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Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Orasha

  1. Chapter 3: A Whole Lot of Talking After defeating the Rift monstrosity, everything fades to black... and not in a fun way. It seems as though we might be dead, until a voice pierces the darkness. It's Melia, who has rescued us thanks to plot convenience. She decides to try something risky: having her Togepi use Metronome and hoping that it teleports us outta here. Togepi manages to teleport us into Gearen Laboratory, where we get to eavesdrop on Dr. Jenner and the woman he was talking to him on the monitor, Madelis. A lot of plot happens, so I'll just sum it up below: And then that super ominous Gothitelle shows up... and it talks! I want one... Okay apparently its her owner speaking through her or something. Psychic Pokemon are weird. She offers us some foreshadowing: And then goes on her way. I'm not gonna let some mildly attractive Pokemon's psychic telephone powers tell me what to do! With all that out of the way, we can finally take on Venam, our first gym leader! The first time I face her it... doesn't go well. I decide to do some side content (like finding out her secret gym graveyard, though the only thing there is a Seviper egg and that's not really useful to me). Since she gave me so much trouble, I decide to grind Euphoria and Heartslayer up to level 20 so they evolve, and then common candy them back down to 18. Hopefully the increased stats will be good enough against her. And so, this ended up being my team for our rematch: Ah yessss, Slaanesh vs Poison, the favored type of one of my enemies, Nurgle. This should be interesting. After getting the badge, Venam wants to go look for Melia, but that requires Rock Smash... which she doesn't have. Apparently one of the gang leaders has it. Wonderful. Venam is also a little distrustful of our... intentions concerning Melia. After leaving the gym, we encounter the mad Dr Jenkel, who can return us to our dreams. It looks like we can replay the lead up to any further Rift sections through this mechanic, presumably to grind EXP off the meteor grunts or to catch Shadow Pokemon we didn't get the first time? I'm honestly not sure what the point of this is, though it'll probably be important later. We also get roped into collecting Zygarde cells for a sidequest, though I'm not sure how diligent I'll be about finding them. Are there any rewards other than Zygarde? Because that's not a Pokemon I can use. I also stop by Venam's house and hang out with her mom. This gets us a Poison Barb and a Rejuvination-exclusive TM: Poison Sweep! It immediately goes on Zarakynel. So we defeat the gang leader, Karrina, and get inducted into their super-secret hideout (where they spy on people and beat up those who break the rules? They feel more like an underground police force then anything else). They tell us they're doing an operation at Amethyst cave, which is pretty convenient since that's where Melia probably is. It's time to hop on the train and head to Route 2...
  2. Chapter 2: Ravenous Rifts As I slowly explore East Gearen, I witness a girl get punted out of her house... Quite literally. She doesn't seem to be doing well. We have to get her an Oran berry as a last wish, though something seems a little fishy. It turns out she was playing us (gasp), and that she just wanted a free berry! Drat! All the same, she seems pretty interesting, and introduces herself as Venam. With that name and that hair, she's just gotta be the Poison-type leader. She invites us to hang out with her in the sewers.... Romantic? Outside of the sewer level, we run into Ren again, though there's no battle this time. It seems that Melia couldn't go where she wanted since the Railnet was down, so she came to the sewers to fix it. Well, this'll be fun! In the sewers, we eventually find Melia and Venam, who are trying an experiment. It seems Melia left some garbage down there to see if it would spontaneously turn into Trubbish. There's also talk that Melia attracts Shiny Pokemon at a supernatural rate, though she's quick to downplay this After some more dialgoue, the foreshadowing becomes reality as Trubbishes attack, backed up by a Shiny Garbodor! After that mini-boss, the power is restored and we also find a Coin Case, which will allow us to waste time grind up some coins in Chrisola Hotel's casino. There's also a nice little easteregg here: With that, we're able to spend hours playing Voltorb Flip in order to get a Meowstic (soft resetting to ensure its female). Depending on how things go, I might grind up coins for Hidden Power since that's a super useful TM. With a little outside help, I calculate that both Espurr (now named Kyriss) and Heartslayer's Hidden Powers are Fire. Interesting. It's at this point that I also decide to just run around in Gearen forever to get a female Nidoran. It takes... a while. (Later, when I finally messed with my computer clock to catch a Budew, it seemed like Nidorans were more prevalent in the morning, though it might not be