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Everything posted by Orasha
Thanks! I'll need a lot of it for later Beginning of the game is definitely rough, but 6 fossils help out a lot (anorith is pretty great). I'm not too worried about Kiki, since iirc most of her Pokemon use field-boosted Strengths as opposed to fighting moves. Samson, on the other hand... *shudder* You can post it, I don't mind and good luck! i'll be sure to try it out! I really want to use Aurorus as well, even though it's typing is lackluster. Maybe I'll do an Ice mono after this...
St0mpa's Dark mono run (Latest Defeated Boss: PULSE 07)
Orasha replied to St0mpa's topic in Team Showcase
Oh yeah, if you Fake Out the rain setter you should be able to change the terrain- 51 replies
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St0mpa's Dark mono run (Latest Defeated Boss: PULSE 07)
Orasha replied to St0mpa's topic in Team Showcase
I recommend Vullaby as your mystery egg if you decide to trade. Sneasel is okay but without the evolution item it isn't as good in the mid-game, and you can pick both Sneasel and Pawniard up later. I heard that too, but I don't think it's true. I spent HOURS on sped up mode running around the Magma hideout. Later, after you defeat Magma Gang and they leave that alleyway, you can encounter a Houndour as an event encounter. I could be wrong about Houndour being regularly available, but I'd need to see evidence of it- 51 replies
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St0mpa's Dark mono run (Latest Defeated Boss: PULSE 07)
Orasha replied to St0mpa's topic in Team Showcase
Murkrow can have Perish Song if you soft reset enough (or are just lucky), but you miss out on Brave Bird or Roost, though you can just breed them yourself. If you want Murkrow before Shelly you'll need to join the Aqua Gang though (and oh god, Shelly is the worst )- 51 replies
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St0mpa's Dark mono run (Latest Defeated Boss: PULSE 07)
Orasha replied to St0mpa's topic in Team Showcase
It learns Sand Attack through level up I think, which makes it really handy later. Might be your only hope against Solaris- 51 replies
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St0mpa's Dark mono run (Latest Defeated Boss: PULSE 07)
Orasha replied to St0mpa's topic in Team Showcase
Protean is an amazing ability Turned the suicide lead into something that lasted a long time. Nice work! Moxie Mightyena is really good, and I think you'll come to love Prankster Purrloin (if you don't already).- 51 replies
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Good luck! I think it's totally possible to do, especially depending on what event pokemon you decide to use I'll be paying attention to this one as well. You can totally ability capsule Kricketune if you want, though, I know there's one at the very start and another one available after the first PULSE Tangrowth. Also I completely understand wanting to do a ton of runs I might do another thing on top of my rock run, but I don't expect to get very far with it either...
Hey everyone, Orasha here. Monotype and Mono-egg were tied in the poll I did, so I decided to go with Rock as the two commenters, @FactoryofSadness and @RedAlert were both interested in it. I gotta be honest going in, Rock isn't really a type I've used, well... ever. It's got so many weaknesses, and other than the fossil pokemon, their designs aren't that appealing to me either. Butttttt, I'm going to put my type prejudices aside and hopefully they'll grow on me I would argue that Rock is considered to be the worst type, well below Bug. If you look at usage statistics from Smogon's Monotype boards, Rock is almost always the lowest, and Rock teams rarely reach the top. And while it has 4 resistances and hits 4 types super-effectively, it also has 5 major weaknesses. I'll be using Sandbox mode, but aside from getting a starting team (more on that in a bit) and making behind the scenes stuff easier, I'm not going to use it to get any items early or breed before I can legitimately acquire the breeding pokemon in the game. Honestly, it's just a time save to be able to, say, generate Tyrunt instead of running around and catching a Farfetch'd or evolving a Pidgeot. To make things easy for you, any Pokemon I generate in Sandbox Mode will be shiny: partially so you can tell them apart and know when I've bent the rules, and partially because shinies in Reborn look amazing and partially because there's no reason for me not to use them. Speaking of generating a starting team, I'm giving myself all the fossil Pokemon you can find in mining rocks, right at the start. Some of you might think that's cheap, and I kinda agree. My other plan was to give myself Larvitar as a starter (its the only non-legendary Rock type not in the game yet), but while it could do okay against Julia, Larvitar and Onix stand absolutely no chance against the first PULSE Tangrowth. Even as it stands, I'm not sure how my current team will be able to handle it... And like @Awesome_One's monotypes and @Zellorea's Ghost run, I'm going to be doing a bit of ~roleplaying~ in my write ups. Honestly, its so I can make the worst Rock puns imaginable, and also explain how I got the starting team. Currently I'm past the first Tangrowth and haven't faced Florinia yet. I'm... cautiously optimistic If anyone has moveset ideas or rock pokemon that I should definitely try (I will be catching them all, but I probably won't use all of them) let me know! Next time will be Chapter 1!
