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Everything posted by GodofGamingRWBY

  1. Mira While Mira herself was a warrior who could shrug off the effects of cold water and ice, her armor suddenly became a bit of a liability, the joints freezing over to prevent her from actually swinging her sword correctly. For a brief moment at least before the ice systematically broke apart as Mira's strike closed in on the dolphin... Only to find itself smashing into the side of Lyra instead, the other woman suddenly appearing where the dolphin had been an instant before. "What the-" Mira started as she drew her sword back. It wasn't much of a strike admittedly, due to both the ice and Mira managing to pull back just enough to weaken the blow, but it was a heavy hit nonetheless. Though, she'd deal with the fact later, since Lyra still seemed perfectly capable of fighting. So, gripping her sword tighter, Mira turned and ran after Lyra towards the confused dolphin for another strike. Without the ice slower her down, she didn't have any doubt that she'd be able to hit it properly this time... As long as something didn't suddenly switch places with it again. Mira goes after the Dolphin again to attack with Black Heart, dealing another 6d8+11 damage and gaining one more stack of Greed. She also gains two Magra this turn (for a total of 4), and will gain an extra one in three turns. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0). Greed (2 stacks): Gains +1 Syn and -1 DR for every two stacks of Greed.
  2. Walmond As much as Walmond wanted to step in to Masako and Youmu's discussion on payment (one sided as it was), she resorted to merely put a hand to her temple in annoyance, before turning to UB-65, "Correct, or at least we presume. I highly believe they're related, but they could not be. All we know for sure is the effects" she explained, drifting off in her own thoughts as she thought about Youmu's warning. The ability to invoke death on someone sounded nasty, and she had no reason to believe that Youmu was simply speaking about her friend killing someone the conventional way. ... She may have to rely more on Lambda for the upcoming battle far more than usual.
  3. Vulture Inn On the other side of the gate, Ako had been listening in on the conversation between Goddess and Yokai, pressing her ear up against the gate. It had taken her a few moments to actually realize that those were Yokai and not any normal guards. It confirmed her suspicions, but why weren't they attacking? There had to be more than them recognizing one of the great Kami. Yokai always acted hostile towards any divine, so why were these different? Unfortunately, before she could ponder on that mystery anymore, Spicy spoke up, spurring the shrine maiden from her thoughts as she stepped back from the gate and into the cold rain, "Yeah, let's get over the-" she began to suggest, only to be forced to the side as Spicy blew open the gate, causing the shrine maiden to let out a small groan, "Oh come on, we could've just gone over the walls..." Though the Imps had not gotten a good clue of the situation, the dark clouds, Spicy's entrance, and Lexiel's blunt claim was enough to set reality in. The second Imp, having not knelt down, chose to scurry into the Inn itself, quickly slamming the door shut before the first could even get to its feet. Outnumbered and definitely outgunned, the first Imp quickly turned from the now shut doors and back to the party, before dropping its naginata with a screech of fear, dropping down on all fours and running off to the side, and over the wall. Although it only managed to get a few feet from the Inn after that as two divine slips smacked into its torso, thrown by the still worried shrine maiden, causing a brief burst of light that engulfed the poor Imp, before leaving nothing more than a small flower where it had been standing. And so, silence returned, the darkness supported only by the dull rainfall... And the rapid lighting of the Inn, causing the fog to reel back as if in pain as the Inn. From the somewhat muffled sounds of Imps beyond the door, it would seem that the Inn was back in alert, or at least finally back in business.
  4. Imp(?) Inn Although the sudden appearance of the goddess had left the Imp quivering in speechless fear, the arrival of the angel Lexiel spurred it into action, the reality of the situation fully hitting it as hit smacked its companion across the arm. Needless to say, the other guard was jolted awake by this, turning to yell at the other Imp before it caught sight of the two figures on top of the gate, jumping back in surprise as well, "Uhm, ah, our deepest apologies, o'Destructive One" the first Imp began, dropping to a knee as it almost fumbled over its own words, "We were not made aware that we would be receiving visitors. We are but humble spirits, wishing to make use of our existence by assisting in running the Vulture Inn" they continued, raising their head slightly, only enough to look at the gate itself, and not even at the top of it, "If you wish, o'Terrible Harbinger of Ruin, we may notify Lady Akari of your arrival and set you up with a room as soon as possible."
