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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Orasha

  1. Nice work in that large installment! You're almost done!
  2. Thanks! And yeah, I did a lot of soft-resetting. Eventually I fell into a good rhythm of predictable trades but Toxicroak and Medicham would both mess with me. Set didn't help, either Samson is gonna be difficult, but I'm cautiously optimistic. By then I'll have access to Archeops and be able to buy type berries and gems. Of course, he had several speed demons so who knows...
  3. Chapter 7: The Beach Episode After defeating Shade, he opens the doors as requested. He's surprisingly nice and compliant for a strange spirit entity. Unfortunately, things don't exactly go as planned: Cain manages to escape, but blocks off our way there. Honestly, I can't be too mad at him, and I appreciate any time Pokemon are used to effect the world outside of battle in this game. After the vision/security footage ends, Shade gives us some cryptic advice, whi ends with With little else to do, we head underground to find Cain, but instead run into Victoria. She helpfully explains that our HM is in another castle and that we'll need both the Strength HM and the Gym Badge to use it, which is the Poison badge. It turns out that Victoria's sensei, Kiki, gives out the Machine but not the badge to use it, which is a little weird. (This plot contrivance has always bothered me, like couldn't we just talk to Ame and see if she'll bend the rules a little bit? Children have been kidnapped for the Lords' sake!) Victoria also reminds us that we still need the Wasteland key from Cain, so we follow him to the Coral Ward. Apparently HMs and the gym badges to use them don't really matter, since Cain just hops on his Muk and floats away. And he still didn't give me the key.... After Cain leaves, I decide to head back to the Grand Hall, but we're stopped by Amaria. She wants our help to take out a factory presumably run by team Meteor. After getting imprisoned, we escape thanks to some caged Pokemon, and eventually make our way through, battling Meteor Knights and Dames along the way. This is our team for the upcoming battle: In the bowels of the Factory, we confront the mysterious leader and ZEL. There's some foreshadowing as Solaris attempts to kill us with Garchomp, but Amaria saves us. Thanks girl. While she takes on the threatening Meteor Leader, we have to contend with ZEL again, who is protecting the PULSE MUK. VS ZEL Solaris gives us the standard "you didn't foil our plans as much as you think you did" speech, and then has Tyranitar use Superpower... The Meteors escape, and Amaria is clearly reeling from the attack. She perseveres, however, and gives us her boat! With it, we can make our way to Apophyll Island and progress the plot save the orphans. Before we deal with Kiki's school, there's a lot that we can do now, and plenty of new Rock Pokemon. Here's all the new additions: Since Kiki's Pokemon are around the level 40 range, I decide to just grind all my fossils up to level 40 (generally while I was running back and forth trying to get a Binacle with Tough Claws and a Nosepass). I also decided to breed and grind a Cradily with Mirror Coat and Recover, one of which will be instrumental in my strategy against Kiki. After a lot of time and effort, this happens: At Apophyll, we enroll in Kiki's school and run into Victoria again. Victoria explains what happened since we're mute, though she does give herself a little too much credit: Kiki doesn't let everyone challenge her, and normally facing her would require us to attend her school and then graduate. Despite being a hardass about the HM rules, she tells us that if we defeat her strongest pupil, Cal, she'll give us the privilege of battling her. We ascend through Pyrous Mountain, and reach the summit after using a guide easily. This is our team for Cal: VS CAL After defeating Cal, I remember to go back and give a nickname to my new Cradily. I present to you: Back at Apophyll academy, there's some serious foreshadowing and Kiki decides to battle us. But, since Victoria's here, she's going to stand in our way. Look, I get it, you like your sensei a lot, but we have kids to save and also, she's a fighting specialist. I never trust a fighting specialist. VS VICTORIA I mean probably, since there's more of them than Kiki and Kiki is terminally ill anyway... Speaking of, its time to take on the master of meditation herself. I haven't been looking forward to this... VS KIKI (I know its raining in the screen, but after leaving and coming back it stopped raining, and it was regular weather when I defeated her) That battle was INCREDIBLY difficult, as to be expected. Had I used Shift it would have been slightly easier and I wouldn't needed to sacrifice as many Pokemon as I did. And honestly, I probably won through luck anyway, since Stargazer surviving Toxicroak's attack with 1 HP was incredibly lucky and allowed Lord Helix to sustain no damage against it. The critical Cross Poison was also amazing and timely, and without it I may have had to reset. Just to give you an idea of how many iterations my team and strategy went through, take a look at this spoiler:
  4. Good luck! I'm sure Fern will be really fun for you in the early game
  5. Great work! Its been a blast watching you burn everything to the ground!
  6. Ah, I didn't know that. Unfortunately I don't have much free time to play anymore, so I'm not sure if I'll do that for later breeding projects. Thanks for the info!
  7. Chapter 6: I Will Trebuchet This Chandelure INTO THE SUN That's not even a pun, I'm just bitter Shelly tells me to report Corey's death, which is a little weird. Like, isn't there a news service? Surely the police would let her know about something like this, right? I'm still pretty shaken up about it, so I decide to explore the caves a little bit with my new Rock Smash machine. On my way there, I run into a vendor debuting the Link Stone, and I decide to pick one up and evolve The Boulder immediately: In the caves we get some Mining Tools, and find a lost Lunatone. After a short battle, it joins the team. I don't have a screenshot of it from this point in the game, but I name it Stargazer; fitting, I think, since Lunatones are supposedly from outer space. Lunatone is somewhat interesting and might see use, thanks to Psychic moves (and eventually Moonblast via Move Tutor), as well as access to Rock Polish. It may be my best Special Attacker for a while... With Stargazer at my side, I feel strong enough to talk to Ame. Unfortunately, Fern has beaten us to it. As always, Fern decides that its time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel battle. I can at least understand his anger: my team keeps beating his despite a type disadvantage. I would be a little unsure of myself too. VS FERN Fern tells us he's going to challenge the new Poison leader, who apparently lives out in "the Wasteland." I'm sure that'll be pretty. He got the key from Cain, and is a dick, as always. I head to the Beryl Graveyard to get the key. Cain also wants to battle us, and unlike Fern he's not a massive pain in my ass, so I'm back to using Set. VS CAIN After our battle, Heather swoops in and confronts Cain. They have an argument, and she flies off to the Lapis Ward's Gym-- Shelly! Cain takes off after her, and is in such a rush that he can't give me the key. Everyone keeps getting in my way... Before we progress the plot head after him, I explore underneath the railway and catch a Skorupi. We can leave this little buddy in the Daycare Center until he's level 49 and knows Cross Poison, and ensure that he knows Knock Off, and breed them onto an Anorith. Certainly legal and feasible at this point in the game, though I'm using Sandbox mode to make it much less time consuming. I could also breed Anorith with Lord Dome to get one that knows Aqua Jet, but since I have good water coverage, I don't think its necessary (even though priority is really useful). After some breeding and waiting, I hatch the newest team member: There is a ton of plot here and I'm not really going to cover it; suffice to say we grab some orphans and run into the underground railnet. Well, we would, except its closed. Anna offers a solution: Sounds easy enough. I was wrong. Before we get sp00ked, I do some grinding, and this happens! VS SHADE That's all for now!
  8. Fern's Roserade is an absolute terror at this point in the game, its stats are just so high compared to anything else you can get at that point. And just like you, Gym Leaders have been fairly easy, though I expect that to change soon. Swagger is great, especially against Special Attackers, though I don't really understand why it was named that Thanks!
