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Everything posted by TheVentusX

  1. What's your favorite game from the series? I came in touch with the series the first time, when i bought Skyrim for the PS3. At that time I only bought it as its price was reduced, I didn´t know that the series was so well-known. But when I started to play I was immediately fascinated from the graphics, the open world, the sheer endless number of quests and the lore of the world. My first "playthrough" was relatively short, since I didn´t realize that you don´t have to strictley follow the main story Regardless from that it became one of my most favourite games ever, which I start to play again once a year. What was your favorite part of the game? The Dark Brotherhood and Thief Guild storylines What's your favorite build archetype? 1st place: Assassin, it always has to be something with a bow and dagger, I love it when I can headshot my enemies xD I also once tried to play as mage, but I missed to play with a bow so I made the mage character into a Magic Hunter and since then, it`s my 2nd place regarding favourite builts. Who is your favorite NPC? Aela the Huntress from the Companions, she is a woman who doesn´t keep her mouth shut and can keep up in combat. She became a invaluable companion for me on my journeys, who even saved my life twice. What's your favorite mod? After moving to the PC Version, the only mod I used so far was Enderal - Forgotten Stories, as it gifted me with a whole new world to play in. What are your alliances? Regarding Skyrim: When I play as an Assassin I will always choose a master for myself (one of the the faction leaders), and infiltrate the other factions to gain their trust and in the end kill their leaders when I find a good moment for doing so. The decision for my master always depends on the race I am playing. As example when I´m playing as an Argonian I settle with the Empire, as they want every race to be treated the same. When I played as a Magic Hunter I stayed factionless as my backstory was to guard the balance of nature. Regarding ESO: I joined the Ebonheart Pact as I wanted to play as an Argonian, no other reason What enemy/creature was the hardest for you? I remember when I stumbled onto a quest where I had to fight the ghost of a dragon priest in an underground temple (or was it just a cave...?) and I had to start over and over. Only won trough luck in the end. But it won´t come to my mind what his name was or what brought me to this quest Do you prefer Online Multiplayer or Single Player? I prefer Skyrim just a little bit more than ESO, since you don´t have to settle for one class. And I like playing Online Multiplayer but I tend to play solo. What's your favorite weapon/armor/spell? Bound Bow - A spell that summons a ethereal Daedric Bow for me, just love it and I am never out of arrows, too. Perfect for my Magic Hunter.
  2. I think there are always two sides of a coin. Both of them have their reasons for their decisions and both of them are neither right or wrong, but as always it depends on the point of view...
  3. Welcome to the world of Reborn, Nami I hope you will have a safe and funny journey through the region and the community Also for your gaming preference, best combination for me too xD
  4. Before Gen 6 there was only the mystic Ninetails in my heart regarding fire types, but then I met Delphox and this kitsune became my favourite companion as it always turned out very useful in most of my battles
  5. I get what you mean. Personally I kinda understand his reasoning, because if you think about it, in the other timeline he was in the position of the PC, so he isn´t rotten to the core. Maybe the Fern from our timline felt, that the PC took something (the "Hero"role) that should belong to him and this clouded his mind and made him act like a grasshole towards the PC and when he saw that people like his sister support the PC his anger range expanded to them as well. In his search for power, that would help him to finally beat the PC and to reclaim what he lost, he joins Team Meteor as he sees them as his only chance to reach this goal. I don´t support his decisions, but I understand what drived him to this point and can´t be 100% mad at him, as there are persons who acted way more irrationally than Fern. But as you and others said before, it is most likely, that the moment he realizes his own wrongdoings and tries to change, he either gets directly killed by Lin/Solaris/Sirius or sacrifices himself to atone for his sins and will tell the PC/Florina that he is sorry for everything with his last breaths. But who knows, what Ame has in store for us
  6. Although I think that all sprites are well done, my top 3 consists of the Fire, Fairy and Water gym leaders. Brent looks cool, Hope reminds me of a fusion of two characters from the Persona 5 sequel and Aqua is just beautiful (since playing Primrose from Octopath Traveler I just love this dancer look) They all make me curious for your game
  7. 10/10 The backstory of Kenneth really caught me emotionally and this avatar reminds me of the moment his spirit was finally at ease Full marks, because your profile is authentic
  8. Blue: 23 Silver: 30 Brendan: 25 May: 33 Wally: 20 Cheren: 3 Hugh: 19 Serena: 35 Shauna: 20 Gladion: 23
  9. Problem resolved. Just had to change Talonflames ability to flame body, so that Floatzel got burned and my Delphox could survive his Aqua Tail. One Psyshock and the weasel was dead. The rest of her team was piece of cake. Thanks anyway for your help reaper.
  10. Normally I would have done it just like you said but the problem is, that none of my pokis can learn Sunny Day through normal means with the current levelcap and the tm isn´t available yet. Also Houndoom could only learn Thunder Fang through breeding (since move relearner is only available after 7th gym) and I can´t go back to sheridan village at this point of the game (even with the move available her Floatzel still outspeeds my Houndoom). And changing the field is also kinda impossible for my team, since they can´t learn any of the moves that can change the field. On any other run I would use a tank , just kill the speedster with electricity or freeze the field, but with fire pokis it became really tricky.
  11. So I´m doing a Fire monorun and I am at my wits end against Valerie. I manage to one hit her Qwilfish, but as soon as she sends out her Floatzel my whole team is extinguished. After many retries which I can´t even count anymore I realized, that I need help, so please...anyone...help me to take her team to the dephts of hell (Cause I can´t take it anymore ) My current team: Kitsune (Delphox) Lvl. 40 Timid Psyshock Light Screen Mystical Fire Fire Spin Sloth (Camerupt) Lvl. 39 Serious Flame Burst Earth Power Rock Slide Amnesia Nephthys (Talonflame) Lvl. 38 Jolly Peck Agility Flame Charge Quick Attack Feupatte (Pyroar) Lvl. 40 Serious Endeavor Headbutt Noble Roar Flamethrower Fiery (Houndoom) Lvl. 40 Docile Ember Shadow Ball Smog Snarl Hideyoshi (Pansear) Lvl. 34 Rash (Placeholder) Fire Blast Acrobatics Bite Lick On my box: Slugma Lvl. 21 Ponyta Lvl. 18
  12. Just finished "Romancing Saga 3" and...phew...must say it was a very hard way to the end, but it was worthwhile. Still it will take me many years before attempting another playthrough (curse you dragon lords, you gave me one hell of a time) with another main character and even then, no one could be better than Katrina.

