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Everything posted by TheVentusX

  1. Blue: 23 Silver: 28 Brendan: 25 May: 22 Wally: 25 Barry: 20 Cheren: 18 Hugh: 24 Calem: 9 Serena: 25 Shauna: 22 Hau: 14 Gladion: 21
  2. Masquerain is definitely a pretty good choice, one of my aces in my team and even though it is also a flying type jumpluff can do wonders if you play it right (managed to single handly beat some of the gym battles) and it is cute too
  3. So what game should I play till the release date 🤔 Another run of Persona 5 or continue  Disgaea 5...UGGHH I can´t decide. I just can´t waste my time with only learning for university  🙆‍♂️

  4. Really? Then I´am sorry that I misinterpreted the whole thing the last few years Too bad my whole theory fell apart
  5. You have to beat Titania for her badge first, then he will appear in the Grand Hall
  6. You know, actually we fought his soul for the 2nd badge. The Keta we lost in Carotus Mountain was only a part of his soul or a shadow of his real self.
  7. okay yeah it´s not like i dislike Primarina since it is one of my aces in my current rejuvenation playtrough (this little mermaid rocks ) but i don´t get its ability so the sobble line is in that regard not GFs worse idea, but still... i wanted it to be ghost type
  8. Thanks for making me remember to take a look at The Royal OST Really made my day
  9. Oh my sweet Cheesus, lilyawaka don´t summon the storm. After the over 400 victims of the great Dexcalypse I can´t take anymore deaths among our ranks. When the day comes and Charizard becomes the king of all I will be the first to overthrow the tyranny........................................................................................but I would still play this horrible sounding but at the same time intriguing game in secret
  10. this sounds so hilarious it wouldn´t surprise me anymore
  11. I`m always happy when Jan updates an old map, so I have another reason to start a new playtrough when the next version comes out And since what we can see already is only 1/8 from the final product, I am looking forward to explore the whole area. The first part alone looks amazing Also, even though it comes kinda late, does anyone else think, that the first picture Jan posted, with Kenneth and the strange looking building, has something to do with the soulstone? I mean Kenneths soul (I think it is his soul) looks seemingly trapped and his soul is one of the souls we claimed on our journey (if I am not wrong....I am not 100% sure about this, since the professor guy from the past mentioned that it didn´t look like any soul is in there, but who knows if he isn´t just stupid). Also this could be the reason why the Puppetmaster plays a big role in the next chapter, since he could be the one who sends us in there or at least helps us in a bizarre way to understand the true mechanics of the Soulstone. I have a feeling this mysterious object will play a larg role in the fight against Indriad or Team Xen, since the Storm Chasers were interested in it, too.
  12. You also have to keep in mind that in present Hiyoshi/Zone Zero there is the patient file that indicates that there is/was another Anathea (with black hair) who birthed four children. This indicates that Indriad married another woman who has the name Anathea or that he named her after the original one for unknown reasons and I believe she is the mother of the Archtype siblings and if this is true, it would explain why Melia and Erin heard her voice even though the Anathea we know is in the Soul Stone. It would also explain the connection between Melia and Marianette, since they would be be half-siblings but i have to admit, that it doesn´t explain why Melia looked like Marianette for a brief second when Angie wanted to sacrifice her. But this could also undermine my different timeline theory. Since Erin asked Melia if she thinks that they really travelled to the past I have some doubts about the "Past"-storyline. First I tought Anathea#2 could be Madame X but then she would have known about Erin and the twins and at the moments there are no hints to show that but who knows what comes in the future.
  13. Even if Red would count ( And I think he counts since in Gen 7 Blue says that both himself and Red were former Champions), I wouldn´t appoint him as the strongest champion. Maybe in regard of levels but the only pokemon of him which used to be a problem in every playthrough of Gen 2 and 4 was Snorlax and in Gen 7 he also wasn´t that great (in my opinion). But maybe there are some who look at him from an other perspective. For me the only champion who posed a real threat was Cynthia as she is is the most balanced champion in my opinion.
  14. Welcome to Reborn I am glad you like it here
  15. Happy Birthday @Amethyst I hope you have a great day
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