  5. Proditor For now, Proditor just waited for Ignia to check the computer, although he floated up to see how the keyblade warrior was doing. It felt like a more pressing matter at the moment, figuring that out, but once they figured out who the computer was tracking, they could focus a bit more on other mysteries. Like what was currently beneath them.
  6. Freya As Dyno and her own 'zombies' began pushing back against the Deadites, Freya herself turned to the woman that had taken the Necronomicomic, snapping her fingers to let yet another portal open up a few feet above her head. Although Dyno himself had taken a second to drop out of its own portal, the beings that emerged from this one came instantly, a small flock of bones and flesh flying out to follow Freya's orders: Distracting the woman while they dealt with the current threat. With that done, Freya turns back to the Deadites, bringing up her hand to aim the small skull badge on her hat at them, before shooting out a pair of bright lights that shone upon the undead creatures. A spell she learned from Solara, and one that she really should have used a few seconds ago, before the newer guy jumped in and tried to take on all of the Deadites. Dyno and Freya's zombies continue attacking the Deadites, the bear dealing 3d6+14 damage while the zombies attack 28 times for 1d2+2 damage each. The Bone Bats will fly up and harass Doc Ock for 1d6 damage. After all of them do their actions, Freya will then use Turn Undead on the Deadites to (hopefully) make them run away instead of attacking. Turn Undead Full Loadout Dyno Bone Bats
  7. Sparrow(?) Inn Although the atmosphere had been saying otherwise, nothing stopped Mitsurugi from simply jumping up to the top of the gate. From there, it was relatively simple to get a bearing on the situation of the inn, even with the darkness and silence. However, what was quickly noticeable was what stood in front of the entrance to the Inn, all thanks to the surprised shout that revealed two Green Imps with dull naginatas, one leaning against the door's frame asleep and the other recovering from a near heart attack from Mitsu's sudden appearance, While most Demons would've attacked immediately upon seeing a Goddess enter their domain, the Imp that stared up at Mitsu through its paper mask was currently frozen in place, shaking in fear as it attempted to figure out what to say or do. The other Imp simply continued to sleep, not even twitching from the shout from its companion.
  8. Mira Mira's initial reaction to the dolphin's attack was to stand her ground, weathering the attack head on, as she normally did. However, due to her proximity, that merely meant she would be taking the full force of the wave of water, and take it she did, nearly being swept off her feet as the wave crashed into her. On the bright side, it helped wash the blood and saliva from her earlier fights (including Trick). But on the other side, she was far less happy about this situation than she was before. Originally she was hoping for a way to pass the time, but of course, the dolphin had to be stubborn. As soon as the water died down, Mira slammed her sword into the ground, channeling her Magra into the blade to create a thick black outline around the blade, before taking a step towards the dolphin. Then without a word she tore her sword from the ground, sending a mixture of debris and Magra into the dolphin. Though the sword itself didn't meet its mark, Mira still continued the motion, performing a small spin as she brought her sword over her head and back to the ground, preparing yet another strike... Mira strikes the dolphin again for another 6d8+11 damage, gaining another stack of Greed. She currently has 2 Magra, and will gain an extra in one turn. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0). Greed (1 stack): Gains +1 Syn and -1 DR for every two stacks of Greed. Loadout
  9. Harmony "It would appear so, yes" Harmony responded to the doll, following the group as they delved deeper into the caverns, barely paying attention to the carved out passageway they were walking in. It was only when they entered the main area that Harmony's interest spiked, due to the various text sketched into the walls and bricks, not to mention the recording that the doll quickly finds and plays. It was rather boring, aside from some shouting that she could hear in the background, but nothing that really caught her attention. Perhaps this Abigail had recorded some extra audio-logs, as per her company's request? Possibly, but she'd leave figuring that out to the doll... Or anyone else who happened to come across them. As for Harmony, her attention returned to the center pedestal, just begging to be inspected. Since the child and thing seemed preoccupied with other matters, the Observer figured she had some time to herself, choosing to spend it by approaching the pedestal dais, beginning to see exactly what its deal was.