a real pattern). I name her Zarakynel. Hustle is kinda a meh ability, but it means that Nidoqueen will have Sheer Force, which is super good, so that's an okay trade-off. With that out of the way, it's time to hop on the plot train literally. We run into Tesla again, who is adamant that our mother is still alive, and buys our ticket to Goldenwood forest. We also talk to this Old Man, who hurt himself trying to rescue his granddaughter, so of course we'll find her. Before fully progressing with the plot, we run into a Whismur on Route 1 that we immediately pick up. THINGS WILL GET slightly louder in the future. Once there, we run into Melia again, and get to spend the day with her! After teaming up to handle some ne'er-do-wells, we run into an odd inscription on the wall, that breaks somehow! And we get to picnic with her, which is amazing And because this is a Pokemon game, she wants us to battle her, since she'll be a gym leader soon. Melia's a little bit sad, but it's okay! And then an odd, green light washes over the screen... Running back through the cave, we get an even worse omen: So we run into Team Xen again, and this time they're after Melia! One of the grunts brings out a Meowth, but it looks... odd. According to Melia, this is a Shadow Pokemon. That's pretty cool, since Shadow Pokemon were used in the Gamecube Pokemon games and don't show up anywhere else. I'm pretty sure they work the same mechanically as well, which is cool. I'm definitely a fan of this idea, hopefully the implementation is good Melia instructs us to open the briefcase, since her father put something in there for emergencies. Before entering the correct number, I enter the number the lock was at in the forest when we had the picnic, and I'm rewarded with an ability capsule! Sweet! After entering the correct combination, we find something strange... This glove allows us to swipe Shadow Pokemon from their owners in battle, which is pretty sweet. So we steal the Meowth and fight some more grunts. Also it's called a Snag Machine. Pretty cool name. Most of the other Shadow Pokemon don't interest me, until... Also at some point, this happens: Eventually we get to have a double battle against what I assume is this game's version of Aster and Eclipse, Eli and Sharon. Then the shiny Garbodor from earlier shows up and distracts the pair, allowing me to talk to the odd guy who seems like the leader. His hair is... kinda silly, to be honest. He's called Zetta, and talks some shit about our name. You have no realm to talk here. He also introduces us to something else ominous: the Rift. Zetta gives us an ultimatum: Either he beats us and takes Melia, or we beat him and he unleashes the Rift. Not really fair, but he is a villain after all. And since this is a Pokemon game, we're not going down without a fight! True to his word, Zetta calls on the Rift. We get sucked into Gyarados's mouth or the dimensional rift, and the rift world is... a little weird. After throwing all the Magikarp back in, and finding some data about the boss we're about to fight, we take it on. But we're not completely alone... And with that, everything goes dark... See you next time!
  3. One of them was WAY more difficult than it needed to be since I have no way to deal super-effective damage to Fire types yet. But yeah, I noped out of those quests after I got wrecked once and came back to them later. Yeah! There's thankfully enough to have a good rotation at the start (though I do have some gaping holes in my type coverage currently). I'm pretty happy so far
  4. Chapter 1: A Sensuous Start (well, not really) Before we even get to character creation, there's a rather revealing intro, which sets up things that will be important later, I'm sure. Just for a quick recap: And just as young Maria is to be sacrificed, we wake up to character creation! Don't tease me like that! I flip-flopped on what sprite I wanted to use a couple of times. See, Slaanesh is referred to as "he" in Warhammer lore, even though applying gender to extra-dimensional beings is sort of incoherent. Slaanesh also possesses male and female parts, and is said to be the perfection of gender and sexuality, so an agender character would work well. Unfortunately, the agender sprites don't really yell "Slaanesh" to me, which makes sense since they're androgynous (which is good in general, but not good for this particular theme). Instead, I decide to use the pink-haired girl in the dress and hat. I think she fits the theme best out of the available sprites. It's here that I have my first main complaint about the game: I couldn't find any way to back out of character creation once a sprite was selected, apart from resetting the game. This meant that in order to check out all 6 sprites, I had to play through the tail end of Maria's intro 6 times, and that was rather annoying. Really, the intro wasn't too bad, but having to pick the difficulty setting each and every time and not being able to save after that was fairly grating (I decided to play on Normal, btw). Maybe I'm just dumb, but I