  13. The new pictures could also hint, that we will find another castle of the 7(?) ancient kingdoms from the lore (If I remember correctly, we already saw 3 of them). Either in the past as it seems rather well preserved (but the elevator in the first picture and the tubes/cables in the second picture don´t seem to support this) in the present and someone repaired or redesigned it. That would also connect with your "shrine entrance" theory. I´m really hyped for the next version O.o
  14. After seeing your post further above, I can only return the compliment
  15. Gen I - Articuno/Eevee Gen II - Togepi/Espeon Gen III - Gardevoir Gen IV - Froslass/Glaceon Gen V - Cinccino Gen VI - Delphox Gen VII - Alolan Ninetales Gen VIII - Hatenna
  16. Blue: 24 Silver: 30 Brendan: 25 May: 27 Wally: 24 Barry: 2 Cheren: 19 Hugh: 18 Serena :30 Shauna: 24 Gladion: 27
  17. Currently I played Sword till right after the 5th gym and I must say that I kinda love this game so far, after X&Y/US&UM (both didn't catch me story- and gameplaywise) I thought this wouldn't happen anymore, but I really like how they managed the gyms, the max raid battles can be really though without proper preparations, the characters are interesting and I found some cuties among the new pokegang. I also like that the Lvls of the opponent pokis shift between 3rd and 4th gym (maybe I was just underleveled xD) so you have a reason to train in the Wild Area. I am happy that I bought this game and I hope I will enjoy the rest of it like the part so far
  18. Blue: 24 Silver: 29 Brendan: 25 May: 25 Wally: 24 Barry: 12 Cheren: 19 Hugh: 20 Serena: 28 Shauna: 25 Gladion: 26
  19. Giratina is Griselda. We learn this from the Odd Tower sidquest in the newer versions and the treasure chests in the Whispy Ruins, but i also think in future updates we will see more from her since she is the sister of Spacea and Tiempea. Maybe it works like the aelita rift and we/someone save/s her human self or at least she manages to switch between both forms. Even though she seems like an evil one from the notes in odd tower, maybe she changed her view on life after all this years (doesn't explain her helping Geara, though). I think that she will bring some light to the real plan of her sisters at least.
  20. Blue: 24 Silver: 29 Brendan: 25 May: 24 Wally: 24 Barry: 20 Cheren: 19 Hugh: 22 Serena: 26 Shauna: 24 Gladion: 25
  21. Got an e-mail that they arrive in the next two hours. I'm so excited 😁 

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