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Everything posted by Orasha
Maybe he got lost in the tunnels? I know that the first time I played the game, I seriously got lost in the loop in the hidden grotto and had to look up a guide. Not my proudest moment... But even that one, that only stops making sense if you really think about it. With Titania, she even points out how long its been... and she's half starved and delirious when we get there. I understand the need for suspension of disbelief but yeah this cutoff was very obvious.
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Alright everyone, I'm back! Sorry for the massive delay, I try to upload an installment per day but sometimes life gets in the way. Since we can finally use the Waterfall Machine, I decide to go exploring. At some point I also reached maximum money, but that's okay since I'll be spending a lot once I can fly back to Reborn City. While exploring, I head back to Calcenon for some relationship points and dialogue, and follow up with Aster and Eclipse. Chandelure may have destroyed her soul, but she's not dead, exactly. Instead, she's in a coma, so Aster has hooked her up to life support in her old house. What a sweetheart. After finding a lot of items (and some Pokemon that are useless for this run), everything is (probably) cleared out, so its time to head down the Celestinine Cascade. Titania is pretty pissed that we spent so long exploring This also raises an interesting question: just how long do events take in game? My Team: In the sewers Water Treatment Center, I also totally miss a relationship point with Titania. Welp. Not that I really want them, she is a murderer for Arceus' sake. Titania is absolutely brutal in this segment. I love that she uses Aegislash as a melee weapon, but the brutality is pretty dark. I mean the game was dark to begin with, but this is still pretty dark. I kinda like it though. Eventually we discover the source of the corruption, another PULSE monstrosity. VS PULSE SWALOT Now that the PULSE is dealt with, we have to turn the water back on in all the rooms to proceed. Without a map, this probably would have been mildly annoying, but I've got some questionable good habits from playing old school RPGs. Turning the water back on and seeing it purified is also a great effect, it really makes you feel like you're saving the city. Taka confronts us, and he and Titania have a spirited exchange. He was helping us the whole time, and even returns Amaria. It feels pretty bad, but I refuse to fight him (I gotta get all them Shade and Anna relationship points), and I head back up the waterfall after Titania and Amaria. There, we meet up with Florinia and Julia, who breaks the fourth wall a tad. Team Meteor isn't happy, and have pulled out all the stops to confront us. We're forced into a doubles battle with Florinia against two of the biggest assholes in Reborn, Fern and Blake. Hopefully the Flobot can pull her weight... VS FERN AND BLAKE Overall, a pretty long battle, but not an overly difficult one. Fern has a hissy fit and storms off, and actually seems to have hurt Florinia's feelings a bit. Sirius plays dirty and KOs Florinia with Poison Fang, and Solaris and Orderly John decide to take me on as well. Luckily, Julia bursts in to save the day, taking Seviper down with her Electrode, and helps us face the Meteor leader. VS ORDERLY JOHN AND HIS BACK UP, SOLARIS That battle was a little more difficult, but again, more tedious than anything else. After a whole lot of plot and character development (including Amaria having amnesia), Titania runs off to her gym in the desert. A showdown with steel types... I'm not sure how I feel about that. Julia tells us we should battle Seel Ciel. But that will have to wait for next time! NEXT TIME: Rematch in the Big Top! Will Ciel Soar Above Me, or Will My Fairies Pierce the Heavens?
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Thanks! Titania is going to be an interesting battle, I'm not sure how I'll fare either But I have faith in Trick Room and Misty Terrain.
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Corey in the house? I can't believe you referenced my favorite anime! But seriously great work, you really made Corey look easy, even though you were at a disadvantage !
Trick Room is amazing, especially against Charlotte. It helps out a lot, especially since Amplifield Rocks make it last 8 turns I'm looking forward to reading your later escapades!
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Aw thanks! and yeah, this run has shown me the power of the twisted dimensions without Radomus and Carbink, I'm not sure I would have gotten this far I ran around for a long time in the room in the mountain right next to Route 2. I think there's like 5% chance of an encounter though, it's pretty low. Thanks! Trick Room is honestly incredible, I almost feel bad Sorry that I haven't updated in a few days, life has been pretty busy recently. I should be back with the next installment in a day or two.
