all charges at the end of each encounter.
  6. For Vlassis, the boy's entrance was met with a fairly neutral stare from the man, processing his entrance before letting out a small laugh, shaking his head in response to the absurdity of it all. His life, and death, had no meaning to him, so he had always been willing to take up the boy's offer if they crossed paths again. As long as he had a purpose, he would've been satisfied. But the confidence and energy the kid had shown in the first few seconds of his introduction, revealing practically everything the Wandering Daemon needed to know about his "savior". "So... You really were serious about your offer. Hard to say I wasn't surprised, though I never expected a demi-god to recruit damned souls." "I cannot say that I know anything about peace, but justice is something I'm well aware of. Although going against workings of the underworld is a fool's battle, if you are truly as confident as you present yourself..." "Then consider my steel yours, Argos Von Bodin."
  7. Through all his years of being worked down to his soul, Vlassis had never been in this situation. He had resigned himself to being a tool for the Underworld's projects, fit only to build and suffer as they demanded. A brief moment like this, with clear air and without the looming threat of 'punishment' for relaxing for too long was something the old warrior had almost forgot could exist. It changed nothing of his situation, chained and humbled as he was, but it was a respite that he could enjoy. If only the same could be said for the others with him, various faces from different walks of life and time. And what seemed to be a sea spirit larger than he was, something that was somewhat rare when Vlassis was alive. For as long as he had been in this realm, the past few days have clearly been... Odd, from this situation to the boy who had singled him out with that particular question of his. "Considering our situation, is it much of a surprise?" Vlassis spoke up, glancing up at the sea spirit before turning his gaze towards both the boy and girl who had spoken up earlier, "The lady has a point though. If this is a preparation for some new torment or just a simple respite from the constant work, it would be good to make the most of it. You might never get the chance again."
  8. Walmond Once more, Walmond found herself yawning despite the current situation, rubbing her eyes as the various danmaku Reimu shot at her was intercepted by Lambda. What she wouldn't give for a bit of a break, giving herself time to sleep. The ground seemed comfortable enough, and Lambda could deal with... ... Wait, right, she couldn't sleep right now, not with the saplings. Raising her hand, Walmond pondered if she could actually disrupt the sapling's effects with just a small blast of her magic. It wouldn't take but, already the electricity was forming around her hand as she took aim, and it might even let her focus. Yeah, focus, she needed to focus. Deal with the saplings and artifact influencing Reimu, then rest. For now, focus. "... Yuyuko, could you deal with one of those beasts? They're too loud" Walmond asked, dropping the arm that had been crackilng with electricity while rubbing her eyes. She'd focus better if those things would stop making so much noise. Walmond gives up her turn to let Yuyuko mark Shadow Beast A for death. Lambda instead uses Electrical Charge, boosting her next attack by 1d4+4 damage. Walmond Loadout Lambda Loadout
