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Everything posted by XxXbatdogXxX

  1. Gahhhhhh cruel and unusual punishment!!!
  2. Hi there, I've come across a problem them I am sure that others have experienced. I managed to trade off my mothim for trapinch while it was still holding the exp. Share. I've read alot if the awnsers to just go back to a previous save file, I'd honestly rather not do that because I finally managed to get a heracross & would much prefer not to go through all that again. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. Thank you, I can see where I did not pay to fix the railnet. Im going to to try doing that now.
  4. I have the city restored and hes still not there, ive searched the entire underground net and can not find him at all. I have checked the pokeward and only his gf is there talking about missing him.
  5. I seem to be having the exact same issue, except the guy isn't there. Ive talked to his gf and she has confirmed his is indeed still missing, yet he isn't where everyones telling me he should be. I have done the renovations and would hate to wait until chapter 17 for a fix on this to be released or worse to haft to restart completely just to get one sticker. Sidenote I keep trying to get the one in spindle town aswell, but the rain seems to never stop. Is there a better way, or is my bad luck just forever dooming me to miss the event trigger on that one?
  6. Wouldn't have a munchlax would ya? Looking to trade for one to pass on to a new player (close friend of mine that just started)
  7. XxXbatdogXxX


    Willing to trade as well for a munchlax. Hit me up & I'll see if I have something we can strike a deal for.
  8. XxXbatdogXxX, in the game & on here
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