  9. Chapter 5: Rocks Slide, Everyone Dies Maybe I should save that one for later... oh well! Corey does what he always does, and Fern proves himself to be a supreme jackass. Grass types. You can never trust them. Except for Florinia, she's alright. I help out the police officers and my egg is!!! With nowhere else to go, we slide over to the Lapis Ward to investigate the bombing of the staircase, and also to see... his body. There's a lot of gang activity up here, and I decide to join Aqua Gang. Sure, Water is one of the Five Fingers of the Enemy, but I'd prefer them to be on my side then to constantly have to face a type I'm weak to. I run into Victoria and the Lapis Ward leader, Shelly, over by Corey's...well... you know... what's left of him. Ground is super-effective to poison, after all After some Meteor grunts spill the beans about who bombed the stairway, a spooky ghost appears! Apparently he's another gym leader. What a strange place this is... if only his spirit could know peace... Whatever it is, Shade takes Corey away, like he never existed in the first place, and Victoria and Shelly head into the gym to discuss things. Shelly is pretty freaked out, almost as much as I am, but Victoria and I need to forge ahead and stop Team Meteor. I head under the Grand Staircase, and into paradise. The caverns are...amazing. Crystals are everywhere! And maybe there will actually be more Rock Pokemon! I was so preoccupied with the cave's beauty that I almost didn't notice Aster and Eclipse capture Victoria. *Sigh* Looks like we'll have to rescue her. But before that, I decide to catch myself a Geodude, and it takes a few tries to get one with Sturdy. After taking some time out of my day to train him up (I'm sure Victoria will be fine), I present the newest member of the team: I take some time out to admire the beauty of nature. After some training, this happens: Some more cavern exploration leads me to some sort of constructed area, with polished floors and walls that glow with an otherworldly light. Of course, man would have to ruin the sanctity of the cave and build something here. Typical. Down there is a strange man, who tells us about Four Keys and a door to open them this totally isn't important. Are you sure? The gods I carry with me are apprehensive, and Lord Helix refuses to answer my questions about the place. Something has them spooked.. I wonder what it could be? The man departs, leaving me to confront Aster and Eclipse once again. At least Victoria helps out VS ASTER AND ECLIPSE After getting out of the cave (just wait until I can use Rock Smash, then I'll be back), I follow Victoria to Shelly's gym again. Rather than show us any appreciation, she gives us an errand to run Literally only doing this for Shelly, Victoria. The orphanage/doctor's office isn't a nice place, and the gut doktor tests our skills. Well, he would, except he sends out this dweeb instead: After proving my worth, Sigmund sends me home anyway. What a dick. Anna pushes us out, giving us advice to give to Shelly, and we head back. Why do I feel like I'm always the errand-person? Anna's advice cheers Shelly up and she's fine with battling, but Victoria is basically an antagonist at this point (at least in the literary use of the term, where the protagonist is someone who pushes the plot forward, and an antagonist is there to attempt to prevent them from doing that and cause conflict). It's rather fitting, considering she specializes in one of our Enemy types... My team: VS VICTORIA One puzzle later, and we're ready to face Shelly, the master of bugs. She's almost as punny as I am: My team: VS SHELLY Alright, that's all for now!
  10. Kiki is going to be... interesting. I thiiiiink only about half of her Pokemon know fighting moves, though. Not really sure how I'm going to handle some of them
  11. Hey everyone, updates are probably going to be a little less frequent from now on, but I'll still be around! And I'm still playing, I just have less free time
  12. Awesome work against Charlotte! Trick Room is seriously amazing in Reborn, thanks to Amplifield Rock
  13. Meditite is available before Kiki, you have to talk to everyone reading meditation books and then a girl on the second floor railing will give you one. I forget where Shelmet is, but there's a guy in Spinel Town (the ice gym town) who will trade a karrablast for it so the karrablast evolves. Bunnelby can be found at the Beryl graveyard iirc, but you can always check the pokemon location guide in the on the hunt forum. I think you can get magnezone before the story parts of episode 16, so it'll be helpful against the fairy leader.
  14. I totally agree, it makes tactical switches more important and also prepares you for competitive play more (though I'm probably trash at competitive). I also think Reborn makes shift mode less useful, because a lot of the battles (especially in the later episodes) are doubles, where shift gives you no advantage. For normal trainers though, shift allows me to give exp to the pokemon that I want to train, so I'll be using shift for non-bosses.