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After confronting Terra, we follow her into the virtual world. As someone who never played a Gen I Pokemon game, I can't fully appreciate the work that was done with this area, but I still love it. The weird trainer dialogue, the 8-bit remix of the Opal Ward theme, the trainers being MissingNos... I loved it. They more than make up for Terra's l33t speak. Speaking of Terra... oh boy. I... really don't know how I feel about her. I think the way she talks is just.. bad. I can understand the signs in the virtual world being weird or her even speaking like that in there, but how does she do it in real life? That and the hammer thing are just extra bizarre. It just really takes me out of the game. As far as personality goes, she feels sort of out of place, especially since we don't know much about her (and yeah, I know we learn more about her later, but it isn't very much). Like Cain, she's meant to serve as the comedic relief, but I think her humor is supposed to come from how absurd she is. And for me it just... doesn't work. Terra also feels weird because she clashes so heavily with the atmosphere. We've just seen a girl put into a coma by a Pokemon, things are finally heating up with Team Meteor, Heather was locked in a shed, a whole city was starving, etc. And here comes Terra with a gigantic mallet up her butt. I just dunno. On a positive note, the interactions between her and Cain were enjoyable for me, l33t speak aside. I've also been informed elsewhere that a lot of characters in Reborn might be based off of real people, so maybe the person Terra's based off of really did always use l33t speak online. However, sacrificing the tone of the game or the plot immersion for the sake of a reference that only a few people will get just seems... weird. But enough about me complaining, I'm sure Terra gets criticized enough. VS MEWTWO My team: Yep, I've finally remembered to give my Carbink a name. I keep on forgetting to do that with various pokemon throughout this run. I thought Loki was fitting, since that's a trickster god and Carbink's job is to set up Trick Room. If I didn't have access to Trick Room, that fight would have been a lot harder, possibly warranting my Perish Song user. But thanks to the Twisted Dimensions, Mewtwo goes down. After defeating that miniboss, I go back to the circus to prepare myself. After comparing base speeds, the only Pokemon who will pose a problem under Trick Room are Hippowdon (only Macha the Granbull is slower) and Quagsire (none of my Pokemon are slower). Trick Room will be vital against Garchomp, because that sucker is OP and above the level cap. Trick Room lets me limit the effect of the Glitch Field. I'm going to try and lead with Loki, and if that doesn't work I'll lead with Aonyobo to hopefully take out Nidoking before he KOs her. My team: VS TERRA T3RR4 That was pretty intense. When Trick Room ended and I had that misplay against Hippowdon, I really thought I would lose. It was also pretty incredible that Aonyobo could tank a Bulldoze as well. I'm not sure I would have been able to win without Trick Room, though. I'm also pretty sure I was a tad underleveled for that fight, but oh well. Terra got rawr'd on my first try. NEXT TIME: Carnage on the Cascade!
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I've always been interested in gym leaders who specialize in something other than types, like an animal specialist. There is sort of a precedent for this in the games, as Winona specializes in flying types that are birds. In Reborn you have Bennett who specializes in Lepidoptera, that is, moths and butterflies. Reborn also has that clown who does color teams, which is also an interesting idea. Now some of these could be type specialists as well (like Winona and Bennett), like a fish specialist would probably have all water pokemon, or a paleontologist would have fossil pokemon. Ones that wouldn't be type specific would be bears, mice or rodents, reptiles, dogs, cats, and possibly weasels/mongooses as well, or colors. And rather than doing it with gym leaders, you could do something like this with rivals or the elite 4 instead, which has the potential to make them more difficult and more distinctive.
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No problem! Glad to help
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If you go to http://www.pokestadium.com/tools/sprites and search a pokemon, you can open whatever sprite you want in a new tab and copy the link. When you paste the link, either using the Insert other media button or by just pasting it in the text box, it should appear.