Castform. Its generally considered trash, but is extremely flexible. Need a pokemon to set weather? Castform can do that. Need a pokemon that can take advantage of an opponent's weather, or create a rainbow? Castform can do that. Depending on what you want to do, you can even run super novelty sets like Sunny Day, Flamethrower/Weather Ball, and Solar Beam. Also it's cute as heck. Cherrim. Not only does it synergize well with castform, but it's ability is absolutely amazing in doubles. Slaking. Slaking used to be one of the kings of pokemon in gen 3, but over time has been less and less well regarded. It still hits like a truck, though, and has a pretty good movepool like most normal types. If you need a pokemon with good physical bulk and the ability to dish out serious damage, Slaking is your man.
St0mpa's Dark mono run (Latest Defeated Boss: PULSE 07)
Orasha replied to St0mpa's topic in Team Showcase
Kiki isn't too bad, doesn't her field give many of her attacks a partial psychic typing? I remember Dark types being pretty good against her... Shelly, though... good luck My advice would be to take Pawniard or Vullaby as your mystery egg mon Looking forward to this, since I like Dark types- 51 replies
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Mega Mawile and Mega Audino are both cool and I'll probably experiment with them both. Mega Audino is more of a cleric and wishpasser though, and I already have that covered so I'm not sure. Mega Mawile under Trick Room might just be a wincon. And of course, Mega Gardevoir is also great, since Pixilated Hyper Voice tears almost everything to shreds. It's gonna be a real interesting time Even if the mega ring isn't introduced next episode, I'm definitely hype for the new Fairy types (especially Alolan Ninetales and Mimiku).
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We arrive at the top of... wherever we are to find ZEL lamenting everything that's happened so far. They drop this line which seems like it could be Terra's work, or Terra herself. ZEL isn't having a good day, and even though we reassure them we aren't here to destroy everything, they attempt to battle us with the help of PULSE Magnezone... the same PULSE that caused their creation. VS ZEL That fight was... a massive pain. PULSE Magnezone is incredible, has a type advantage, and can hit hard with field-boosted Flash Cannons. For a while, Espeon was the biggest pain, as it kept walling my offense. I knew that I needed to let Trick Room expire and then put it back up against Umbreon, otherwise there would be no chance of victory, since Magnezone can simply outspeed any of my fairies with super-effective moves. I tried that... a lot of times. In the end, I was very lucky. ZEL didn't use their potions, either with Glaceon or with Magnezone. If Superpower had brought Magnzeone into potion range, I would have been a goner for sure. That being said, it was a great change of pace. I've been kind of steamrolling the game thanks to Trick Room, and the battles against Arclight and Victoria weren't especially challenging. It was nice to have a boss that really felt like a boss to me. With the PULSE defeated, it seems we've exorcised Eve and Lumi from Zero's body. Alone for the first time in years, he vows revenge and runs away to Calcenon. Before we battle Adrienn, it's time for more sidequests! I make the Silvon Scope, and use it to save Beryl Ward from Kecleons. I also make sure to gather all 15 volunteers for Adrienn. But before the battle begins, I remember to give Chansey and Clefable nicknames! It took me long enough... I christen Chansey Danu, after a hypothetical mother goddess from Irish mythology, and Clefable Cliodhna (which is pronounced more like Kliana or Kleena because Gaelic is weird), after the queen of the fairies in Irish folklore. My Team: VS ADRIENN That was pretty difficult. I had to experiment with team composition and leads a bunch to finally get one that worked. Sorry about not having screenshots for some of the later parts of the battle. Once Macha had to come back in, I thought I was done for, and especially so when it was a 2 on 1 vs Danu. Chansey is seriously amazing, how have I never used her before?! Mega-Mawile is... powerful, and was the biggest obstacle to overcome. That monster is STRONG. Maybe we'll have the Mega Ring before we face Titania... I sure hope