  9. Vulture Inn/Battle Theme Michael Mot crashes through the Inn’s walls utop a motorcycle, causing a bit more property damage on top of Ako’s sanity as he puts a bullet into the Black Imp for 55 damage. Shaking off the fact that the demons seemed to worship her, Mitsurugi flash steps from outside the Inn straight to the Ubume. In a split second, the Ubume flips around its umbrella, opening it up just as Mitsu swung her swords… And cut right through it, slashing into the creature for 99 damage as it let out a surprised squawk, halves of its umbrella floating to the ground pathetically. However, shortly after it was slashed apart, the Ubume took a step back and flipped its umbrella (now simply a rod) around and grabbed its end. Then, in a flash of steel, the Yokai drew its sword from the umbrella sheathe and struck, slashing into the goddess for a smaller counter of 25 damage. Spicy HG rushes into the scene, closing in on the new Imp variant and slashing into it 16 times for a total of 80 damage. Shortly afterwards, the chattering skulls all opened their mouths, aiming at random members of the Yokai slaying team and firing small beams of energy at them. Kino is hit twice for 17 damage in total; Ako is hit for 10 damage; Mot is hit for 11 damage, and Spicy is shot directly for 14 damage. In addition to this, the Black Imp bares its claws, slashing up at Spicy for 22 more damage. The various beads surrounding Ako’s neck suddenly enlarge, hovering above her body for a split second before lashing out at one of the laughing skulls, smashing it to dust with 30 damage. At the same time, petals and calming wind flows around Spicy HG, healing the goddess for 15 HP. The Red Imps suddenly jump into action, letting out screeches as two rush towards Lexiel and attempt to slam their guitars on her head, dealing 12 damage twice, while the other runs over to help the Black Imp by using its guitar as a bat on the back of Spicy’s head, dealing 12 damage like its brethren. Lexiel prepares for further head smacking by summoning a new Soul Warden, ready to do its duty and protect its master from evil. This time without a 50 foot skeleton in the way. It also releases a wave of healing energy that restores five HP to every Non-Yokai in the immediate area. Kino merely summons her own Yokai to do battle, harming themselves in the process as Enma goes in to poke the Black Imp, marking it and dealing 12 damage. As its friends began fighting the intruders, the Green Imp continues to run, climbing up the stairs in record time as it rushed towards an elevator just a few footsteps in front of said stairs. Turn Order Status
  10. Walmond uses Healing Field on himself, Lambda, Hikari, Rory, and IP, healing them all for 2d4+14 HP. Lambda, on the other hand, uses Emergency Repair to heal herself for another 3d6+4 HP. Lambda's Metallic Core perk causes her to only take half healing from magic sources, but full healing from repairs. Walmond Loadout Lambda Loadout
  11. "I never thought I'd be fighting alongside comrades again. But Fate is a mistress of many surprises."
  12. Mira As soon as she saw one of the A2-i robots charging her, Mira skidded to a halt, holding her arm out in front of her in order to stop the spiked belts from tearing into her torso armor. As it stood, the spinning spikes merely screeched as they spun into the armor on Mira's hand, before the spikes, and robot, came to a stop. Unfortunately, it didn't stop for long as Mira's sword slammed into the top of the robot, smashing it into the ground with a significant gash in its hull, even though it had a shield to block a portion of the strike. Before taking it upon herself to finish the robot, Mira instinctively glanced to the side, taking in the fact that one of the robots were already aiming a spike in her direction. It was refreshing for something to be clearly trying to take her out, but unfortunately for it, it was predictable. Immediately, Mira lifted her sword, holding it parallel to her head as she prepared for the machine's attack, dark shadows swirling around her arms and into her sword. Mira uses Lunar Stance for two Magra, canceling the first attack made against her this turn (with priority), and dealing 6d8+3d6+11 damage to the attacker. She currently has four Magra, and will gain extra Magra in one turn. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0). Greed: 1 charge Black Heart bonus (Craft) Level 5: Aura of Greed: Once per round when Mira lands a weapon attack Black Heart gains one charge. Mira gains +1 Syn and -1 global DR for every two charges Black Heart possesses. Black Heart looses all charges at the end of each encounter.
