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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by jakk8399

  1. Thank you so much! Should I keep graveler and train it up or invest in another pokemon that isn't roserade?
  2. Don't know if this is the right spot to ask, but would anyone be willing to go onto my save to try to beat Ciel for me? No matter what I lose to her and I cant really find a place to train up an ice type, or even find the time to do so since college is a thing... if it's not possible to beat Ciel with my team or pokemon in my box, should I restart? And if so what should I do to make my team better? thanks in advance! Game.rxdata
  3. Ok, so I got a shiny zorua, gonna train that up, also gonna train up the sraggy I got, along with a magnemite (no idea if it has sturdy yet), gonna try to get em up to lvl 38. Also, should I just bench ampharos and use magnemite instead for my playthrough since I have no steel types?
  4. I'll look on youtube for the zorua. Thank you though! Hopefully i can beat him with the team changes, then spend some time getting my team leveled up.
  5. How do I do the zorua event? And where can I find magnemite? I was already planning on replacing pangoro at somepoint with the scraggy you get with the dull key, so I'll use zorua till then.
  6. I have been trying to beat shade for 1 hours, i have no ability capsules because i gave my pangoro scrappy and my ampharos static. Here is my team, its the only ones that I have leveled: Ampharos Hasty Nature, Static lvl 37 Thunder Wave Thunder Punch Electro Ball Power Gem Charizard (Shiny) Carefull Nature, Blaze lvl 38 Flame Burst Dragon Rage Rock Smash Wing Attack Noibat Serious Nature, Telepathy lvl 37 Air Cutter (which never crits for me...) Roost Bite Wing Attack Pangoro Brave, Nature, Scrappy lvl 38 Slash Vital Throw Body Slam Karate Chop Gothita (Shiny), Serious Nature, Competative (lvl 25, just got it) Dark Pulse Psyshock Embargo Feint Attack Budew Dont remember the nature cause i boxed it, Poison point i think, and its lvl 32 (wouldnt evolve all day so i boxed it since it's night for me right now) Mega Drain Growth Cut Stun Spore Like I have tried everything and nothing works, legit having a breakdown because i can't get past his rotom after i beat 3 of his pokemon. Any help is appreciated
  7. Alright, might as well do that and put any focus sashs I find on it if the need comes. Thanks! EDIT: So I soft reset once and got a shiny 3 IV one with perish song, so that's a thing xD
  8. I am just before the fight with Taka and Zel after the second gym, and is there a place to get a pokemon with perish song outside of trading? Just wondering for when possibly get stuck on a fight and want to end it quickly. Thanks in advance!
  9. Yeah, I'm just burnt out right now, 30 minutes of getting swept or close to it wears me down.
  10. I guess. I'll try again tomorrow, and if I keep losing I might as well restart again. If I do, might go with Chimchar, fire fighting type early on would probably be good, wouldn't have to train up 2 pokemon to the rest of the team, and open up new options.
  11. I got the Pichu after the second gym when i went to do some requests, it was lvl 1 when I got it. As for Noibat, it did fall behind because it kept getting knocked out when I would use it. I tried to switch train it in trainer battles. This is my second run, my first was with a Jolteon as my starter, but I restarted because I upgraded to v9 and my save was messed up and the people on the save file troubleshooting couldn't access the save. Was stuck at Marionette on that one. I honestly don't know a good team to make for this game.
  12. Frogadier (lvl 28) Protean, dont know the nature for any of the pokemon Water Pulse Bubble Quick Attack Lick Meditite (lvl 27) item: twisted spoon Stacking Shot Poison Sweep Force Palm Confusion Growlithe (lvl 27) Fire fang Rock smash Flame wheel Take down Pichu (hasn't evolved cause it keeps dieing) lvl 25 item, exp share Thunder wave thunder shock charm nasty plot Lycanroc (midnight) (lvl 31) Counter Rock tomb Bite stealth rock Noibat (lvl 27) Air Slash roost bite cut I know, the game is amazing, but the difficulty is just too much for me I guess. I guess I'm just used to the norm where the story is easy, and that honestly sucks.
  13. I don't know either, I've fought every trainer I've found, trained up shiny Meditite to the rest of my team to prep for the second gym leader, and was training another after the second gym. They probably took xp from the rest. Honestly don't know, I just give up to be honest, can't beat the game.
  14. I did enjoy the game, it's well made visually and story wide (from as far as I got). I just can't continue, the difficulty of the game just beat me.
  15. I'm done with this game. I'm done with the rage and frustration it brings. I'm done with the one-sided battles. I was told v9 was easier, so I played on normal mode, I just got past Sheridon town, and the game has not gotten easier. It has gotten 10x harder it feels, with one Pokemon being at lvl31 because it ends up being the last one after a near sweep, and the rest at lvl27-28. I figured fine, I'll just go to the tent place in Gearen city, and change the difficulty to easy, that'll work right? Nope. did nothing, still got swept twice by a Cinccino (now lvl 25, previously 28). Still got swept by Rorrim B. because there's no point paralyzing an enemy when it does nothing. So what's the point in playing anymore?I'm at the limit of frustration I can take with this game, because since they got rid of the breeders to help you train, I have to grind on Pokemon that give little experience. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't feel like grinding for hours on end to make 10 minutes of progress. So I'm done. Pokemon Rejuvenation beat me. I'm honestly so done with losing every step of the way. (Rant Over)
  16. I can load the save file on my end, but it does what I described earlier EDIT- I'm making a new game, might as well see the changes made
  17. Should I just make a new save then since you can't access the one I currently have? (Sorry I couldn't reply fast I was at college orientation yesterday and most of today)
  18. I just upgraded from v6, and in v6 I was in the mansion with the gym fight with Marionette, when I load v9 though, it has me in some random area I have never been in before. Is there a way to fix this? Game.rxdata