tried every button I could think of and nothing worked. Also, I named my character Slaanesh since I'm lazy unimaginative trying to get into the mood for it. At this point, I was sort of fed up with going through non-gameplay stuff, so I skipped the extra intro on the boat. I had gotten that far with my initial playthrough so I didn't miss anything, but I didn't take any screens. I don't mind the boat scene, as it sets up character relationships and sets the villains up as a credible threat (also they use a ton of Deoxyses... Deoxysi? and I'm excited about that). I just kinda didn't want to go through it again ^^' Sorry. Instead, we pick up after just being rescued by Telsa and their Talonflame. I'm hoping he's a bird specialist, since the real life Tesla had a weird Slaanesh-approved thing for pigeons. After running around to get some items and going through customs, we're finally in Gearen city, and trainers block our path, forcing us to the Laboratory. That's not before we have this charming~ interaction: After that, we finally get to the lab, where we can choose our Pokemon! On our way into the lab, we run into this girl: And get some not-so-subtle cues that the Professor is up to no good: With all that out of the way, we can finally descend and pick out starter! We could just go ahead and pick Popplio, or we could try our luck at getting Ralts as a Jackpot starter. I decide to use the Jackpot machine, and go with whichever one of those two it spits out first. It feels like hours, but after Reborn's psychiatrist this amount of soft-resetting means nothing to me. This even requires less effort then the therapist did. After a while, we get a Ralts! It's female, which is sort of a bummer since having a male Gardevoir would be very emblematic of this run, but oh well. I decide to name her Heartslayer, since its one of the least silly/edgy names for one of the Keepers of Secrets, Slaanesh's greater daemons. And then I get a look at it more closely: As is tradition, we get to face some trainers, likely the ones who will be recurring characters or rivals. The first is Amanda: Next up! After getting gifted some useful items in exchange for finding and helping Melia, it's time to truly begin the adventure. It's time to grab some Pokemon! After some running around, this is our team: After running around the city, I discover the Help Center and do all the sidequests I can handle. While they're all interesting, one in particular struck my eye... So a girl's Starly gets stolen and we have to track it down. After defeating a biker, and at risk of having to face his two buddies, this happens: Huh. Apparently magic is real in this universe, and can be controlled by humans thanks to the ancient civilization having taken the energy from Pokemon and put it into a book. That's... pretty terrifying actually. I didn't write down her name (oops!), but having some form of magic that isn't the result of a Legendary Pokemon in the setting is pretty cool, if a little jarring initially. It helps add some gravitas to the Garufa, and is likely setting up some even stranger uses of magic further down the line. I'm certainly intrigued. And with that, I think that's gonna be all for today! It's been a pleasure~
  5. Haha I might add them, it depends on when Onix is available and what my selection is like at that point. No custom sprites for this one (tbh I wouldn't even know who to talk to and I'd feel kinda bad if I couldn't compensate them for it). I agonized a bit over which sprite to pick, but that'll show up in Chapter 1. Personally I think Meowstic's female form counts. She learns different moves from the male form, have different possible abilities, and play very differently (Smogon lists them as separate, for instance). Ultimately it's up to you, but I feel like these differentiate Meowstic-F from its male counterpart enough to be included (contrast to a Pokemon like Pyroar, where the differences are only sprite deep). I knew I forgot something! Mienshao was in my list of Pokemon in my text file (I generally write down battles and impressions there before uploading), and I didn't put it here. Oops. I'd say they definitely count I agree with Victreebell, Granbull, and Purugly. Liepard I'm more on the fence about, but I have better Pokemon to choose from in the beginning as well. Exploud is here largely due to the fanart, and also because Slaanesh's marines are the Noise Marines and they're hilarious. Basically they murder people with the power of Rock and Roll. At one point they literally had weaponized guitars. Exploud is basically the only Pokemon that fits the Noise Marine's catchphrases: THIS QUIET OFFENDS SLAANESH and THINGS WILL GET LOUD NOW. This is a pretty good intro to them (please don't turn your volume up you might die lol): Exploud may stay around just to make sure things stay loud. It really depends on what Pokemon are available when (and Whismur is available before the first gym). I'll likely prioritize other Pokemon over Exploud unless its a situation where I really need to SCREAM TO BE HEARD.
