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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aryan098

  1. I'm up for a Shiny Male Totodile if you still have any. Nature doesn't bother me. And Pikachu? If you want a Pikachu, I have one I can trade you if still want one. Only issue is that it's not one in between level's 1-10. XD I do, however, have a Pichu around there if you want to raise one near the beginning.
  2. Shiny's from Breeding? Since that's the case, I'd have to assume they're at Level 1, which is more than okay since I'm especially looking at that Honedge, if you still have it...followed by the Ralts and Alolan Vulpix.
  3. I'm back! X3 Sorry I wasn't here sooner. Wifi messing with me. Anyway. Who's requesting and who'll be waiting? XD
  4. I am here! And i ain't sleeping till I'm done. XD Ah. And if you could, I'd like that Lapras. X3
  5. Mkay. By the time I get home, I should be ready to trade from maybe 4 to 5 hours from now. X3
  6. Kay. But this is just a reminder at the moment. X3 Right now I'mma go to sleep. XD
  7. Edit: Dragonair, Larvetar, Volcarona, Deino, Fletchinder, and Scizor....my list has evolved. XD Do you still have the selected Pokemon? X3 Though honestly, I much prefer them being in their beginning form.
  8. Well. I wouldn't mind accepting your offer. X3

  9. Froslass, Greninja, Gothitelle, Dusknoir, Pyroar, Bisharp and Rhyperior, along with Mismagius. X3


    Those are all the strongest female pokemon i have over 70.


    I also have all the starters, and Goomy, Misdreavus, Joltik and Klefki. X3

  10. Hello. XD 


    Candy told me that you'd be trading me Drilbur, Swablu, Helioptile, Sneasle, Female Snorunt, Togepi and Feebas. XD


    What Pokemon would you like in return?

    1. Paul25


      I don't know if Nakoles will mind :( 

      Though I can give all of them 5 to 6iv+ some shinies for free :D 

      PM me :) 

      I don't demand for anything.

      You can always offer me trashmons.

    2. Nakoles


      I don't mind, you can go right ahead. Just put the sandile on the bench until candy is back since that is her trade

  11. Kay...wait...trading as in right now? With Nakoles-ban? X3
  12. I'd like to place an order. X3 Drilbur, Swablu, Helioptile, Sneasle, Female Snorunt, Togepi and Feebas, Sandile. And that 5IV Tyrunt with egg moves. X3 I've got a 5IV myself to trade for it now. X3
  13. Kay. Just before I leave for home, I'll leave a Heads up post. X3 Taa~
  14. Nope. XD At School now. X3 But will be after 6pm. X3...not sure if I'll be able to post that I'm ready though. Reply function ain't working right in my phone. X3
  15. ...wait...never mind. XD Got confused by my confusion...my earlier list still counts though. X3 Almost done making the preparations for my new Reborn Run. X3
  16. ....wait...I just realized that the extra Pokemon listed were on Candy's post...peace! XD
  17. Dragonair, Larvetar, Volcarona, Deino, Fletchinder, and Scizor....my list has evolved. XD
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