  15. Chapter 4: Corey in the House Wait a minute, didn't RedAlert already make that joke? Ahem Chapter 4: Corey Gets Stoned So this is the team for Corey: I stand before Corey, and he delivers a stinging monologue. To be fair, I wasn't the one who joined Team Meteor, I just ruined whatever secret plan you had. Also, your mask only covered your hair, not your face, so idk how your own daughter didn't recognize you (or your Pokemon) while battling you. (Also, I should mention that I'll be playing on Set mode for all the boss encounters) VS COREY Another monologue, and Corey is gone, telling me to meet him on the Beryl Bridge. I don't think I like where this is going, especially since he asked if I was going to kill him...
  16. Chapter 3: Things Get Rocky Before I make my way into Jasper Ward, I stop by the Name Rater. In honor of his service against Florinia, I rename Magma Lance. He shall now be known as Vulcan, after the god of the forge from Roman Mythology. Vulcan is also where we get the word "Volcano" from, so I think its pretty fitting. You truly are godlike, even if you aren't ancient, Slugma. So I head into Jasper Ward which, like Florinia said, is almost completely destroyed. I search around for a bit, finding a Team Meteor grunt who definitely won't be important later and running into the police. They've had it in a bad way, and are almost completely ineffective. Most of their officers are missing, too. Since I'll be scrounging through the wards looking for items and secrets, I might as well find them too, right? Jasper ward is nearly overrun with trees, bugs, and other other Pokemon. Its hard to tell where the ward ends and the jungle beings. Grass... why did it have to be grass?! After cutting the way through (well, I didn't do it, it was Lord Claw, but you know what I mean) and battling scores of Meteor grunts, I found another PULSE Tangrowth. I also met a nice dude named Taka. On the one hand, he seems pretty chill and like he'd be fun to hang out with, and he doesn't like the PULSE either. On the other hand... well... And then he challenges me to a battle. Great. I wonder what kind of Pokemon he uses... VS TAKA After defeating him, Taka helpfully reveals that the Beryl Ward is even worse than the Jasper Ward, and that we might want to go help there, too. Before we can question him further, he runs off, and then a girl in a Salamence flies in. A freaking Salamence. She is NOT happy that we saved the day, apparently because she's incredibly selfish. Seriously, why are you mad? I saved people's lives! Why are you so unpleasant?! Are you trying to be boulder than me? Why would I try to stop you? I hate dealing with Grass types. Go ahead, destroy it. Seriously, do it. The Beryl Ward is indeed much worse off than Jasper. Once again, Grass proves itself to be untrustworthy, as Nuzleaf trap me in a wooden cage. Fern comes around and is a totally douchecanoe, but what else is new, right? He wants me to beg, but I haven't hit rock bottom yet. And so he just leaves. Huh. Luckily for us, a friendly Chatot comes and flips the lever. After much exploration, I discover a library, a dead police officer, and plenty of Meteor goons. Eventually I come across the PULSE as well, this time guarded by Taka, ZEL and some man I've never met before. He's... something. If I'm an alley cat, won't I just turn into a leopard at level 20? Salamence girl swoops in, because apparently it takes forever to find the crazy PULSE machine. How can you possibly be this incompetent? Corey decides to handle her, while we take on Taka and ZEL. VS TAKA AND ZEL After defeating ZEL and Taka again, we find that the mysterious man has held off Heather pretty well. (How Corey was able to do this when Heather is part of the Elite 4 and presumably has higher level Pokemon, we'll never know). He attempts to run and is caught by the police, largely because I rescued them. He's unmasked, and it turns out to be... That revelation really rocked you, didn't it? Corey disappears, running away to his gym, with the Police in hot pursuit. Unfortunately, their all enslaved by his poison gas, which for some reason has no effect on us. We eventually find him in an inner sanctum, and he offers to take us on. Finally. I don't particularly have any beef with him, but he is an unpleasant person. Unfortunately, I'm out of time, so that's all for today. Next time will be Corey and possibly more!
