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  1. Okay, I've made it to the Goldleaf Forest, but I'm not finding where the Dimensional Gyrados is. Looking at some videos on yourtube, it seems he is suppose to spawn at the rock overlooking the water. I heard him yell on my way to the rock, but when I got there, he didn't show up. The explorer in me led me to check out Route 1 first where I experienced the glitch that causes Old Goldenleaf to show up. I had to re-enter the area from further up, but when I came back to the rock, there was no Gyrados. Not sure if this is a glitch or I missed something else that I was suppose to do. I have eleven badges at this point, so I think I would've talked to Crawli when I would've needed to. Edit: Just patched m game, but the problem persists
  2. Where do I go to fight Dimensional Gyrados for the second time, for later accessing Goldenwood Forest. I somehow missed this when I played through the game.
  3. Where do I have to go for that?
  4. When reading the posts about that, I didn't realize there was defeating it a second time. And no...
  5. How do I access the Goldenleaf Forest? I read that I'm suppose to be able to access them after getting my third gym badge. I have 11, and the police are blocking the path.
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