  6. I can add them if you want I was also thinking about Muk, due to what its name is backwards, but other then the name it doesn't really fit. I forgot to put it on the list though And thanks! Next update will hopefully be tomorrow, but idk
  7. "Find pleasure in every moment, indulge in every whim. Let lesser races feel the burden of their crude lives. We are beyond such concerns or worries. Every power is ours to use, every sensation ours to experience. We are truly masters of the galaxy, and all others exist only to satisfy our curiosities. We have earned our position of power. Let us forever taste the fruits of such achievement. Time itself is ours to command. We are eternal." Hello everyone! Break out the whips and chains, cause its time for a rather ~sensuous~ challenge run. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Warhammer, Slaanesh is the Chaos God of hedonism, perfection, lust, pride, dubstep and self indulgence. What does this mean for a Pokemon run? Well, basically I'm going to restrict myself to mons that are female only and/or sexualized. I know what you're thinking, "But Orasha, the internet will pervert anything!" And you're right! So I'm trying to limit it to Pokemon that are notorious for how weirdly sexual they are, even among people who don't really play Pokemon or have paraphilias (I'm looking at you, Mega Lopunny). Some of these are debatable, and in those cases I'll leave it up to your input to determine whether something is sexy enough appropriate for the run. This run was also inspired by this piece of fanart (No nudity, but it is suggestive and probably NSFW) Aside from my limited Pokemon usage, I'll also be playing through blind, so try to limit spoilers. The only exceptions to that are Pokemon locations (just to make sure I have as many applicable Pokemon as possible), and possibly puzzle solutions if I get super stuck. This also means you'll get to hear my initial thoughts on Rejuvination I hope I don't rustle any jimmies. For reference, here are a list of Pokemon I'm considering using: As you can see, there's a fairly large amount of Pokemon to choose from. Feel free to suggest any that I may have overlooked! I'm not sure how much roleplaying I'll be doing during this run, as I don't have as much time as I did during the summer (and even then, I never really RP'd my two Reborn runs). At best, you can expect some weird prose about sensory pleasures. At worst, it'll just be a lot of sex jokes. I'll try to be more like Cain and less like T3RR4, but we'll see (both are probably Heralds of Slaanesh anyway). Prepare yourself. Anyways, that's all for now! I'll be seeing you soon~
  8. I don't really have knowledge of the game either, so it'll be fun for both of us There are a surprising amount of oddly sexualized Pokemon that can be both genders, and I'm kinda hoping to get a male Buneary and Ralts (I don't think I'll use Gallade, but it would still be fun), among other things. That's up to the RNGesus though. And thanks! I'll probably need it
  9. Alright so it looks like there's a tie, but I'm antsy and want to start playing, so I guess I'll go with the Slaanesh theme because Alistair talked about it in the comments and no one really commented about the Ninja theme. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll see everyone a bit later! I'm not sure how I'm going to structure the playthrough yet but rest assured it'll be here eventually
  10. I'm not sure where you're from, but a lot of universities require general education courses that are usually around a years work of credits overall. If you're not sure what you want, and your university has general education stuff, you could try and get those out of the way first, and maybe take an intro writing, accounting, and engineering course as part of those courses. Since those fields are all so different, taking intro classes might be useful in figuring out which one appeals the most to you. If they all appeal equally, you could try and double major in two or minor in one of them. It would be a lot of work, to be sure, but if you really can't decide then that might be a good plan.
  11. Yeah, figuring out the best selection of coverage moves was basically the only way to go. And finding good defensive Pokemon, since Rock has a lot of weaknesses. Cradily is the MVP in that regard It'll certainly be an interesting time. I expect a lot of trial and error as I discover their Pokemon and movesets
  12. I suppose going by rule 34 that any Pokemon is available You totally got me on the modified Poison run thing. It's my favorite type but I'm a little burned out on monotypes for now ^^' Salazzle is probably ninja-y enough, but she's probably too sensuous for Nurgle. Salazzle definitely fits Slaanesh though I guess describing Nurgle as "poison with add-ons" is a little too broad, cause Salazzle doesn't really fit his theme. Oops. It's a shame Khorne's portfolio is so broad, since a lot of Pokemon focus on fighting honorably and being powered by rage And unfortunately Tzeentch would mostly just like... psychic types. And some bird Pokemon