  10. Walmond Upon seeing the \ghost girl' in question, Walmond could admit that she wasn't too surprised. She was relieved when she didn't see the girl actively attacking anyone, just waving a sword around and angrily making demands at anyone she happens to see. Chaotic and inefficient, but considering what the girl was going through (as Walmond would learn in the next few moments), understandable. At least they had a lead on the next actual problem. Hopefully the girl would at least calm down once she realized that they could help, rather than continue to wave that sword around. "It may also be good for us to know where your mistress is, so we can fix said problem. Sooner is better than later, correct?" Walmond commented shortly after Empi, taking a glance at the white blob that was trailing behind the girl. It was obvious to her that it wasn't just a familiar. But what was it then? A condensed ball of magic? Walmond couldn't know, but it caught her attention regardless.
  11. Walmond Alongside IP, Walmond moved over to the man as soon as he fell over, doing a quick one over himself with her magic before standing up, giving a nod to the rest of the group as they hurried to the village. The man seemed to be in shock rather than injured, so it was more efficient for them to stop whoever this 'ghost girl' was before they caused more harm. She partly hoped that the 'ghost' part was merely something made by their panicked state, but considering what she had seen so far of this would, she wouldn't be surprised if they would actually start having to deal with the dead once again.
  12. Grima While she was optimistic, Grima doubted that Seeker could be talked down, mostly due to the fact that the god seemed very into the idea of seeing... Whoever they wanted to see. So she wasn't entirely surprised to hear the sounds of a fight breaking out in the room right next to her, starting and ending before Grima could stand up, "That's better then fine, actually. At least I won't have to deal with that fallout" Grima replied once Princess returned and gave out her offer, "... I am sorry for dragging you back into all this drama, but at the same time, thanks. For helping someone who is little more than a stranger" she stated. It felt rather nice, being able to reside in a regular house like this. While she was still being told to stay here, it felt far less of a prison than Queen's mansion, likely because she felt somewhat welcome here. It was odd, and rather selfish, but it was a nice feeling. Not being seen as a prisoner, a criminal, or a warrior. Just... A guest. And hopefully, her agreement with Queen would resolve itself soon, making her a free woman once more. For what she had done, as small as her contributions were, it made her glad to be a part of something that sounded huge. But at the end, she could finally go back to a life of peace and quiet. That was to be her reward.
  13. Sparrow(?) Inn Despite how long the path seemed, it didn't take long for the group to make their way through, the white glow slowly fading into a dark fog. Though despite this and the looming sense of dread, the end of the path was rather tranquil. In a small opening in the mountain's path, the Sparrow Inn stood, protected by a closed gate made of large bamboo chutes and wood, flanked on either side by walls made by impossibly large bamboo. The Inn itself rose high above the gate, a purple flag bearing the illustration of a black and white sparrow face hanging stiff in the air. Small bamboo fountains stood in front of the walls, but no longer had any water flowing through them. "Well, if this doesn't confirm demonic activity, I don't know what will" Ako muttered to herself as the group made it to the middle of the opening, moving ahead rather quickly in order to test the gate. As she expected though, it was locked tight, barely even budging as she put her full weight into pushing it open. "Figures, locked as well" the Shrine Maiden added as she stepped back, looking at both the wall and the gate, eventually coming back to the group, "So, gate's locked. I don't there's any other way for us to get into the Inn without just going over the walls or... Busting down the gate. As much as I'm afraid of dealing with having to pay for damages, I get the feeling that the situation may call for a bit more direct force. I don't know, this is all very abnormal for the Inn. Normally the Gatekeepers would be on post and yell at me about coming unannounced. But they aren't, so..." Ako trailed off, feeling as though she had said enough already. They had probably gotten the gist of the situation by now, and she was already giving them the choice to approach this situation.
  14. Grima "Old man with receding hair, dyed black, brown eyes, had the look of a scientist thanks to how he acted, and was aware of my situation with Queen. Other than that, not much I can say, we only talked for maybe two minutes" Grima answered. Like Princess, Grima was mentally preparing herself for a potential fight to break out, even if she desperately wanted to avoid it. Fighting against a god wasn't something she was looking forward to, especially not with a wounded hand.