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My Team: Manannan Futakuchi Aonyobo Kasha Keseran Ittan-momen Brigid Macha Carbink I'd heard some spoilers rumors that PULSE Avalugg was pretty difficult. But I have some pretty good stall tactics, and it's base speed is real low, so we'll see. I decided to box Kasha and Macha for Keseran and Ittan-momen. VS POKEMON REDOUBT Honestly not that hard, but that's what speedy SleepSeed does. I think we're officially at the point where I don't need to cheese with Perish Song anymore, because I have better, tastier cheese. After that, I backtrack all the way to Calcenon, and find that I can pay money to fix the bridge. Considering that I haven't spent much (in fact, at this point I was probably near the maximum amount), I decide to fork over some cash to make backtracking easier. I also pick up the Magmarizer and the Electirizer and trade them form Magby and Elekid; I won't be using them, of course, but I like completing sidequests where I can. I think the only sidequests I haven't done are the ones where you trade specific Pokemon for other pokemon. I meet up with Shelly in Ametrine, and have to talk to everyone to figure out where Heather is. We also stop by in a haunted house that tells us the tragic backstory of ZEL. Shelly might also be hitting on us? I have 0 problems with this. After a ton of plot and character development, we rescue Heather, learn that Blake is a terrible person, and are now ready to ascend the mountain. I've boxed the Stall brothers for this one; they're both weak to Ice and I'm planning ahead. I'm really digging how Shelly is used in this chapter, she gets a lot of development and becomes a lot more confident. Also, she named her Scolipede, Venomoth, and Vivillon after Cain, Anna, and Noel! That's just too precious. Also I really want one of the Meteors' jetpacks. Seriously, could I use those instead of fly?? We reach the top of the mountain, but before the ice man cometh, we have to battle Aster. He is pretty distraught, and offers us Waterfall if we win. He's also using some of Eclipse's Pokemon I feel kinda bad, but I really need Waterfall, so here goes. VS ASTER Eclipse's death seems to have redeemed Aster, as he gives us the Waterfall machine and then departs. I wonder if he'll eventually team up with the other disgruntled ex-Meteor, Simon. With that out of the way, we ascend the mountain to take on Blake. VS BLAKE In general, not that difficult. Doubles is a little easier for me, since I can set up both trick room and misty terrain in one turn. Blake messes with Shelly's expectations and doesn't give us the ring, even though we won. But its okay, as Heather and Cal swoop in to save the day, and Cal gets the ring and gives it back to Heather. Blake runs away, and apparently our Sleep spell is in a different castle, which means Terra is in on the scheme with Team Meteor. After catching a ride down the mountain with Cal, I replace Aqua Tail with Waterfall. That extra 10 base power just isn't worth the lower accuracy. NEXT TIME: Dangers of the Digital World! Will the Glitch Field be too much? Will Mewtwo sweep my team? And what of Terra? Find out next time on Pixie Run Z!
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Well, that certainly makes things easier for me thanks!
So the description for the "relic" items (relic gold, copper, silver, and vase) says that a maniac will buy them for a high price. And while I can sell them to shops, I wanted to know if there was someone in the game who, as the description suggests, will pay even more for them. Thanks!
Poison Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Amaria)
Orasha replied to Jess's topic in Team Showcase
Oh yeah I definitely enjoy it! And yeah you're probably right, and I have reached that point in the story, finally I wonder if the player character will eventually get asked to be a gym leader... though I suppose champion is good enough- 461 replies
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Sorry for the delay, everyone! I was away from my computer that has the screenshots and hadn't uploaded them to a sharing service yet. So, without further ado, we have to team up with Aya and head through the mountains. Naturally, Team Meteor is there. My team at the time was composed of: VS ASTER AND ECLIPSE After that, Eclipse prepares to defect, but Sirius won't have that. Chandelure proceeds to burn her soul, because if you read the Pokedex entries you should know that most Ghost Pokemon are seriously creepy. Driftloon kidnaps kids, Yamask is the soul of a person, and Chandelure's line literally burn the souls of the living to fuel themselves. That's metal. There is a lot of plot that I won't really be going over, if you've read this far you've probably made it through this point in the game. It's nice to meet up with the orphans again, though. Charlotte and Saphira take family unity a little too far, and a clever ring ruse distracts the Meteors long enough for me to face Charlotte. Charlotte, the burninator. In my regular playthrough, this was as far as I got. She wiped the floor with me again and again. I can still see the flames at night when I close my eyes, and the words echo through my soul: Typhlosion used Eruption... Typhlosion used Eruption... Typhlosion used Eruption... But enough about the past. We might just be able to do this. Charlotte's team is built for doubles: lots of coverage options, and plenty of moves that hit both of her opponent's Pokemon. The field is firmly in her favor, as it boosts all of her Pokemon's strengths and weakens Water, one of their main weaknesses. And every one of her 'mons is blisteringly fast. Fortunately, we can nullify one of those strengths, and turn the other into an advantage for us... Of course, it doesn't help that Fire resists Fairy, but we'll have to push through it. For this fight, I'll be boxing Jumpluff, Whimsicott, and Mawile, as they're all weak to Fire. After some grinding, my squad looked like this: With preparations complete, its time to take on Charlotte. She gives us a little speech about her past, and I'm sad that Sigmund was so terrible cause this girl really needs to see a psychiatrist. VS CHARLOTTE That fight. Was. A lot easier then expected, actually. Stealth rocks absolutely play havoc with her team and her AI, and Trick Room allowed Bean Sidhe to sweep easily. The funny part is I actually beat her twice: the first time I was just trying to test whether Carbink could set up Stealth Rock and then Trick Room, and it turned into Carbink and Bean Sidhe sweeping her team with Rock and Water attacks. But because I went in expecting to reset, I didn't take any screenshots. Oh well, she really wasn't that bad for my squad. With that, I'm officially farther along than I've ever been in the game. Funny, that. NEXT TIME: Malevolence on the Mountain! I'll be talking about Avalugg, Aster, and Blake. See you then!