so. And that ends the main story for now. I decide to rennovate the Railnet, since I can get a Togepi from that. I name it Taranis, after a Celtic sky god who was also identified with the wheel, and later syncretised with Jupiter. Togepi doesn't have great IVs, but they're doable. The lowest IV is Special Defense, which happens to be Togekiss' second highest stat, so I'm not that worried. I also have amazing special walls. I'm not sure what I want on him in terms of moveset, but I've got a lot of time to think about it... With that, this playthrough really is complete. I might EV train my main members or raise Togepi in the downtime, but until Episode 17 comes out there isn't anything else that I can do. This run was a blast I had never played with fairies before, since my only other Pokemon experience is Ruby. This gave me the chance to experiment with something outside my comfort zone, not just with Fairies, but also with Trick Room. However, in some ways I think this run was... almost too easy. Even though PULSE Magnezone and Adrienn were challenging, Misty Terrain and Trick Room basically trivialized any other encounters towards the end. I suspect that the other terrain setting moves make runs easier as well, and anyone who decides to use Trick Room may not understand why Reborn is known for its difficulty... My next run will be a Mono-Rock run, so look out for that in a couple of days! Until then, I'll see you in Episode 17! Titania will definitely make me revisit this save file....
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The Devon Raid is an... interesting time. My team handled it pretty well, and the puzzles weren't that bad, but one part was. Changing the tiles around so you don't get shocked. For half of it, I thought that if you were standing on a non-electrified panel and changed it, you would then be electrified. This meant that I though you had to switch the tiles rapidly while on the treads. And then I found out that you don't need to do that. Argh. But with that figured out, it wasn't too bad, and I quite liked the area. Now on a different note... Lin. I hate to say it, but I can't take Lin seriously. And it's over something completely ridiculous too: I think her hair looks like a bird. I know that's a stupid, superficial complaint, and I'm not sure anyone else will agree. But everytime I see her, I imagine a light green bird sitting on her head, and it makes me smile. I think I talked about this before, but it reminds me of Seymour's hair from FFX, and completely takes me out of the game and makes me take her less seriously. Even when she's doing the most fucked up shit and killing people, in the back of my head I'm thinking, You hair looks like a bird and its hilarious. We have to fight Victoria. Her personality has changed drastically, and this time she isn't trying to stop us because she wants to protect something. No, she wants to defeat us so she can deal with Team Meteor personally. Will she be able to beat us now? My team: VS VICTORIA Some things don't change, eh, Victoria? Of course, I had a type advantage there so I shouldn't get too cocky... After a puzzle that took me way longer to figure out than it should have, I have to fight Arclight as well. We have a choice to refuse him, but why would I pass up a chance to battle the coolest person in Reborn? Dude runs an exclusive nightclub, how difficult could he be? I also switched out Clefable for Chansey, partially to test her out, and partially because Arclight is probably an Electric Specialist, and Electric types tend to have better Special Attack than Physical Attack. VS ARCLIGHT Dude looks metal as fuck Well, that was a bit more difficult, and I didn't expect the Mega-Evolution at all, but Chansey has truly proven her worth. Managed to beat both of them on my first try, too. Can't really say that about the next boss, though... Another puzzle, and we arrive just in time to see Lin decapitate Ame. Huh. Wasn't expecting that. I'm not sure what I thought the Absol was for, but our friends were getting tortured and I was hopeful that no one would die. Lin leaves and we get to confront ZEL again... but that'll have to wait! NEXT TIME: It's the Final Showdown! ZEL brings out the Ultimate PULSE, but will it be enough to defeat us? And then: Mania in the Mist! Who is the most proficient with pixies? Find out next time!
