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About soo3e

  • Birthday 03/21/1999

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  1. Where exactly do i put the file i download? Just the reborn folder? Edit : Nvm just read it i was blind xD
  2. Do you have many of those or just 1 of each, if you have extra i would like to have as well ^^
  3. Alright well thanks for the help ^^
  4. Thank you^^ i still need few pokemons so i'll tell you if i can't get them by myself I've already finished ep16 and waiting for ep17 to be our, so i thought maybe i should start p.rejuvenation , do you think it's as good?
  5. Yeah i don't xD I'm African
  6. Thanks a lot ^^ i'll request trade
  7. If you can breed me a gible or a gastly i'd appreciate it
  8. Yeah i would really appreciate it
  9. You're welcome^^ i'll message you if i get any other shiny fossil
  10. I have some other shinies although only an onix is rock type if you need
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