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Poison Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Amaria)
Orasha replied to Jess's topic in Team Showcase
Wow, I never knew that some (if not all?) of the characters were based on real people. The definitely makes some of the stuff that happens... more depressing It still feels weird to me that the gym leaders (in universe) don't have to take on the league to get their position, especially since the league has been around for at least a decade and many of the gym leaders are younger. I have hope that future episodes will expand on how one becomes a gym leader or elite 4 member, though.- 461 replies
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Poison Monotype run of Reborn (Latest Defeated Leader: Amaria)
Orasha replied to Jess's topic in Team Showcase
@Jess Its even weirder that Ame let Cain take the league challenge, considering he abandoned being the reserve leader to do it. Sure, it's a complicated situation, but it's still weird. I wonder how gym leaders and reserve leaders prove themselves...- 461 replies
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*Charlotte laughs maniacally* *Florinia displays an error message*
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You miiight have to wait until after Corey to get Zangoose, cause you have to find it in the trash in every alleyway once iirc. I think the reason it's after Corey is that Toxic Boost + corrosive mist + facade from the game corner would make that fight extremely trivial. I agree with you on your point about some of the puzzles (I always slag off Pyrous mountain). The first time I played, I hit a wall at Route 1: I didn't know about the guy who trades honey, or that you could just buy it in Lapis. I thought you had to get it from Teddiursa or Combee's ability, which would be just insane, so I stopped playing for like a year. Ironically, I found the Radomus puzzle more difficult because I play a little chess (and even used to do chess puzzles back in the day). Some of the pieces look real similar and when you push them around they don't move like chess pieces (except for the bishops, sort of). It was just weird to get used to, and even then, pushing them around takes more forethought than I initially thought. I commend your ability to grind so much. ADHD is a real pain; the only reason I breed in Reborn is due to the speed up key... I don't think I have the stamina for EV training (even with items), so it's amazing whenever I see people do it
If I was better at image editing I'd put Typhlosion's head on Oprah: "YOU get an eruption! And YOU get an eruption! EVERYBODY gets an eruption!!"
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In games that eventually evolved into chess (but are still played) the bishop is an elephant (and it moves a little different, but that's neither here nor there), so Phanpy, Donphan, and Mamoswine could all be options. Rooks are based on castle ramparts, so once Gen VII gets here you could use Passoland as well. For a knight, blitzle could also be used.
Good work! Mienshao is an absolute terror, that life orb boosted acrobatics that's stronger under the big top and does full damage with an item on is ridiculous. You handled it pretty well eventually though Also I found this on the internet and thought it fit with the run
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It certainly helped that Fairy has a type advantage to Dark. I think it I had a problem with it I would have spent more time grinding or brought in Whimsicott to Encore Umbreon.
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Several event pokemon come with Perish Song as egg moves, but most of them come later on. The one that you have access to right now is Iggylbuff. You can just soft reset until it has the right egg move.
I think I first did it by accident, I have no idea whether its a bug or intentional xD Trump Card with Pixilate has a hilariously high BP on its last attack. Normally its 200, but with pixilate + STAB its 360, and under Misty Terrain Pixilate's boost is 1.5 instead of 1.2, meaning that it hits with an insane 450 base power. Against a staller like Umbreon, where OHKOs are basically the only way to deal with it effectively, its amazing. Thanks so much!
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