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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by DracostarA

  1. Scyther and Bagon are obtainable too, so looks like every non-Legendary can be caught now if I'm correct?
  2. Dracostar Edit: Thanks, this will be a big help for me!
  3. I am online, send when you're ready
  4. Hey just saw this @tamamonomae0 - my username is: Dracostar. Thanks for the help! And thank you @Neml for the offer too!
  5. Since my data was corrupted I am restarting. I would really appreciate a Larvesta breedject (I had it from mystery egg in my previous run but not anymore ) and a Dragon Dance Scraggy (which I had bred myself in my previous run). Any help would be appreciated!
  6. I've had well over 100 encounters - including multiple Tailow and (I assume) all the other available pokemon, but no Bidoof since reaching the village for the first time. Does anyone know how high its encounter rate is roughly? EDIT: Do they only come out during the day?
  7. Where can I catch a Bidoof? Ever since I reached Redcliff I could not find a single one after spending ages in Keneph Jungle - I need Bibarel for the scientist sidequest.
  8. Okay me too, shall I request a trade from you? What is your username?
  9. Hey, sorry just saw this! Please tell me when you're free and we can trade then.
  10. So my hard drive was corrupted and I lost all my data. I haven't played through Reborn for a while so I'm fine with going around again, but I had a Larvesta from my mystery egg last time, so I would like any Larvesta breedjects or anything someone can offer. Thanks in advance!
  11. My Decidueye, whom I had bred and raised from V9, has Steam Eruption in its first slot. I don't remember exactly what the previous move was, but it was likely Spirit Shackle.
  12. Sorry, I don't recognise where we're meant to save. Where is the save location before upgrading to v10?
  13. Thank you so much this was really appreciated!
  14. Thanks, what's your online name? And do you want anything in particular (I have some mons with pokerus if that takes your fancy)
  15. I did get one from the Mystery Egg this version though
  16. All of the other ones are in the basement of the police station in GDC
  17. After the second Madelis-Cassandra cutscene, when you enter the residential building, if you leave the building right after the cutscene and attempt to enter again you end up in Cassandra's office again. The player sprite is not visible but you can move around and leave that room and walk around the judicial district.
  18. I'm at a point in Nightmare City and my character will not move. I was button mashing for a while and accidentally managed to save myself in this position.
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