  13. So after playing through Reborn a couple times, I decided I should check out other fan games, and that it would make sense to start with Rejuvination. I mean, it's right here! And as I started playing, I quickly became overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Pokemon available at the start. That's... a problem I have in most Pokemon games, really. I get so caught up in what Pokemon I want to use and trying to catch things that I kinda stress myself out. It's weird. So I figured, what better way to alleviate that stress then by doing some sort of themed run? That's where you come in. I have ideas. Lots of ideas. Altogether too many ideas of some interesting themes. Not all of them are super viable or could even get a full team for a while, so I narrowed it down to three options: Slaanesh Theme: The Chaos God of hedonism and excess, a Slaanesh theme would basically be similar to @Mechathulhu's Ladylocke theme for Reborn but with extra steps. Any Pokemon that is vaguely feminine or could be weirdly sexualized (especially by the internet) is fair game here. Aside from all female species, Gardevoir and Lopunny are shoe-ins. Nurgle Theme: Nurgle is the Chaos God of decay, disease, and sloth. He's also surprisingly nice, like Santa if every day was Christmas and all your presents were plagues. Basically a Poison Monotype with add-ons like Slaking, Snorlax, Slowbro, Parasect, Shiinotic, and many others. Ninja Theme: You might have expected Khorne or Tzeentch here, but I don't think they'd offer as interesting and varied a selection of Pokemon. Instead, the Ninja theme is largely a Poison run, with some restrictions and a little bit more leeway. Basically, if Janine, Koga, or the Ninja Boy trainer class ever used it, or if its ninja-y enough, its in. And that's basically it. I had a few other ideas (a corrosive field run, a desert run, some sort of chess theme, a halloween theme, extraterrestrial pokemon, etc.), but none of them could really give me a full team by the time I got to Venam. It goes without saying that I'll be documenting this run (likely with screenshots and stuff), and it'll be pretty blind so you'll have to excuse me But I'm looking forward to it
  14. Thanks! I was surprised at how few problems I had, too! I expected Rock to be a lot, well, rockier to use. I've definitely gained a bigger appreciation for the type. I can't wait for Episode 17, in no small part due to your upcoming Ladlylocke challenge! I really love theme runs and that one looks like it'll be both challenging and interesting
  15. My headcannon is that maybe Togepi was a gift from Kiki? But Kiki is also a fighting specialist so I dunno. Yeah, the special defense boost + defeatist meant it didn't do much. To be honest, I wanted to suicide Plume Knight there so I would have a safe switch. Aggron is a bit slow, but he's doing pretty good so far. I might tweak his EVs a little bit, cause yes there are similar to what you suggested. Maybe I'll invest more in speed... I dunno. I don't really have to worry about that for a loooooong time. 1) He could have rolled low? I'm not sure, really. ^^' 2) Ah, well... Superpower or Earthquake should still be okay. I'm not really looking forward to her, truth be told, as both my runs are weak to Steel But I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. 3) Oh yeah definitely, I fully explored all the side content on my Fairy run. The jobs quest, the fortune teller/spy quest, the Kecleon thing, underwater... I did as much of it as I could. Like I said, I'm having a fair amount of burnout so I might not do them all with my Rock boys until Episode 17. 4) That's true... Hm. Idk, I might train one up and put him in rotation. Nuking with Acrobatics is just so fun though Aw thanks! I think I'm going to start off with Rejuvination, but in the future I'll look into those! And if I decide to do any weird challenge or theme runs I'll be sure to put them here. To be honest, I kind of prefer doing challenge runs, since I get overwhelmed by just how many Pokemon there are to choose from having a set monotype or theme makes it a lot easier to choose who to use, and to make sure they do the best they can.
  16. Chapter 17: With Ciel defeated and Fly in hand, we can return to the city. And boy, is it great. I always purposefully enter through the Grand Gate, just to take in the full spectacle of it all. It's such an amazing feeling to see how Reborn has changed. There is a TON of side content here, and I'm not going to go through all of it because I'd be here forever. Instead, let's look at the stuff pertinent to Rock. We finally have access to Aerodactyl, but honestly, he's not that great. I mean, compared to Archeops, that is. Aerodactyl lacks a strong Flying STAB, though he is super fast. Maybe if/when Megas get implemented I'll be more interested, but even then I doubt it, since Mega Aggron is unarguable the best non-legendary Mega for Rock (and there's an argument to be made that it's better than Mega-Diancie as well). We can also get Probopass at this point, but the most interesting sets all require TM moves we don't have yet, like Volt Switch. I can't see him having a place on my team, as weird as he is (and I do love weird Pokemon). Thanks to the move tutor, Shell Squire can finally learn Stealth Rock, which means I'm retiring the Boulder. I also decide to do some breeding to get a truly ferocious Aggron. Eventually I breed Head Smash and Superpower onto an Aron and grind it up (I would prefer Earthquake instead of Superpower, but Earthquake isn't an available TM yet, much to my eternal dismay). After deliberating on what Elemental Punch to add to round out the moveset, I decide on Ice Punch, since it provides greater coverage. Maybe for Titania I'll change it to Fire Punch. We'll see. Anyways, here he is: After some deliberation, I go and collect Arclight, Adrienn, and Victoria to start the Devon Corp. raid. Things go... poorly, as I'm sure you know, and we're put between a rock and a hard place. We have to battle our friends, starting with Victoria. VS VICTORIA Not really happy with how that one went. I basically wasted Rhyperior on nothing, though there's not much he could have done. Plume Knight swept pretty easily, which is to be expected since Acrobatics is great and Victoria specializes in fighting (well, except Togekiss, she never really explained that one). Victoria gets zapped, and we head upstairs to confront another puzzle. Eventually we're in another arena, face to