  19. Welp, this was embarrassing xD, thank you for the links for the download, hopefully I have an easier time.
  20. I'm playing v6 and am having troubles grinding because Audino's secret power(?) keeps paralyzing my Pokemon Current Team: Swobat Lvl 33 Ability: Simple Twisted Spoon Brave Nature Calm Mind Air Slash Heart Stamp Air Cutter Floatzel Lvl 32 Ability: Swift Swim No held item Carefull Nature Double Hit Swift Water Gun Aqua Jet Pangoro Lvl 34 Ability: Scrappy No held item Naive Nature Stacking Shot Cut Body Slam Vital Throw Houndoom Lvl 33 Ability: Unnerve No held item Adamant Nature Ember Howl Fire Fang Bite Duskull Lvl 31 Ability: Frisk No held item Lax Nature Will-o-Wisp Pursuit Shadow Sneak Ominous Wind Jolteon Lvl 33 Ability: Volt Absorb No held item Rash Nature Thunder Wave Thunder Fang Baby-Doll Eyes Bite PC Pokemon Tympole Lvl 12 Ability: Water Absorb No held item Hasty Nature Shadow Wave Shadow Shed Refresh Bounce Litleo Lvl 15 Ability: Unnerve No held item Serious Nature Ember Work Up Headbutt Noble Roar Tangela Lvl 22 Ability: Regenerator No held item Don't know the nature yet Shadow Rave Shadow Hold Loudred Lvl 30 Ability: Scrappy No held item Calm Nature Bite Uproar Rock Smash Stomp Growlithe Lvl 24 Ability: Intimidate No held item Lax Nature Fire Fang Leer Take Down Flame Wheel Altaria Lvl 35 Ability: Natural Cure No held item Naive Nature Disarming Voice Dragon Breath Take Down Cotton Guard I obviously don't have the best Pokemon, but I really need help. I've been trying for 5 days to beat Marionette. Should I just restart? Like it gets so frustrating when the rng hates you and lets a pokemon never lose a turn to paralysis on her team, and let's her get all these crits. It's also really frustrating when nothing you do works and the most pokemon you can knock out on her team is 3, but it takes 5 pokemon to do it. Any help is greatly appreciated, 'cause at this point I'm about to call it quits and uninstall the game...
  21. It has been 5 f-ing days. I'm desperate. Can someone PLEASE HELP ME. I just want to get past this gym and nothing I do works. Right now I'm struggling to find out why this thread is a thing when no one replies. Like honestly, I'm seeing replies to another person's issue, is it so hard to help 2 people at once? Cause at this point I'm about set to quit this game because nothing I can think of works on this gym leader, and the community won't help. It's extremely frustrating.
  22. Leader: Marionette (Mansion fight) I'm playing v6 and am having troubles grinding because Audino's secret power(?) keeps paralyzing my Pokemon Current Team: Swobat Lvl 33 Ability: Simple Twisted Spoon Brave Nature Calm Mind Air Slash Heart Stamp Air Cutter Floatzel Lvl 32 Ability: Swift Swim No held item Carefull Nature Double Hit Swift Water Gun Aqua Jet Pangoro Lvl 34 Ability: Scrappy No held item Naive Nature Stacking Shot Cut Body Slam Vital Throw Houndoom Lvl 33 Ability: Unnerve No held item Adamant Nature Ember Howl Fire Fang Bite Duskull Lvl 31 Ability: Frisk No held item Lax Nature Will-o-Wisp Pursuit Shadow Sneak Ominous Wind Jolteon Lvl 33 Ability: Volt Absorb No held item Rash Nature Thunder Wave Thunder Fang Baby-Doll Eyes Bite PC Pokemon Tympole Lvl 12 Ability: Water Absorb No held item Hasty Nature Shadow Wave Shadow Shed Refresh Bounce Litleo Lvl 15 Ability: Unnerve No held item Serious Nature Ember Work Up Headbutt Noble Roar Tangela Lvl 22 Ability: Regenerator No held item Don't know the nature yet Shadow Rave Shadow Hold Loudred Lvl 30 Ability: Scrappy No held item Calm Nature Bite Uproar Rock Smash Stomp Growlithe Lvl 24 Ability: Intimidate No held item Lax Nature Fire Fang Leer Take Down Flame Wheel Altaria Lvl 35 Ability: Natural Cure No held item Naive Nature Disarming Voice Dragon Breath Take Down Cotton Guard I obviously don't have the best Pokemon, but I really need help. I've been trying for 2 days to beat Marionette. Should I just restart? I've been working hard on every other gym leader and managed to get through I'm on the normal difficulty btw. Thanks in advance!
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