  17. Maybe try making the field Electric? Also, if you can find or buy and Amplifield Rock and put it on Ampharos, electric terrain will last 8 turns instead. If you're still having trouble you could wait for it to rain/ use the weather mod. It's kinda cheap but... (also, almost every time I go to apophyll it rains anyway, idk if that's just me though)
  18. A lot of ancient polytheism deifies certain animals, and I think it's just weird to us because not that many people believe that sort of thing anymore. Of course, the deific status and power of Legendary pokemon has always been sort of strange to me. Arceus is literally the creator of all Pokemon and possibly the universe, but we can contain him in a mechanical ball and command him to fight for us. And then other legendaries are masters of space and time and we can still use them to battle other people. The Arceus cult stuff is one of my favorite parts of Reborn, because it's a somewhat logical conclusion of how Arceus is presented. If there was a killer whale that you were pretty sure had created the universe, wouldn't it's status as an animal be irrelevant to your worship? Idk, that's how I think about it.
  19. Hey everyone! So I know I said I'd try a bit of roleplaying in the write ups but I don't know if I'll be able to do that anymore. I don't have a huge amount of time to play Reborn, let alone talk about it. So while I'll still be writing in first person with some characterization, but its going to be way more minimalistic from here on out. Sorry Chapter 2: Grass, Grass, and More Grass Anyways, we run into a hiker without a place to stay. Using all my wit and charm, I'm able to find a landlord and send the hiker his way. In thanks, he gives us an Onix! In recognition of our service in the factory, Florinia grants us access to the Obsidia ward. Apparently teenagers outrank police officers in this mad, mad world. The ward's been hit pretty hard, the damage is severe. The residents are a little freaked out, and so am I. What could possibly cause it? And of course it would be trees. Others may be fooled by Grass's allure, but I see it for what it really is: destructive. After looking everywhere and finding a whole lot of nothing, it seems the only way forward is the slums. Blech. Victoria stops us, trying to scare me away with horrid tales of the slums and their inhabitants. I mean sure, it's probably going to be a bad time, but people's lives are at stake, Victoria. I'm not going to let something like that get in the way of me saving people. And maybe if I do, they'll see fossils with the same reverence I do. Determined to show my resolve, I bring out my Pokemon. Little did I know... VS VICTORIA Initially, I thought Victoria would be a fire specialist, and that this would be easy. It turns out that she's a fighting master instead... Another of the Five Fingers of Death. That explains why I didn't like her... To Victoria's credit, however, the slums were bad. Possibly worse then she suggested. But not because of the homeless people, oh no. Sure, they were belligerent, and sure, I had to battle almost every one, but they were nice enough. No, the real problem were all the Panchams, Mankeys, and Makuhitas! I'm surprised Victoria wasn't at home here. I finally exit the slums, barely intact, only to discover more police officers blocking the way. And this time, no Florinia to convince them to let me pass. Left with no other choice, I head into the Coral Ward. It's seen better days, that's for sure. The Reborn League just lets a gym stand in such a dilapidated state? What kind of place is this...? Most of the sailors are out of work since the lake turned to shit, and it seems like the only happy person is a blind girl who asks weird questions. While there, we find a blue haired girl (apparently named Amaria), trying to rescue an Oshawott, but she can't due to the polluted water. Then we hear it. Cain comes in, singing, and rescues the little otter. Good for him! His singing on the other hand... not so great. Though maybe we could do a duet sometime... Cain's new Oshawott desperately wants to battle, so we take him on. VS CAIN With that out of the way, Cain leaves and Amaria heads to Obsidia. Apparently she took the police with her, since we can now enter the area. Florinia and Amaria discuss what to do, and give us the TMX Cut, since apparently their teams are too badass to have HM slaves. We cut the tree down for them and they rush in... Only to be immediately captured. Before I can rush after them, however, I can feel Lord Helix whispering to me. "The grass," He