face with Reborn's only premier DJ, Arclight! He tells us that Adrienn refused to fight, and so was punished. Welp. Lin comes in to mock us some more, and then it's battle time! In prepping for this bad boy, I switched Kusanagi out for Nero. VS ARCLIGHT Other than that one stupid switch with Dame Helix, that went really well. I didn't really expect to have trouble with that one, though. Ascending through more puzzles, we arrive to witness Ame being killed by Lin. Of course, this is the first thing I think of: Lemme tell you, I am worried about PULSE Magnezone. Levitate is gonna make that battle a huge pain. I suppose I still have Aggron's Super Power, Rhino Knight's Hammer Arm, and Root Jr.'s Mirror Coat, but that's all assuming it doesn't outspeed them. I am not very hopeful. So more puzzles, and we encounter ZEL again. They're not having a good day. Lin told them to move everything out, but they can't move Magnezone out, and on top of it: After some pleasantries, it's time for another battle! VS ZEL All in all, less difficult than I anticipated. That only took one try, which I think is pretty incredible. Sticky Web is pretty good; I can understand why its used in competitive Magnezone explodes, and when ZEL wakes up things are... different. So he is ZEL no longer. Getting rid of Magnezone seems to have exorcised the spirits of Eve and Lumi from his brain. I guess that's another character death... well, sort of, anyway. He runs off to Agate. Meanwhile, we rescure Victoria, Arclight, and Adrienn. Adrienn seems to be fine, thanks to their Pokemon, which is a little odd, and Arclight... well... they took his eye. There's some nice character moments for Victoria, and I'm real happy about the changes and growth she's had. We can now face Adrienn, but first we need to find them volunteers, which isn't too hard. Adrienn really wants for us to be Champion, which is fine, since this is a Pokemon game and becoming Champion is kinda the unspoken goal. It's finally time to take on the last boss of the game so far... VS ADRIENN That battle... was a pain. Probably the hardest one in a while. Gardevoir's Focus Blast and Togekiss' Aura Sphere were both almost guaranteed OHKOs. Mega Mawile was as terrifying as ever, and it certainly didn't help to be weak to its main Steel STAB. It took a few tries to figure out a good team (Shuckle just isn't good in Doubles and was basically dead weight), and a few more to actually win. King Cold was instrumental here, as his Ice moves hit Whimsicott (and potentially Togekiss, if it was still around) hard, allowing Root Jr. to stall out Florges. Overall, I'm fairly happy with the end result, even if it required plenty of trial and error and even though everyone was KOed except Root Jr. And that ends Episode 16! Sure, there's still some side content to do, but that isn't necessary to show off here. Honestly, this will probably be my last playthrough of Reborn for a while. During this playthrough I experienced some heavy burnout. I mean, Route 1 was always bad, but I even put off facing Ciel and taking on the Devon Corp. raid for as long as possible. Part of it is definitely stuff happening irl (which is part of the reason why my uploads have become less and less wordy), but I think a lot of it is that I've played this game a lot over the past 6 months... and I need a break. I still love Pokemon though, so I think I'll end up playing some other fan games. You might see me in the Rejuvination forums in a bit, or maybe back here with a playthrough of a different fan game. I'm not really sure. Rest assured that when Episode 17 drops, I'll be back to finish it with both this run and my Fairy run I've had a great time playing through this game, and I hope you've had a great time reading it So I guess that's goodbye for now~
  17. Oh shit yeah you're right, Anorith has Rapid Spin. Idk if I ever used hazards against Shelly or whether she used Rapid Spin, but its cool to know that she has the ability to.
  18. I did a (mostly) fairy monotype, where I used mons from the Fairy Egg Group as well just to make the early game easier to handle. Even with Primarina as a starter, you won't have much in the very beginning. I recommend always having at least 1 Pokemon with Misty Terrain on your team, since it's great in Reborn. It boosts Pixilate's power, making Sylveon even more ridiculous, increases the power of many different Fairy attacks, boosts all Fairies' sp def, and increases Wish recovery. I also liked having a fairy bulky Wish Passer, who typically had a status curing move and Misty Terrain as well. Aromatisse filled this job very well until I had access to Florges, which is just better. I think I eventually phased Florges out for Sylveon, but that's cause I went for a tankier Sylveon set since mine didn't have a useful Hidden Power and because moves like Shadow Ball aren't available in the game yet. Other options that people haven't already mentioned include: Mr. Mime. Does a good job until you get Gardevoir. Filter and Technician are both good abilities, and Mr. Mime was really helpful against Aya. He also has access to Wide Guard through the Move Tutor, and as Jess has shown, Charlotte can't stand Wide Guard and it helps out a lot in other Doubles circumstances. Whimsicott is also a cool Pokemon, though I would take Azumarill as your mystery egg mon (assuming the choices stay the same in Episode 17). Whimsicott is an amazing stall Pokemon with plenty of options for Prankster. Subseed is my favorite, but Whimsicott can also learn Stun Spore and can be bred to have Memento. Mawile is okay, but the main reason I'm putting it here is because it's one of your only options to do super effective damage in mirror match ups. If/when the Mega Ring is introduced, Mega Mawile is pretty friggin awesome as well.