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For a little while I considered Larvitar, since it's the only non-legendary Rock type not in the game. However, Larvitar might be seen as cheating (and, more concerning, I'm not sure if it would be able to solo Julia, or if it and Onix would be able to defeat PULSEgrowth), so I cheated in a possibly worse different way: I gave myself all 6 of the fossil pokemon you can find in mining rocks. Totally cheating. 3 of them aren't that great though, so the rotation will be swift. Apart from them, all other Rock types will join the team when I can legally get them, though the other fossils will probably be generated in Sandbox Mode to save time. I'm thinking of doing a bit of creative writing as well, to explain how I got the fossils. It'll be... interesting. I'm thinking of making my character a rock star it'll be a pun-filled run and a cultist who worships fossil Pokemon as gods... but we'll see how that goes
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Alright, voting is now closed. There's still a tie, but thanks to the comments of @FactoryofSadness and @RedAlert, my next run will be a Rock Monotype!
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Toxic + soft boiled + heal bell + seismic toss is an amazing set I'm not evolving it into Blissey though, since Chansey with Eviolite actually has better special defense. Anything that isn't a physical attack or super effective, it just shrugs at
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This is my first time using Chansey and she's great! Like I know it has a reputation but seriously I had so much fun using her Steel is going to be... interesting. I might have to change my whole strategy around since they're super slow too. Luckily I have steel checks but if I get outsped its basically over. And no, Florges didn't have grassy surge, isn't that a Tapu Bulu exclusive?
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No problem! Terrain setters are godsends in monotype runs, especially in Reborn
Great work so far! Serra will definitely be a pain, but with Grassy Terrain and the ability to make a rainbow, you can hopefully negate her field's critical hits and the miss chance.
I'm going to see whether this bump will have more people vote, since there's currently a three-way tie. If its still tied by tomorrow, I'll do the Rock run since both of you are interested in it
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So I have to apologize again; when I started this, I tried to do one upload a day, but I've been busy a lot and that hasn't really worked out. Last time we defeated Team Meteor in back to back double battles. Now we have to find Ciel and get our hands on a Flying Machine. My team: Looking over Ciel's Pokemon leads me to believe that Trick Room + Misty Terrain will continue to be a solid strategy. Misty Terrain isn't even completely necessary, since I might be able to sweep with Bean Sidhe or Macha. Regardless of my thoughts on Misty Terrain, Trick Room is absolutely vital, since threats like Gliscor can simply outspeed everyone and OHKO with Earthquake. Aqua Jet isn't enough to KO, even after Stealth Rocks, so the Purple Terror can just tank it to take out Bean Sidhe. But enough talk! Let's get to the battle! VS CIEL Huh. I didn't get that many screenshots towards the end since I thought that Talonflame was going to sweep me. Another massive misplay on my part; its possible Bean Sidhe would have been able to at least do some damage with Aqua Jet (though probably not KO), but in the end I managed to persevere and tank more than I thought was possible. Mega-Altaria's defeat was thanks to Sylveon and Florges' massive special defense. With Ciel defeated, we get our hands on Flying, which allows us to return to Reborn City! I'm a bit of a showman, so I decide to fly to the research center on Route 1 and walk through the Grand Gate.... Wow. All the wards have been completely renovated, which means there's a ton for us to explore. And so much side content to do.... You know what that means, right? Running around all the wards with itemfinder...again. There's seriously so much to do, I don't even know where to start. I finally snag Randall's Klefki after a very... interesting side quest. I'm not sure how useful Klefki will be: generally its job is to set up spikes and dual screens, allowing a setup sweeper to get boosts in peace. But my Trick Room and Misty Terrain tactics don't mesh well with setup sweepers... Regardless, its nice to add another fairy to the collection. We also pick up an Eviolite and Toxic, which means Chansey is actually a viable choice! Once again, I'm not really sure how she'll work with my Trick Room strategy, but I'll probably mess around with her anyway. How could I pass up one of the best special walls in the game? While I'm breeding Seismic Toss onto Chansey, I decide to experiment with Clefable as well. Since she has to gain like... 43 levels at least, I decide to EV train her. My planned set is an all-out special attacker (like I said, setup sweepers aren't that useful to me, and Calm Mind isn't a TM anymore) using Moonblast, Flamethrower, Charge Beam, and Moonlight for recovery. I sort of regret not soft resetting for a Clefairy with Misty Terrain, since Chansey has better special defense and stall capabilities than either Florges or Sylveon. EV training