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Cecili Eidolon

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Everything posted by Cecili Eidolon

  1. Hello hello hello, It's everyone's favorite local idol and meme reporter, Cecili! We have another reveal today, as you may know so let's get riiight into the news! Today we have Mytho's fairy leader, Berry! and the Cupcake Badge! Berry here is a top of the line baker, despite being a child. Her ace Slurpuff surprisingly makes great cupcakes despite it looking like one as well. In addition, she's so cute that I could just stuff her into a van! Finally her wild cards are Meowstic, Claydol, Lanturn, and finally Gengar! That's all for today, and I'll see you tomorrow with an extra special reveal! *Cecili gets tackled as he's about to leave the room* Ha! You thought you could try to make these without me interfering right? Don't forget I'm a part of this too! and totally not by contract in order to get candy but of my own free will. Anyways since I'm here and he's hogged two already, I'll ruin the plans and finish B1! Ceci: You realize the mic is on, right? Acera: OH FUCK, well uh let's see how do I do this.. Anyways, sorry for the disruption, I'm Acera d'Avignon and as many of you know I'm also a leader in the Mythos League and I'm going through a very unsuccessful campaign in Redemption right now. Regardless I'm your host for the time being and Ceci here shouldn't open his mouth or I'm releasing a few videos that I have for purposes~ Now for the main part of the show, the last leader of B1, Cecili! and the actually what did he name this thing? I'd say Edge Metroid but it kinda looks like a bloody eye so let's go with the Blind Badge! Cecili here is one of the top idols in the region but he started out as a coordinator in his early teens. He dazzled everyone with his performances and due to his popularity, he made it big as an idol. Also the script ended there, but tl;dr he's an idol who does his best to be an awful trap as well. He's also the dark leader and his ace is Bisharp. Yes, I know how edgy it is and how edgy the badge looks with his stereotypical edgy typing, and I question whether he got past that phase at all sometimes. Anyways I can't think of anything else to say, so his wildcards are Alolan Ninetales, Ninetales (apparently they're twins from what Cecili is saying through the duct tape on his mouth?),Eelektross, and Salazzle! Anyways, that's all for today~ Time to leave before he gets that tape off! *Acera runs away after breaking the camera*
  2. Hello, hello, hello, thank you one and all for coming in today. My name is Cecili Eidolon, the amazing one-of-a-kind idol, known far and wide as the cutest little thing in the world! Long have I worked as a Coordinator to get myself the name I have now, working my way up from non-existence to center stage! I know, I know, I know you all want to get my autograph, maybe a nice photo with cute little ol’ me, but that’s not what we’re all here for. Oh but If you want one, I’ll take credit cards. But you’re not here for me You should be, though. You're all here for the first leader reveal for Mythos. Quite the cutie, but she’s not cuter than me. and the Titantic Badge: Our not-so-frosty queen of Ice, Adara. You ever heard of freezer burn? Because Adara’s blazing hot, and ready to burn through challengers. While she may be one of the weakest in our ranks, she’s still more than ready to put up a challenge and take you down with a smile on her face. Our cute little snowflake comes with her own snowflake by her side, a scary Crygonal to pave her way through. I hope you’re ready, because the leaders only get more scary from here on. Of course, of course, of course, you should be worried about her Wild Cards more than her Ace. By her side, always equipped with frosty moves, is the… “beautiful” Bruxish, the demonic Porygon2, the formidable Araquanid, and the cutie pie Clefable. But don’t be too scared, she’s still locked to one Wild Card each battle. Which one? Well, well, well, you’ll have to figure that out yourself. This has been your first little news report, be prepared for more soon. Ceci signing off, see you all tomorrow!
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