  19. It's pretty amazing 10/10 would recommend. That's true, but I'm gonna use Shuckle as my lead for the foreseeable future, so I don't need to double up on Stealth Rocks (the AI never seems to get rid of entry hazards anyway).
  20. I'll probably put something there other than Stealth Rock, since I'm pretty sure every Pokemon I have can learn it But yeah, bulky T-tar is just great. I think Reborn makes EV training easier, but without Sandbox Mode I just don't have the patience for it (even with items). Even on sped up mode, running around the tall grass for hours and hours is just something that I can't do. During my regular runs, I had a hard enough time grinding everyone to be level equivalent during the Circus arc. But that's more of an attention problem on my part haha
  21. I might have been able to beat her cleanly if I put an Air Balloon on Root Jr., so he could bounce back her Hyper Voice. Noivern being faster than Archeops didn't help either, and it would have probably been better to save King Cold for Altaria (though an Air Balloon would have helped him out too). And don't be too hard on yourself! At least you got through it The first time I played Episode 16, Charlotte wrecked me so bad I ended that run I think part of the reason I'm doing so well is because I EV trained everyone (the first time I've done that in a game ever, thanks to Sandbox Mode), and that makes this part of the game much more manageable. I'm hoping it'll be in Episode 17, since one of its abilities is Sand Stream and the desert plays such a huge role... It'll probably be super difficult to get regardless, if Beldum is any indication. With Tyranitar, I'd finally have the best defensive core for Rock.
  22. Chapter 16: Splash Mountain With Terra defeated, we can finally descend the massive waterfall. It seems like someone familiar notices us on the way down, too: Titania was never a nice person, but you would think she might be a little grateful we even came after her at all. Also, she kills people. A lot of people. Jeez. Guess Hardy was right, huh? After making our way through the sewer level and its puzzles (with some barely disguised help from Taka), we uncover the source of the pollution: A PULSE Swalot hidden right under everyone's noses! Not that their noses would be able to tell, given how much the place must stink, but still. You know what that means! VS PULSE SWALOT With Swalot out of the way, we can cleanse the water and surf around. Awesome! So much changes in Reborn City while we're away, but it's nice that we actually helped change some of it too (I'd like to think our actions in the Water Treatment Center are why Azurine lake is azure again). Back at the plot, Titania takes Amaria and leaves, but not before berating Taka for being a coward. Nevermind that without Taka's covert assistance, Beryl would be more overrun and the operation and Apophyll would have been successful. In order to make it look like he put up a fight, Taka begs us to fight him, and I agree. Screw Titania's absolutism; Taka is most valuable at his father's side. VS TAKA After taking his whipping like a good boy, Taka tells us that Team Meteor will likely just attack the mansion instead, and that we should get going. Man, he is just he most helpful person. But before we can leave, Shade shows up to remind us that the images he showed us before were lies (well, at least 2 of them were). We saw Corey's death and remains with our own eyes, and Kiki didn't come back from the dead either (unless that Misdreavus counts), so I'm assuming that means Lin isn't going to die. Or, at least, won't die in the way Shade predicted. Unless, of course, there's some twist involving Shade having taken Corey's body (I know there's a considerable debate over whether "Corey," Shade's Gengar, is actually Corey's spirit or just the Haunter he used, though Sun and Moon's Pokedex entry for Gengar would seem to support the former, though that entry wasn't around when that plot point was developed so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). After a nice rest and a ton of plot, we team up with Florinia to take on the douchebag duo themselves, Fern and Blake! VS FERN AND BLAKE Fern gives his sister a "reason you suck" speech and leaves, and it seems to have had a profound effect on her. This moment of weakness allows Sirius to strike her with Seviper. Not to fear! Julia is here! And we get to team up with her against the true antagonist of the game: Orderly John. VS ORDERLY JOHN AND HIS HENCHMAN SOLARIS Those battles were more annoying then actually difficult. My plan to focus down Blake and 2v1 Fern kinda didn't work, but it turned out okay in the end. Focusing on Solaris' Pokemon was far easier, though that battle was MUCH longer. Capturing and writing summaries for these double battles are so tiring, since generally at least one Pokemon faints per turn. Sheesh. Anyway, with his boss defeated, Sirius brings out Chandelure to burn the house down. Team Meteor are a bunch of sore losers. He also says that this wasn't the first house he's burned down to get one of the keys, so I'm assuming he's responsible for the death of the elder Belroses and not Charlotte. We also learn a little bit more about why Florinia acts like a robot, though its not very clear. Apparently Titania betrayed Florinia or something. I hope we learn more about this in future episodes (or at least get more hints). Amaria wakes up and has lost her memory, pushing Titania even further to the edge. In order to protect the Sapphire bracelet and not deal with Amaria's amnesia, Titania flies off to her gym, which is in the desert. With all that plot out of the way, we can finally head back to the circus and take on the last member of the Triumvirate: Ciel. This will be my team: VS CIEL A bit down to the wire at the end there, but thankfully I was able to make a comeback. If I had lost, I would probably have switched Dame Helix for Kusanagi and given some of my Pokemon Air Balloons. Over all, not too difficult. Everything except Mega Altaria went down super easy. Alright everyone, that's it for now! Our next chapter will be our last (well, at least until Episode 17 drops). See you then!