  13. Walmond "I see... Lambda, prepare to intercept Reimu. Youmu, would you please thin out those shadows?" Walmond asked and commanded, earning herself a short nod from her automaton as Lambda's shields began to extend from her gauntlets. She also chose to take a short step back, even if she was likely the least of Reimu's priority. Walmond gives up her turn so Youmu can attack Shadow Beast B. Lambda activates Defensive Modifications, giving herself 35% Damage Reduction for two turns. In addition, the first attack on Walmond this turn will automatically be redirected to Lambda. Walmond loadout Lambda loadout
  14. Walmond As soon as Lambda pried open the box, Walmond's magic came to life around her fingertips, prepared to reenact the same sealing ritual she'd done twice so far. At least until Isobel came in, took the artifact into her bag, and walked off, leaving the scientist and her servant a bit... Perplexed, "Uh... Isobel?" Walmond began, only to be stopped when Yuyuko began to lead them to the hill, causing the scientist to sigh to herself, beginning to jog after the group. She didn't have time to do the proper seal anymore thanks to how quick they were moving, so now that was two things she had to address once she found the time. For the stairs, Lambda once again took a bit of initiative, scooping up the small scientist in her arms and floating alongside the group, leaving Walmond to focus on what Yuyuko was saying, "Hm... I, personally, wasn't aware of anything happening in the Netherworld until recently. Given the circumstances however, I wouldn't be surprised if it was related to all these artifacts, especially if it's 'new'" Walmond replied, resting a hand on her chin as she gave some thought. It wasn't much thought yet, especially when Lambda put Walmond back down a dozen steps before the top, but Walmond merely continued to think, absentmindedly walking with the group up and into the old house. Until they stepped into the courtyard, a metallic, clawed hand suddenly stopping Walmond from walking further and snapping her out of her thoughts. Lambda, as per usual, was on edge. But this time she had an actual reason to be... Because of the shrine maiden that stood in the midst of it, staring silently at the group, bearing yet another artifact, this time on her face. Not only that, but there was some rather eye catching saplings growing near her, naturally drawing Walmond's gaze in. She didn't know why, but just looking at them gave her calmer than she had ever felt in her life, not to mention sleepy. She really hadn't had a good time to sleep lately, had she? Maybe she could try and let Lambda hold her later as she slept, thanks to her new smallness. Or maybe now. Yeah, now felt like a good time to- Bring up a hand to her forehead, Walmond looked away from the saplings, "Odd..." she muttered to herself, somewhat distracted from the actual problem at hand now that she forced herself to look away.
  15. Mira Well, plenty of the robots had taken notice to them. Mira was, in all honesty, not a huge fan of so many enemies at once, but it didn't matter. They'd be rendered scrap in a few minutes anyways. So, Mira picked up her pace, quickly going from a casual walk to a full run towards the army of machines, straight for the most dangerous looking of the robots. Mira goes for A-21 No 150 with Black Heart, dealing 6d8+11 damage. She also carries over 5 Magra from the previous fight, and will gain extra in two turns. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0).
  16. Walmond As with... Well, everyone who wasn't Masako herself or Rory, Walmond's surprise at the turn of events was clear on her face, having been silent to see what Masako's 'plan' was. She certainly didn't expect to have this problem solved so simply, not to mention quickly. Then again, she didn't have any expectations aside from what Yuyuko could do, seeing as how the plan wasn't exactly explained in any capacity. Regardless, once the artifact was brought up, Walmond stepped forward, Lambda right by her side as they approached the box, "It's 'Walmond', actually" she commented while Lambda began prying open the box so she could get to work. She really didn't get why so many people, both here and back home, called her 'Walnut'. It wasn't that similar.
  17. Freya Okay, new zombies were popping up now, but they at least had a standing. Her own zombies were doing plenty of work anyway, so she could afford to look away for a bit while they tore through the new ones. The next subject of Freya's attention was Danielle, still clearly having a breakdown over... A bear, from what she remembered hearing, and she didn't think it was her own bear. considering they had used "demon" to describe it. Scary as Dyno was, she couldn't describe it as "demonic". Regardless of her own opinion, Freya turned from the fight to run over to the superhero in training, kneeling next to her but otherwise not making any physical contact, "Hey Danielle, it's okay. There's no demonic bear here anymore. It was just an illusion, nothing more than that. The only bear around here now is Dyno, and as scary as he might be, he's actually pretty friendly when he's not feeling threatened" Freya spoke, her voice taking a softer tone than normal as she tried to calm Danielle down amidst the chaos of battle behind them. Freya uses her action to try and snap Danielle out of her nervous breakdown, while Dyno uses Pounce on Vampy Deadite A, forcing a STR check in order to pin them. The Dirt Constructs intercept the new Deadite horde, dealing 1d2+2 damage 28 times. Her Bone Bats continue to try their hardest to attack Doc Ock for 1d6 damage. Loadout Dyno Bone Bats
  18. Proditor "... Perhaps so. Though that brings up the question of what the child could be. If they're more than-" Proditor began after a moment of thought, only to be quickly interrupted by a shouting Nader, yelling about an elevator that went... Down. "Excuse me" the alien quickly said, already floating away from Ignia to meet up with Nader before the latter sent the elevator down, having to bend down quite a bit just to fit inside, "I should say that earlier, when I was sensing the area for any signs of inhabitants, I felt something far below us. As we're going down anyway, it's not as important... But there is something below this lab."
