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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by mikethepokemaster2012

  1. I restarted the game from the start and I love the improvements to the story, also love that their sun and moon Pokemon in this version too! Please can some one answer me this. Is there more Jerome(my MC name) shipping with Melia I mean I am on the terajuma arc and I love there little moment when they are alone and taking a walk . I also ship Aelita and MC too.
  2. This is really great! This with Phoenix Raising are my most anticipated fan games for me right now. Cant wait to play it! Good Luck! to you.
  3. Can players access the teleport machine for Black view City yet. I try to find but never could. Bro the ending to episode 4 was great! that twist was so good I cant wait for more. Also ship Aroura x MC a bit too lol. Wish Mana could become your pokemon later on since I love Gardevoir.
  4. Does anybody know how to evovle Electabuzz. thanks in advance
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