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Silver Boy

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Silver Boy

  1. Actually, I simply crushed her Gym with Mamoswine and Sandslash. I used Elemental Seeds, their which boosted speed and attack after she burned her field with Heat Wave (Aurora Veil from A-Ninetales is also really helpful). But thanks for all of your tips!
  2. Hello guys, it's been ages since last time I write anything here. Anyway, here's question: can somebody help with Charlotte Gym on Ice Mono Run? Her team is devastating for my type, so I'll be glad for any help)
  3. I chose Turtwig for his secondary Ground type. For this moment I have Roselia, Gloom, Grotle and Cherrim
  4. Thanks guys, I started a grass type monorun. Not sure what will be, but anyway.
  5. Hello everyone, just want to begin a new Monotype run in Reborn, since Bug run will be ended by me very soon. So, what's your ideas? I don't want to get Pokemons out of sandbox mod, only a wild ones.
  6. Silver Boy


    Actually don't understand your hate, as Cadmium48 said, you can buy X-Items with 7 Store Stickers. Actually, Reborn is far from easy pokemon game, if you use your mind, than majority of battles become quite easy. Maybe it's better for you to explore Reborn more, and not put your hate on anyone?
  7. I totally respect your opinion, if the developers complete Reborn, I'll just be happy about it. It is better to let the game get a well-deserved end.
  8. That's a bad sign, actually. When developers drop their game when it takes quite a bit of effort to complete it, there is nothing good in this. Maybe somebody have another point of view on this, but not me.
  9. Actually, better to play it now, because i have a very bad feeling that delevopers just drop the Reborn in favor of Starlight Divide
  10. Find a way how to beat him, no need for topic to be open
  11. I decided to make a bug monotype run for reborn, and now I can't beat Sirius in Belrose Mansion. Actually, the main problem is his Chandelure. Can somebode help me with tactics? Any help will be appreciated.
  12. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.
  13. Really thank you for Ice Stone and shiny Hawlucha)
  14. Very vell, your nickname?
  15. Can somebody trade me an Ice Stone? Please.
  16. As I see, there are really mane players from Poland. Glad to meet you!
  17. I play in Reborn since 2016, but made account here only after a year, when I make a new run through main story. The best and well-developed fan-game, really.
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