whispers, "Check the grass..." I'm not one to argue with God, and so I cut down a tree to the right and investigate the tall grass. And wouldn't you know it, the first Pokemon I encountered was a Bonsly! Another mighty warrior for Rock! Despite having a crisis on my hands, I know that I must prepare Mimic Knight for the coming trials, and train her to be level equivalent with my team. The second she learns mimic, this happens: Excellent. Mimic Knight will likely be our primary Physical attacker: She has better attack than Lord Skull, and much better type coverage right now. Knowing that this battle will be difficult, and that I'll probably be facing some large Grass entity, I prepare my team for the worst and head in to rescue Florinia and Amaria. This was my team: So... their name is ZEL. And they designed this machine. Well, one of them did, at least. It looks like a Tangrowth hooked up there... I feel far from good. VS ZEL Florinia congratulates us in her own unique way, and tells her to come to her gym at the Onyx Trainer's School. Knowing her, she's going to be a Grass specialist, just like her brother. Great. Speaking of Fern, he decides to lock us out of the gym, forcing us the fight our way through the school. We also come across a boy fed up with gambling, who gives us a Coin Case so we can inherit his vice. Usually I'm not a fan of gambling, but the Helix whispers to me again.... Play the casino... When I arrive, I check the prizes. Why else would the Helix guide me here? What's this? One of them is a Slugma? Gods be praised! After defeating more of the school with our new slug buddy, Fern stands defiantly in our way. The Enemy is very strong in him... I must make adjustments accordingly... My team: VS FERN With Fern running away like the dog he is, the only thing left to do before Florinia is heal up and switch my party around. My team for Rini: Before we battle, she totally roasts us on our type choice as well: Apparently grass CAN inflict Burns VS FLORINIA With that, we get our badge and a TM, Nature Power. Florinia also informs us that the plants have been attacking Jasper Ward as well... Grass. Why is it always Grass?! I don't usually do requests, especially for servants of the Enemy, but Rini did use a Cradily and Sand... perhaps she can be saved after all. Speaking of saving, that's what we'll be trying to do next time, see you then!
  20. I love the purple offset with the green. Gives it a very like... mystic feel. It reminds me of Disney's Atlantis I'm hoping mine will do well, since Cradily is the only water check rock has. It's unfortunate that Toxic comes so late though. Once Corsola comes I can get some good moves though.
  21. Thanks! Just wait til you see shiny Amaura Shiny Lileep is one of my favorites so far! And thanks!
  22. Some other possibly derpy pokemon include: the clefairy line, chansey line, ditto (who might actually make Solaris possible), snorlax line, smeargle, whiscash, frillish line, and pumpkaboo line.
  23. So I named the character Onewa, and chose the blonde-haired nonbinary character, since they look the most like a Rockstar the puns don't get any better from here on out. Onewa, incidentally, is the name of my favorite Toa of Stone... from Bionicle But, without further ado, lets get into the run... Chapter 1: Call Me Mr. Flintstone When I was younger, I always knew I was a bit different. Everyone else wanted to play in the sun, run through meadows, that sort of thing, but all my favorite memories come from caves and deserts, valleys and quarries. There's something... awe-inspiring about a canyon wall. All those layers of rock, stacked in one place, telling you the history of the planet, and what it was like millions of years ago. Looking up at one of the cliff-faces, its impossible not to feel a sense of awe and wonderment. When you hold a fossil in your hand, you realize just how small and meaningless you are in the universe. To many that's unsettling, but not to me. I yearned for the days of the past, when monsters walked the earth, far greater than any Pokemon the world has ever seen. And when I heard that the Devon corporation found a way to revive them, I cried. I spent months trying to scrape the money together to get to Hoenn. I started singing, something I had never really taken seriously, joined a few choirs, and plenty of terrible basement bands. The other bandmates would spend their gig money on beer, but not me. No... I had a mission. Someone must have heard about my plight, and the Gods smiled upon me. I was contacted by a member of a very... discreet society. They