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  1. I need you to send the Game.rxdata file in your pokemon rejuvenation saved game folder, It should be in your computers saved game files, if you search saved games in the taskbars search tool it will come up
  2. mate send me your save files I'll fix it up for you. If I can also I think you should have sent this to the bug reporting, even though this didn't happen to me while playing the new version. did you install the patch?
  3. Well, PBS files are data files that allow you to manipulate game data, it’s mostly used for game development, and if you are playing the game like a normal person you don’t need to worry about it. I mostly wanted to take a look at some of the codes in that file
  4. Get yourself a Garbodor, teach it toxic spukes and toxic. You will thank me later
  5. Does anyone have the V7 PBS files? There are some battle mechanics that were present in the those files that have been changed in the recent files which I wanted to use as a source for modifying my game.
  6. Afias

    screw anybody who thinks rejuvenation sucks
    if you don't like it don't play it
    this game is probably the best pokemon game I've ever played(coming from me that actually out of a lot of games)

    please continue on your work it's absolutely amazing


    1. Trooperk


      Damn straight! No doubt in my mind that this is my all time favorite Pokemon game! The story in itself is magical! Not to mention the EXCELLENT route and city designs, awesome creator and kindhearted community. Can honestly say I couldn't be happier to have found and played through this game many, many, MANY times. :)

    2. M4rduk


      I love this game more than Reborn

  7. Actually, after doing the expansion event for the third time and paying 1500 to Maman, she fall's sick and say's the expansion can't continue, So no problems here. But if you go there a bit later and interact with Maman when she is in bed and come out of the room, Mosely notices you and the game freezes up, kinnda like what used to happen after beating the puppet master's double battle before the game was patched.
  8. my game got stuck when I went to maman's abode after leaving her room. Game.rxdata
  9. okay so I downloaded the batch 9.2 but I went to the lost camp, and this is my second visit after making the 1500 payments so the same thing that happened with in the nightmare world happened I'm stuck and can't move but still able to hear music and save the game Game.rxdata
  10. I do now thanks for your help really great game....can't wait for v10
  11. okay new problem after going into the nightmare realm and winning the double battle , my game stuck....I could only just save my game and the toy box music is playing but I can't seem to move or open the menu Game.rxdata
  12. when I loaded the game my file entirely wiped I had to start all over...this was my last saved file..but it doesn't seem to come up at all 160 - Afias - 34h 19m - 8 badges.rxdata
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