  15. Grima Grima couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as the potential fight in front of them defused... And for the fact that Seeker didn't seem to be on the "extremely bad" side of the scale as of this moment. It did cause a bit of guilt to well up in Grima's chest, but she chose to ignore that as she was led out into the kitchen, "Believe me, in any other situation, I wouldn't have gotten into this. But I got asked by a guy to retrieve something extremely important that was stolen from him-" she began explaining once Princess continued the interrogation, only to pause as she finally realized something, her expression making it clear that she was mentally face-palming at her own stupidity, "... I completely forgot to get his name though. All I knew was that he wanted the Access Attain back in order to prevent other people from going to Nil, and that he figured that Seeker took it from him. So, because of feeling obligated to do so and following my gut, I agreed to at least prevent anyone from using it, and vualá, here I am." "Not my best thought out plan, taking something from one of the Gods, but I had a feeling that Seeker would've gutted me if I had tried to talk her out of using it."
  16. Grima Well, aside from the knife in hand and discomfort of slamming into the hard floor, that could've gone a lot worse from Grima's perspective. The former hurt like hell, but it was a lot better than being gutted in an instant. Regardless of said pain, Grima began to get to her feet after crashing, giving Princess a small greetings with a raised hand (not the stabbed one), opening her mouth to speak... Until Seeker's entrance caused whatever she was going to say to die in her throat, almost literally when the god pointed her spear at her throat. As expected, the woman froze for a few seconds, contemplating what she should say that wouldn't immediately kill her, before settling on how to begin. "Hey Min-su, sorry for the sudden visit" Grima greeted as calmly as she could, what with clutching her stabbed hand and having a spear pressed against her throat. At least until Princess had come and gotten her out of the way of said spear, allowing the thief to get a chance to breathe, "It's a bit complicated, but what I took was a thing called the Access Attain-" she began, bringing her hands apart for a moment in order to retrieve the ancient prism from under her jacket, "I pretty much got roped into taking this back from Seeker, considering this thing can connect straight to Nil" Grima continued, only stopping for a moment as she looked at Princess, "... I doubt you're within the loop, but there's something extremely important going down there, and I couldn't take the risk of someone interrupting it. Which is what I was afraid Seeker would try to do, no offense" she finished, rather lamely, as she placed the prism onto the table, taking a quite look around for something she could use as makeshift medical supplies that didn't involve tearing up her favorite clothing.
  17. Grima The thief did not have nearly as much time as she thought when it came to getting a head start. In fact, she barely had any time at all, considering she had just barely moved her head out of the way of being impaled, almost tripping on her own feet as she did so. A sloppy manuever that could've been avoided had she looked at the attack, rather than notice it at the last possible moment, but she wasn't going to risk taking a glance back at Seeker. That would've slowed her down. "Give that back, now." In her younger days, Grima would've felt the need to make a form of witty reply. But now, Grima barely gave Seeker's demand any thought. All she did was run, making sure the Access Attain was secure under her arm, leaving her hand to be free. Her other still holding the dagger, the key to enacting her... Getaway, of sorts. She didn't have the time to waste, but she still gave herself a second to steel herself, gritting her teeth in preparation... Before thrusting said dagger into her palm.
  18. Walmond "You can't expect to have all the answers given to you all at once" Walmond commented, barely looking up from her journal as she jotted some new notes down into its pages, all while ignoring Rory's statement that they should treat it like a 'hunt', "That, and we could be doing a lot worse. We could still be wandering around, trying to find out what the problem was, instead of what we know now. It may be only surface level, slow, and unsatisfactory, but it's progress." With that, Walmond lifted her head from her journal, scanning the road ahead of them, "... I wouldn't be totally surprised if we were pointed in another direction once we reach the village, however. Or perhaps they know more than our previous host. Miss Scarlet did seem out of the loop, so to speak."