were fossil maniacs, but in an almost religious way. The fossils were the spirits of the Old Gods, who walked the earth in the days of yore. Why pay homage to Arceus, an alien interloper, when you could worship the earth that birthed us? And while some of their beliefs were... interesting (they have a particular hatred for Lord Dome that I will never understand), I found I agreed with quite a lot. They spent their days talking about Lord Helix and Lord Dome, along with other, less well known gods. They taught me of the Enemy's Hand, and its five dangerous Fingers: Fighting, Grass, Ground, Steel, and Water. They taught me to always be cautious of those elements, for they destroy the rocks we live on, and erase our history. The fossils they promised also helped. When I revived them, they were Shiny, all 6 of them, something that even Steven Stone said he never saw before. My new friends said it was a sign, and urged me to travel to Reborn. It was destined, they said. I would be able to become champion, they said. It would have more glory than any other region, they said. They made it sound very easy. And that's how I ended up on that godsforsaken train. Just as it was pulling in it... well, it exploded. Luckily for me, Rock resists normal, and I survived. The head of the region and one of its gym leaders, a peppy, hyperactive girl named Julia, told me to go to the grand hall. Looking around, Reborn was not what my friends had promised. It looked diseased, broken. I wasn't sure what to make of it. I also met Victoria, a nice girl who offered to help me get registered. Apparently she works for some sort of academy. Huh. Ame forced me to take a starter, a Pokemon I won't be using, and then I met a certain individual. Cain. Cain was... very flattering. Almost too flattering. I don't even remember if he won, that's not important. As Cain went with Ame to register, Victoria decided to fight me as well. Who won wasn't very consequential; after all, I'd be boxing this one anyway. After much talking, I was finally allowed a moment to myself, and pulled out my pride and joy. The reincarnations of six bygone gods... After battling trainers, gangs, prostitutes, and other malcontents, I made my way to Julia's gym. Unfortunately, it was locked, with a note talking about factories. Determined to get my first badge and escape this hellhole, I found two factories. At the second, I had the... pleasure of meeting Fern. After making some snide remarks, he challenges me to a battle. Turns out he's a Grass type specialist. I knew the Enemy was strong with him... VS FERN Fern berates us and tells us to get a badge, which is what I'm trying to do, so I head back there and see if this factory business is finished. It isn't. Julia can't battle yet, but does say we can accompany her on the factory mission. Seeing as there's nothing better to do in this rotting city, I follow. Not gonna lie, a little bitter about it, though. We're introduced to Florinia, Fern's sister, who talks like a machine and also uses Grass. She may seem like a good person, or at least neutral, but I know to always watch for the Enemy's Hand. They are deceitful and sly, and never to be trusted. She gets a sick robot burn in at Fern but we're forced to team up with the King Asshole himself. Luckily, he can (sort of) cover my weaknesses, and he heals us to full after each battle. Still, I've got my eye on you, Fern... He also tells us not to slow him down before getting behind us. How does that work? We battle through the factory, facing some goons called "Team Meteor." Really, just what I needed. We also have to get explosives to open a door, but Florinia hacks it just as we come back. Julia is not happy. What an eccentric girl. Inside, the girls fight one of the Meteor leaders, and Fern and I have to take on two grunts, Aster and Eclipse. I'm sure they won't be too important VS ASTER AND ECLIPSE Is this a sex joke?? With the crisis averted, we can finally go to Julia's gym. I'm seeing so many sparks, it's like I'm a flint stone. Maybe it'll get a fire started and I can make her bedrock. oh god what have I done VS JULIA Julia gives us the badge and a useless TM, Charge Beam, and then immediately falls asleep. Was it good for you too? Oh god I'm turning into Terra. That's all for now!
  24. No, I'll only be using TMs that are currently in the game and only when I can get to them. I may buy them using Sandbox Mode, but that's mainly so I can save time by not having to explore. So no Flash Cannon Aurorus or Stone Edge Archeops
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