  19. Mira Though the park before had signs of combat, the sight that had greeted Mira once she teleported was something she was far more familiar with than Trick. The sound of gunfire, sight of ruined buildings, and the smell of burning metal. That was oddly comforting to the knight, as it was familiar. Judging from what she could tell of this world so far, it was obvious to her that the two women fighting the swarm of machines were 'allies' of sorts, and the machines were enemies. Of course that was all she had managed to process before Lyra began sprinting towards the enemy, screaming at the top of her lungs to get their attention. If she really cared, she could've pointed out a bit of irony in Lyra's action. But she didn't pay any attention to the fact beyond that it happened, instead choosing to wordlessly make her way towards the mass of robots, a swirl of dark Magra cloaking her armor, left over from her battle with the dolphin. Once again, she'd at least get a bit of steam out before taking on Brave himself.
  20. Ako “... Great Kami, it is not my place to pry into the matters concerning the gods unless I am called upon, but I want to say something” Ako suddenly said as she walked through the gate, casting her eyes down as to not meet the gaze of Mitsurugi, “I do not know of your history with the world, or… Worlds, in your case. But I don’t believe that the views of youkai matter to your standing. Though the past problem with… The Demon is problematic, youkai tend to have a limited view on the world around them, not to mention that most of them have never actually met a divine being before. I firmly believe that it’s nothing more than a plot of the Demon to prey on perceived insecurities. It can’t challenge Amaterasu directly, but a Kami that has no large following might be a good substitute for it.” Despite initially starting off as calm as she could be, Ako had generally started to work herself up as she spoke, ultimately ending with her perking back up and looking directly at Mitsu. At least, for a second, before casting her eyes down again, “A-At least, that’s my reasoning. I don’t mean any disrespect by it” she quickly added, only for a loud crash to pull her away from the goddess and angel, face whitening as she saw Spicy slash down the door in pursuit of the demons, “Oh great, that’s- I’m not- Gah, I hope the Sparrow Clan forgives me for this” Ako exclaimed, running forward after the goddess whilst drawing several more divine slips, taking notice of the various screeches that were erupting from the Inn. Vulture Inn Battle Theme: Though Spicy had torn through the gate with relative ease, the actual door to the inn was surprisingly studier than the first defense. However, the door was still material wood, the glaive tearing off a significant chunk of the door before the flames did the rest of the work, causing it to simply collapse, opening the way to the inn. The first thing that would’ve been noticed was the Green Imp, still sprinting towards the other end of the room, letting out a fearful inhuman screech that had attracted the other Imps that had taken refuge in the building. Though there were no other Green Imps, several Red Imps slowly walked into the room, staring at Spicy with caution. But there was one that was unlike the others, standing behind a desk positioned next to a staircase in the middle of the room. An Imp covered in black fur, writing something down on a piece of parchment before finally taking notice of the commotion, namely the Green Imp’s shrieks and the now broken door. With a movement that indicated a sigh, the Black Imp calmly slid the parchment away from it, only to suddenly jump on top of the desk with a new conjured bongo, smacking the instrument five times in a small song. The song itself, bad as it was, had the side effect of causing an equal number of skulls to fly up and hover above the Imp’s head, letting out chattering laughs as the Imps began to screech in a chorus, oddly in enjoyment, rather than fear like the Green Imp. There was one youkai that was different from the Imps, however, that had been calmly staring at the other Destructive Goddess from the top of the stairs. Taking the form of a woman garbed in a crimson and grey robe, pink wings poking out from underneath large sleeves, a long crane-like neck holding up a face shrouded by long black hair and a red hat. As the Black Imp began to prepare its entourage for combat, the bird youkai barely moved, only allowing two fans attached to its back to spread out like wings, and to draw a large object from underneath its robes… An oil-paper umbrella, bearing the same colors as its robes. Otherwise, it simply stood there, watching, and waiting. It didn’t seem like they took kindly to these intruders, when it came down to it. Turn Order Status