is substantially less annoying than I feared, though getting the exact spread can be tedious (at least to me). It also helps that I have access to all the "Power" items and have to train Clefable by like 40 levels. My Seismic Toss Chansey hatches and has... passable IVs. Its health IV is really low, but that's Chansey's highest stat anyway so I'm not too worried, and her Special Defense IV is real high, which is fantastic. After literal hours of grinding (on sped up mode, no less), we finally have two new members of the team leveled up and ready to fight. And since I have more Pokemon to use, I decide to take some out of the rotation. After a lot of consideration, I decide to retire Jumpluff and Florges. Jumpluff is a fantastic stall setter, and Keseran has constantly proven his worth throughout this run. Unfortunately, his high speed means nothing under Trick Room, and Misty Terrain prevents status. If there's another high level boss encounter later on, he might make a return, but for now he'll be chilling in the box. Florges is outclassed by Chansey as a special wall, and is a worse attacker than Sylveon (who now has access to Hyper Voice). Sylveon can't heal status, but Chansey can, making Florges basically superfluous. Farewell Brigid. Back to Clefable: I decide to run an unconventional EV spread of my own design, and it might be trash. Basically I've gone for max Sp. Atk with 132 in HP and 126 in Defense. This is to (hopefully) make Clefable a better physical wall (though I could be better off running 252 defense and 4 HP, but oh well), since Chansey and my other fairies have Sp. Def covered. I also cheese the game to get Life Orb earlier than intended (which I could have done when I originally went through Route 1, but oh well), which really lets Clefable shine. Magic Guard is amazing. We also put Ice and Fire Punch on Macha, making her a more potent pokemon, as well teach Hyper Voice to Sylveon for obvious reasons. Also let me just say that I'm super glad Clefable and Chansey have fast leveling rates because... it took forever. I think I've mentioned that a few times, but seriously, it took a lot. With all that training out of the way, its time to progress with the plot! Well, it will be, next time... NEXT TIME: The Raid Goes South! Will Victoria or Arclight Manage to Defeat Me? And Just What is Lin's Plan?
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Huh, didn't know that. That's actually pretty interesting thanks for sharing!
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I don't think anyone will fault you for wonder trading ducklett for a fighting type. Maybe try Corey and Shelly with the team you currently have, and only trade if you hit a wall? But it's up to you regardless. Great work so far!
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Hey everyone! Earlier today I completed Episode 16 with my fairies, though it'll take me a few days to finish writing it out for the forums. But that gives me some time to get started on my next run, and I figured I might as well let the good people of the forums decide what I should do. It's what everyone else does I've set up the poll from least conventional to most conventional. Some of the options are self-explanatory, but some of them are a bit weird so here's an overview: Alice in Wonderland Run: I'm a huge fan of the Alice series and related media, and this run would use pokemon that match up with characters from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Unlike Luna, they would not be limited to one type, but it would be limited to one pokemon per character (ie I couldn't name both Bunneary and Bunnelby "March Hare"). Herpetology Run: Herpetology is the study of reptiles and amphibians, so I would only use those kinds of pokemon. Dinosaur pokemon might be considered, since dinosaurs were reptiles, but herpetology generally refers to living creatures so we'll see. Corrosive Team: This run would be all about creating and abusing corrosive and corrosive mist fields, with no type restrictions. Basically a way to do a poison-themed run without adding a third ongoing poison monotype run Sandstorm Team: Pretty self-explanatory. I might limit myself to only pokemon that have sandstorm-related abilities to make things more interesting. No Event Pokemon: Event Pokemon are some of the strongest and most used in the game. Can I defeat it without them? Mono-egg Group Run: What it says on the tin. I would either be doing Humanlike or Amorphous (Field is too easy, and Monster overlaps too much with the Herpetology run). Monotype Run: The classic flavor everyone knows and loves. I'd either be doing Dark (the last Dark run done here is incomplete) or Rock (it's a type most people dislike and is lowest by usage in the Smogon Monotype Metagame). I think I'll let the poll run for about a day and see what everyone thinks. I'm really excited EDIT: Regardless of run, I'm going to trade/mod/sandbox as few Pokemon as I possibly can.
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I might have used an escape rope and then checked a guide, but I don't remember. And yeah, Ametrine is very maze like I think I spent like 2 or 3 hours trying to clear it out each time. Probably. She seems very pushy and doesn't like when others disagree with her. I'm not sure how I feel about her character tbh.
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