  23. Chapter 15: Putting Terra in the Dirt With Charlotte defeated, we can proceed to Ametrine! Exploring under the ice leads to an unsurprising discovery: The ice wall is the result of a PULSE machine hooked up to a rather sad Avalugg. Sorry buddy, but we gotta end your suffering. VS PULSE AVALUGG With that out of the way, we can make the ascent to Ametrine City. There's a lotta plot up here. Shelly and I team up again, and we learn ZEL's tragic backstory. We also run into an asshole, who introduces himself like this: This is Blake, the guy who adopted Heather. Blake is basically the same person as Fern, except we don't see his fall to the dark side. After refusing to give him the ring, Blake steals it and runs away. With nothing else to do, Shelly and I head outside, only to run into Cal. He's undergone some major changes offscreen, including changing his hair: After possibly the best puzzle in the entire game, we find a secret passageway that leads to a shed. With help from Heather the Yanmega and Heather the person, the door is ripped off and Shelly reunites with her best friend. Of course, the reunion has to be cut short, since the Meteors are coming to pick Blake up at the top of the mountain, and we can't let him get away with that ring! We team up with Cal for the first round of double battles, and then get partnered with Shelly later on. Shelly's nicknamed more of her Pokemon, including Cain the Scolipede, Anna the Venomoth, and Noel the Vivillon. I absolutely adore that detail and all the character development Shelly gets in this part. It's great. Anyways, we head into the mountain only to be stopped by Aster, who has come to fight us for the Waterfall machine. Guess we don't have a choice, then. VS ASTER With that, Aster gives us Waterfall: Now we get to head up the mountain to face Blake. This was my team: With that, let's take this douchebag on! VS BLAKE Blake decides not to give us the ring, because, as Shelly discovers, bad guys lie, cheat, and don't have to follow any unspoken rule about that. Luckily, Heather and Cal are able to keep Blake off the helicopter, and Cal takes the ring and gives it back to Heather. Well, at least that was good. Also, there's no PULSE machine at the top of the mountain, meaning that Terra lied to us about the signal's location.... After a quick trip to the Pokecenter, we head back to the Circus and confront her. She is... possibly the worst spy in existence: She also manages to hack herself into the computer, and Samson can send us in. This part of the game almost makes up for how annoying Terra is. Almost. So we make our way through the digital world, and finally encounter a big bad boss MissingNo. VS MEWTWO Terra is gonna be interesting, so take a look at my team: Without further ado, it's time to take on the Queen o' B00ty herself! VS T3RR4 Whew. That was fairly intense towards the end (at least when I was playing it). Shell Squire was the absolute MVP, making sure her Nidoking wasn't as powerful and bringing him to critical, allowing Dame Helix to boost. I may have been able to sweep with Surf even without the boost, but it certainly helped. Maybe I could have kept Dame Helix in against Quagsire and used Hidden Power Grass, but it was risk I wasn't willing to take. All in all, I beat her on my first try and am pretty pleased with that outcome. Until next time!!
  24. I think I'm still scarred from my one regular run when Charlotte just completely walled me, so I expect her to be The Worst every time I face her Aw thanks Terra is coming, this next installment is gonna be a long one I think the main battle I'm worried about for the future is PULSE Magnezone (and maybe Adrienn, cause Mega Mawile is stronk). I guess Victoria's team might be bothersome as well, but I have good fighting checks. I'm surprised how well this turned out, tbh. Due to a lack of legendaries like Terrakion or Diancie, and megas like Mega Aggron, I thought this would be a lot harder.
  25. Your secret's safe with me Every time I beat her easily I'm shocked I was really surprised tbh. I thought one of them would outspeed me and everything would be more difficult from there.
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