  21. Harmony Well, the dias certainly was an interesting specimen. Quite clearly an integral part of the structure, but without much of a visible purpose. She somewhat doubted that it would've been so simple as to remove the spike, if the previous inhabitants here were unable to open the structure. But perhaps it was, she could hardly know at this stage. However, that train of thought was quickly distracted when Harmony noticed the Thing approach with a "stick" of sorts, poking around the dias that she was standing on to spot for any changes. It found nothing... Except for scraping off brown residue from the dias that Harmony hadn't noticed before, causing the Observer's face to scrunch up in disgust. Absolutely barbaric. But then, tossing aside the stick, the Thing proceeded to loudly exclaim that the lock was impenetrable, and that the only way forward was to blow a hole in the structure with as much explosives as possible. Somehow even more barbaric. "... Perhaps there's a more natural solution than blowing this entire place to ash" Harmony commented as the Doll began to agree with the Thing, summoning her Ars Magus to scrape the surface of the dias' spike, making sure that there wasn't anymore residue on it before the grabbed it, "There were others here before us. They may have even figured out how to open this structure on their own. I recall that you had found a recording left by the one who, presumably, led the expedition here that was detailing a report, Doll."
  22. Mira "I had asked, but got no response" Mira replied without skipping a beat, "I would assume that it means that Brave's status hasn't changed. You can ask her again once she inevitably makes another call." It was somewhat refreshing to have resolved the matter quickly, in Mira's eyes, especially as she got it enough from Perlita. Now she could just wait until the teleporter was prepared, instead of wasting her time having to verify her actions.
  23. Mira For a brief moment, Mira simply stared at Lyra, the only indication that she even heard her being that Mira had turned to look at her. However, after that brief moment, the knight tilted her head ever so slightly, "Seriously? Save your concern for someone who actually needs it. I acknowledge the fact that the two's help made taking down Trick a far easier endeavor than expected, but I am more than capable of taking care of myself. Besides, we did our job without casualties. It's a waste of breath to worry about something non-important" Mira responded bluntly. Though it was true that they had been brought as a team, and it was also true that having someone watch your back was better than having no one at all, Mira had always been used to operating on her own. There was no reason to change what didn't need to change.
  24. Mira Had the dolphin been important, Mira would've been understandably upset when the dolphin retreated. But as it stood, she didn't care if it had or not. So when the others of the group voiced their disapproval, Mira merely straightened her posture, sword arm dropping to her side as she brushed off some of the spit that the dolphin had thrown her way, "... Now that that's out of the way, Histoire contacted me before one of you began that little brawl. She said we're ahead of schedule, and that the teleporter to Brave would be ready soon" she informed as she turned to the group, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred.
  25. Walmond ... Though Walmond wished she could figure out what Masako was planning aside from trying to feed Yukari, she couldn't wrap her head around why they needed a box, or what was in it. It was more prep than she had been doing though, so she couldn't entirely complain. She could complain about her attitude unwillingness to explain said, but due to how they were already nearing the confrontation with a "Ruler of the Netherworld", she'd put that off for later. Along with other questions that were brought to her notice by Youmu. For now, Walmond merely brought a hand to her forehead, letting out an exasperated sigh as the group walked on. Perhaps the reason Masako was brought to them in the first place was simply for her unpredictability. Lambda herself floated alongside her master, sparing a quick glance at Rory and the box they were carrying, before looking away and back to the surroundings, shields already expanding in preparation. She was made for heavy lifting, so it felt odd to her to see someone else doing it, but it left her open to fulfill her primary objective... Which in this situation, was going to be harder than ever. Luckily for her, she wasn't exactly 'alive' either, so she had nothing to worry about when it came to dying. At least, so she believed.
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