  19. Mira continues her offensive, hitting the Dolphin with Half Moon: Crescent Slash for 6d8+4d6+11 damage. She now has 1 Magra, and will gain an extra in two turns. Noticable effects right now: Unstable (Flaw) Mira is the carrier of the prototype Magra generator, which can become unstable if met with other instances of magic. Any magic attack that connects with Mira deals 50% more damage. (Equipment) Mira’s Armor: The armor of the “Dark One”, Mira. Rusted, old, and cracked, yet durable enough to continue protecting its user from harm. Gives +4 Damage Reduction against Piercing/slashing attacks, and gives a +1 Damage Reduction against all physical attacks, but lowers initiative by 4-Strength (to a minimum of 0). Greed (1 stack): Gains +1 Syn and -1 DR for every two stacks of Greed. Loadout
  20. Freya "Oh, hi Harry. This is Spider-Man, he crashed through the roof up there, and that's pretty much all we know. I think that Necromaster did something to him to make him like this, but I'm not sure what it could-" Freya explained, getting cut off by a fairly tall man suddenly landing next to her, loudly introducing himself as 'Stretch Armstrong'. Unfortunately, she didn't register the introduction, only registering the loudness as she yelped in surprise, almost falling right on top of the scattered glass shards before she righted herself, "Oh my- Okay, hi there- gods you nearly scared me to death" Freya stated as soon as she caught her breath. Unfortunately for the young girl, she didn't get a chance afterwards to introduce herself, or to compose herself, as a new figure made their move. Some woman in a green uniform and having extra golden arms, who had punched the 'Necromaster' in the face and stolen the Necronomicomic, and was now actually using it... To kill innocent people. Instantly, Freya turned her entire attention away from both the woman and spider man, snapping her fingers loudly. On command, Dyno and the mass of zombies she had made turned from the now defenseless Necromaster, now shambling (or in Dyno's case, charging) towards the Deadites. Dyno and Freya's zombies attack the Deadites in order to defend the cosplayers, the bear using Claw Strike for 3d6+14, while the 28 zombies spread out and attack for 1d2+2 damage each. Dyno
  21. Harmony "Well, aren't you a lively bunch" Harmony commented in a completely neutral tone to both the child's and the thing's insistence to move along, while completely ignoring herself. It was fairly annoying, especially the thing's comment on how only her time was important, but somehow it was a bit surprising to see people who were more interested in seeing what was ahead, rather than questioning what was in front of them, "Since your partners are so insistent on going ahead, I think I'll tag along myself. I'd love to see how all of you react to what lies at the end."
  22. Grima As soon as the ray of light erupted from the Access Attain, Grima moved forward, almost running as she did so. This was quite clearly her moment to strike, and she needed to do it as quickly as possible. The first step Grima took was stepping to the side of Seeker, quickly snatching up the Access Attain before it could finish its scan, shoving it underneath her jacket so all it could scan was fabric. Then, as she took it, she turned around and bolted, only stopping to swing the door open, one arm covering the Attain while the other drew the dagger she had attached to her belt. She needed to get some distance before she pulled off the next step of her plan... Though that was only a preferred part. If worst came, she'd use it without hesitation, but she'd prefer not to. Either way, Grima had a good feeling she'd notice if Seeker was coming for her.
  23. Grima While Grima was experienced, she wasn't experienced enough to swipe something in front of someone while they're still focused on it. So instead of advancing, the thief took a few steps back to make sure she wouldn't be seen from the corner of Seeker's vision, preparing another pill for when the first began to die out. ... Alternatively, she could've tried to talk the god out of doing this. She clearly wasn't ready to go with it yet. But at the same time, why would she listen to another god's errand girl, much less a common thief? No, she would need to forcefully stop Seeker. That was the only way she could make a potential difference here.
  24. Harmony At the doll's request, Harmony brought a finger to her chin, as if thinking about how to respond, "Hm... I could, but where's the fun in that? Spoiling things ruins the potential surprise, no?" she eventually said. Granted, she wasn't entirely lying, she could easily see what was ahead. Natural walls weren't nearly enough when it came to blocking her sight. But at the same time, it was still more fun to leave the girls guessing. She did have to keep partially neutral in these sorts of affairs. Nonetheless, the phrase 'ancient alien technology' had sparked her interest. Perhaps the man wasn't entirely full of it as she had initially thought.
  25. Harmony Despite the doll's clear readiness for another fight, Harmony barely even registered it, only glancing back at her for a moment before moving on to the rest of the camp, "Nothing at all, just a curiosity. And no, I don't run this place. If I did, it would hardly look like..." Harmony replied, waving her hand at the 'camp' in clear disgust, "... This. I'm simply passing through, you'll have to go elsewhere for your next bout". With her look around now complete, Harmony focused her own gaze on the doll's, "Now, if I may continue my own questions, what brings you to this frozen dump?"
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